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Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:24 am
by Frogsterking
In post 2292, Scorpious wrote:
In post 2282, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2186, Frogsterking wrote:Hey guys! I just worked on this questionnaire with my friend to help with scumhunting! It was built around the idea that mafia forums are a low scope low testability domain.

Here's the "low-scope low-testability scumhunting questionnaire:"

#1 How does the wave function evolve?
#2 Does wave function imply many worlds?
#3 Have we used all the available technology?
#4 Do we live in a simulation?
Scorpius please answer these
#1 For a given system, the choice of which commuting degrees of freedom to use is not unique, and correspondingly the domain of the wave function is also not unique. For instance, it may be taken to be a function of all the position coordinates of the particles over position space, or the momenta of all the particles over momentum space; the two are related by a Fourier transform. Some particles, like electrons and photons, have nonzero spin, and the wave function for such particles include spin as an intrinsic, discrete degree of freedom; other discrete variables can also be included, such as isospin. When a system has internal degrees of freedom, the wave function at each point in the continuous degrees of freedom (e.g., a point in space) assigns a complex number for each possible value of the discrete degrees of freedom (e.g., z-component of spin) – these values are often displayed in a column matrix (e.g., a 2 × 1 column vector for a non-relativistic electron with spin 1⁄2).

#2 As has been demonstrated, the set of all possible wave functions in some representation for a system constitute an in general infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Due to the multiple possible choices of representation basis, these Hilbert spaces are not unique. One therefore talks about an abstract Hilbert space, state space, where the choice of representation and basis is left undetermined. Specifically, each state is represented as an abstract vector in state space.[41] A quantum state |Ψ⟩ in any representation is generally expressed as a vector





{\displaystyle |\Psi \rangle =\sum _{\boldsymbol {\alpha }}\int d^{m}\!{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\,\,\Psi ({\boldsymbol {\alpha }},{\boldsymbol {\omega }},t)\,|{\boldsymbol {\alpha }},{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\rangle }

|α, ω⟩ the basis vectors of the chosen representation
dmω = dω1dω2...dωm a "differential volume element" in the continuous degrees of freedom
Ψ(α, ω, t) a component of the vector |Ψ⟩, called the wave function of the system
α = (α1, α2, ..., αn) dimensionless discrete quantum numbers
ω = (ω1, ω2, ..., ωm) continuous variables (not necessarily dimensionless)
These quantum numbers index the components of the state vector. More, all α are in an n-dimensional set A = A1 × A2 × ... An where each Ai is the set of allowed values for αi; all ω are in an m-dimensional "volume" Ω ⊆ ℝm where Ω = Ω1 × Ω2 × ... Ωm and each Ωi ⊆ ℝ is the set of allowed values for ωi, a subset of the real numbers ℝ. For generality n and m are not necessarily equal.

Short answer yes

3.No, we’re being fed technology at a pace that appeases the overlords.

4. Only an overlord has permission to ask that question.
Okay the answer to 1, 3 and 4 are good.

The answer to 2 is good in its conclusion (arguably) and weak in its demonstration of how to improve testability of
said conclusion.

Overall I'm thinking that Scorpius is a townlean here guys!

Question 3 needs to be revised for future low info low testable players (aka Eyes slot replacement):

3 With sufficient technology can all low scope low testability questions be made testable?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:25 am
by Yeet
VOTE: GeneralWu actually, this is a better place for my vote now that it's bigger. skitter will contribute regardless but I think we should draw Wu out more.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:26 am
by VP Baltar
In post 2343, humaneatingmonkey wrote:i think that's the most i'll get out of yeet's wagon. i'm not sold on the vote being 2 scummy 4 scum because it was a very self-conscious vote. regardless, if you feel like throwing your own parties, feel free.
Nah, I'm a bit of a softy if I see someone who might be town getting piled on and drowning. Just was curious if I was the only one getting some desperate townie vibes from Yeet's responses. Seems that way! I'll take my paranoia and leave now.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:27 am
by Yeet
Why do you think I'm "desperate townie" rather than "desperate scum"?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:27 am
by fireisredsir
okeydoke here you go

