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Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:10 pm
by Vandit24
Beeboy..i dont know why, but once you say you are sick and wont be able to be here but i am seeing you online for a lot time right now..

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:19 pm
by Vandit24
@Zyf Well surely i am a newbie, and i dont know what actually happens in Forum Mafia and likely to option to consider them to the instant mafia Matches done at other places. But now as its my first match and have actually learned quite a lot i am getting it as its a game of patience. Ok back to the discussion, can you provide some reasons of your above suspicion. It was just a simple thing i was asking is done or not. Now if its causing suspicion to you, and is seemingly to be having 'Deep Double Meaning', can you explain it a bit further of how you think It can actually bring the thread closer to the next lynchee..

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:35 pm
by Zyf
You're scummy because I made it clear that I wanted answers, not a lynch. By lynching before sad returns, you deny me the valuable chance to get information on sad's reads-which may point to you or your partner as scum.
It makes sense, but it's quite blatant.
I find it extremely hard to believe that you think lynching someone gets answers: even in EM, when you get someone to majority vote, they're out. Done. Gonezo.

I think you're bluffing about "not knowing" lynching someone without answers is AWFUL.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:36 pm
by Zyf
In post 225, Vandit24 wrote:Beeboy..i dont know why, but once you say you are sick and wont be able to be here but i am seeing you online for a lot time right now..
In beeboy's defense making coherent reads when you're really under the weather is quite difficult.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:55 pm
by Vandit24
In post 228, Zyf wrote:
In post 225, Vandit24 wrote:Beeboy..i dont know why, but once you say you are sick and wont be able to be here but i am seeing you online for a lot time right now..
In beeboy's defense making coherent reads when you're really under the weather is quite difficult.
I was just having an idea about the next lynch, when i immediately came to see that sometimes the online status on main page also helps alot in finding out scums and what they might be planning to do. So i went ahead and posted by thoughts instantly about it and saw her going offline (instantly after beeboy saw it) and from inside i knew some thing is ACTUALLY WRONG.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 5:02 pm
by Vandit24
Now on the allegations you put on me, i have to say i didnt deny you any valuable chance INSTEAD you got out of focus with your real scum you were hunting (which was Sad1492). The reason for this out of focus and after seeing your above post HAS CONFIRMED to be my lack of knowledge about what happens to be i know, a bit annoying but you actually helped (and for that thanks) and if anyone obviously reads page 9 on the thread the misdirect from sad to me because of as i said above (my certain lack of knowledge about certain words he used) happened THERE. After i am saying this after the COMPLETE examination process which i also find pretty peculiar obviously as i know it..

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:39 pm
by Zaicon
Final Vote Count - Day 1

sad1492 (5):
Sickofit1138, F-oh-ex, Ranger, Zyf, Vandit24
Raskolnikov (1):
Ranger (1):
Vandit24 (1):

No Vote (1):

Vanilla Townie
, has been lynched!

It is now Night 1. The deadline is Monday, June 6, at 4:00 PM CST, which is in (expired on 2016-06-06 16:00:00).

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:42 pm
by Zaicon
Vanilla Townie
, has been killed!

►►Day 2◄◄

Vote Count 2.0

No Vote (7):
beeboy, dvds12, F-oh-ex, Raskolnikov, Sickofit1138, Vandit24, Zyf

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch!

Deadline is Monday, June 20, 2016 at 4:00 PM CST, which is in (expired on 2016-06-20 16:00:00).

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:59 pm
by Zyf
Oh crud. Uh guys this is bad. Ranger is dead. F***.
Iso time!

