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Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:42 pm
by Cheeky Wings
In post 2419, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2416, Loftwing wrote:I have no idea what either of you are saying.

look at jj post they are reading some what vic as not contributing to the game right and they see that as scum ok?

you got on me about pushing a low posting person vs someone who is scummy now and high content.

so what do u feel about jj's push on vic regarding the stance thatthey earlier regarding them not posting as lot and regardles of allignment they aren't helpful to town sum like that
Galron never indicated that they refuse to become more readable, do you not see the difference? Victorine’s alignment is unreadable due to what she claims is a post restriction, which she claims is permanent.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:42 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 2423, Loftwing wrote:
In post 2419, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2416, Loftwing wrote:I have no idea what either of you are saying.

look at jj post they are reading some what vic as not contributing to the game right and they see that as scum ok?

you got on me about pushing a low posting person vs someone who is scummy now and high content.

so what do u feel about jj's push on vic regarding the stance thatthey earlier regarding them not posting as lot and regardles of allignment they aren't helpful to town sum like that
The main difference is that it seemed like you wanted to indiscriminately kill lowposters rather than scummy players, while they are scumreading a lowposter.
do you have tmi?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:43 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 2425, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 2419, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2416, Loftwing wrote:I have no idea what either of you are saying.

look at jj post they are reading some what vic as not contributing to the game right and they see that as scum ok?

you got on me about pushing a low posting person vs someone who is scummy now and high content.

so what do u feel about jj's push on vic regarding the stance thatthey earlier regarding them not posting as lot and regardles of allignment they aren't helpful to town sum like that
Galron never indicated that they refuse to become more readable, do you not see the difference? Victorine’s alignment is unreadable due to what she claims is a post restriction, which she claims is permanent.

i dont beleieve i was talking bout galron past there... nd nah i dont because loft was having the same, literally the same argument

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:44 pm
by Gamma Emerald
I’m always down to yeet a fool for a Wise Man’s Snare but I don’t think that’s the case here chief

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:44 pm
by Gamma Emerald
That was responding to 2426

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:47 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 2175, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2100, Cheeky Wings wrote:
Gamma I just think killing loft who is a claimed miller and low content slot, just doesn't help us much at this stage. If they keep it up in coming phases sure. Toog could've sorted them for us but c'est la vie.

eh not rlly -- there is 17 ppl .

i rather get rid of the low content ppl and ppl who just troll around rather than get distracted with possible openwolf and warlocking
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?
In post 2178, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?

i just disagree with what cheeky said lol

im not saying we shouldnt ignore those scummy players but we also shouldnt ignore thsoe ppl i pointed out
this was the original interaction.

this argument this obviously be a fallacy because they already assumed that those players are scummy. scumminess is a subjectivness matter, that is why im askingloft if they have tmi lol because this is the 2nd time they have pointed it out like if they knew that player was scum

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:47 pm
by GrandpaMo
this argument is obviously to be*

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:48 pm
by GrandpaMo
ig the word "scummy" changes the context because scummy is more of subjective matter but they put in a way where im forced to say hey they are scum.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:49 pm
by GrandpaMo
based on loft's opinion^

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:53 pm
by Cheeky Wings
In post 2422, jjh927 wrote:
In post 2417, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 2409, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 2401, jjh927 wrote:-I have almost no respect for Yume's play even when she isn't doing literally nothing, so even if she's town we don't lose much
Okay don’t, she was actually alright in FFXIV as part of the hydra with House, she helped pull him from pushing several mislims
She was obtown in that game. I don’t want her hammered yet or even close but if she’s going to take the attitude that I don’t have to be readable the entire game and shades anyone who dares question her about that, I don’t think that’s acceptable.

And that’s yet another reason I think Titus is town, because she was fooled by scum!Joan in TBoNtB and I trust her scepticism on that.
I haven't played with her in aaaaaaaages but I think if she's going after people who scumread her then she's more likely to be scum

From what I remember her scumgame relies on people saying "No this is what she's like as town" when she coasts by doing fuck all as scum
I wasn’t even sr her. All I did is ask how she can resonably expect anyone to sort her but almost the same thing.

Her naked vote on Sakura is another thing that bothers me because as I said she also voteparked RR in Overkill 1 apparently because they fooled her as scum in a previous game and she has made absolutely no attempt to even sort Sakura or anyone else for that matter.