Spoiler: a not very useful readslist
the PR claim bucket:
[monkey, math, fua]

the feel towny vibes but I'm still kinda scared of them but I'm trusting them for now bucket:
[datisi, vp, Nero]

the feel towny vibes but im not very scared of them:
[cape, froggy, malcolm (maybe he belongs above? idk, where'd he go?)]

the lurky and could easily be scum but kinda feel more town to me for not very good reasons but i think we should call this "null" bucket:
[save dragons, scorpio]

the same as the above bucket but without the town part bucket:

the felt towny at first but now im not so sure bucket:

the i was conditionally somewhat trusting these people due to similarity on reads but now it turns out those reads were wrong and so I'm slightly more sus bucket:
[ari/April, deasvail]

the i would be willing to vote here bucket:
[tenebro, wu, skitter]

disclaimer that i am endlessly ephemeral and that i tend to think of things with associations and conditionals (naughty i know but it's how i do things) more than individual sorts for all except my strongest town and scumreads

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:28 am
by humaneatingmonkey
yeet is very good with vulnerability i must say.

by the way yeet, why did you vote generalwu? do you think scorpious was townspewing?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:29 am
by Frogsterking
I want to hear more from Wu. I wonder if the wagons drove them away!

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:29 am
by Datisi
In post 2342, Yeet wrote:You don't think I have been showing a solvy process at all this game...? Sure my recent posts have been focused on defense based on the circumstances, but I think I have been at various times been "solvey". I would say that's a strong characteristic of my towngame, so if truly aren't seeing solviness in my posts, I would objectively consider that a good reason to vote me.
it's not about your "solveyness" overall, it's about the fact i didn't really notice you drew a lot of conclusions from the monkey wagon (who you apparently had a townlean on), and i expect a townie who's voting a person who they townlean draw some. and also the skitter thing, which i'm not sure we can talk about much anymore because it feels like going in circles.
In post 2343, humaneatingmonkey wrote:i think that's the most i'll get out of yeet's wagon. i'm not sold on the vote being 2 scummy 4 scum because it was a very self-conscious vote. regardless, if you feel like throwing your own parties, feel free.

datisi, you were here when i laid out my argument against yeet. what do you mean "that's the only reason for your wagon"?
i meant like, "if the only reason you are being voted is due to the fact you voted someone you were townleaning, that's dumb". there's more nuanced context there, though.

i also recalled there were two other people voting yeet besides you at the time i voted him, and i couldn't remember off the top of my head the exact reasoning they were voting him, and i did not feel like going back to check just for a post whose whole point was to say "i don't think someone voting a person they townlean is inherently and always scummy".

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:32 am
by Frogsterking
Fire, do you think with VP, Dats and Nero being scared of them is AI?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:33 am
by Scorpious
In post 2350, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2292, Scorpious wrote:
In post 2282, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2186, Frogsterking wrote:Hey guys! I just worked on this questionnaire with my friend to help with scumhunting! It was built around the idea that mafia forums are a low scope low testability domain.

Here's the "low-scope low-testability scumhunting questionnaire:"

#1 How does the wave function evolve?
#2 Does wave function imply many worlds?
#3 Have we used all the available technology?
#4 Do we live in a simulation?
Scorpius please answer these
#1 For a given system, the choice of which commuting degrees of freedom to use is not unique, and correspondingly the domain of the wave function is also not unique. For instance, it may be taken to be a function of all the position coordinates of the particles over position space, or the momenta of all the particles over momentum space; the two are related by a Fourier transform. Some particles, like electrons and photons, have nonzero spin, and the wave function for such particles include spin as an intrinsic, discrete degree of freedom; other discrete variables can also be included, such as isospin. When a system has internal degrees of freedom, the wave function at each point in the continuous degrees of freedom (e.g., a point in space) assigns a complex number for each possible value of the discrete degrees of freedom (e.g., z-component of spin) – these values are often displayed in a column matrix (e.g., a 2 × 1 column vector for a non-relativistic electron with spin 1⁄2).

