Page 88 of 184

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:23 am
by ²
In post 2058, Keybladewielder wrote:Haven't paid much attention to Orc or 2,, but Nacho literally always plays the same from what Ive seen. So nulln o him
He's way more dedicated to this game than what I'm used to. How far are you in your read?

- b

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:26 am
by ²
In post 2081, Varsoon wrote:KEYBLADEWIELDER: I'd like to know who you think is definitely scum, and WHY.
Furthermore, if you could provide explained reads (maybe a sentence or two each) for every player in this game, I'll believe that you've caught up.
Otherwise, you come off to me as scum trying to go under the radar.
And I don't like scum who fly under my radar.
How do you read Metal?

- b

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:28 am
by ²
In post 2083, Varsoon wrote:I'd like to know the same from you. Your posts have been pretty light on content up to this point and I feel like you've got a very powerful few points to make, but that a lot of players doubt you/put you in scum piles based on the content and articulation of what you've posted so far. Could you please explain your current scum-reads, and let us know who you think is definitely/most likely town. Also, if you have any questions for me, this is a good time to pitch them, as we're both online.

Ultimately, I feel like you could be town, but I want to hear a lot more from you before I can verify that. You've been playing a somewhat shy hand so far, and if you're gonna be town, you gotta expose yourself and open up.
Nvm that.

Why in particular do you find metal likely to be town when he has done exactly what you would otherwise find scummy from someone else?

- b

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:30 am
by ²
In post 2092, Varsoon wrote:Buildermar (hope that's spelled right)
It's spelled "Buldermar", but I'm getting used to few being able to spell it correctly.

- b

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:38 am
by Mac
In post 2164, ² wrote:
In post 1991, Mac wrote:you & 2 are my strong scumreads.
Mac, why are you reading us as scum again? I've put aside my emotions and frustration and will do my best to walk you through any thought process related to posts that you think are scum indicative.

- b
okay so I had a shot at you for tentative reads which was obviously a mistake given your current situation but I feel ff is being extremely cautious for reads, something which is pretty unlike her I'd say. I called her out in pj for this & a fencesitting attitude she had developed and she was indie. I can see similarities between this and pj in that ff (and, to an extent, yourself) had developed no strong reads in around 60 pages. it just feels off: obviously you have your exams situation (i wish you all the best for them) but I don't think there are any excuses for f being cautious. if anything, until you are back in business, I feel like she should become the more aggressive head imo. but that's entirely your choice as a hydra, not my call.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:49 am
by ²
In post 2167, TheReverend wrote:I mean what it says. I don't expect to be alive in this game for long. I was lazily defending vs TD, the "you'll see you're wrong soon" defence. I can't be btohered to fight my corner to be honest, I feel my time is better spent trying to scumhunt.
Alright. You asked me before what it is that I find anti-town. This is an example of something that I consider inherently anti-town (mollie, pay attention to this as well because you wanted me to examplify). It should be evident why it's anti-town from the explanation you just gave me.

Anyway, it's not that important, just felt like pointing it out.

- b

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:52 am
by ²
In post 2167, TheReverend wrote:More fluffy questions. Again, it means exactly what it implies. I think varsoon is scum, I ISO him, as I read through, my scumread strengthens significantly. The language he uses. The manner in which he attacks people, and defends himself. The relentless townclaims. The shrugging off of awkward questions. Why don't you read his ISO and see if it becomes obvious to you?
It's not a fluffy question; I wanted to know why you thought it was obvious that he's scum. You later gave an explanation in a wall of quotes, and I only found a few of them scummy.

I couldn't deduce all of the things you just told me now from that post either. I think his language, the manner in which he attacks people and defends himself, and the relentless townclaims could all come from town. I mentioned that I played a game (my very first game ever) with a guy whose style is like this. I can link you if you want to see an example of it coming from town.

- b

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:55 am
by ²
In post 2174, TheReverend wrote:
In post 2171, ² wrote:
In post 2039, TheReverend wrote:I have TD as town because his attack at me felt genuine. He might just have fooled me, sure, but I'm sticking with him in town pile for now, especially with his shift to varsoon
Rev, would you not agree that his shift to varsoon could also be an opportunistic one? I didn't like the "Wow, just wow" comment, it didn't look particularly sincere to me.

