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Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:46 am
by Albert B. Rampage
In post 1904, Albert B. Rampage wrote:I'll let you go calm down and focus on the player list if that helps the game state.
This was me to you today, Norwee ^

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:46 am
by Pretentious
In post 2023, Gamma Emerald wrote:Like, you have been given chance upon chance to shape the fuck up and yet you keep OMGUSing, pushing awful WIFOM angles, and avoiding any sort of admittance you MIGHT have fucked up. That’s not town play at this point, full stop.
Exactly why I'm town.

Step up if you are town.

Play next level for once, rather than Level 1 or 2.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:46 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 2024, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2022, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2018, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2015, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2012, NorwegianboyEE wrote:This "oh scum is afraid of me" is garbage anyway. If so why not just not pressure you and nightkill you instead, dumbass.
who are you?
Town. Who are you? I keep forgetting, what role did you say you rolled in this game again?
I claimed forever ago, dude
Yeah but i don't think you've said it enough. Town? Was that it?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:47 am
by Pretentious
I can work every single player in this game simultaneously while they think I'm being legit. Sure, that's my style.

But you are dead wrong, and if you don't think I've played this game, open your eyes and break through that surface level, Gamma.

You are wrong if you are town here, and you have everything you need to see it.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:48 am
by NorwegianboyEE
Wait Pretentious... Are you saying you're town?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:48 am
by Pretentious
If you are town, you are actively choosing not to see it, which is fine, I've fucked you over as scum so many times, it makes sense.

I am not scum here. I have given you everything. Look past the surface level of what I've done, and see the damn invisible effect I have on the game, for once. Come on.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:48 am
by Pretentious
In post 2029, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Wait Pretentious... Are you saying you're town?
Who are you?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:49 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 2031, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2029, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Wait Pretentious... Are you saying you're town?
Who are you?
I'm a player in this game.
I have every right to be here.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:49 am
by Pretentious
In post 2032, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2031, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2029, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Wait Pretentious... Are you saying you're town?
Who are you?
I'm a player in this game.
I have every right to be here.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:50 am
by Gamma Emerald
In post 2026, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2023, Gamma Emerald wrote:Like, you have been given chance upon chance to shape the fuck up and yet you keep OMGUSing, pushing awful WIFOM angles, and avoiding any sort of admittance you MIGHT have fucked up. That’s not town play at this point, full stop.
Exactly why I'm town.

Step up if you are town.

Play next level for once, rather than Level 1 or 2.
I have been TRYING to let you admit your issues here. I saw a very strong thread between this game and Bettayal but I was 100% willing to let it slide when I first noticed it as long as you acknowledged it yourself in some substantive way. But instead you push and push and push some more in order to avoid having to face your problems. I was seeing you as either unengaged town or unengaged scum when I first noticed that connection. Now I am confident you were the latter.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:51 am
by NorwegianboyEE
You're trying to belittle me.
If you're town then it's the most awful play i've seen in a long time, and yet you think you're a god.
You're an disgusting person Flavour Leaf.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:51 am
by Pretentious
In post 2034, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2026, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2023, Gamma Emerald wrote:Like, you have been given chance upon chance to shape the fuck up and yet you keep OMGUSing, pushing awful WIFOM angles, and avoiding any sort of admittance you MIGHT have fucked up. That’s not town play at this point, full stop.
Exactly why I'm town.

Step up if you are town.

Play next level for once, rather than Level 1 or 2.
I have been TRYING to let you admit your issues here. I saw a very strong thread between this game and Bettayal but I was 100% willing to let it slide when I first noticed it as long as you acknowledged it yourself in some substantive way. But instead you push and push and push some more in order to avoid having to face your problems. I was seeing you as either unengaged town or unengaged scum when I first noticed that connection. Now I am confident you were the latter.
I know my issues. I have nothing to prove anymore in the game of Mafia.

We are in the arena right now.

Then you are wrong, yet again, on me.

