Page 10 of 54

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:13 am
by Datisi
Official Vote Count 1.07With 9 votes in play, it takes 5 to lynch.

(3): emps, Menalque, Chemist1422
(2): AaronFrost, Iconeum
(2): HH, Alduskkel
(1): Look At Me Im So Town
(1): Uncrowned

Not Voting

(expired on 2019-12-31 18:00:00).

Mod notes:
  • It takes 10 votes to lynch the Moderator.
  • emps has (expired on 2019-12-24 05:52:18) to post before I start looking for a replacement.
  • Iconeum V/LA 25-26/12.
  • Iconeum standing V/LA weekends.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:14 am
by Look At Me Im So Town
I screwed up 223. The part in the middle was me. It's this part:

Let's assume you're right, that theres other less productive slots than you. If so, why is it scum indicative for Icon to push you. IIRC, you dont have any votes on you yet. So hes leading the wagon on you at the moment? What's the scum motivation there?


That's directed at HH.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:22 am
by Look At Me Im So Town
In post 149, Iconeum wrote:by the way statistically emps is conftown this game
What does this mean?


Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:23 am
by Look At Me Im So Town
In post 151, Iconeum wrote:like seriously

that would be his 5th(?) scumgame in a row?
Oh, nvm.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:23 am
by Menalque
In post 227, Look At Me Im So Town wrote:
In post 149, Iconeum wrote:by the way statistically emps is conftown this game
What does this mean?

Gambler’s fallacy emps has been scum his last 3 games or something

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:26 am
by Look At Me Im So Town
In post 157, Alduskkel wrote:
In post 154, Iconeum wrote:come at me bro

why am i scum?
cuz you can't explain your scumread on HH and you're trying to discredit him

Menalque what's your take on HH vs Ico
This feels like you misrepping Icon. At one point in that exchange, he literally said he wasnt sure whether the OMGUS was more likely to come from scum or town. Also, why does scum!Icon try to build a push from 0 on a guy in a mostly passive gamestate that only became active when he started the push?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:35 am
by Look At Me Im So Town
In post 178, Alduskkel wrote:Mena you're not helping

116: calling a vote an OMGUS vote implies that the person behind the vote was just voting you for a shallow/petty reason
119: implies that HH cannot read you and the use of the word "actually" implies that HH is foolish for even thinking they can read you

Iconeum wrote:
In post 161, Alduskkel wrote:
In post 158, Iconeum wrote:i've literally just explained what I think is disengenuis about it
no you didn't you just said it was a "feeling"

also I already quoted the posts where I thought you were trying to discredit
that's not true

i said i think UC's explanation is very townie, and that the way HH went about 'pushing emps to do something usefull' is where scum can come from while taking the same stand

both did the same thing

i think one could come from scum, the other from town and i showed you why and how i think that

and yeah sure a lot of it is feeling

what you expect, a full fledged scumread (which I never said I have on HH) during RVS?

what is the problem exactly if it even is just a feeling that i can't explain?
you never really said "why and how" you think that

I don't expect a full fledged scumread but a scum is more likely than town to be unable to explain their supposed "feeling"
Iconeum wrote:Do you think it was NOT omgus?
No, just because HH voted for you after you voted them doesn't automatically make it OMGUS. They had reasons for voting you outside of simply "because you voted for us."

pedit 2: jesus so many posts

but yes I agree Menalque should just say what his read is already
What do you think HH's reasons for voting Icon were?


Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:39 am
by Look At Me Im So Town
In post 184, Alduskkel wrote:
In post 183, Iconeum wrote:
In post 178, Alduskkel wrote:I don't expect a full fledged scumread but a scum is more likely than town to be unable to explain their supposed "feeling"
so you think scum will put out half-edged 'feeling' faked scumreads just for shits and giggles this early, that they have no way of explaining

or maybe it's town, who doesn't care about that because they are only interested in finding scum and don't mind putting out feelings that they maybe can't fully explain

you make up your mind about that :]
well if the alternative is looking like you're not scumhunting at all then yes I think scum might do that

plus maybe you didn't think you'd be called out for an explanation
He came into a dead gamestate where there were 3 pages and no one had posted in 12 hours. You think hes scum worried about getting called out for not scum hunting in that gamestate?

What's your read of HH Aldus?


Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:55 am
by Look At Me Im So Town
Thinking Icon is town. His interactions with HH show me that hes not too quick to react, hes continuing to sort while pushing, that gives me good feelings inside.

I dont see the scum motivation for Icon coming into the game and starting a push on HH. HH's quick reaction reeked of survivalism and I dont know if that's more likely to come from scum or town. I felt like 135 was a bit too self aware for town though. @HH have I hydra'd with one of your heads before?

