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Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 4:51 am
by bob3141
So this is why i find you going after me when rp in. So odd it reminds me of what nick did in his scum game that was goign on when this started. Where when he repped in he went after a player that was pushing his slot. And use the very same sort of arguments to push a count scum read against me. I dont know if it was that he thought he could take advantage of my style and trick players taht are more use to players of other styles.

After all it shoudl be obvous kanna is in poe over his indecision over committing to nom. All the while pushing for gjt lynch. who as saw as both a pr claim and town. Scum really dont want to lynch there partners and yet at the same time dont want to be to not be on there wagon. So tehy withhold but when the clock starts ticking on there partner. They jump on them but the sign is that the chronology is rushed. as if you look closely you can see signs of taht haste

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:00 am
by insomnia
In post 217, bob3141 wrote:
In post 206, Wimpy wrote:Mislynch day 1 is actually preferable

I actualy dont get why if your town, that you woudl think this. As scum lynchs are always preferable to mislynches. Especially day one scum lynches as the scum are put on the back foot very early. If as town we lynch one of their number
Not meant to sort, just general observation.
In post 238, bob3141 wrote:
In post 233, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Not sure if i should be happy or sad... I am really letting down the title of Lynchbait King. But to be sure nothing I do in the first few pages of mafia is an indicator 0f my allignment.

Not sure about Sal but I am leaning town.

Jorge kind of feels like he is trying to find a reason to vote Sal which I do not not really like. This has to do with Jorge and not the alignment of Sal.
Want to go back and comb through the responses so far

So what about him is making you think he is town. And what does that town lean make you think of those currently or formerly voting for him
Good question, never followed up on
In post 320, bob3141 wrote:
In post 241, Non lmh wrote:I'll be normal when I can make time for it. just want to have fun, and solve past games rn.
I'm still a newb, so I'm milking the status for all it's worth. 5 complete games, that's the goal rn, leave me be.

How many games have you managed to rack up so far
In post 321, bob3141 wrote:
In post 248, Salamence20 wrote:
In post 242, Wimpy wrote:
In post 231, Invisibility wrote:
In post 206, Wimpy wrote:Mislynch day 1 is actually preferable
VOTE: Wimpy

For worrying about mislynching
Why do you scum read him for that. Shouldnt the fact that you think he genuinely worries about mislynching be sign to you that he is town. So are you scum reading him because of that worry or are you trying to claim to us that you think its faked?
This is that quote that I was talking about. Not only did he (Bob) pick on Wimpy suggesting that Bob doesn't see how town would think mislynching is good, but then he keeps asking questions instead of inferring something from this vote. It's literally getting Sala out of the dirt here. How does he even reach the point of Sala scum reading him for anything more than feeling bad about Wimpy's mislynching comment, like it's pure as daylight. This is just getting your team mate out of the dirt. I don't like that he didn't push on it and instead asked him questions that have nothing to do with Sala's actions. And the following questions are why I have Bob on a scum-lean :
In post 322, bob3141 wrote:
In post 292, Salamence20 wrote:Honestly Im shocked more people arent looking at Invis for scum

So what shocks you about it and what do you think you have seen that marks invis out as scum to you
What are all these filler questions, "so what shocks you about"

and quite funny, probably misapplied here, but pay attention to "what do you
think you have seen
that marks invis out as scum to you" as opposed to "what have you seen"
In post 324, bob3141 wrote:
In post 166, Non lmh wrote:can I solve the game yet or
In post 167, Non lmh wrote:NVM, y'all already know the answer probs
obvscum is obv, maybe
I see you have one read so far. A few other players have said they scum read him for his push on wimpys mislynch day 1 comment. Is that why you scum read him or is there additions reads you have picked up on him that mark him as scum to you

Also what are your reads on the rest of the players. As ive noticed that you have neither commented on another player nor asked anyone a question. Even when you voted for FL it as just alone voted with the sentance

"Now who's up for pressuring this slot some more"
and nothign else.

No attempt to apply any pressure what so ever. Just alone vote with no questions or anything.