#2 As has been demonstrated, the set of all possible wave functions in some representation for a system constitute an in general infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Due to the multiple possible choices of representation basis, these Hilbert spaces are not unique. One therefore talks about an abstract Hilbert space, state space, where the choice of representation and basis is left undetermined. Specifically, each state is represented as an abstract vector in state space.[41] A quantum state |Ψ⟩ in any representation is generally expressed as a vector





{\displaystyle |\Psi \rangle =\sum _{\boldsymbol {\alpha }}\int d^{m}\!{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\,\,\Psi ({\boldsymbol {\alpha }},{\boldsymbol {\omega }},t)\,|{\boldsymbol {\alpha }},{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\rangle }

|α, ω⟩ the basis vectors of the chosen representation
dmω = dω1dω2...dωm a "differential volume element" in the continuous degrees of freedom
Ψ(α, ω, t) a component of the vector |Ψ⟩, called the wave function of the system
α = (α1, α2, ..., αn) dimensionless discrete quantum numbers
ω = (ω1, ω2, ..., ωm) continuous variables (not necessarily dimensionless)
These quantum numbers index the components of the state vector. More, all α are in an n-dimensional set A = A1 × A2 × ... An where each Ai is the set of allowed values for αi; all ω are in an m-dimensional "volume" Ω ⊆ ℝm where Ω = Ω1 × Ω2 × ... Ωm and each Ωi ⊆ ℝ is the set of allowed values for ωi, a subset of the real numbers ℝ. For generality n and m are not necessarily equal.

Short answer yes

3.No, we’re being fed technology at a pace that appeases the overlords.

4. Only an overlord has permission to ask that question.
Okay the answer to 1, 3 and 4 are good.

The answer to 2 is good in its conclusion (arguably) and weak in its demonstration of how to improve testability of
said conclusion.

Overall I'm thinking that Scorpius is a townlean here guys!

Question 3 needs to be revised for future low info low testable players (aka Eyes slot replacement):

3 With sufficient technology can all low scope low testability questions be made testable?
Your follow up to 3 is amazingly astute.

If we develop the tech to make everything testable then we run the risk of paradoxical study. Then the Scientific Method becomes a question I’m itself and all hell will break lose. I’ll use the self replicating AI for this answer. We developed that tech which undoubtedly would evolve to make low test ability questions moot. With the introduction of self replicable AI we open the door for our threshold of testable quantum mechanics to rise to unfathomable heights. The paradox lies in with out development.
Are we in danger of over developing to where our projects are continuing with projects that we did not intend.

I circle this around to the opinion that based on what we are doing on a microbiological platform can truly support the theory of limitless expansion.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:34 am
by humaneatingmonkey
i wanna start a scorpious wagon but i dont think it will be very productive

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:35 am
by VP Baltar
In post 2353, Yeet wrote:Why do you think I'm "desperate townie" rather than "desperate scum"?
I don't think I can quite put my finger on it without really sitting down and analyzing the language selection in your responses.

I get a vibe of trying to explain a decision that wasn't all that thought through at the time, and just not doing a good job of it I guess. And the could be scum, of course, but I'm paranoid it could just be town you who has struggled to keep up with the game I guess.

This isn't a well thought out point by me, just vibes

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:35 am
by Scorpious
In post 2360, humaneatingmonkey wrote:i wanna start a scorpious wagon but i dont think it will be very productive
Because I’m town, and you’re out of content..

That’s why it won’t be productive

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:37 am
by tenebrousluminary
I'm with Scorp, honestly. I am caught up, but the last 40 pages have been worse than worthless, and my vim to continue is suffering. At this point, I am ready to just elim Wu and move on.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:38 am
by fua
In post 2295, humaneatingmonkey wrote:hey fue, maybe you should shoot scorpious
I mean… that WOULD resolve the hardest slot to read.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:38 am
by fireisredsir
In post 2358, Frogsterking wrote:Fire, do you think with VP, Dats and Nero being scared of them is AI?
part of what made me think nero was town was him being scared of VP, so yes in that case. i think datisi is famously paranoid and probably would appear that way as either town or maf, so that specifically is probs not AI. if you mean is that AI for VP, i have no idea

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:38 am
by Datisi
someone let me know if frogs and scorp actually say something game-related in their back and forth, please.

i'll go and *try* to do some uni work

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:41 am
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 2364, fua wrote:
In post 2295, humaneatingmonkey wrote:hey fue, maybe you should shoot scorpious
I mean… that WOULD resolve the hardest slot to read.
but feel free to surprise us instead

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:43 am
by Scorpious
In post 2364, fua wrote:
In post 2295, humaneatingmonkey wrote:hey fue, maybe you should shoot scorpious
I mean… that WOULD resolve the hardest slot to read.