The exact reasons why I have been able to sweep you as scum.

I'm able to abuse your shortcomings of these types of tunnels. Can you abuse mine?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:52 am
by Pretentious
In post 2035, NorwegianboyEE wrote:You're trying to belittle me.
If you're town then it's the most awful play i've seen in a long time, and yet you think you're a god.
You're an disgusting person Flavour Leaf.

Just shortcomings to hide your own weaknesses.

We're in the arena right now, get over it.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:53 am
by Gamma Emerald
Like the entirety of your defense here really does boil down to “I wouldn’t do that as scum” which you KNOW is a BS argument from you.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:53 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 2037, Pretentious wrote:We're in the arena right now, get over it.
That doesn't excuse acting with some basic human decency. You can push slots without acting like an obnoxious person.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:54 am
by Pretentious
You keep mentioning Betrayal like that's any type of accurate meta. I was in for 1 short day phase, in a dead slot, in a mech heavy game based on a game I don't even like.

I effectively don't count as even playing in that game.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:54 am
by Pretentious
In post 2038, Gamma Emerald wrote:Like the entirety of your defense here really does boil down to “I wouldn’t do that as scum” which you KNOW is a BS argument from you.
Again, push past the surface level.

There's some good stuff to be found on the surface, but it's not everything.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:54 am
by Pretentious
In post 2039, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2037, Pretentious wrote:We're in the arena right now, get over it.
That doesn't excuse acting with some basic human decency. You can push slots without acting like an obnoxious person.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:56 am
by Pretentious
I'm literally stating what to their responses, it's a way that I'm acknowledging that I'm not gonna acknowledge it, because your posts are annoying me, so i'mn doing it back, in a game of discrediting and establishing gamestate, they're being ultra sensitive to that?

Lol. Alright, man.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:57 am
by Tayl0r Swift
In post 1921, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Have you even read the past 10 pages Taylor?
i have. and i still think norwee is pretty town. your reads almost seem the opposite of mine which sketches me out. tbh the gamestate tells me theres active scum driving wagons. it very much feels like boon manipulating things. if boon flips town ill re-evaluate.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:57 am
by NorwegianboyEE
You're not describing why my behaviour is indicative of scum, you're just insulting people. That goes for Gamma Emerald as well, you're insulting him, calling him names. Your playstyle is awful and you should really reconsider whatever the fuck it is you're doing. That goes for either of your allignments here.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:57 am
by Pretentious
If you need a lesson to move past your basic abilities, chopping down someone like that is strong coming from town or a scum mindset.

You are being incredibly surface level if town, I know you are incorrect when pushing me as scum, so yes, I am going to shove you out and discredit your voice because you are incorrect and will only hurt town.

And this works the same way if I were scum here, because it shuts you out.

This is a social game, get used to it. Think past the surface level.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:58 am
by Albert B. Rampage
In post 2044, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1921, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Have you even read the past 10 pages Taylor?
i have. and i still think norwee is pretty town. your reads almost seem the opposite of mine which sketches me out. tbh the gamestate tells me theres active scum driving wagons. it very much feels like boon manipulating things. if boon flips town ill re-evaluate.
What about Non Imh today?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:58 am
by Pretentious
In post 2044, Tayl0r Swift wrote:
In post 1921, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Have you even read the past 10 pages Taylor?
i have. and i still think norwee is pretty town. your reads almost seem the opposite of mine which sketches me out. tbh the gamestate tells me theres active scum driving wagons. it very much feels like boon manipulating things. if boon flips town ill re-evaluate.
I am manipulating things.

I do every game I play. People notice it when I'm town, they don't when I'm scum.

If you think I'm actively driving any wagon, check up on your reading comprehension.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:59 am
by Pretentious
In post 2048, Pretentious wrote:he gamestate tells me theres active scum driving wagons. it very much feels like boon manipulating things.
Get out of here with this absolute nonsense.

I am not leading any damn wagon.