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Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:58 pm
by Pretentious
I can 1v3 you guys without partners, even if one or multiple of you have partners.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:58 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 2073, Guillotina wrote:they both noticed Nero scumminess
This is straight up self-indulgent confbiased garbage.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:58 pm
by Pretentious
In post 2101, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2073, Guillotina wrote:they both noticed Nero scumminess
This is straight up self-indulgent confbiased garbage.
dont try to discredit the actual most obv town slot in the game,

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:00 pm
by Pretentious
Do you know how long Guillo has been looking into Nero Cain? Like during the initial Nero vs Pret thing they were saying Nero was starting to look scummy even.

Their entire trajectory is completely visible and makes sense, and I think it's decently accurate, and I'll trust them OVER my own reads today.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:01 pm
by Pretentious
i'm only the 3rd most obv town.

Guillo and ABR both are more obv town than myself.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:11 pm
by Pretentious
should I start GIF'ing

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 1:22 pm
by Pretentious
Let’s get it started, it hot

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:09 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 2090, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2088, Gamma Emerald wrote:The issue with Boon is he doesn’t seem to adhere to ANY of this. His entire MO seems to be to act anti-town in ways entirely reckless and harmful to town
point out 1 lie that isn't a fake claim, please.

And this is yet again an opinion.

I am reckless by personality, this is shown in my scum games as well. But I put the mental effort into knowing Mafia Theory at an extreme high level, I get to play how my personality thrives in.
My point is essentially your behavior is as damaging as a lie to the game.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:34 pm
by Guillotina
In post 2104, Pretentious wrote:i'm only the 3rd most obv town.

Guillo and ABR both are more obv town than myself.
Why is ABR obvious town?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:44 pm
by Guillotina
Judging by interactions between Taylor Swift and Nero, plus certain mindmelds with her in posts.

I will townread her for now.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:49 pm
by Nero Cain
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:133 Seems like a choice based on personal issue with Swift
its a frustrated joke

the answer to her question is 2 posts up.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:161 Discredits NPOM posting is hollow and generic
or like, i can have an opinion
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:344 And goes nuclear on people when they don't.
I'm not sure how who can call that "going nuclear"
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:345 How many townreads does he expect from other players on D1?
I think it's a plenty fair question. Where I was going with this is I felt like IV was buddying up to you.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:402 Overreaction on post 401, it was clearly a joke vote. Note this is also "Pretentious" slot now.
yes I was playing along with it
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:412 JV is right though, it is very presumptuous to say that all 4 scum are in that list. If that was true, then say goodbye to your hopes of winning the lottery cause you just used all your luck on this one. Calling you "stupid" for it was uncalled for, but unrealistic? I agree. Not discredity at all.
Why am I unable to have reads and feeling so early in the game? Just b/c I have early reads doesn't mean they are static.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:414 Getting accused of OMGUS over a joke is non-sensical and angering.
FMPOV it wasn't impossible that JV saw my suspicion of the slot and then "joke" voted me.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:446 Trivializes JV's emotions as fake. Scummy.
that's like really really really not what this says. At most you could argue that I was scum that was trying to keep players from town reading JV.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:451 This makes no sense at all. Do you really believe his joke vote was a serious vote?
yes? lulzaly throwing down a joke vote is a thing scum are plenty capable of doing.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:463 Pushing for votes.
Voting is every town's personal power
. Trying to influence it in any way or create a situation where the target feels rushed to do it is scummy as hell.
I agree but JV was being useless with theirs so...asking when someone is going to start being useful isn't rushing lol
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:485 This pinged me as contradictory cause Nero townreads Norwee but implies Norwee is scummy by being less scummy than other slots. Pings me as someone who'd townread the other as long as he does the other bidding.
we've already talked about this and I still really don't get it. Like...slot B is scummier than slot C slot M is scummier than slot T.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:490 Is he certain that I'm not ascetic to say that?
In post 489, TheDuke wrote:my main read is
IV as town due to the Ascetic claim.
unless I missed it where IV also claimed ascetic then letting Duke know that IV wasn't a claimed ascetic seems like an okish thing to do. y do you have a problem with this?
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:501 Condescending much?
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:503 Huh?
its a joke based on norway fretting that he had too many town reads
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:520 Why were these slots scummier than Norway at this point? Notice that he stills refer to Norway as still being less scummy than those slots, but scummy nonetheless.
i think I got it now. You think my use of the word scummier is saying that I was scum reading Norway, I wasn't.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:545 So it is ok for you make questions and gaslight people left and right, but dear god they make them to you and they are scummy. What a hypocrite!