That’s the best compliment you could have ever given me.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:45 am
by fua

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:46 am
by Yeet
In post 2363, tenebrousluminary wrote:I'm with Scorp, honestly. I am caught up, but the last 40 pages have been worse than worthless, and my vim to continue is suffering. At this point, I am ready to just elim Wu and move on.
My approach is to just engage with the present and not worry too hard about catching up. It definitely comes at the cost of missing some game related things but I think you can still play the game this way at least.

Just a suggestion, you don't have to take it if you don't want to.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:49 am
by Frogsterking
In post 2359, Scorpious wrote:
In post 2350, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2292, Scorpious wrote:
In post 2282, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2186, Frogsterking wrote:Hey guys! I just worked on this questionnaire with my friend to help with scumhunting! It was built around the idea that mafia forums are a low scope low testability domain.

Here's the "low-scope low-testability scumhunting questionnaire:"

#1 How does the wave function evolve?
#2 Does wave function imply many worlds?
#3 Have we used all the available technology?
#4 Do we live in a simulation?
Scorpius please answer these
#1 For a given system, the choice of which commuting degrees of freedom to use is not unique, and correspondingly the domain of the wave function is also not unique. For instance, it may be taken to be a function of all the position coordinates of the particles over position space, or the momenta of all the particles over momentum space; the two are related by a Fourier transform. Some particles, like electrons and photons, have nonzero spin, and the wave function for such particles include spin as an intrinsic, discrete degree of freedom; other discrete variables can also be included, such as isospin. When a system has internal degrees of freedom, the wave function at each point in the continuous degrees of freedom (e.g., a point in space) assigns a complex number for each possible value of the discrete degrees of freedom (e.g., z-component of spin) – these values are often displayed in a column matrix (e.g., a 2 × 1 column vector for a non-relativistic electron with spin 1⁄2).

#2 As has been demonstrated, the set of all possible wave functions in some representation for a system constitute an in general infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Due to the multiple possible choices of representation basis, these Hilbert spaces are not unique. One therefore talks about an abstract Hilbert space, state space, where the choice of representation and basis is left undetermined. Specifically, each state is represented as an abstract vector in state space.[41] A quantum state |Ψ⟩ in any representation is generally expressed as a vector





{\displaystyle |\Psi \rangle =\sum _{\boldsymbol {\alpha }}\int d^{m}\!{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\,\,\Psi ({\boldsymbol {\alpha }},{\boldsymbol {\omega }},t)\,|{\boldsymbol {\alpha }},{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\rangle }

|α, ω⟩ the basis vectors of the chosen representation
dmω = dω1dω2...dωm a "differential volume element" in the continuous degrees of freedom
Ψ(α, ω, t) a component of the vector |Ψ⟩, called the wave function of the system
α = (α1, α2, ..., αn) dimensionless discrete quantum numbers
ω = (ω1, ω2, ..., ωm) continuous variables (not necessarily dimensionless)
These quantum numbers index the components of the state vector. More, all α are in an n-dimensional set A = A1 × A2 × ... An where each Ai is the set of allowed values for αi; all ω are in an m-dimensional "volume" Ω ⊆ ℝm where Ω = Ω1 × Ω2 × ... Ωm and each Ωi ⊆ ℝ is the set of allowed values for ωi, a subset of the real numbers ℝ. For generality n and m are not necessarily equal.

Short answer yes

3.No, we’re being fed technology at a pace that appeases the overlords.

4. Only an overlord has permission to ask that question.
Okay the answer to 1, 3 and 4 are good.

The answer to 2 is good in its conclusion (arguably) and weak in its demonstration of how to improve testability of
said conclusion.

Overall I'm thinking that Scorpius is a townlean here guys!

Question 3 needs to be revised for future low info low testable players (aka Eyes slot replacement):

3 With sufficient technology can all low scope low testability questions be made testable?
Your follow up to 3 is amazingly astute.