- b
In post 2039, TheReverend wrote:Cabd, you think TD is bussing varsoon here? I'd be more inclined to look at TD in the event of a varsoon town flip, though tbh I'd expect to die very fast if that were to happen. I have TD as town because his attack at me felt genuine. He might just have fooled me, sure, but I'm sticking with him in town pile for now, especially with his shift to varsoon. But if varsoon were to flip town, his vote would then be very opportunistic, and would rightly deserve scrutiny.
The answer to your question is in the post of mine you quoted. I can't help feel your trying very hard to make it look like you're probing.
I had not read your post in its entirety prior to posing the question. I didn't understand the "especially with his shift to varsoon" part in particular because it's specifically his shift to varsoon that could be considered opportunistic.

- b

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:04 pm
by ²
In post 2179, Mac wrote:
In post 2164, ² wrote:
In post 1991, Mac wrote:you & 2 are my strong scumreads.
Mac, why are you reading us as scum again? I've put aside my emotions and frustration and will do my best to walk you through any thought process related to posts that you think are scum indicative.

- b
okay so I had a shot at you for tentative reads which was obviously a mistake given your current situation but I feel ff is being extremely cautious for reads, something which is pretty unlike her I'd say. I called her out in pj for this & a fencesitting attitude she had developed and she was indie. I can see similarities between this and pj in that ff (and, to an extent, yourself) had developed no strong reads in around 60 pages. it just feels off: obviously you have your exams situation (i wish you all the best for them) but I don't think there are any excuses for f being cautious. if anything, until you are back in business, I feel like she should become the more aggressive head imo. but that's entirely your choice as a hydra, not my call.
Thank you for wishing me the best. I just finished my first paper yesterday (in developmental psychology). Two left: cognitive neuroscience and work and organizational psychology.

I can't really respond for f though, so I guess this is something you and her will have to discuss.

- b

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:08 pm
by Andrius
In post 1925, Metal Sonic wrote:andrius town

broseidon leaning town

ghoslin leaning town

2, nacho varsoon cabd strong town
...and the scum?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:09 pm
by BeautyAndTheBeast
rev, mac

what 2 is doing right now is spam posting and burying good content with shit posts so that when orc comes back from v/la, andy checks back in, sajin pops i, nacho comes back they will have wade through pages and pages and try to keep track of relevant points. rev you have direct experience of scum doing this, this is what uber goober did in posh and everyone for some god knows reason had him as town for it. do you understand now why I wanted uber goober lynched so bad? it is a subtle way for scum to try to undermine the control that town has in the game. and trust me, town is in control.

so stop helping him do this okay?

both of you keep your eyes on me and stay focused

2 do you think you could pretend to be town for 5 minutes and stop posting

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:20 pm
by TheReverend
In post 2185, BeautyAndTheBeast wrote:what 2 is doing right now is spam posting and burying good content with shit posts
Can you explain this please so it looks like I'm a curious townie rather than scum spamming it up?

Forgive me if you already explained it in the same post as I quoted, I closed my eyes after reading the bit above.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:28 pm
by Andrius
In post 1826, Varsoon wrote:@Andrius: Rach's always really distant from the game and doesn't ever really post a whole lot. It's hard to read her, imo.
On a scale of 1-10 how involved in actual game events is she?
(Not posting or talking to people, actually reading the thread, giving reads, voting, analyzing.)
In post 1835, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 1827, Nachomamma8 wrote::(
i might be slow on this one
Rach wrote:No worries Andy... most peeps see me as scumz no matter what my alignment is.
Its more frustration that you're not doing much regardless and this is your meta. :|
In post 1849, Ghostlin wrote:So, the gambit we were all waiting for breaks
site wide rules
(it's there), and involves
setup speculation
, which the mod should of taken care of.