I don't understand how you could even read this post as that.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:584 She is right. Now I get it why you are so hostile to everyone that disagrees and scumreads you. You fear us because you are scum.
my reasons for why I suspected Taylor were there. Having actually played with scum Taylor its right out of her playbook to lie and ask ppl to do busy work. It's annoying and I'm allowed to be annoyed that she won't just read my ISO instead of making me repeat myself.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:595 Finally! Suspected JV for not playing the game when they were on? Since when do you manage what they do with their time and when they play? Silly angleshooting way to accuse someone.
In MBOS I suspected a slot b/c I saw them online but not posting in the thread. They flipped scum. I and others have used this logic to flip other scum b4.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:600 Hypocritical post, didn't you scumread Muh for casting a vote against me to get reactions from me earlier on?

I'm saying that it's not hard to get reads so Taylor saying she was having a hard time getting reads/feels seemed fake to me.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:610 Given you scumread people for inactivity, why is GoldenParadox a "???" for you? To be clear, I suspect Golden, so I'm interested in tbis answer.
that's exactly why Golden was a ???. If you suspected Golden then why is it when I suspect someone one of inactivity its angle shooting or is/was your Golden suspicion not activity-based?
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:625 What kind of question is this? Townreads or Scumreads don't have to be reciprocal between players. You are implying she has to townread you because her townreads, town read you! They could be wrong about you just as easy as she could be wrong about you or them.
Didn't you argue that you shouldn't be scumread b/c a lot of players town read you? It's just a question guy.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:629 Scummy comment. That is not discrediting, it is thinking objectively.
lol guy she's actively saying that her town reads can't be right. It's a scummy take. Like Taylor doesn't HAVE to agree but she's outright not playing with her supposed team.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:847I think she refers to your pushing method which is scummy as hell.
pushing people for what I believe in is scummier behavior isn't "scummy as hell" It's good town play. Taylor feels like I shouldn't be pushing her b/c she's "scum read often" and I just think that's
. She's not above suspicion and she's plenty capable of rolling a red pm.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:858 He is right though!
no, he's not. I've not been fluffy. I mean maybe I hyper post but I haven't been posting emptily. If I have diffrent opinions than you or him it doesn't mean that I'm manipulating anyone.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:859 Everyone that opposes you is scum so far and your reasons come with a plethora of scum tactics
I mean, everyone that I was calling scum I was scum reading b4 they opposed me.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:891 Why put your own name in your town list? Town noobs do this but you are not a noob. From a psychological stand point you feel the need to ascertain that you are town when you are scum, towns don't worry about putting the names there because they know by default they are town.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:892 Your POE is made out of players who directly opposed your views. If you are not scum, you are anti-town.
ok but I was scum reading them all first so I don't see the problem. It's like you are saying that I'm scum reading those ppl based on them opposing me which isn't true. The guy that's ACTUALLY doing that (Boon) you are town reading. He's scum reading all of me, norway and gamma for wanting to flip him. I know I know, your reply "BUT U R SCUM" I mean I'm not but my point is he's actually doing what you are accusing me of.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:995 The thought crossed my mind also
then I don't understand why I'm getting so much flak for scumreading Taylor if you had thought about a Taylor-Norway team.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:998 I think you are full of shit, stop twisting it to make it seem like I'm w/w with IV. I meant that I town leaned IV and not ABR.
this has NOTHING to do with you. I'm saying that If IV is scum it makes ABR look like town b/c FMPOV IV is just sheeping ABR.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:1010 Yah, the problem is that you are a hypocrite, because you accuse scum read Muh for it but TheGoldenParadox is a ??? with significantly lower posts thatn pretty much everyone else?
TGP wasn't a town read that I was considering could maybe be lurkers scum.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:1131 Pretentious subbed in for JV whom you pushed based on an alleged OMGUS vote on you, you been pushing that slot for ridiculous reasons just because he opposed you earlier in the game
JV made a ridiculously bad "catchup" under pressure seemingly to only alleviate pressure instead of earnestly trying to catchup and find scum. Boon was very much active lurking in the thread which is even SCUMMIER THAN regular lurking. His attempted hammer isn't townie.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:1330 You are not obvtown in this analysis.
you are not coherent in this analysis.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:1387 Does he self hammer every time he is town or are you saying this based in one game?
he has done it at least twice. IME with him he gets super fucking angry when he's pushed and is town. Him not doing that makes me thnk he's scum.
In post 1956, Guillotina wrote:1399 I'll consider this a threat and the last red flag I need.
lol guy. From my uninformed POV you could be a possible Boon buddy. Is this really such a hard concept to grasp?


