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Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:33 pm
by farside22
Gayle had me fooled but I thought myko was scum. CSL is why policy lynching discussions happen on day 1 because scum will always keep someone like that alive.

Overall had fun playing. Wasn't surprised when I died.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:57 pm
by mykonian
Guy's, seriously, stop saying "myko was so clearly scum"

it is as if they should have lynched me :(


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:23 am
by DTMaster
Dwaaaarnnn. I was just going over the: Why Haylen - lurker over DTM - more active kill. :< GJ scum. I did what Myko did in another game of mine so I should have posted something before Starbuck voted. :<

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:16 am
by Elmo
Haven't read U1. Most of my thoughts are in QT, really. We were in a bad spot way after Elli got shipped (Anon played good) - obviously town played bad after that. Might well have won apart from FFFF doing what he was specifically told not to do. I didn't look at it in detail, but I was telling the truth about pretty much everything; I still think universes are essentially competing and using the teleport as a vig is probably optimal. The actual balance depends on how useful you think the vig is (the confirmed innocent effect is not that debatable) which gets debated a lot.
Lowell wrote:I guess I'd like to ask why the scumteams (particularly in Uni 2) didn't just immediately wipe out the newcomers. It seemed like the obvious strategy, but maybe there's something I'm missing.
Not sure why this is supposed to be a particularly good idea in the abstract. Play depends a bit on how Uni 1 is going, and I never had time to read it, but as played I wouldn't kill anyone for being from U1.

I'm kind of surprised at springlullaby's case-as-such. I'm not going to look back for it, but I remember thinking that taken literally it was pretty bad, and at least partially objectively wrong (she had me as saying the opposite of what I clearly said in one case iirc).

I do remember thinking that teleporting Plum out was fairly bad.
zorastermod wrote:2. Speaking of hiccups, I apologize for the start of the game. It was really amateurish on my part. I tried to iron out all the details ahead of time, but as it turns out, a weird mechanic with a totally open setup with 30 players analyzing it leads to some unexpected results!
Yeah, you need to get it analysed by multiple (3+) people who are good at spotting creative ways to break it. Open setups with mechanics that interact with alignment are by far the most vulnerable. Apart from that, I thought the modding was good.
zorastermod wrote:The one huge downside of the game is inactivity that comes with switching universes. It’s like being force replaced into a game. Though U1 was plagued with bad luck, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the universe with FAR less chatter (and thus easier to catch up) was the universe that won.
Agree with premise, not conclusion. I think lack of activity in U2 hurt the town. I don't think catching up helped U2 at all, since Anon was the only one to hit scum, and he was there from the start.

I kind of like teleportation in general, but I feel that a lot of this particular setup is dependant on how the other teams play. It's completely counter-intuitive that Mafia B should be affected by how Town A and (moreso) Mafia A play.. the relationship is fairly weird and prone to changing suddenly, actually. It would be kind of awesome to let Mafia groups communicate anonymously.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:36 am
by farside22
mykonian wrote:Guy's, seriously, stop saying "myko was so clearly scum"

it is as if they should have lynched me :(

I tried to lynch you. :P

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 9:13 pm
by Starbuck
I apologize for my utter failure at this game. I got behind on Universe 2, then I was sent out and I could barely get through reading.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 9:29 am
by Haylen
I don't apologise for my utter failure this game. There are reasons why I dont normally play theme games and that's because I'm easily confued by them. I'm losing the will to live in mafia...

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 10:41 am
by popsofctown
Awesome! I won! I forgot about this game, I'm glad my efforts brought victory.

Both my D1 and D2 strategy was based on me probably getting lynched. I just did my best to support my scumpartners.