Page 10 of 94

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:10 am
by Mizzytastic
In post 90, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Since this is a board game mafia game I suggest we all fill out this questionnaire:

1) What is your Favorite Board Game?
2) Favorite memory playing Board Games?
3) If you could live in the universe of a Board Game - which one would it be?
4) If you were stuck on a desert island with a few friends - and a large supply of food and water - which one board game would you like to have to play while you wait for rescue?
5) If you could pick one board game to never exist - what would it be?
tfw your players make the flavour for you

1) Skull for design elagence, Cosmic Encounter for fun and replayability, A Feast for Odin for big box deep strategy vibes
2) Playing a 10 person game of Red Dragon Inn in a 14th century pub, or a 4 day cabin holiday with friends for board games and hot tub
3) Dixit, for the whiiiimsy
4) I like the deck of cards answer, but Cosmic Encounter is up there for me
5) Terraforming Mars, some of my friends need an intervention

Official Votecount 1.2Dongempire (3) : Battle Mage, TheGoldenParadox, bob3141

Ydrasse (2) : Dongempire, shellyc
shellyc (2) : osuka, PookyTheMagicalBear
PookyTheMagicalBear (1) : MiniMegabyte
MiniMegabyte (1) : Ydrasse
TheGoldenParadox (1) : Gamma Emerald
Battle Mage (1) : Tayl0r Swift
innocentvillager (1) : arachnidsGrip

Not voting (1): innocentvillager

With 13 players alive, it takes 7 players to achieve an elimination.

Day 1 will end in
(expired on 2020-10-14 18:30:00)

DaDdY, i GuEsS?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:10 am
by shellyc

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:12 am
by shellyc
Well that was close

meh bob I’ll trust your judgement and I know your read accuracy is pretty high

the first time I saw ydrasse post I pretty much had the same reaction as bob, just I have logical lapses in that I cant really detail all my thought processes

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 1:26 am
by arachnidsGrip
In post 67, Ydrasse wrote:
:33 < *ydrasse purrociously approaches her prey after leaving her den*
Hi AC! *Mindfang giggles heartily at the prowling young catgirl, her hand resting on the hilt of her sa8re just in case.*
This post has me reeling
In post 69, innocentvillager wrote:
@arachnids, just curious, what does the word "parse" mean in the context you're using it? Like, how do you "parse" through a game?
Parse text, as in read and analyze it. I was not capa8le of such a task this morning.

With so much to read, I assume we are past RVS, so I will retract this.

Going to catch up now!

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:06 am
by arachnidsGrip
In post 112, shellyc wrote: arachnis is this your first game out of newbies? BMs signature move is the VT lolclaim and its very wifomy but it leans town since it disredits a rolefish attempt from scum!BM later
Yes, it is. Also, call me AG for short.

In post 119, osuka wrote: can you please stop coloring your posts? it's giving me a scratch at the roof of my mouth i can only seem to scratch with a shotgun

So, that was something to read. In my quite inexperienced opinion, I don't think all that pressure on Ydrasse really revealed anything. I really don't have any leans as it is right now. I want to trust Ydrasse, 8ut I can't vouch for her 8ehavior on other games.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:22 am
by shellyc
Why do you want to trust ydrasse if you don’t have a meta read on them?

is that gut?

Ydrasse pressure -> pooky interactions with me and ydrasse -> osuka interactions saying that case is bad = moving out of RVS.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:24 am
by shellyc
ftr fence-sitting is quite the newbscum tell so don’t know what to make out of this yet

do you have any more, no matter if they are alignment indicative or reads or what not, thoughts on the interactions?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:03 am
by TheGoldenParadox
Shelly is pinging me quite hard atm, and it's not particularly because of the push on ydrasse but more the mild hostility that she seems to be expressing as well as which i saw as a weird distancing from her previous reads to instead just trust what bob says. her entire interactions with pooky and ydrasse feel off, so let's go with a VOTE: shellyc. osuka seems quite genuine here, as does BM, and i have a townlean on pooky for that RQS; null on everyone else atm.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:23 am
by Donempire
In post 215, shellyc wrote:why is mini still not posting game advancing things
In post 211, Donempire wrote:Osuka/pooky/bm are all town here
can you like explain why instead of sheeping my TRs

regarding the prodding lurkers to give their thoughts I see scum doing it more than town, its a very lamist-y thing but feel free to disagree
Didnt realize you had those reads. My reads come from reading the general gist of pooky and bms posts, but osukas posting has been very similar to pookys posting last i played with him where he rolled town.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:28 am
by Tayl0r Swift
In post 232, TheGoldenParadox wrote:Shelly is pinging me quite hard atm, and it's not particularly because of the push on ydrasse but more the mild hostility that she seems to be expressing as well as which i saw as a weird distancing from her previous reads to instead just trust what bob says. her entire interactions with pooky and ydrasse feel off, so let's go with a VOTE: shellyc. osuka seems quite genuine here, as does BM, and i have a townlean on pooky for that RQS; null on everyone else atm.
yes its very strange and not like shelly at all - that said, i know shelly is trying to be less agressive and overconfident, so ill give her a pass somewhat because it could be her trying to figure out how to chill out and re-evaluate.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:35 am
by bob3141
In post 232, TheGoldenParadox wrote:Shelly is pinging me quite hard atm, and it's not particularly because of the push on ydrasse but more the mild hostility that she seems to be expressing as well as which i saw as a
weird distancing from her previous reads to instead just trust what bob says
. her entire interactions with pooky and ydrasse feel off, so let's go with a VOTE: shellyc. osuka seems quite genuine here, as does BM, and i have a townlean on pooky for that RQS; null on everyone else atm.

