"Okay, eh," Seargent Blaze said, "alibis, now!"
"I saw John steal Bruce's vote last night. Richard didn't stalk Bruce, so he deviated from the plan," Tom said.
"I didn't steal Bruce's vote, I tried to steal Vicki's!" John countered.
"Yeah, and I DID stalk Bruce last night," Richard added, "So you are a lying hoser!"
"No way, eh!" said Tom. "You two are the liars. You're part of that gang of founders, and stuff."
Charles tried to say something, but Misty's "silence squezze" hadn't worn off yet.
"We are more willing to believe that you are the shooter," said Mary Rose.
"Okay, calm down everyone," Sgt. Blaze said. "There's an easy way to sort this out. We'll just search Tom's house."
"NO!" Tom said. "You can't do that!"
"Why not?" asked Misty.
"I'll tell you why not..." And Tom whipped out his gun. "Yeah, you got me. I'm a gangster. I'm the one who killed Vicki. But you aren't deporting me to the USA. No way!"
Tom turned the gun on himself, and pulled the trigger. Blood spattered all over Charles's clothes.
"Oh, geez," he blurted out. "Hey, I can talk again!"
Tom the Peeper
was discovered as a
, and before he could be deported, he killed himself. It is now
Night 2
. You have 72 hours from now to send me your choice.