What would you like to ask other players? As if you are town you would want to get inclinations of their alignment and question is one way to do it
The bolded was in reference to Nicholai, actually, so he isn't really reading the thread either, or he is, but he just fakes being interested. That bolded line alone spews both DP and FL, because he got them mixed up. Mafia's brains are hardwired to retain labels "scum" and "not scum", villagers are all the same to them.
In post 519, bob3141 wrote:
In post 469, Flavor Leaf wrote:Knowing you, would she not try to get you on her side early as scum?

How would scum her be different?

Post like this is making me lean towards FL being town this game. Its not like his last game where he was scum. As although many players scum read him he was very oily and was only lynched day 3 i think. Even though there had been pushs on him day 1 and day 2.

Here i get none of that feeling but a sense of openess from him. Both in his questioning but most in his evaluation. That last game he never realy asked question but pushed this case or that case
The only time where he takes a solid stance and what do you know, it's on FL. This is one of like three posts he commented on about FL. Bolded is said after
I find that very hard to do. You can get meta feel from players you played with before but its very hard I find to get a feel of player from their past games. If you have no experience with them before. In one of my earlier games i was only able to make my first meta scum read as I had played in 4 games where that player had been town. So could tell the difference in how he was playing.

If you skim through bob's iso and don't come to the same conclusion then I don't know how to suade you, this is the most I can do. It's a general theme of asking questions asking questions while not caring about the answer at all, just so that people acknowledge his presence. He literally has no stances and these are all posts taken to page 20. Page 20.


Honestly can't do more than that tbh

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:01 am
by insomnia
bob did you even vote for anyone on the wagon at all?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:01 am
by bob3141
So it should be quite clear to you that kanna is in my scum poe. yet you lead with the lie that "hey bob has zero reads"

ignoring the clear fact. end of day one my reads should be apparant.

i town read flav, rex, gjt, fizzy, nick.

Dp since his rep in. ( can any one say honestly they coudl form any read on no ihr ) < but day oen taht slot was super null. why i focused on try to get it to talk.

looker, joges null . i just can never get read on low posters.

scum poe kanna, invis, ank, nom before he died.

I never got why players end teh day so early. I was there trying to tease what invis, kanna and ank alignements based on nom different flips. Why i was asking why ank town read nom. why kanna still wanted gjt. and asked nom why she was so keen to kill claimed pr. Dont know if nom was trying to claim pr when i cut it up. After asking why she woudl be so keen to lynch pr. When her response to being wagoned was to claim pr.

I migth not be one to spell out my read list

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:04 am
by insomnia
In post 1999, bob3141 wrote:I think he is town. I cant get sense that he withholding. For him to be scum i feel he would have to be making his posts with out hesitation. As that prevents deliberation that can skew a responce leaving it apparant thats its positioning. Rather than a natural progression of reads. Which is somethign scum can never do as either there simpy end up playing to town win condition or the fact they are informed starts to shine through.

In fact what big part of my vca is about. Make a player self concous of where there votes are as town cant be. try to drop as many trip wires as possible. After all i care about getting teh right solve and i hate being wrong. Dont mind losing but if were going to lose in game im once who wants to die with teh rigth solve. Even if rest of town picks wrong

so far only 1 game were either died or lost before i could come to teh right poe solve
Just so we're clear, this is about Invisibility, yes?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:05 am
by insomnia
In post 2003, bob3141 wrote:I migth not be one to spell out my read list
yeah you don't have to, my point is that you never have an organic progression on anything, you just ask questions for the gist of it. The only stances that you take are on specific posts, like FL's, but your questions aren't leading you to make a read.

aight be back later peeps

FL vote bob stop tunneling Ank let's go

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:06 am
by insomnia
Like, your reads should come out from your questions, but you never follow up on them, you keep bouncing around. You can't fabricate a progression off of your questions is my whole point. You just ask questions because it makes you think that you look like you're trying to solve. You aren't taking any hard stances on anything.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:08 am
by bob3141
In post 2002, insomnia wrote:bob did you even vote for anyone on the wagon at all?

what wagon. Do you mean day oen wagons. Then no i had no vote on eitehr gjt or nom.

This game does make a pleasant chage to the usual games ive been in where everyone ignors me and lynchs some i see as obvous town day 1.

