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Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:07 am
by Andresvmb
In post 2047, petapan wrote:
In post 2030, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 1980, petapan wrote:
In post 1978, Dwlee99 wrote:That's ridiculous.
shes scum dude
Like c’mon. This isn’t what you would typically expect from Partners. peta aggressively pushed Nero, and is doing the same here to Titus. DW you are aligning yourself hard with peta and to a lesser extent Anya, and pushing here. Are you going to argue all of you are Town? I find that really hard to believe.
you are wack if you think scum interacts that way inthread
That is EXACTLY the point. You are misreading my argument. I’m saying Partners DO NOT interact that way. But the strength and insistence behind the mutual pushes leads me to believe that it’s not TvT, particularly since none of you have expressed even remotely convincing reasons to push so hard for an execution, or for example to defend Anya so aggressively. Maybe you think Anya is okay, but to say that everyone has bad reasons for pushing there? Please.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:07 am
by Titus
In post 2049, ChaosOmega wrote:
In post 2046, Titus wrote:I was trying not to out that, but I didn't want town on the wrong path. Anya fmpov is most likely of the two to flip scum. Maybe they both are. I'm not buying the neighbors though.
Neither one is in danger, what is your concern about town being on the wrong path in reference to, and why does outing this help?
Because it gives us a likely 50/50 or greater to lim in and stops bad wagons. Dgb and dotw have been shaded all game and I doubt all of it is scum.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:09 am
by petapan
In post 2025, Titus wrote:What do you think of peta's argument that I have produced no content? I think my reads are largely discernable.
i didn't say "no content" but a lack of content, you've produced reads but they've been largely underwhelming without plausible backing, there's real solcing drive or adapting with the thread, you had like 5 lines to start the day and moaned about how the lurkers were making it
sooo hard
which is abdicating any sense of actually trying to read into people's content - it's bothersome because you were actively contributing to thread stagnation while blaming it on others. this combined with you continuing to try to shove anya over the edge based on extremely faulty arguments means get out of here

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:11 am
by petapan
In post 2048, Titus wrote:Peta, what do you think of masons and neighbors theory? You seem to be complaining I have no content while skipping over it.
i mean, maybe they are masons, maybe it's something else, it seems pointless to me to dig there. arguments that the neighbors must be scum if there are masons are fallacious and what i expect scum to advance

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:11 am
by ChaosOmega
I disagree with your premise that masons and an all-town neighborhood can't coexist, and I see more pro-scum benefit from you bringing this up than pro-town, i.e., trying to figure out if DotW is an investigative or not.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:13 am
by Titus
Is it just peta/chaos/one of anya or ssbm?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:14 am
by Andresvmb
Actually Anya wouldn’t have revealed the information as the Informed themselves - they’re most likely just a Goon if they’re Scum. But if the theory is correct, they might have been fishing for it.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:15 am
by petapan
In post 2050, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 2047, petapan wrote:
In post 2030, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 1980, petapan wrote:
In post 1978, Dwlee99 wrote:That's ridiculous.
shes scum dude
Like c’mon. This isn’t what you would typically expect from Partners. peta aggressively pushed Nero, and is doing the same here to Titus. DW you are aligning yourself hard with peta and to a lesser extent Anya, and pushing here. Are you going to argue all of you are Town? I find that really hard to believe.
you are wack if you think scum interacts that way inthread
That is EXACTLY the point. You are misreading my argument. I’m saying Partners DO NOT interact that way. But the strength and insistence behind the mutual pushes leads me to believe that it’s not TvT, particularly since none of you have expressed even remotely convincing reasons to push so hard for an execution, or for example to defend Anya so aggressively. Maybe you think Anya is okay, but to say that everyone has bad reasons for pushing there? Please.
well sorry game moves fast

i think it's a combo of really despising the logic she's putting out and getting really incredibly frustrated with a significant chunk of the players in this game who are just no-efforting and a wagon i felt was incredibly lazy that got me fired up again. i thought you agreed that the wagon on anya was likely taken advantage of by scum?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:16 am
by petapan
In post 2056, Andresvmb wrote:Actually Anya wouldn’t have revealed the information as the Informed themselves - they’re most likely just a Goon if they’re Scum. But if the theory is correct, they might have been fishing for it.
where is this informed theory coming from?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:18 am
by Andresvmb
In post 2058, petapan wrote:
In post 2056, Andresvmb wrote:Actually Anya wouldn’t have revealed the information as the Informed themselves - they’re most likely just a Goon if they’re Scum. But if the theory is correct, they might have been fishing for it.
where is this informed theory coming from?
Anya’s first post is them claiming to be a Mason all by themselves. Now, indulge me for a second. They could be a Traitor Neighbor that’s Informed about a Masonry, and is openly hinting at it in their first post, letting the Scum Team know to go look for them. Unfortunately I really do think DGB/DotW made themselves way obvious. But that’s a theory yeah?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:18 am
by petapan
also andres my guy don't talk to me about that non-TvT dynamic when titus is firmly attempting to ride your coattails here when you showed her the slightest bit of leeway