So I think hypothetically even post-restricted her can show obvious scumhunting with her votes if nothing else. I’ve seen it done with memeing slots, so real or fake, a post restriction is no excuse not to try to scumhunt by whatever means possible.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:55 pm
by Cheeky Wings
In post 2426, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2423, Loftwing wrote:
In post 2419, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2416, Loftwing wrote:I have no idea what either of you are saying.

look at jj post they are reading some what vic as not contributing to the game right and they see that as scum ok?

you got on me about pushing a low posting person vs someone who is scummy now and high content.

so what do u feel about jj's push on vic regarding the stance thatthey earlier regarding them not posting as lot and regardles of allignment they aren't helpful to town sum like that
The main difference is that it seemed like you wanted to indiscriminately kill lowposters rather than scummy players, while they are scumreading a lowposter.
do you have tmi?
Why do you think he has tmi?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:56 pm
by Cheeky Wings
In post 2427, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2425, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 2419, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2416, Loftwing wrote:I have no idea what either of you are saying.

look at jj post they are reading some what vic as not contributing to the game right and they see that as scum ok?

you got on me about pushing a low posting person vs someone who is scummy now and high content.

so what do u feel about jj's push on vic regarding the stance thatthey earlier regarding them not posting as lot and regardles of allignment they aren't helpful to town sum like that
Galron never indicated that they refuse to become more readable, do you not see the difference? Victorine’s alignment is unreadable due to what she claims is a post restriction, which she claims is permanent.

i dont beleieve i was talking bout galron past there... nd nah i dont because loft was having the same, literally the same argument
Who were you talking about then?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:56 pm
by Gamma Emerald
I’ve seen someone show real solving effort while basically trying to replicate what would be a non verbal game in irl mafia
Avoiding specifying who because the game I’m recalling for this I think a touchy subject for someone else and I don’t wish to reopen old wounds

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:58 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 2430, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2175, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2100, Cheeky Wings wrote:
Gamma I just think killing loft who is a claimed miller and low content slot, just doesn't help us much at this stage. If they keep it up in coming phases sure. Toog could've sorted them for us but c'est la vie.

eh not rlly -- there is 17 ppl .

i rather get rid of the low content ppl and ppl who just troll around rather than get distracted with possible openwolf and warlocking
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?
In post 2178, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?

i just disagree with what cheeky said lol

im not saying we shouldnt ignore those scummy players but we also shouldnt ignore thsoe ppl i pointed out
this was the original interaction.

this argument this obviously be a fallacy because they already assumed that those players are scummy. scumminess is a subjectivness matter, that is why im askingloft if they have tmi lol because this is the 2nd time they have pointed it out like if they knew that player was scum
@cheeky i explain it here

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:59 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 2436, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 2427, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2425, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 2419, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2416, Loftwing wrote:I have no idea what either of you are saying.

look at jj post they are reading some what vic as not contributing to the game right and they see that as scum ok?

you got on me about pushing a low posting person vs someone who is scummy now and high content.

so what do u feel about jj's push on vic regarding the stance thatthey earlier regarding them not posting as lot and regardles of allignment they aren't helpful to town sum like that
Galron never indicated that they refuse to become more readable, do you not see the difference? Victorine’s alignment is unreadable due to what she claims is a post restriction, which she claims is permanent.

i dont beleieve i was talking bout galron past there... nd nah i dont because loft was having the same, literally the same argument
Who were you talking about then?
In post 2430, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2175, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2100, Cheeky Wings wrote:
Gamma I just think killing loft who is a claimed miller and low content slot, just doesn't help us much at this stage. If they keep it up in coming phases sure. Toog could've sorted them for us but c'est la vie.

eh not rlly -- there is 17 ppl .

i rather get rid of the low content ppl and ppl who just troll around rather than get distracted with possible openwolf and warlocking
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?
In post 2178, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?

i just disagree with what cheeky said lol

im not saying we shouldnt ignore those scummy players but we also shouldnt ignore thsoe ppl i pointed out
this was the original interaction.

this argument this obviously be a fallacy because they already assumed that those players are scummy. scumminess is a subjectivness matter, that is why im askingloft if they have tmi lol because this is the 2nd time they have pointed it out like if they knew that player was scum
i already talked bout it. look -- i was talking in general terms

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:04 pm
by Cheeky Wings
In post 2437, Gamma Emerald wrote:I’ve seen someone show real solving effort while basically trying to replicate what would be a non verbal game in irl mafia
Avoiding specifying who because the game I’m recalling for this I think a touchy subject for someone else and I don’t wish to reopen old wounds
Well even if her post restriction is real, which I doubt now, she clearly is not restricted from voting yet she has remained voteparked on Sakura and considering the obvious fact that Sakura’s pretty obvious town now, Victorine hasn’t moved her vote on her.