I've got Aldus as null-scum here. I think that increases drastically if HH is scum. There was a defense of HH that read as pretty strong to me. He was insisting HH had reasons for voting Icon and that it was unfair to classify that vote as OMGUS, but I didnt see it from my read. I also think he misrepped what Icon was doing at one point wrt to the HH slot.

Mena is pinging me. Hes been posting alot, but it's been weird. This whole thing with the mod is just weird. Haven't played with scum!Mena before, but this doesnt feel like his town game.

I liked uncrowned's explanation, but he could probably post a bit more.

This game could definitely use some more posting.

VOTE: Aldus That's L-2.

@Aaron- forgot you were in the game. You're on this wagon, what do you make of the past 5 pages of interactions.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:03 am
by Menalque
Whats weird about my posting/the thing with datisi

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:04 am
by Menalque
I do also need more from AFF tho, that’s a good point

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:46 am
by Look At Me Im So Town
In post 234, Menalque wrote:Whats weird about my posting/the thing with datisi
At one point you literally went to that meme when there was real game content between Aldus and Icon.

Also, I've never seen you commit this hard to in-game developing stuff in one of your town games.

Also, I think you've been generally poking the low content slots which after playing a game against feels like it could be a way to score easy town points early. I also dont remember you playing that way in either of the newbies we played together.

I also dont know what you got out of that exchange with Icon in asking him your record of reading him correctly.

It's weird. Dont know if its AI, but I dont remember anything comparable from your towngames. I do remember you saying in the last game that you had changed your play, so imma see how this unfolds.


Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:53 am
by Menalque
In post 236, Look At Me Im So Town wrote:
In post 234, Menalque wrote:Whats weird about my posting/the thing with datisi
(1) At one point you literally went to that meme when there was real game content between Aldus and Icon.

(2) Also, I've never seen you commit this hard to in-game developing stuff in one of your town games.

Also, I think you've been generally poking the low content slots
(3) which after playing a game against feels like it could be a way to score easy town points early
. I also dont remember you playing that way in either of the newbies we played together.

(4) I also dont know what you got out of that exchange with Icon in asking him your record of reading him correctly.

It's weird. Dont know if its AI, but I dont remember anything comparable from your towngames. I do remember you saying in the last game that you had changed your play, so imma see how this unfolds.

(1) and?

(2) and?

(3) what do you mean here?

(4) what's your point?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:19 am
by emps
aaaaaaa i swear i totally didnt completely forget abt mafiascum forgive meeeee

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:21 am
by emps
i do like uncrowneds thinking tho

i mean i kknda dont because it involves scumreading me, but yknow what i mean

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:23 am
by Menalque
what do you like about it?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:25 am
by emps
wooo gamblers fallacy please tr me

pedit: like the whole "voting mod is an easy way to rvs without like actially really "comitting" to anything"
and also kind of adding on to it, its kinda easier because u already voted mod (which, on its own, is kinda awkward to do)

idk why im like scumcasing myself now but like whatever lul

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:28 am
by Menalque
do you think RVS is normally committing to something?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:29 am
by Menalque
like idk I'm not convinced that RVS is generally indicative of anything at all so calling out an RVS vote as being intentionally non-committal seems off to me

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:31 am
by emps
In post 153, Alduskkel wrote:ehhh

VOTE: Iconeum
Iconeum wrote:like seriously

that would be his 5th(?) scumgame in a row?
not how statistics works

also emps got prodded and I think he's a bit more likely to get prodded if he rolled scum yet again

tho the fact that it's holiday season makes it difficult to tell
i mean youve played with scum me like very recently and should know that like im relatively comfortable early game as scum, so i dont see why me getting prodded this early in is AI at all

pedit: i mean like, rvs is usually meant to like pressure someone or get them to like say smth ai, and like its kinda anti town to like vote mod during rvs i guess

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:32 am
by emps
like its kinda more non commital then like actually participating in rvs

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:33 am
by Menalque
do you feel pressured when you get RVS'd?

idk I have a different perspective on what RVS is and what happens during it I guess

the voting bit is not very important imo but maybe uncrowned just doesn't realise that

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:33 am
by Menalque
In post 245, emps wrote:like its kinda more non commital then like actually participating in rvs
okay but why is non-committal scum indicative

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:35 am
by emps
i mean, not really

i guess its just like fucking around until someone actually does smth AI?

stop making me rethink everything i know abt rvs ;-;

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 5:35 am
by emps
its sort of like the "easy way out" i guess