Why was ensuring day one that the lynch wasnt on gjt. If the only possible lynch is nom then there is no risk of one of my town feelings getting lynched.

Worse case if nom had flipped town we get lots of data points on her lynch. The dynamics of those last 24 hours is most telling. But alas this day one was cut short only few hours in.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:12 am
by bob3141
In post 2004, insomnia wrote:
In post 1999, bob3141 wrote:I think he is town. I cant get sense that he withholding. For him to be scum i feel he would have to be making his posts with out hesitation. As that prevents deliberation that can skew a responce leaving it apparant thats its positioning. Rather than a natural progression of reads. Which is somethign scum can never do as either there simpy end up playing to town win condition or the fact they are informed starts to shine through.

In fact what big part of my vca is about. Make a player self concous of where there votes are as town cant be. try to drop as many trip wires as possible. After all i care about getting teh right solve and i hate being wrong. Dont mind losing but if were going to lose in game im once who wants to die with teh rigth solve. Even if rest of town picks wrong

so far only 1 game were either died or lost before i could come to teh right poe solve
Just so we're clear, this is about Invisibility, yes?
thought you meant fizzy

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:12 am
by insomnia
vizzy as in invisibility, but i saw you had a scum lean on him, wanna point why?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:14 am
by bob3141
serously is the play peopel have been calling vizzy Invisibility. lol here i was reading every post as if they were talkign about fuzzylogic

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:30 am
by bob3141
insomia if your town it should already be clear to you.

I think one of teh later joins kanna/ invis is scum. Whith the strongest lean being on kanna.

When looker and nom were having there interactions invis pushed nom looking townier of the two.

I cant realy see a paper trail between him think that and voting for nom. All he gives is gjt softed pr but his vote remained for soem time before moving. and taht flav said stuff.

Of kanna and invis. I think out of teh two its far more likley to be you. For one of them to not be scum i feel my vca would have to be wrong

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:32 am
by insomnia
k let's vote invis then

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:51 am
by Invisibility
In post 1821, skitter30 wrote:
pine replaces joges

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:55 am
by Invisibility
UNVOTE: nah there are better votes

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 5:57 am
by Invisibility
In post 1839, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Um Flavor
Non/ Dp is confirmed Neighborizer which means they are pretty likely town.
lol the game that i got my sig from had scum neighrborize me and me make me think that they're town

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:15 am
by Invisibility
yay rex is here now

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:15 am
by Invisibility
also VOTE: ank

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:19 am
by Detective Pikachu
Why vote ank vissy?

Anyway I still have no problem with scum bob here

VOTE: bob

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:20 am
by Detective Pikachu
In post 2000, bob3141 wrote:So this is why i find you going after me when rp in. So odd it reminds me of what nick did in his scum game that was goign on when this started. Where when he repped in he went after a player that was pushing his slot. And use the very same sort of arguments to push a count scum read against me. I dont know if it was that he thought he could take advantage of my style and trick players taht are more use to players of other styles.

After all it shoudl be obvous kanna is in poe over his indecision over committing to nom. All the while pushing for gjt lynch. who as saw as both a pr claim and town. Scum really dont want to lynch there partners and yet at the same time dont want to be to not be on there wagon. So tehy withhold but when the clock starts ticking on there partner. They jump on them but the sign is that the chronology is rushed. as if you look closely you can see signs of taht haste
If you preflip kanna as town this is a really scummy deflection

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:22 am
by insomnia
In post 2018, Detective Pikachu wrote:Why vote ank vissy?

Anyway I still have no problem with scum bob here

VOTE: bob

That's the OS that I love.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:22 am
by Invisibility
I probably should have checked if that was lynch before voting but whatever

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:23 am
by Invisibility
In post 2018, Detective Pikachu wrote:Why vote ank vissy?

Anyway I still have no problem with scum bob here

VOTE: bob
I agreed with fl's recent posts about her play

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:23 am
by insomnia
it's fine, you didn't mislynch viz

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:24 am
by Invisibility
In post 1953, Ankamius wrote:get this shit over with

VOTE: Ankamius
oh scumclaim lol