If in the worst case scenario she really did have some kind of post restriction she is clearly able to quote posts discuss her alleged flavour and isn’t capped by words and vote but she is making no attempt to scumhunt or even townhunt for that matter and has given no indication that anything will change other than her flavour becoming obvious, which tells us absolutely nothing because unlike in FFIV, flavour in this game isn’t ai.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:12 pm
by Cheeky Wings
In post 2439, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2436, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 2427, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2425, Cheeky Wings wrote:
In post 2419, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2416, Loftwing wrote:I have no idea what either of you are saying.

look at jj post they are reading some what vic as not contributing to the game right and they see that as scum ok?

you got on me about pushing a low posting person vs someone who is scummy now and high content.

so what do u feel about jj's push on vic regarding the stance thatthey earlier regarding them not posting as lot and regardles of allignment they aren't helpful to town sum like that
Galron never indicated that they refuse to become more readable, do you not see the difference? Victorine’s alignment is unreadable due to what she claims is a post restriction, which she claims is permanent.

i dont beleieve i was talking bout galron past there... nd nah i dont because loft was having the same, literally the same argument
Who were you talking about then?
In post 2430, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2175, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2100, Cheeky Wings wrote:
Gamma I just think killing loft who is a claimed miller and low content slot, just doesn't help us much at this stage. If they keep it up in coming phases sure. Toog could've sorted them for us but c'est la vie.

eh not rlly -- there is 17 ppl .

i rather get rid of the low content ppl and ppl who just troll around rather than get distracted with possible openwolf and warlocking
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?
In post 2178, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?

i just disagree with what cheeky said lol

im not saying we shouldnt ignore those scummy players but we also shouldnt ignore thsoe ppl i pointed out
this was the original interaction.

this argument this obviously be a fallacy because they already assumed that those players are scummy. scumminess is a subjectivness matter, that is why im askingloft if they have tmi lol because this is the 2nd time they have pointed it out like if they knew that player was scum
i already talked bout it. look -- i was talking in general terms

Idk if I read that as tmi though but more that the more someone posts, the more readable they become. I have no idea who he could be referring to with this. It’s possibly a valid question though.

However, I also don’t see anything particularly scummy about Loft’s posts.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:18 pm
by Sakura Hana
Apologies again for not being able to do much, I've been working all this week which leaves me mentally exhausted and in no condition to do better posting.
I think by this weekend or next week I should be able to play normally again.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:19 pm
by Loftwing
In post 2430, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2175, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2100, Cheeky Wings wrote:
Gamma I just think killing loft who is a claimed miller and low content slot, just doesn't help us much at this stage. If they keep it up in coming phases sure. Toog could've sorted them for us but c'est la vie.

eh not rlly -- there is 17 ppl .

i rather get rid of the low content ppl and ppl who just troll around rather than get distracted with possible openwolf and warlocking
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?
In post 2178, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?

i just disagree with what cheeky said lol
im not saying we shouldnt ignore those scummy players but we also shouldnt ignore thsoe ppl i pointed out

this was the original interaction.

this argument this obviously be a fallacy because they already assumed that those players are scummy. scumminess is a subjectivness matter, that is why im askingloft if they have tmi lol because this is the 2nd time they have pointed it out like if they knew that player was scum

The question I posed to you asked whether we should kill scummy players or low content players. One group (scummy players) will, at the very least, advance the game when killed while the other group (low content players) won't. In addition, unless you have scumread a low content player, then you have no grounding for whether they are scum or town.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:19 pm
by Ircher
In post 2273, Taly wrote:What is your read on me?
Idk, you're hard to read. Like I said earlier in the game, you're the kind of a slot to wait on before deciding. I think the only thing of note is your frustration level this game. It seems much higher than what I've seen from you before. I'm not sure what I should make of that at this time. Actually, I would say it strikes me as manipulative.
In post 2284, Gamma Emerald wrote:I think my voting might be the biggest thing to read me on, I’ve kinda been playing like I used to way back when I started where I make wild and frequent votes trying to throw my weight around.
If we're going by your voting alone, you would have been dead days ago.
In post 2358, jjh927 wrote:Faking post restrictions is NAI, but using them as an excuse to not do anything is AI
Meh. I'd agree except for given who is in the slot, my expectations for content aren't very high.
In post 2394, Deimos27 wrote:What is it about those alts that makes Victorine an even better elim?
You've read the context wrong. It is precisely due to her history on the site that makes her a poor Day 1 lim on this site.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:22 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 2443, Loftwing wrote:
In post 2430, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2175, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2100, Cheeky Wings wrote:
Gamma I just think killing loft who is a claimed miller and low content slot, just doesn't help us much at this stage. If they keep it up in coming phases sure. Toog could've sorted them for us but c'est la vie.