If we develop the tech to make everything testable then we run the risk of paradoxical study. Then the Scientific Method becomes a question I’m itself and all hell will break lose. I’ll use the self replicating AI for this answer. We developed that tech which undoubtedly would evolve to make low test ability questions moot. With the introduction of self replicable AI we open the door for our threshold of testable quantum mechanics to rise to unfathomable heights. The paradox lies in with out development.
Are we in danger of over developing to where our projects are continuing with projects that we did not intend.

I circle this around to the opinion that based on what we are doing on a microbiological platform can truly support the theory of limitless expansion.
On 3, agree with what you said. Another follow up to that: The self replicating AI will continue to ask better questions and test them, and it would be an unreasonable assumption that what the AIs are up to coincides with human values and interests. However, will the AIs run into ultimate roadblocks in how far they can get due to inherent restrictions in the laws of physics.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:55 am
by Scorpious
In post 2371, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2359, Scorpious wrote:
In post 2350, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2292, Scorpious wrote:
In post 2282, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 2186, Frogsterking wrote:Hey guys! I just worked on this questionnaire with my friend to help with scumhunting! It was built around the idea that mafia forums are a low scope low testability domain.

Here's the "low-scope low-testability scumhunting questionnaire:"

#1 How does the wave function evolve?
#2 Does wave function imply many worlds?
#3 Have we used all the available technology?
#4 Do we live in a simulation?
Scorpius please answer these
#1 For a given system, the choice of which commuting degrees of freedom to use is not unique, and correspondingly the domain of the wave function is also not unique. For instance, it may be taken to be a function of all the position coordinates of the particles over position space, or the momenta of all the particles over momentum space; the two are related by a Fourier transform. Some particles, like electrons and photons, have nonzero spin, and the wave function for such particles include spin as an intrinsic, discrete degree of freedom; other discrete variables can also be included, such as isospin. When a system has internal degrees of freedom, the wave function at each point in the continuous degrees of freedom (e.g., a point in space) assigns a complex number for each possible value of the discrete degrees of freedom (e.g., z-component of spin) – these values are often displayed in a column matrix (e.g., a 2 × 1 column vector for a non-relativistic electron with spin 1⁄2).

#2 As has been demonstrated, the set of all possible wave functions in some representation for a system constitute an in general infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Due to the multiple possible choices of representation basis, these Hilbert spaces are not unique. One therefore talks about an abstract Hilbert space, state space, where the choice of representation and basis is left undetermined. Specifically, each state is represented as an abstract vector in state space.[41] A quantum state |Ψ⟩ in any representation is generally expressed as a vector





{\displaystyle |\Psi \rangle =\sum _{\boldsymbol {\alpha }}\int d^{m}\!{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\,\,\Psi ({\boldsymbol {\alpha }},{\boldsymbol {\omega }},t)\,|{\boldsymbol {\alpha }},{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\rangle }

|α, ω⟩ the basis vectors of the chosen representation
dmω = dω1dω2...dωm a "differential volume element" in the continuous degrees of freedom
Ψ(α, ω, t) a component of the vector |Ψ⟩, called the wave function of the system
α = (α1, α2, ..., αn) dimensionless discrete quantum numbers
ω = (ω1, ω2, ..., ωm) continuous variables (not necessarily dimensionless)
These quantum numbers index the components of the state vector. More, all α are in an n-dimensional set A = A1 × A2 × ... An where each Ai is the set of allowed values for αi; all ω are in an m-dimensional "volume" Ω ⊆ ℝm where Ω = Ω1 × Ω2 × ... Ωm and each Ωi ⊆ ℝ is the set of allowed values for ωi, a subset of the real numbers ℝ. For generality n and m are not necessarily equal.

Short answer yes

3.No, we’re being fed technology at a pace that appeases the overlords.

4. Only an overlord has permission to ask that question.
Okay the answer to 1, 3 and 4 are good.

The answer to 2 is good in its conclusion (arguably) and weak in its demonstration of how to improve testability of
said conclusion.

Overall I'm thinking that Scorpius is a townlean here guys!

Question 3 needs to be revised for future low info low testable players (aka Eyes slot replacement):

3 With sufficient technology can all low scope low testability questions be made testable?
Your follow up to 3 is amazingly astute.

