/in mod
Game Name: Insect Religion
Game Type: Is your game a Theme, Normal, or Open? Closed Micro Setup Reviewed as Normal but not being run as normal because i'm allowing hydras
Game Size: How many players can join your game? 9
Co/Backup Mod: Chara
Reviewed By: Flavor Leaf and Ircher
Hydrae Allowed?: exactly two heads
Other Restrictions?: No
Deadlines?: 7 days days and 2 day nights
Is it possible your game has any of the following bastard roles or mechanics? cults, mid-game alignment changes, moderator lies that cannot be reasonably anticipated (for example, Godfather, Tailor, Miller, Ninja, and mechanics like that are generally fine. Telling someone they are a reflexive doctor when they're actually a PGO is not), secret win conditions, un-divulged non-randomness in player role/alignment generation, direct moderator influence during the game NO
Description: Is there any other information players should know about your game? No
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:50 pm
by bugspray
Accepting pre ins, inbox me
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 11:02 pm
by Blatant Scum
Blatantly Bastard has one pre-in: Grumble.
Furthermore, 3/9 players agreed to hydra with me. 6 more needed.
E: 5 more
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 11:05 pm
by Blatant Scum
I hereby declare, that it is possible to shorten the name of my game in order to join. The following shortening will count as joining my game:
/in blatantly blatant
/in blatant
/in blatantly
/in bastard
/in blatant scum
/in scum
/in anything
/in something
Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2020 8:08 am
by Magus
/in mystery box of silver as hydra of Hectic and Detective Pikachu