If I wasn't inclined to believe this is just really bad play regardless of alignment, I'd call it scummy to try to get someone modkilled.
In post 1880, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 1879, ² wrote:I don't have MS leaning town. He's probably the weakest of my scum reads. buldermar's read is stronger. the observation about 30 pages in 15 minutes was a moment of whoa for me. I am a pretty fast reader, but I can't touch that reading a game thread.
He's not reading, but that's pretty normal for him. is the town meta suddenly one of "people who don't read/post/vote/contribute are town"?

Did I miss something?

If so does that make you scum for doing the opposite? D:

In post 1884, BeautyAndTheBeast wrote:
In post 1868, fferyllt wrote:
In post 1867, Varsoon wrote:
In post 1866, ² wrote:wrong.

- f

So, then, who is scum?
TMT. Setting aside that horrible waste of a meta dive that Nacho provoked and just looking at his posts in this game, I think AJ is scum. MS is leaning scum for me, but buldermar thinks he's solid scum. My 4th would be TD. I'd give Nacho more weight on that one but between him letting me flounder around in old Aj games and having a shit read on us this game, I don't think I'll be weighing his read all that heavily wrt to my own reactions to TD's posts.

- f
this is weak cos you are not trying to find the head before the ass

you are going after low hanging fruit
Who is this because this is the second time I've agreed with you this page.
In post 1925, Metal Sonic wrote:andrius town

broseidon leaning town

ghoslin leaning town

2, nacho varsoon cabd strong town
...and the scum?
In post 1927, RachMarie wrote:trajectory??? who brought Calculus into a mafia game :igmeou:

I am not liking AJ and I think it is time to lay down a vote...


he is my top scumspect. He is not looking at everyone and yeah not much meat there just a few points on a few peeps.
omg what is this a vote? :D
Not a bad spot but not great either.
In post 1930, TiphaineDeath wrote:Third paragraph of 1785 is a scum claim.

He's making himself sound unthreatnening, pandering to town interest, after forgetting that his counterpart claimed tracker/miller he is now making sure that all take notice. There is just so much subtle deflection in this post it does the opposite for me.

The paragraphs above are saying wifom is ok and not a big deal while at the same time inspiring a whole load of it is also bad. These kind of tactics are the same i often use as scum to great effect, thus I can spot them.

"happy to try" "Prove my alignment" "curious" these words are still in the, "look at me I am a happy team playing townie" vein of speech. While maintaining the stance that he's not angry at anyone who thinks he is scum.

1793 is more of the same.

"Simply hoping you'd save me the bother"
"form my own read"

Every word out of this mans mouth is trying so damned hard to be town he cannot possibly be.

I am completely certain that MS is scum, however given that no on else is I'll lift my vote on him to vote reverend, I maintain that anytime anyone wants to vote ms I'll be right there with them.


VOTE: reverend
Yo I'd rather vote MS than Rev.
Rev's not claiming Tracker with Miller does not make him insta-scum.
It means he hasn't read the whole game before he posted.
In post 1937, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 0, borkjerfkin wrote: 12. Metal Sonic
15. Sajin
16. TheReverend Svenskt Stål
18. TiphaineDeath
the "need to sort out list"
In post 1944, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 17, Metal Sonic wrote:^

Sort of liked this post because it was a connect with someone else who trolls around a lot.
In post 757, Metal Sonic wrote:nacho town

freezerguy town

orc town

vassoon town

beautybeast town

mac town

tiphaine scum

sven troll
In post 1153, Metal Sonic wrote:varsoon still town

cabd quite town

ghostlin leaning town

rach town

sajin leaning town

aj the epic leaning scum

broseidon leaning scum too i guess
In post 1388, Metal Sonic wrote:I'll give reasons after the posting dies down. 50 pages(1000+ posts) in 72 hours, please no its torturous

2 getting scummier

aj leaning town now

ghostlin town

mac stil town

reverend a+ slip contradiction strong

beast leaning town

andrius town

also good luck with reading john or whoever had to read 50 pages

cabd and guy in freezer very town right now
In post 1394, Metal Sonic wrote:ok i just iso'd tiphaine

except for #901
the rest of his posts are shit

yep scum

VOTE: TiphaineDeath
In post 1397, Metal Sonic wrote:TMT is a null-leaning-town

except for his atrocious name
In post 1925, Metal Sonic wrote:andrius town

broseidon leaning town

ghoslin leaning town

2, nacho varsoon cabd strong town
What I see here is a blatant, blatant lack of opportunism. I think scum in Ms's position would be a *tiny* bit opportunistic, but nope.
You sir, have a point.
I don't exactly follow what you mean. :|
In post 1946, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 756, Metal Sonic wrote:24 hours and it is from page 1 to page 31