If we develop the tech to make everything testable then we run the risk of paradoxical study. Then the Scientific Method becomes a question I’m itself and all hell will break lose. I’ll use the self replicating AI for this answer. We developed that tech which undoubtedly would evolve to make low test ability questions moot. With the introduction of self replicable AI we open the door for our threshold of testable quantum mechanics to rise to unfathomable heights. The paradox lies in with out development.
Are we in danger of over developing to where our projects are continuing with projects that we did not intend.

I circle this around to the opinion that based on what we are doing on a microbiological platform can truly support the theory of limitless expansion.
On 3, agree with what you said. Another follow up to that: The self replicating AI will continue to ask better questions and test them, and it would be an unreasonable assumption that what the AIs are up to coincides with human values and interests. However, will the AIs run into ultimate roadblocks in how far they can get due to inherent restrictions in the laws of physics.
And that is when the AI becomes threatening. At least a human can find a “stopping point”, be it brought on by frustration, health, other obligations, human things.

As to where an AI has no reason to stop. Which drops us into the simulation conversation. Are we at the point in the simulation where it can’t figure out the correct homeostasis for the simulation in itself, and instead of resetting. Just throwing more and more problems to contend with to learn how to go about the next one better.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 8:02 am
by Yeet
In post 2361, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2353, Yeet wrote:Why do you think I'm "desperate townie" rather than "desperate scum"?
I don't think I can quite put my finger on it without really sitting down and analyzing the language selection in your responses.

I get a vibe of trying to explain a decision that wasn't all that thought through at the time, and just not doing a good job of it I guess. And the could be scum, of course, but I'm paranoid it could just be town you who has struggled to keep up with the game I guess.

This isn't a well thought out point by me, just vibes
Okay thanks for responding. I think I sort of get what you're getting at... maybe.
In post 2357, Datisi wrote:
In post 2342, Yeet wrote:You don't think I have been showing a solvy process at all this game...? Sure my recent posts have been focused on defense based on the circumstances, but I think I have been at various times been "solvey". I would say that's a strong characteristic of my towngame, so if truly aren't seeing solviness in my posts, I would objectively consider that a good reason to vote me.
it's not about your "solveyness" overall, it's about the fact i didn't really notice you drew a lot of conclusions from the monkey wagon (who you apparently had a townlean on), and i expect a townie who's voting a person who they townlean draw some.
Okay, so it's just that part that you have an issue with, and I think this is a reasonable critique. I mean you have your expectation of how town would handle that spot and I know that I was voting just for overall gamestate boost. But we don't have to keep talking about this for now I guess...
In post 2355, humaneatingmonkey wrote:yeet is very good with vulnerability i must say.

by the way yeet, why did you vote generalwu? do you think scorpious was townspewing?
I mean not really? Idk what I think of Scorpious right now. In order for me to be worried about that one post I quoted I have to assume he's actually trying to win the game as scum? Which it doesn't feel like he's trying to do so right now? But regardless I don't really feel like wagoning him will do that much right now given the way he's acting, and also there's zero wagons on him.

I do think we need Wu to contribute more and I think putting him as a serious wagon will aid in that process, plus he already has a few votes. I think, for example, running me up did motivate me a little bit to engage more. I would be down to compromise on Scorpious later in the day if we can't find a suitable wagon barring nothing major changes.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 8:17 am
by Mizzytastic
The last step is
, the bonus points awarded to white for making black go first. In most rules it is either 6.5 or 7.5, with the .5 being to avoid draws. Following Japanese rules, which uses territory counting and 6.5 komi that would be black winning by +11.5.


Official Votecount 1.17Yeet (4): Frogsterking, humaneatingmonkey, VP Baltar, Datisi

GeneralWu (3): tenebrousluminary, fireisredsir, Yeet
fua (2): skitter30, April Ludgate
skitter30 (2): fua, MathBlade
Nero Cain(1): Nero Cain
Eyes without a face (1): Cape90
April Ludgate (1): Save The Dragons

Not Voting (5): Scorpious, DeasVail, MalcolmTucker, Eyes without a face, GeneralWu

With 19 players alive, it takes 10 votes to achieve an eliminaton.

Day 1 will end in (expired on 2022-03-12 05:15:00).

click here for joined mod iso.