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:20 am
by Andresvmb
These Large games have all kinds of whack mechanics - I’ll admit my thinking is way out there. But since I frankly don’t care haha I am just willing to put this out there.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:21 am
by Andresvmb
In post 2060, petapan wrote:also andres my guy don't talk to me about that non-TvT dynamic when titus is firmly attempting to ride your coattails here when you showed her the slightest bit of leeway
You all have tried to pocket me in different ways technically. I’m like spewed Town by now. I just have to try and get something right so I don’t have to live until Endgame and have to suffer through another series of executions were no one listens to me.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:22 am
by petapan
In post 2059, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 2058, petapan wrote:
In post 2056, Andresvmb wrote:Actually Anya wouldn’t have revealed the information as the Informed themselves - they’re most likely just a Goon if they’re Scum. But if the theory is correct, they might have been fishing for it.
where is this informed theory coming from?
Anya’s first post is them claiming to be a Mason all by themselves. Now, indulge me for a second. They could be a Traitor Neighbor that’s Informed about a Masonry, and is openly hinting at it in their first post, letting the Scum Team know to go look for them. Unfortunately I really do think DGB/DotW made themselves way obvious. But that’s a theory yeah?
relies on way too many outlandish assumptions, just tinfoil hat shit

if u think anya is scum by play just argue that rather than an epic behind the scenes conspiracy where you've managed to guess the mod's exact setup design (something i don't even pretend to do)

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:23 am
by Save The Dragons
got some personal shit going on, less of me i guess but i'll try to catch up soon

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:24 am
by Andresvmb
In post 2063, petapan wrote:if u think anya is scum by play just argue that rather than an epic behind the scenes conspiracy where you've managed to guess the mod's exact setup design (something i don't even pretend to do)
I was the only person to correctly guess that a game could potentially have a Neighborhood with two Scum Traitors. I wouldn’t call it a giant behind the scenes conspiracy. And what is the Scum if not a giant behind the scenes conspiracy?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:29 am
by petapan
In post 2062, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 2060, petapan wrote:also andres my guy don't talk to me about that non-TvT dynamic when titus is firmly attempting to ride your coattails here when you showed her the slightest bit of leeway
You all have tried to pocket me in different ways technically. I’m like spewed Town by now. I just have to try and get something right so I don’t have to live until Endgame and have to suffer through another series of executions were no one listens to me.
consciously pocketing people is just not part of my scumgame at all, it's just not really necessary

like i'd be content to be the madman raging against the senselessness of everyone and getting ignored, in fact that's ideal for me

but since i am town and i think you are town and are one of the few people in this game who interacting with does not make me want to trepanate myself i gotta talk it out with you

maybe i'm right, maybe i'm wrong and you're right, maybe we're both wrong but if in order to get anywhere i need dialogue

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:29 am
by Anya
VOTE: Titus

the theories she's mapping out on the whiteboard are really ridiculous surely she doesn't believe those

prefer slightly over t4

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:32 am
by Andresvmb
In post 2066, petapan wrote:like i'd be content to be the madman raging against the senselessness of everyone and getting ignored, in fact that's ideal for me
No you wouldn’t hahaha I encourage you to read the last Large game I played. I hated being in that game so hard.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:34 am
by Andresvmb
In post 2068, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 2066, petapan wrote:like i'd be content to be the madman raging against the senselessness of everyone and getting ignored, in fact that's ideal for me
No you wouldn’t hahaha I encourage you to read the last Large game I played. I hated being in that game so hard.
Here: ... #p12783976.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:38 am
by petapan
In post 2065, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 2063, petapan wrote:if u think anya is scum by play just argue that rather than an epic behind the scenes conspiracy where you've managed to guess the mod's exact setup design (something i don't even pretend to do)
I was the only person to correctly guess that a game could potentially have a Neighborhood with two Scum Traitors. I wouldn’t call it a giant behind the scenes conspiracy. And what is the Scum if not a giant behind the scenes conspiracy?
i think that's just falling into outguess the mod territory and you're using recency bias of seeing a scum hood to think a hood in another large must contain scum. sometimes that spec can lead to reasonable conclusions but i think you need to know more of the setup before doing so. i think your reasoning on anya being a traitor is farfetched and unlikely to be true, because as i explained when dotw was making his dumb theory about fake neighbor claims, one or the other flipping damns the other. this is especially true now that anya's claimed an additional PR. if they were scum they'd just both be caught. anya may be eccentric but she doesn't actually strike me as one to make exceedingly risky plays as scum, her play in that one mini as scum actually seemed fairly safe.

i'd rather leave the PR claim to possibly verify it and then decide if it doesn't fit after massclaim rather than vote them off faulty speculative reasoning, which, as i have been saying, is a tactic likely to come from scum

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:39 am
by petapan
In post 2068, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 2066, petapan wrote:like i'd be content to be the madman raging against the senselessness of everyone and getting ignored, in fact that's ideal for me
No you wouldn’t hahaha I encourage you to read the last Large game I played. I hated being in that game so hard.
i meant that's the ideal position as scum, which i make clear with the rest of my post

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:43 am
by petapan
In post 70, Titus wrote:@peta/Nero, I largely feel Dwlee was scum that didn't know how to react as well. It almost feels like Dwlee is going to rely on a claim to get him through given the strong playerlist.
this reasoning in particular from titus i didn't like on a reread

and also felt like if dwlee and i are both town her formation of passively fencesitting on us and encouraging wagons and not really talking to either of us makes sense. like it's just at a breaking point for me

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:47 am
by Titus
I think anya being a traitor is possible but unlikely.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:48 am
by Anya
i think you being a wolf is possible and likely