Damn it.
In post 757, Metal Sonic wrote:I skimmed the whole 700 page of wall
In post 1153, Metal Sonic wrote:god damn 16 pages in 8 hours
In post 1388, Metal Sonic wrote:I'll give reasons after the posting dies down. 50 pages(1000+ posts) in 72 hours, please no its torturous
In post 1783, Metal Sonic wrote:3 hours and only just 1 post

we're making progress!
This is definitely the feel of a townie who is struggling to keep up with the thread. I can see scumSonic left behind in thread and annoyed about it, but I'd expect him to use being behind as a bit of an excuse, but he hasn't at all ever. He just complains because the game goes too fast.
Nacho wins the thread.

Yeah Sajin is town.

aaaaaaand now the hydras are breaking down. :/
In post 1965, Keybladewielder wrote:I kinsane see some scum influence on a few players here
Do share your insights with the class.
In post 1983, Keybladewielder wrote:How am I in the scum pool? What have I said to make me scum?
In post 1984, TheReverend wrote:Neither you nor jon have said anything that indicates town. Bit jumpy aren't you?
This is a gem from Rev.
Rev wrote: Girl claim? Your profile says male! Obviously I'm not suggesting this is a scumtell, but it confuses me all the same.
Context, Rev.
Read the context.
In post 2035, TheReverend wrote:
In post 2032, Varsoon wrote:Then fucking vote for me, you shit.
This is feigned anger. Yet another scum tell. Does anyone think he's actually pissed with me because I ran a case vs him? I don't see why he'd be pissed if he's town.

I'm like 95% sure we have scum here in varsoon. I'm certainly willing to put my vote there.

vote - varsoon

If town doesn't want to swing for varsoon, I think I like an AJ lynch over 2 for this reason...
In post 675, Varsoon wrote:@Orc: Man, what do you have against me? I'd rather be your friend.
Also, why bring up something like "AJ or Varsoon, the guy who sheeped him", when in 367 you do the same thing with your vote?
I feel like you're scum-slipping, and you're trying too hard to play town-leader.
Ummmmmm not sure if the anger thing is really worth the vote.
One OOC comment is generally not worth a death.

An AJ scum flip will look really bad for varsoon imo.
In post 2036, TiphaineDeath wrote:Wow, just wow.

vote varsoon

I hereby formally apologize rev, I think I was wrong about you.
This is a bad vote.

Suddenly MS has a massive wall. Not sure how to take this.
varsoon wrote:That said, I'm actually pretty confident that there's scum between our famous lurkers (Everyone with less post than the FUCKING MOD ((TD, TMT, Andrius, Sajin, dntfckingcare, Keybladeweilder))).
Apparently my earlier townread got thrown out for the lurkerscum category.
No, I'm not lurking.
I, uh, have been playing Xenoblade largely all weekend. >________________>
Also the only other game I'm in is high priority.
But yes, I am here, reading, and watching.
With so many people posting a ton I don't feel the need to go crazy myself.

Make sense?

Yeah, Ghostlin is town because he constantly posts reads with damn good support.

GiF's return post is bad and not contributuing anything.

Not sure if I'm in the townbloc or not but I support varsoon's proposition.

