Spoiler: Original Submissions
Equinox: song with weird voice/
GeorgeBailey: delicious cats/
Cheetory6: awkward white man foretells doom of all/
DRK: frog submission/
lilith2013: the dangers of driving/
Jake The Wolfie: Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up. My life is one giant troll.
Menalque: charlie hit me with a speech
Morning Tweet: foxlol/
NotAJumbleOfNumbers: painbow road/
Ariel: The unlisted YouTube video of me doing art inspired by healing from trauma
Nahdia: haha this isn't a serious answer????/
SleepyKrew: liberal porn/
Drench: australia submission/
GeorgeBailey: delicious cats/
Cheetory6: awkward white man foretells doom of all/
DRK: frog submission/
lilith2013: the dangers of driving/
Jake The Wolfie: Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up. My life is one giant troll.
Menalque: charlie hit me with a speech
Morning Tweet: foxlol/
NotAJumbleOfNumbers: painbow road/
Ariel: The unlisted YouTube video of me doing art inspired by healing from trauma
Nahdia: haha this isn't a serious answer????/
SleepyKrew: liberal porn/
Drench: australia submission/