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:20 pm
by Zyf
Well that was unproductive.
So as far as I can tell, aside from me (VT) and Sad (dead), the only person ranger really pushed was Vandit.
I wouldn't be surprised if Vandit is scum. They hammered sad before we could get any information, and spent a lot of time finger pointing towards a lack of productivity rather than actual evidence even once they came into the game. Let's see here...
So, if there's distancing going on, Rask is the most viable option as the only person to scumread vandit aside from the late ranger and myself.
If it's bussing, the only other option is sick. Sick did attempt distancing in his first newbie match (where he was scum), but no bussing. That being said, if it's a double newbie vandit+sick team, sick will most likely be leading due to more mafiascum experience.
The one other person I'm a little suspicious of is Fox, as they sort of 'goofily' voted sad, but then they went through the thread and found a ton of evidence that they thought pointed towards a me+rask scumteam. However, they never changed their vote, and I don't know if that was deliberate, but I'm worried it was.
Perhaps we started with an inactive scumteam, and so we couldn't really get any solid pushes because everyone involved was town-aligned.
Honestly...I think with all of this evidence put down, it might actually be Fox as scum. Y'see, I put in a lot of pushes and other ideas into play, but Fox is the only person aside from Rask that I set as a townread. Since Ranger didn't really threaten many people, I'm thinking it was a vote based on the threat of ranger's experience. Thus, if scum was voting based on danger of getting pushed against, they would most likely vote
I can personally believe that rask and fox are a scumteam (as my only two townreads), and fox did a strategic town+scum "my scumteam" strategy to mask it and in turn pass of rask as town
by calling them scummy
Or maybe I'm just giving myself too much importance, since I'm talking a lot and unique roles (i.e. not a VT) usually don't do that.
Any case, let's get some discussion going! VOTE: F-oh-ex
Since I now trust rask slightly less than I would have hoped, the only experienced player left that I'm willing to put more trust into is beeboy. Seemed relatively honest and I see what ranger was going for with the tonal read (I can also now trust ranger's judgement). Beeboy, I hope you're feeling better. If you are, updated reads would be
right now.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:17 pm
by Vandit24
Beeboy can you please explain your actions about what you were doing in the forums for like 20-30 minutes and i even recorded that you werent even in any other match too. Not the first time i have seen you, but since night 1 started after like 15 minutes you again came and lasted for long timr and then again i saw you being online later on for like solid 15 minutes and i can guarantee you have been costantly online before night 1 AND YOU ARE NOT EVEN IN ANY OTHER MATCH/MISH MASH OR JUST ANYTHING. I also saw Sickofit being online for long enough but he was playing chess in the Forum MishMash (i have recorded everything). I saw zyf here too many a times but just after night 1 started he went offline and also came after but it was only for like 5 minutes and that also rarely(this shows he isnt on hidden as why would he even appear after that for a single second). Beeboy didnt you say that you were sick too?? And even generally saying you havent even done any kind of scumhunting, not providing any leads, just sheer excuses to buy time so you wont get to debate (as you know that in day 1 wheneverybody is there, they doubt everything single thing) . Huge suspicion on you Beeboy. Ranger was here too but he is in other large games and i even saw his posts there. F-o-ex was here but he just went away after seeing the night 1 commence and rarely appeared for like 3-5 minutes (this shows he isnt on hidden as why would he even appear after that for a single second). No sign of dvs. Shows he MIGHT BE townie beause he maybe has no role to do as Mafia but all of the Mafia actually have an important role. Even Rask was there but he is also in another match (and i saw his posts. Beeboy you need to explain your actions as soon as possible. If you are going to say ' No, Beeboy is in a match so thats why she was there' let me tell you ..nope.. i am talking about posts done too, what would she do for like solid 15 minutes everytime?? Glare at her own match??

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:37 pm
by Zyf
In post 235, Vandit24 wrote:Beeboy can you please explain your actions about what you were doing in the forums for like 20-30 minutes and i even recorded that you werent even in any other match too. Not the first time i have seen you, but since night 1 started after like 15 minutes you again came and lasted for long timr and then again i saw you being online later on for like solid 15 minutes and i can guarantee you have been costantly online before night 1 AND YOU ARE NOT EVEN IN ANY OTHER MATCH/MISH MASH OR JUST ANYTHING. I also saw Sickofit being online for long enough but he was playing chess in the Forum MishMash (i have recorded everything). I saw zyf here too many a times but just after night 1 started he went offline and also came after but it was only for like 5 minutes and that also rarely(this shows he isnt on hidden as why would he even appear after that for a single second). Beeboy didnt you say that you were sick too?? And even generally saying you havent even done any kind of scumhunting, not providing any leads, just sheer excuses to buy time so you wont get to debate (as you know that in day 1 wheneverybody is there, they doubt everything single thing) . Huge suspicion on you Beeboy. Ranger was here too but he is in other large games and i even saw his posts there. F-o-ex was here but he just went away after seeing the night 1 commence and rarely appeared for like 3-5 minutes (this shows he isnt on hidden as why would he even appear after that for a single second). No sign of dvs. Shows he MIGHT BE townie beause he maybe has no role to do as Mafia but all of the Mafia actually have an important role. Even Rask was there but he is also in another match (and i saw his posts. Beeboy you need to explain your actions as soon as possible. If you are going to say ' No, Beeboy is in a match so thats why she was there' let me tell you ..nope.. i am talking about posts done too, what would she do for like solid 15 minutes everytime?? Glare at her own match??
Vandit, look.
I understand you may feel frustrated that people are not producing information that you hope for. I've been feeling that for a while now.
However, you need to CHILL. Essentially the ONLY thing you have been posting are complaints about how other people are either posting irrelevant stuff or that they aren't posting are at all.
Real life takes precedence over a silly forum game. Please, respect that.

