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Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:42 am
by Meransiel
You are a
. You win with the Mafia, but they don't know that. You also don't know who is in the mafia. If you're dead, you instantly lose.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:16 am
by Tragedy
You're a
Filler Spot
. You would attempt to get lynched like a jester because you're a filler spot, and you win with any scum factions or when you get lynched. When you are targeted, you lose.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:44 am
by Mute
You are the
quack techno-wizard

You are a cyborg magician with a few mental issues and software bugs. During twilight you may PM the mod with
. This will re-randomize the roles of all living players during the time between night conclusion and day start.

You are town-aligned and win with the town.

If a person is non-mafia and is made mafia by your ability they will not be given the names of the past mafia players.
If a mafia is made non-mafia they are forbidden to reveal their former partners.
Each new mafia team must be given their own unique QT to prevent any identity slips.
This ability can be role-blocked, and does not affect any other night actions that may occur.
You are the
Mind Freak
During twilight on any given day, you may post in the thread
Mind Freak!
. The effects of this will make all night actions have the opposite consequence of their intended effect. (i.e. doc protects kill, mafia kills protect, cop results are reversed e.g. an innocent result would then become guilty, and vice versa for a guilty result)

You are town-aligned and win with the town.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:19 am
by Meransiel
You are a
. You can vote twice per day (second vote is secret). If a town-aligned player is lynched, you are not allowed to vote for a day. You win with the town.

You are
. During each night, you can choose to protect all Goth and Mind Freak players. If you do so, you will die at L-2 the following day. You win with the town.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:41 pm
by cjdrum
You are the
Rulebreaker Maker
. You choose somebody (independently of the mod) to become the Rulebreaker - this person must be modkilled to win. They are to pose any questions to you, to be relayed to me.

The Rulebreaker's previous Win Condition will dissolve - their
condition is to be modkilled.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:42 pm
by animorpherv1
cjdrum wrote:You are the
Rulebreaker Maker
. You choose somebody (independently of the mod) to become the Rulebreaker - this person must be modkilled to win. They are to pose any questions to you, to be relayed to me.

The Rulebreaker's previous Win Condition will dissolve - their
condition is to be modkilled.
I actually like this, but I'm never going to use this. I'd rather not have the player, as well as everyone else in the game get mad at me.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:24 pm
by dramonic
post your role PM, tada you win!
(in most games)

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:26 pm
by animorpherv1
dramonic wrote:post your role PM, tada you win!
(in most games)
In the rest, all you have to do is claim scum with someone else.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:05 pm
by RayFrost
Rulebreaker hits scum. Game = broken.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:30 pm
by Mute
You are
You cannot talk. You can only vote. You may never say a single word of your own other than to place a vote. You win if you are the last person standing. You will be modkilled if you so much as post a single letter other than to place a vote, and upon which will be made a neutral survivor and will automatically lose.

quoting others is entirely permitted. You may only quote others, however, and cannot add in any two cents of your own.
periods after the vote are allowed, but no other punctuation marks are.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:42 pm
by Chronopie
That post restriction's been done before. Selective Quoting can be used as a workaround. e.g

Person1 typesI think that
X is scum
my for A, B, C. blah blah blah

X is scum

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:45 pm
by Mute
I played that role twice off-site.
It is far from easy to use when no one says anything you want to say and you're not allowed to use less than five words per quote.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:30 pm
by cjdrum
You are a
Mod Confirmed Hated Mafia Roleblocker
. It takes one vote for you to be lynched.

Your fellow Mafia members are [player] and [player]. Also, you three together are in a
Love(r) Triangle
- if one gets killed, the others do, too.
Speaking of which...
You, [player], [player], [player], [player], [player], [player], [player], [player] and [player] are in a
Love(r) Decagon
. If any of you or these players die, you all do.
You are a
Voteless Infinite Voter
. Go figure.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:15 pm
by Neruz
I seem to remember some wierd setup where there were like, 3 scum groups or something and each player was in a love triangle with two members from two other groups (either other scum groups or the town), the trick being to work out what combination of kills was required to meet your team's wincon with a member of your team still standing.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:39 pm
by Amrun
Some of these roles sound awesome, not going to lie.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:02 am
by cjdrum
Has there already been a "Worst role ideas" game, using
Roles found ITT?
That'd be extremely... Mm.

Anyway, a new one:
You are the
Nick Changer
. Each player has been assigned a title to be referred to as (the defiance of which is punishable by modkill).

You, as many times per Day or Night, may change this list via PM. All other players will be told of the revision.
Aaaand another:
You are
The Mod
. No, not a role - you are now the mod of the game.

And I won't tell you anything. Good luck.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:33 am
by Vi
cjdrum wrote:Has there already been a "Worst role ideas" game, using
Roles found ITT?
That'd be extremely... Mm.
This thread was inspired by a Worst Role Ideas game (see first post). I -think- another game came out of this thread as well.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:02 am
by ReaperCharlie
Lover Decagon, rofl

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:04 am
by ReaperCharlie
Also, Mind Freak, Goth, and Voltaire (earlier on this page) actually sound like good roles.

Potentially awesome, in fact.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:51 pm
by Mute
You are

You're a fat sow with no real character and whose only claim to fame is being trash. As such, each night you may PM the mod with
Get Down Wit It Wit X
, where X is the person whom you wish to get down with. That person will be so repulsed by your drunken stammering and flailing that you will be knocked out of the game and lose automatically.

You are mafia aligned and win with the mafia.
Heh. This is more fun that I thought.
You are
If/When you are targeted by an action you are told you have been targeted by an action and what it does. You, however, cannot use that ability nor be killed by any night kills. You also are voteless, as you're an inanimate object.

You are neutral aligned and win when you're the last lump of mass left alive.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:07 pm
by cjdrum
You are
Harry Potter
. You have an infinite-shot public "Expelliarmus", which does nothing.

If you find
Albus Dumbledore
, you can attempt to learn other spells.
You are
Albus Dumbledore

Harry Potter
finds you, you will be able to attempt to teach him spells other than "Expelliarmus". Due to the nature of the character, it will fail. This is unknown to him because he subconsciously really only wants to know Expelliarmus.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 2:23 pm
by Neruz
Don't you know? Expelliarmus counters

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 11:51 am
by Tragedy
You are
Justin Bieber

If a person targets you, they will automatically be roleblocked due to your
singing. You will know what each person has targeted you for.
During the Night, you may cause everyone to be roleblocked anyways and nobody can vote you when you claim as Justin Bieber before you are voted upon. You win with Scum.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:28 pm
by Chronopie
You are Justin Bieber,
Sissy Kill Lightning Rod

Your singing is so bad, that you are targeted by every killing ability, irrespective of faction, furthermore you cannot be protected.
modnote: The vig's kill flavour is "Was hit by a waterbottle"

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:35 pm
by Tragedy
Chronopie wrote:
You are Justin Bieber,
Sissy Kill Lightning Rod

Your singing is so bad, that you are targeted by every killing ability, irrespective of faction, furthermore you cannot be protected.
modnote: The vig's kill flavour is "Was hit by a waterbottle"
Modnote: Cannot be protected due to being a transsexual whore.