Since Bitmap was kind enough to pull us through this last phase, its only fair to keep him in. Trevor, we cross protect tonight, and I say we take out Psyche today.
Mafia can't kill me tonight because it's against their win-con since they need me in order to win now. With the two docs cross protecting, mafia relies on my shot but I plan to not shoot anyone tonight so I'm pretty much home free.
We then lynch Rach tomorrow and we'll call a tie between town and SK.
"I give up on trying to read you. You're unimaginably scummy, with a dose of ultra-Town thrown in for spice."
@Kunk and Trevor: WIFOM doc protect. I swear if we get to 1v1v1, we lynch scum and I no kill that day. I just need one last night protect in case mafia does something stupid.
VOTE: Psyche
No more talking for you.
"I give up on trying to read you. You're unimaginably scummy, with a dose of ultra-Town thrown in for spice."
has been trampled by a mechanical bull and is dead.
Night Five begins now. All Night Actions are due in my PM box no later than the deadline.
If I receive a PM from everyone indicating you wish to start the Day early, I will do so. (You may ignore the part in the Rules regarding asking for a shorter night in this specific instance.)
The mechanical bull just thrashed around aimlessly, and everyone stayed out of the way, sleeping soundly. No one died last night.
Day Six begins now.
With 4 alive, it takes 3 to lynch and 2 to No Lynch.
Deadline: (expired on 2012-09-11 23:24:26)
I apologize, but I won't have the time to send out daystart PMs. Our internet died at home, and I'm at the library catching up on critical things. I assume each of you will notice the thread opening. We should have internet tonight or tomorrow. I hope.