I also already said this before, but I find your behavior...overzealous and hypocritical. The best you can do is post your reads and thoughts on what HAS happened, as opposed to what has NOT been happening. That way, when people do pop in, they have something to respond to other than describing their real life problems. Telling the forum about your real life does not help the mafia game along and in fact wastes time. If anything, your "scumhunting" is scummy in itself as it does not really have any evidence aside from "stop lurking" (when they may not be) and it in fact distracts attention from you.

So please, start reading through stuff in a more productive manner, post your thoughts, stop pointing fingers at other people because they are 'lurking', and for Christ's sake,
calm down.
Your toxicity is not helping any of us other newbies want to continue playing on the site. It's unhealthy.

Take a chill pill dude. VOTE: Vandit24

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:39 pm
by Zyf
PS. Yes, "glaring at the match" is as a matter of fact an important part of deducing facts.
It is much more effective than calling people lurkers towards advancing the town's chances of success.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:49 pm
by Ranger
I believe in you all. <3

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:05 pm
by Sickofit1138
I don't like vandit of fox for he reasons as stated.

Scum: Fox, Vandit.
Null: dvd, beeboy.
Town: Zyf, Raskinslov.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:09 pm
by Zyf
In post 238, Ranger wrote:I believe in you all. <3
no bah posts?
Also are you still permitted to take responsibility for mentor related stuff?
Eg game questions, moderation in place of moderator, etc.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:10 pm
by Zyf
In post 239, Sickofit1138 wrote:I don't like vandit of fox for he reasons as stated.

Scum: Fox, Vandit.
Null: dvd, beeboy.
Town: Zyf, Raskinslov.
Which do you think is more suspicious, Vandit or Fox?
Which do you think will be easier to push?

Also if there's a cop in this game, and they investigated, is it good for them to immediately share results?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:10 pm
by Vandit24
Still looking for your reply Beeby even though knowing you were online for again a long long time after i posted my above message.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:13 pm
by Vandit24
@Zyf Toxicity?? I am just demanding a reason what she was doing here being online for long times in the thread after night 1 and not posting anywhere on the website..

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:19 pm
by Sickofit1138
@ Vandit

As Zyf said, life comes first. Make sure you remember that. It is explicit that you don't lie about real life for gain, and as an SE, he wouldn't do that especially In a newbie game. We all I think lead busy lives and I don't think I would find it fun to get off work and be killed for something out of my hands.
I've made things not fun for others, and its not a good position to be in. I don't recommend it.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:23 pm
by Zyf
In post 243, Vandit24 wrote:@Zyf Toxicity?? I am just demanding a reason what she was doing here being online for long times in the thread after night 1 and not posting anywhere on the website..
However, you are doing so in a rather disrespectful and pushy manner that holds no respect towards their decisions. Your own post literally just debunks the value of your comments–you're worried about OTHER threads. When beeboy chooses to post is their decision and theirs alone. It is perfectly reasonable (and possible) that they are reviewing a match, or just browsing, or heck, leaving the tab open and doing something else (I end up doing that a lot). The point is, your tone is rude, your posts are unneeded, and you aren't helping the game along.
It would be really nice and helpful if you could post some detailed reads instead of asking others to post theirs and complaining that they're lurking or breaking some sort of rule by not posting whenever they are online when they don't.

PEdit: Thank you, sick.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:23 pm
by Zyf
Hey sick, you have any additional thoughts to my reads to tilt the scales towards a specific push?

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:24 pm
by Sickofit1138

I'm good with either. They are pretty equally scummy.
Vandit probably easiest lynch.

I DO NOT want to rush this vote!
I want to take the FULL ALLOTTED TIME.

I would maybe wait, If I was cop , till you've found a scum. If I just found an inno I would keep it for now.
The only other reason I would claim was if I was put at L-1, and that goes for any PR

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:36 pm
by Sickofit1138
Vandit: same thing you said about fox goes for Vandit as well but in a lesser extent.

If you look: Vandit parked his vote on beeboy really early, then started wAgon hopping from sad to me to sad all the while singing the same chorus that beeboy is scum.

Now the only scum hunting he has actually been doing is based on activity, or if ou will, the lack of it. Beeboy, me and sad are the only people he fosed.
Of you think about it, the reasoning he has it was makes this theory stupid at d2.
Lurking is to ensure you make it past dad 1 and 2. Bit gets tougher for you later. Trying to lynch a d2 inactive is like no lynching. There's no evidence for the lynch, or against it.

With that vein said, he shoul be scum hunting Amon people who have actually been pushing this conversation hard.

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:37 pm
by Vandit24
Remove quote of post #0. ~Zaicon

@Zyf You are just highly manipulative and just denying your own doings.. didnt you yourself in #117 asked sad to get talking in a very disrespectful and pushy matter. And now its clear you are distracting rather than helping me get to the beeboy case. My suspicion towards you is getting even even bigger.