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Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:35 pm
by Nero Cain
eh maybe.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:37 pm
by NorwegianboyEE
At least an Nero flip can be argued to be informative, (Though not saying i approve of it) that is, if you flip town it will help a lot with people's reads. As opposed to Non Imh flipping either town or scum and telling us almost nothing from it.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:39 pm
by NorwegianboyEE
Non Imh will most likely not respond to the pressure anyway.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:44 pm
by Nero Cain
does it really?

Gamma Emerald
Albert B. Rampage
Non lmh

are already town reading me

NoPowerOverMe is like null reading me and Boon

TheDuke you could may argue thinks im at least townier than Boon

Don't really know how

Tayl0r Swift


Guillotina is like the only person it maybe would help b/c then they could move on.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:47 pm
by Nero Cain
A Boon flip either nets us a scum (which I think is what will happen) or lets like 6 people move on.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:47 pm
by NorwegianboyEE
Yes, and that's why Boon is the best flip overall. As if they flip town i might reconsider my strong townread on Nero and my scumread on ABR (as i don't really think they would defend Flavour like this if they were partners anymore). If they flip scum then i'll keep believing my reads are right and that Flavour has been pocketing Guillotina.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:09 am
by NorwegianboyEE
Guillotina, you need to realuze that Boon is an con man through and through. And he wouldn’t be putting in all of this effort to survive if he was town here. His town meta is to not give a shit.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:49 am
by Nero Cain
In post 2205, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Yes, and that's why Boon is the best flip overall
We also don't out a town role.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:26 am
by Nero Cain
In post 1959, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Collaboration is towny. Nero is not collaborating just trying to push his agenda.
kinda true as my agenda is to eliminate scum.

I'm actually collaborating the most b/c I am on the biggest wagon and unless you think there's like a bunch of scum in Norway, Gamma, Muh, Duke, or Taylor then it's also the wagon with the most town on it. You are on a wagon with 1 person so you don't seem to be collaborating. How does this apply to me and not Boon?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:31 am
by Guillotina
In post 2183, DrippingGoofball wrote:
In post 2181, Guillotina wrote:
Non lmh

I'd like to see more posts from you. You are about 40% of the player list and you have not contributed much.
Yeah I know
Maybe in a few days I'll feel better but I'm really down on mafia right now.
Pfffff this is like asking us to let you coast the game because you are not feeling it. Nope!

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:34 am
by Nero Cain
if you actually did want to colab and since you refuse to vote Boon then you could like start a Glitch or DGB wagon that at least I, Norway and prob Gamma would move over to if the Boon wagon falls through.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:44 am
by Guillotina
In post 2185, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2166, Pretentious wrote:This ain’t my read on you. I’m sheeping because Guillo is doing more work than anyone, and I know for a fact their read is correct on me so I know they’re in a good place, they might not have the correct scum reads, but they’re better than anyone to trust in this game right now.

They have a correct read on me, they could easily just have a correct read on you.
This is some scum logic.
"Yeah i’ll just sheep mr pocketed John because he thinks i’m town so why wouldn’t you be scum???"
Im not gonna lie, he's been avoiding my questions. He is still uncooperative and the “trusting guill more than my own reads” sounds like too much bootlicking. I don't trust anyone's reads over my own now because there is always the doubt of “what if I'm wrong”, but he does not seem to be burdened by doubt about me. Maybe he knows I'm town.
In post 2186, NorwegianboyEE wrote:If we’re absolutely letting scum!Flavour of the hook today i’d be willing to vote some of the scummy bugs crawling out of the woodwork to vote Nero before going back to lurking.
These include: DrippingGoofball and Glitch,
Those two would offer no info upon their deaths.

How about Gamma or ABR?

Is there a possibility that this set up has a third party?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:49 am
by Nero Cain
yea SKs are normal

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:50 am
by Nero Cain
what if NPOM's 12/4/1 setup "spec" was an sk slip? lol

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:52 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 2211, Guillotina wrote:How about Gamma or ABR?
No, not agreeing to Gamma. And i’m not feeling ABR anymore.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:53 am
by NoPowerOverMe
What if president elect biden is really my father?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:54 am
by Guillotina
In post 2187, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2180, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2138, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 2137, Guillotina wrote:Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe that wolves are that one-dimensional? Come on now.
Don't insult my intelligence
I mean, you're voting town so I think you don't need me to do it.

NERO IS BEING MEAN. HE'S SCUMMY. is like all I hear anymore.
In post 2139, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2125, Guillotina wrote:God Of Mafia is a persona, a character, if you have roleplayed you'd understand what I mean. Sometimes I use him to light up the thread and gather reactions. God of Mafia is arrogant, self absorbed, egomaniac etc and he is good for that and just for that.
Fair enough.
Though I still feel like you’re letting your own biases rule you.
What biases are those? This is my first game with Nero.
You seem pre-disposed against Nero and are letting people who “agree” with you feed your ego in a maybe-manipulative way
If I’m wrong tell me pls
You are wrong.

Why do you town read Nero? Who else do you townread?
How about scums?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:54 am
by NorwegianboyEE
In post 2211, Guillotina wrote:Maybe he knows I'm town.
Exactly, the only reason he trusts you over everyone is because you townread him. Literally the only reason.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:55 am
by Guillotina
In post 2198, Nero Cain wrote:Also, Guil having no correct scumreads would please me greatly

Hoping town to have no correct scumreads is hoping town to fail.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 3:58 am
by Guillotina
What if Nero and Boon are both scum? Just from different parties? or Nero realized that Boon messed up and decided to make this super high-level scum theater to spew each other town when one of them flip red?

How likely is that? This is a question for those who got meta on them.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:01 am
by NorwegianboyEE
Ehhh, Nero/Pretentious doesn’t feel very SvS. I highly doubt that.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:02 am
by Guillotina
In post 2220, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Ehhh, Nero/Pretentious doesn’t feel very SvS. I highly doubt that.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:03 am
by Guillotina
Scum vs Scum never mind

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:04 am
by Guillotina
In post 2220, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Ehhh, Nero/Pretentious doesn’t feel very SvS. I highly doubt that.
Doubt. Meaning there could be a chance although remote for you. Correct?

Elaborate on that unlikely chance.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:05 am
by Nero Cain
In post 2218, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2198, Nero Cain wrote:Also, Guil having no correct scumreads would please me greatly

Hoping town to have no correct scumreads is hoping town to fail.
OMG. Its like playing with Jake from state farm.