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Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:05 am
by niMic
Vote: somethingcreative
Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:31 pm
by somethingcreative
random vote: Maximus
forgive me for not posting but chemistry owns me until tonight (monday) at 8:30.
Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:49 pm
by Cadmium
Dragon Phoenix wrote:Vote Cadmium
for not voting yet, even though he is not in Singapore.
I've heard that Holland is the broadband paradise, too bad I still don't have an home connection
StevieT92 seems the scummiest to me. I think it's time for him to claim. He's two away from a lynch at the moment.
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:46 am
by NanookTheWolf
It's only 6 to lynch right? For now Stevie stands ok where he is at. I don't know if I'm ready for a claim yet or not though, I mean this sort of happened a bit quickly for me. I guess I'm used to the themed games in free market.
Anyways, after reading the thread I still feel strongly against Stevie, but I don't know if it really warrants a lynch just yet. I wouldn't mind hearing more from him.
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:14 am
by StevieT92
Im not gonna ability claim yet, but i am joey.
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:28 pm
by Phoebus
I doubt there are going to be very many "unsafe" claims in this game due to the limited nature of its cast, except for any townies who might be added for lack of a better choice.
Since the Friends are essentially goodie goodie, you might as well claim powers. some of them will probably be mafia. we can decide whether your abilities seem scummy or not.
I don't see anyone counter claiming here and then if we're going to go around saying: Oh I believe that! Then we have the other four out and no one to work with.
I seriously doubt all six are good..
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:49 pm
by Cadmium
Really, Phoebus? That's quite a long post for something so obvious from the beginning of the game
Our beloved mod wrote:Do not read too much into the names of the characters' names in regards to their allegiance.
Then again, you may be right. The first thing that came to mind is that Joey is Italian.
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:58 pm
by Phoebus
Really, Phoebus? That's quite a long post for something so obvious from the beginning of the game
Apparently it's not. or Steve would not be halting/stalling?
Oh and...
Bite me!
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:01 pm
by Cadmium
No thanks, I just had breakfast!
Anyone else with thoughts on this?
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 7:37 am
by NanookTheWolf
Yeah, Joey does come to mind as godfather like, but only because of the italian. I guess we couldn't really base anything on people's names really seeing as how the friends group were all pretty much good. I never really watched the show, so I wouldn't even know where to start by picking out bad guys.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:25 am
by StevieT92
umm.....ok then.
i am a doctor.
im so dead
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:22 am
by Maximus
So you're claiming doc?
I never seen the show. Does anyone know if we could somehow relate doc role to Joey?!
And a doc claim on day 1 either is a very suicidial move or a scum move.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:40 am
by StevieT92
well i was gonna be lynched anyway
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:48 pm
by NanookTheWolf
I don't really buy the claim, but if he really is a doc then we'll find out tomorrow. I don't see Joey being very doc like from what I have seen and read of him. He seems to be the one who always is goofin up.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:52 pm
by StevieT92
but my actual guy, is some guy from days of our lives who played a doc.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 2:47 pm
by NanookTheWolf
Oh see I didn't know that bit of information. I guess all can be tested tonight. If you are still here in the morning then we lynch you I suppose.
Unvote: Stevie
I guess that I may need more info before I try to carry this vote through. If it still stands that Joey as a doc is unbelievable then I'll put my vote back, but with that little bit of info that stevie just mentioned, it doesn't seem likely that he is mafia atm.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 4:39 pm
by halfpint
Official Vote Count:
Stevie (3, Stewie, Maximus, Phoebus)
Nanook (1, Stevie)
niMic (1, olio)
somethingcreative (1, niMic)
Cadmium (1, Dragon Phoenix)
Maximus (1, somethingcreative)
Not Voting: Cadmium, Nanook
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:01 pm
by Maximus
Umm..what if mafia decides not to kill him? This will give mafia one extra night that will keep all them alive because they know that if he is alive tomorrow morning, we are going to lynch him no matter what.
I'm not sure if I'm up with keeping him alive plan. And I don't want to lynch a claimed doc either.
Unless he can be verified by cop tomorrow. This will be still a waste of investigation by cop then because no matter what, we are going to lynch him tomorrow or he will be killed the next night since the cop is gonna come out and prove his innocence.
Then we are really screwed.
I don't think he is much useful to us even if he is doc. Unless the cop is smart and decides to investigate someone else (like me!) and finds an innocent.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 6:34 pm
by Phoebus
unvote: Stevie
Is there anyone else who could be a likely doc?
A) Drake was a Neurosurgeon. Not an MD.
B) He was a character. How effective was he?
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 8:27 pm
by somethingcreative
Hey All. Back from chem. Yes, Joey does play Dr. Drake Remore (sp?)on Days of Our Lives. Since you asked, another doctor was Monica's first serious boyfriend: Richard.
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:00 am
by Phoebus
Given that the cop was another boy-friend. This could be possible I suppose.
But he was an opthalmologist...wasn't he?
And Rachel's husband she left at the altar? Dentist...
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:58 am
by Stewie
unvote, vote: maximus
It's not much, but here's why:
Maximus wrote:
I don't think he is much useful to us even if he is doc. Unless the cop is smart and decides to investigate someone else (like me!) and finds an innocent.
I figure that encouraging cops to investigate him is something a mafia godfather would do. Other mafia wouldn't do this for obious reasons, and town wouldn't do it because they know that an investigation is better spend elsewhere, where they can find scum.
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:01 pm
by StevieT92
unvote, vote maximus
becuase he used bad logic to justify him keeping his vote against me, and what stewie said
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 3:56 pm
by Maximus
First, there is no way we have a godfather in this game. Because it's a mini, and in most minis there are never godfathers. Second, who would be godfather? There was really no "leader" type character in Friends, or there isn't one that I know of. Lastly, I was using an example because, with as much confidence I said that, I'm also saying that Stevie is a perfect lynch opportunity for today. My reasons - look at that post again.
And look at Stevie's reasoning to vote for me. I used bad logic? I'd like to say that I used a solid reasoning when I said that he is our best lynch.
I mean, come on. Here is a guy who first claims he has a power role and then claims doc and then gives up saying that he was going to be lynched no matter what AND jumps on my bandwagon by being a hypocrite and saying that I used a bad logic.
If y'all can't see this, then you are either involved with him, or need to analyze it even further.
Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:24 pm
by Stewie
Meh, I said it wasn't a strong argument, just all I could find.
However, I have to disagree with you in the point you make about godfathers. There was a godfather in almost every mini I played, and that there could easely be a godfather but inside the game. One example I could think of is Ursula, she looks enough like Phoebe, so a cop might confuse them. There's your godfather. Or course, halfpint might have thought of other posibilities, so the one I give is just one of them.