explain the bold. As i dont see her distancing from her own reads. At most shelly is saying that she trust me when i say that the start of day one is best used to town hunt.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:35 am
by bob3141
I know its the same quote taylor :-P but im askign on i diiferent point of it

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 6:43 am
by TheGoldenParadox
In post 227, shellyc wrote:Well that was close

meh bob I’ll trust your judgement and I know your read accuracy is pretty high

the first time I saw ydrasse post I pretty much had the same reaction as bob, just I have logical lapses in that I cant really detail all my thought processes
In post 235, bob3141 wrote:
In post 232, TheGoldenParadox wrote:Shelly is pinging me quite hard atm, and it's not particularly because of the push on ydrasse but more the mild hostility that she seems to be expressing as well as which i saw as a
weird distancing from her previous reads to instead just trust what bob says
. her entire interactions with pooky and ydrasse feel off, so let's go with a VOTE: shellyc. osuka seems quite genuine here, as does BM, and i have a townlean on pooky for that RQS; null on everyone else atm.

explain the bold. As i dont see her distancing from her own reads. At most shelly is saying that she trust me when i say that the start of day one is best used to town hunt.
hm, maybe i'm mistaken about that part? 227 looked like to me a "okay i'll stop pushing ydrasse because i trust bob" which feels off to me in a game where she hasn't said she TRs you and she shouldn't be explicitly trusting people this early into d1. dk, felt off to me.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 7:07 am
by Donempire
I guess i'd also go with ydrasse town. Her reaction to pressure didnt seem forced.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:36 am
by Battle Mage
In post 206, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:
In post 202, shellyc wrote:im gonna not post here for 12 hours at least for now.
im sorry that im overexcited with this plist, and I would like to make it clear that im not trying to strategically play in an anti-town way.

pooky we seem to have different ideas of what reaction testing even is, and im just going to leave it at that.
I really really hate D1 death-tunnels esp early in the game.

I had the unfortunate experience of playing against a D1 death-tunnel a few months ago and it was one of the worst experiences I can remember on this site - it was TvT and we ended up losing badly because death tunnels really suck.

They are a very easy way to play the game and a great emotional outlet but they are also negative EV, suck a ton of energy out of the game and are just generally unpleasant.
Preach brother! I had a similar one at that time (maybe it was the same player? i legit recall him telling me that you were his hero). I just couldn't talk the guy round, and eventually he replaced out after like 40 pages of crap. we still lost. :lol:

That said, I've been on the other end of it too. You're right though, it's bad practice.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:36 am
by Battle Mage
as a former scum-partner of Ydrasse, im going to reserve judgement until a bit later.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:38 am
by Battle Mage
In post 181, shellyc wrote:Another reason why meta is trash is because you’re aware of it.

I read through launch mob and this is one of your posts
In post 119, Ydrasse wrote:@battle mage: regarding your 110

1) what makes post 31 awkward? i don't really see how it feels out of place.

2) the way you're viewing post 42 feels at odds with your view on post 39. isn't midway outing a towny gutread being liberal with his allegiences?
which is almost verbatim what you’re doing now

pedit: pushing is my go-to way of solving, have faith in my pushes
i read the quote before i read the rest of the post, and spent time trying to figure out why the hell midwaybear and blair were in this game. :lol:

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:40 am
by Battle Mage
In post 211, Donempire wrote:Osuka/pooky/bm are all town here
Whichever one or you is neighbourhood creator, make one please
I will not disclose whether I am the neighbourhood creator or not. yet anyway.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:41 am
by Battle Mage
am i obvtown here again? excellent, im just gonna kick back and chill then!

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:43 am
by Ydrasse
tfw no neighborhood just a sad little house at the end of the cul-de-sac that everyone thinks is haunted

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:44 am
by Ydrasse
i’m at work so that’s all you’re getting other than me trying to work out if shelly from last night was just giving us the Genuine Shelly Experience or not.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:47 am
by bob3141
Interesting that so far no wagon has surpassed the dong wagon. Even though the dong wagon was only a rvs wagon. With all other wagons sitting at oneish vote and a fair few of them at that

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:48 am
by bob3141
well apart from shelly and yds which are both at 2 votes. But still all the wagons have been non events

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:54 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
who do you want to go for Bob?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:43 am
by shellyc
In post 232, TheGoldenParadox wrote:Shelly is pinging me quite hard atm, and it's not particularly because of the push on ydrasse but more the mild hostility that she seems to be expressing as well as which i saw as a weird distancing from her previous reads to instead just trust what bob says. her entire interactions with pooky and ydrasse feel off, so let's go with a VOTE: shellyc. osuka seems quite genuine here, as does BM, and i have a townlean on pooky for that RQS; null on everyone else atm.
SR for personality and looking at others reads

pretty decent work TGP