eh not rlly -- there is 17 ppl .

i rather get rid of the low content ppl and ppl who just troll around rather than get distracted with possible openwolf and warlocking
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?
In post 2178, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?

i just disagree with what cheeky said lol
im not saying we shouldnt ignore those scummy players but we also shouldnt ignore thsoe ppl i pointed out

this was the original interaction.

this argument this obviously be a fallacy because they already assumed that those players are scummy. scumminess is a subjectivness matter, that is why im askingloft if they have tmi lol because this is the 2nd time they have pointed it out like if they knew that player was scum

The question I posed to you asked whether we should kill scummy players or low content players. One group (scummy players) will, at the very least, advance the game when killed while the other group (low content players) won't. In addition, unless you have scumread a low content player, then you have no grounding for whether they are scum or town.
but that comes from the idea on who u think is scummy. that person won't look scum to everyone unless they are a usr

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:33 pm
by Loftwing
In post 2445, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2443, Loftwing wrote:
In post 2430, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2175, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2100, Cheeky Wings wrote:
Gamma I just think killing loft who is a claimed miller and low content slot, just doesn't help us much at this stage. If they keep it up in coming phases sure. Toog could've sorted them for us but c'est la vie.

eh not rlly -- there is 17 ppl .

i rather get rid of the low content ppl and ppl who just troll around rather than get distracted with possible openwolf and warlocking
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?
In post 2178, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?

i just disagree with what cheeky said lol
im not saying we shouldnt ignore those scummy players but we also shouldnt ignore thsoe ppl i pointed out

this was the original interaction.

this argument this obviously be a fallacy because they already assumed that those players are scummy. scumminess is a subjectivness matter, that is why im askingloft if they have tmi lol because this is the 2nd time they have pointed it out like if they knew that player was scum

The question I posed to you asked whether we should kill scummy players or low content players. One group (scummy players) will, at the very least, advance the game when killed while the other group (low content players) won't. In addition, unless you have scumread a low content player, then you have no grounding for whether they are scum or town.
but that comes from the idea on who u think is scummy. that person won't look scum to everyone unless they are a usr
Again, no. You could have answered my question with "I think low posters are scummy". It had nothing to do with who I thought was scummy, and everything to do with your thoughts.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 6:59 pm
by Cheeky Wings
In post 2387, Gamma Emerald wrote:Idk how often Yume has done it before but she did this “y’all should be able to read me right” thing as scum in a recently “finished” game, AI UPick 2
In post 1108, Yuki Takeya wrote:Especially Titus. You know my main and you know I shitpost as town. You have one chance before I start scumreading you.
She was more agressive in that game but rather passive in TBoNtB and Overkill 1, so the aggression aspect is probably nia but her being enigmatic kind’ve makes sense with both Gamma and Titus being in this playerlist.
In post 2215, Victorine wrote:Then why is she asking me on how to read me, kknowing I am biased, instead of forming her opinions? It looks to me like an excuse.
I guess that could be similar.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 7:04 pm
by Cheeky Wings
In post 2438, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2430, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2175, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2100, Cheeky Wings wrote:
Gamma I just think killing loft who is a claimed miller and low content slot, just doesn't help us much at this stage. If they keep it up in coming phases sure. Toog could've sorted them for us but c'est la vie.

eh not rlly -- there is 17 ppl .

i rather get rid of the low content ppl and ppl who just troll around rather than get distracted with possible openwolf and warlocking
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?
In post 2178, GrandpaMo wrote:
In post 2176, Loftwing wrote:So you're saying that we should kill players who we aren't sure either way are town or scum because of their low content output, rather than extremely scummy players who output a lot of content?

i just disagree with what cheeky said lol

im not saying we shouldnt ignore those scummy players but we also shouldnt ignore thsoe ppl i pointed out
this was the original interaction.

this argument this obviously be a fallacy because they already assumed that those players are scummy. scumminess is a subjectivness matter, that is why im askingloft if they have tmi lol because this is the 2nd time they have pointed it out like if they knew that player was scum
@cheeky i explain it here

No I get your point but I don’t see why either post is tmi.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 7:07 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 2444, Ircher wrote:If we're going by your voting alone, you would have been dead days ago.
Suck shit. You’re just butthurt that I voted you, my other votes are all fine and I don’t feel like my vote on you was as bad as people say either. But for despite all the shit I got for it, my Queen vote was probably the towniest thing I’ve done all game.