Holy shit 2 can you just post once with a massive wall? The MULTIPOSTS are taking up a WHOLE LOT OF SPACE/POSTS and reading through 3 pages of YOU is not helpful to game ease-of-reading.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:30 pm
by ²
In post 2185, BeautyAndTheBeast wrote:rev, mac

what 2 is doing right now is spam posting and burying good content with shit posts so that when orc comes back from v/la, andy checks back in, sajin pops i, nacho comes back they will have wade through pages and pages and try to keep track of relevant points. rev you have direct experience of scum doing this, this is what uber goober did in posh and everyone for some god knows reason had him as town for it. do you understand now why I wanted uber goober lynched so bad? it is a subtle way for scum to try to undermine the control that town has in the game. and trust me, town is in control.

so stop helping him do this okay?

both of you keep your eyes on me and stay focused

2 do you think you could pretend to be town for 5 minutes and stop posting
I think you're being both unfair and immature. I only recall making one post that I didn't think was particularly important. Could you please quote every single post you think is extraneous? You're trying to paint me for something you know I'm not just to get your wagon going, which is anti-town. I'm also offended that you think I'd deliberately spam the thread to my advantage - something you know I consider quite unethical, similar to deliberately trying to get certain players mod-killed or deliberately pretending to be busy IRL when you're not.

I'm expecting you to show the post that are extraneous and will be accepting your subsequent apology for suggesting that I'm spamming deliberately to make the thread impossible to read.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 12:56 pm
by ²
I've just talked to f for some time and we worked out this combined/total reads list:

2. Aj The Epic: f would settle for a lynch of him, but prefers TMT or TD. f also ended up agreeing with Nacho on most of his points in his case, but doesn't feel like it's a super strong case (I havn't read it). I personally think he'd have to be a really strong scum player to play this way as scum, because he's paying attention to a lot of subtle things that couldn't come from figuring out whose mislynch to push.
3. Andrius: painfully town in f's opinion (which I sheep).
4. BeautyAndTheBeast (Majiffy + pirate mollie): obvtown for both of us.
5. BROseidon: f reads him as town for meta reasons. I'm not as convinced but I'll trust it.
6. Cabd: We both think he's town; f is weighting in Nacho's opinion as well.
7. dntfkingcare: null
8. Ghostlin: f is leaning town and liked the progression of his questions.
9. GuyInFreezer: town
10. Keybladewielder/jon_h61: null, but f thinks his reads sucks (and I think he's not reading at all)
11. Mac: town
12. Metal Sonic: I'm leaning scum
13. orcinus_theoriginal: town
14. RachMarie: neither of us can read her
15. Sajin: leaning town (f's read)
16. TheReverend/Svenskt Stål: town
17. Nachomamma8: town
18. TiphaineDeath: scum
20. Varsoon: I don't know but f thinks town. Also, if there is daychat for scum, that essentially confirms him as town because of him not being stopped prior to attempting his gambit (we don't think it could have been fabricated deliberately).

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:35 pm
by TiphaineDeath
@Andrius, glad you agree with me on MS, unfortunately I don't think we can actually get a lynch on him today, so he gets to live.

Why is my vote a bad vote, reverend makes a convincing case, I can see why it makes sense. Rev's interaction with varsoon makes rev look town and var look scum.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:48 pm
by GuyInFreezer
Gah fuck catch up posts with my phone. I'm gonna do it properly when I get desktop access

My read changes:
2: scum to town
Rev: scum to town
MS: null to town

Don't you worry. I'm gonna explain them all eventually.

Somebody asked me and nacho why we read Varsoon town.

That fail gambit was in town mindset, not scum mindset.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:57 pm
by RachMarie

I admit I am not as active as usual even though I am not still on V/LA, I still do not have my own computer yet, and am sharing NS's computer. We are working on a plan to buy me a new computer ASAP. Plus his son is here for a visit.

Pretty sure Var is probably town though I have played with him in a few games now, and this is typical of him the kinda VIness combined with noobness. Give him a few months and it should settle down. Still ♥ you Var, just talking about how you play.

Not sure why Ghost thinks I am trolling? Other than the one part about the whole minute thing. Though I really did read that handful of posts that fast. I do read fast though sometimes I do miss something and have to reread.

To give an example, last night before I went to sleep around 8 AM, I finished the last about a fifth of book 6 and read all of book 7 of Harry Potter on my Kindle.

Key is vigbait or lynchbait.... Though that does not rule out him being scumz, I think it would be better to look at others first, because Key will give himself away in the end iffen he is scumz... Other players are far more likely to be good at hiding it. They are the ones I would be more concerned with. Plus Key just replaced into a slot which has almost NO info on, so yeah...