Right off the bat there's just a lot of salt b/c I kinda implied he was a nooby and I think that seeping into his read on me. There's alot of bad takes and misreading going on. I'm not 100% sure if thats unintentional or its more of an agenda type thing. I kinda feel like he might be town thats mostly scumreading me b/c he's angry that I'm not calling him super fucking town and that make some sense for a new player. Boon also sorta buddying him also might mean this is a town slot.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:56 pm
by Guillotina
My towncore is

Taylor Swift


Nero Cain

Everyone else is null to me for different reasons and I will be looking into them shortly.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:57 pm
by Nero Cain
Gul, you gonna read my rebuttal?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 2:59 pm
by Nero Cain
In post 46, Guillotina wrote:
In post 38, innocentvillager wrote:no huge rush, but it would be less suspicious if you responded to this somewhat wuickly
Well. I have a life and other things to do so pardon me in the future if im not on-call for you next time. Like...really?
I actually think this post might be some kinda key or something. Like when I accused IV and muh of not hunting Guil was all like "they have a life! you are angle shooting if you think someone not scumhunting is scum!" so he's just kinda like projecting.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:01 pm
by Guillotina
The point you raised about GoldenParadox is that I dont scumread him for inactivity, but the tonality of his few posts.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:02 pm
by Guillotina
Save your pity for yourself, you are right to townread me because I am.

I briefly read some of this and I already got points to make, will get back to you as soon as I can.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:30 pm
by Albert B. Rampage
In post 2081, Guillotina wrote:Im not voting here, if you want that lurker gone request a prod.
He posted yesterday

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:56 pm
by Guillotina
Numerical order here match each reply to a quote in your rebuttal.

01) Noted

02) You can have an opinion and present it in a way that it's not trivializing when you are town. If you are scum and you identify key players that could be a threat to your survival, you'd start by devaluing the target. Now tell me if these terms would not make you feel devalued.

Without significance, meaningless, worthless, useless.

lacking imagination or individuality; predictable and unoriginal.

This is your opinion of NPOM.... yah...

03) I'm not talking about that post, I'm talking about your attitude towards those people who disagree with you in this entire thread.

04) If he wanted to buddy me, he went the wrong way about it. He questioned my early day ascetic claim and managed to pissed me off when he teamed up with Norwee questioning it further. I null read him for it. I thought budding was something else entirely.

05) Playing along with it?

06) They did stay static though.

JacksonVirgo (Pretentious) - You pushed and continue to keep pushing this slot hard.
muh316 - You were in this wagon when Pretentious tried to quickhammer him.
Tayl0r Swift - I think you scumread her still?
Albert B. Rampage - How about this one?
innocentvillager - How about this other one?

Looks like an static list to me, looks like a hitman list? Based on early reads that are not meant to be static.

More to come!

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:58 pm
by DrippingGoofball
In post 2080, Guillotina wrote:My vote for now is VOTE: Nero Cain
VOTE: Nero Cain

Double voter double voting!

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:00 pm
by NoPowerOverMe
I don't have any reason to think Nero is more scummy than say Pretentious so I am going to stick with my vote.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:03 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 2093, Pretentious wrote:
In post 2091, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2089, Pretentious wrote:we would have just had this day phase after the night phase with more information, i would have likely drawn an investigation or a vig shot, which both would be fine because it screws over scum's ability to misfade me.
Why are you saying that drawing a vig shot on yourself because of your scummy play is a good thing?
I wasn't playing the game at the time really, and I'm VT. I was the definition of a solid Vig shot, and scum don't want LHF to be vig shot because it takes out misfade options.
Who DO scum want to be vig shot? Also why the confidence at there being a vig?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:06 pm
by Gamma Emerald
Guillotina, I have a genuine question. How would you say a “god of mafia” forms reads, from an objective standpoint? Is tribalistic us-vs.-them logic part of it?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:07 pm
by Guillotina
In post 2119, NoPowerOverMe wrote:I don't have any reason to think Nero is more scummy than say Pretentious so I am going to stick with my vote.
And i respect it. Whether you are right or wrong, your vote is your day phase power and yours alone.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:09 pm
by Guillotina
In post 2121, Gamma Emerald wrote:Guillotina, I have a genuine question. How would you say a “god of mafia” forms reads, from an objective standpoint? Is tribalistic us-vs.-them logic part of it?
Formulate the question in a simpler way please.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:11 pm
by Gamma Emerald
Do you think your method of forming reads this game lines up with your stance that you are a “god of mafia”? Because you pretty much seem to be saying “this person agrees with me so they’re town”, and vice versa.