The World
1 Upright: fulfillment, harmony, completion
2 Reversed: incompletion, no closure
3 Upright: reflection, reckoning, awakening
4 Reversed: lack of self awareness, doubt, self loathing
The Sun
5 Upright: joy, success, celebration, positivity
6 Reversed: negativity, depression, sadness
The Moon
7 Upright: unconscious, illusions, intuition
8 Reversed: confusion, fear, misinterpretation
The Star
9 Upright: hope, faith, rejuvenation
10 Reversed: faithlessness, discouragement, insecurity
The Tower
11 Upright: sudden upheaval, broken pride, disaster
12 Reversed: disaster avoided, delayed disaster, fear of suffering
The Devil
13 Upright: addiction, materialism, playfulness
14 Reversed: freedom, release, restoring control
15 Upright: middle path, patience, finding meaning
16 Reversed: extremes, excess, lack of balance
17 Upright: end of cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis
18 Reversed: fear of change, holding on, stagnation, decay
The Hanged Man
19 Upright: sacrifice, release, martyrdom
20 Reversed: stalling, needless sacrifice, fear of sacrifice
21 Upright: cause and effect, clarity, truth
22 Reversed: dishonesty, unaccountability, unfairness
The Wheel of Fortune
23 Upright: change, cycles, inevitable fate
24 Reversed: no control, clinging to control, bad luck
The Hermit
25 Upright: contemplation, search for truth, inner guidance
26 Reversed: loneliness, isolation, lost your way
27 Upright: inner strength, bravery, compassion, focus
28 Reversed: self doubt, weakness, insecurity
The Chariot
29 Upright: direction, control, willpower
30 Reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression
The Lovers
31 Upright: partnerships, duality, union
32 Reversed: loss of balance, one-sidedness, disharmony
The Hierophant
33 Upright: tradition, conformity, morality, ethics
34 Reversed: rebellion, subversiveness, new approaches
The Emperor
35 Upright: authority, structure, control, fatherhood
36 Reversed: tyranny, rigidity, coldness
The Empress
37 Upright: motherhood, fertility, nature
38 Reversed: dependence, smothering, emptiness, nosiness
The High Priestess
39 Upright: intuitive, unconscious, inner voice
40 Reversed: lack of center, lost inner voice, repressed feelings
The Magician
41 Upright: willpower, desire, creation, manifestation
42 Reversed: trickery, illusions, out of touch
The Fool
43 Upright: innocence, new beginnings, free spirit
44 Reversed: recklessness, taken advantage of, inconsideration