Moving along
My strongest town reads are Nacho, B n B, Andy (partly because of Nacho partly because of though he does not post much it is mostly signal and very little noise when he does post) Orc, and Var.

after that the not as strong town pile includes Ghost, Cabd (because he is playing a lot like he did in our Newbie game together), Mac, Bro dude, (though I would like to see him post more).


AJ (hence my vote),

not as convinced that TD is a town read as say Nacho is, but ehh

and I need to look at some ISOs the whole game posting is making my head hurt especially with 2. I know both are prolific posters, but uggh 88 pages.... Bulder and fery could you please slow it down a tad?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:30 pm
by Aj The Epic
Rach, being your one scum read, I'd expect more reasoning on me than any of the others. Especially because if you truly only have me as a scum read, your posting should inherently be attempting to find more scum or pushing my lynch.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:03 pm
by pirate mollie
In post 2175, ² wrote:
In post 2058, Keybladewielder wrote:Haven't paid much attention to Orc or 2,, but Nacho literally always plays the same from what Ive seen. So nulln o him
He's way more dedicated to this game than what I'm used to. How far are you in your read?

- b
he was pretty dedicated in pj

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:05 pm
by BeautyAndTheBeast
In post 2194, pirate mollie wrote:
In post 2175, ² wrote:
In post 2058, Keybladewielder wrote:Haven't paid much attention to Orc or 2,, but Nacho literally always plays the same from what Ive seen. So nulln o him
He's way more dedicated to this game than what I'm used to. How far are you in your read?

- b
he was pretty dedicated in pj
whoops that was me!

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:07 pm
by BeautyAndTheBeast

who are you

I want to talk to you

but you do not seem to want to talk to me :(

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:24 pm
by Varsoon
@andy: She's usually a 3 or a 4.
@Rach: <3 Take care, just understand why people have conflicting reads on you.
@2: Eh, his posts just read like town to me. Feels really like he's playing without caring about survival, and his posts don't feel that survivalistic to me. I liked my interaction with him the other day.

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:56 pm
by ²
In post 2183, ² wrote:
In post 2179, Mac wrote:
In post 2164, ² wrote:
In post 1991, Mac wrote:you & 2 are my strong scumreads.
Mac, why are you reading us as scum again? I've put aside my emotions and frustration and will do my best to walk you through any thought process related to posts that you think are scum indicative.

- b
okay so I had a shot at you for tentative reads which was obviously a mistake given your current situation but I feel ff is being extremely cautious for reads, something which is pretty unlike her I'd say. I called her out in pj for this & a fencesitting attitude she had developed and she was indie. I can see similarities between this and pj in that ff (and, to an extent, yourself) had developed no strong reads in around 60 pages. it just feels off: obviously you have your exams situation (i wish you all the best for them) but I don't think there are any excuses for f being cautious. if anything, until you are back in business, I feel like she should become the more aggressive head imo. but that's entirely your choice as a hydra, not my call.
Thank you for wishing me the best. I just finished my first paper yesterday (in developmental psychology). Two left: cognitive neuroscience and work and organizational psychology.

I can't really respond for f though, so I guess this is something you and her will have to discuss.

- b
I'm around.

- f

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 4:08 pm
by Andrius
TD wrote:@Andrius, glad you agree with me on MS, unfortunately I don't think we can actually get a lynch on him today, so he gets to live.

Why is my vote a bad vote, reverend makes a convincing case, I can see why it makes sense. Rev's interaction with varsoon makes rev look town and var look scum.
We can do whatever we want.

I flinched because it reads like a really bad "what he said" justification of a vote. And then the apology after is eh.

Rach giving reads when asked is great and awesome.
In post 2196, BeautyAndTheBeast wrote:andy

who are you

I want to talk to you

but you do not seem to want to talk to me :(
I'm Andrius Kairys Walker.

What do you want to talk about, whoeveryouare? :D
varsoon wrote:@andy: She's usually a 3 or a 4.
Fair enough. Thanks for the reply.