Knowing millar's playstyle and ego, the bolded is likely.kast wrote:Millar did not claim that, and instead claimed to be vanilla. RV Count supports that he either did not have his vote reduced ORwas a double voter and lying to the town even up to his death.
Then I guess I can't reduce a player's vote below 0kast wrote:K7 confirmed that his vote was 0 and has been 0 the entire game.
I didn't. Not that I know of, at least.kast wrote:Also, why did you have 2 RV on D4?
I never claimed it was their "main way of killing", meerly that my microgoombaing prevents a player from jumping. I don't know what faction uses jumping :/.kast wrote:--Related item missed earlier: you previously claimed that jumping on players is the Mushroom Kingdom's main way of killing. How do you know this?
@ immunities: I apologize for not being clear about that. I am immune to fire and shells, and will become a normal goomba if I am jumped on. I never said that a paragoomba is not immune and I never claimed that the MK kills by jumping. All I know is that a faction kills by shells, one by fire, and one by jumping. This does not mean that they are the same faction or that they are not.
@ voting for RBT: her play early and lack of much imput (see above post being a one liner with not much contribution) are key. It is my personal experiance on a different site that single-player scum groups (i.e serial killers) tend to lurk. Now, I know that I am guilty of the same, but I have tried to contribute these last few pages. Notice also how RBT has an unclaimed kill, which would fit in with a serial-killer type role.
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@ RBT: According to kast, K7's vote didn't get reduced after I targeted him with 0 votes, therefore I assume my power doesn't work on people with 0 votes. Regardless, I didn't target anyone last night.