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Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:52 pm
by EtherealCookie
These are your available abilities for Night X. You must choose, by the end of the night, who you would like to send your ability to. If you have multiple abilities, you must send each one to a different person.
Trace [Tracker] - You may target a player to be tracked, thus discovering who that player has targetted that night.
Null [Roleblocker] - You may target a player, thus causing any attempted actions by this player this Night to fail. They will not be informed in any way that they were roleblocked.
Firewall [Doctor] - You may target a player to be protected, this will protect them from one kill during the night. The targeted player is not informed that they were protected. You will not be informed if you protected the player from a kill. You may not self-target.
Log [Watcher] - You may target a player to be watched, thus discovering who targeted that player during the night. You will be told the names of the players your choice targeted, if any.
Void [Vanilla] - You are unable to perform any activity during the night as your permission set does not allow it. You are not required to submit a cycling choice.
Join [Neighbourizor] - You may choose one player to join the Neighbor Quicktopic. You may discuss the game with these players at any time you are alive. You are not required to submit a cycling choice as the player you choose to join the neighborhood will be selected as your cycling choice.
Current Members of the Neighborhood are: [q21].
Reinitialize [Ability Reuser] - You may choose one of the following listed abilities that have been removed from gameplay to use as your action. Available Actions: [Watcher] [????].
Disconnect [Ability Remover] - If you are targeted by an ability this night, that ability is removed from play.
Mod Note (reveal only for Mafia members): You may also choose to target a player, and if they have one of two undisclosed abilities, that ability will be removed from play.
Reroute [Ability Redirector] - You may choose to redirect the cycling choice of one player to a player of your choice.
[Example: You would like Player A to send their ability to Player C instead of Player B, you would send in as your action: Redirect: Player A to Player C.].
Retrieve [Void Collector] - You may choose one of the following listed abilities that have been caught in the void to use as your action. Available Actions: [Watcher] [????].
Monitor [Ability Cop] - You may target a player to be monitored, thus discovering whether they have an ability, and how many abilities. Actual ability names will not be revealed.
Hibernate [Bulletproof] - You are immune to kill methods related to weaponry that fires projectiles.
Offline [Treestump] - You may not vote but are unlynchable for the duration of the next Day Phase. You may still post in the game thread and any Quicktopics you may have access to.
Upgrade [Double Voter] - You have an additional vote for the entirety of the next Day Phase. You may control this vote by sending a message to the Moderator containing your secret vote.
Virus [Timed Explosive] - You have been infected by a virus. It will activate after a predetermined number of posts, killing the player currently in possession of this virus when that post number is reached. To prevent yourself from being terminated, you must pass this ability within the 75 posts that follow your receiving it. If you fail to do so, it will activate prematurely, causing you to be terminated. For the purposes of this ability, "Pass By" timer begins from the current post number in thread when I view that you have received this message. You will be notified of your "Pass By" post when it is designated. This is a nonstandard ability due to its abnormal cycle rate, and may be passed between factional members.
Anti-Virus [Limited Day Vig] - You have a special device that is designed to rid the system of a virus that is thought to be residing in it. Once the virus activates this device will also activate, allowing you to select a player during the day to centralize the virus in so it can be removed from the system. This centralization of the virus in one person causes them to be terminated from the system, along with a portion of the virus, until the virus is exterminated.
Current Device Status: [Inactive].
Arguably, there are more, but those stood out to me as generally bad for town.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:59 pm
by Junpei
Mod, if an ability similar to disconnect exists (say, an ability which is transitive and removes abilities which the owner is the target of), would it also remove non-transitive abilities, say, a mafia's role ability if he has one?
Tree, eh, yeah it's pretty bad I guess, but not completely bad. I mean, it gives us a situation where "it's mylo, lynch and give treestump to the guy who is very likely scum" and get another day to lynch. Something like that could happen, treestump isn't all bad.
Virus looks to me like town compulsive delayed one-shot dayvig. We can control it for the most part at least between two people if it exists. It isn't inherently bad at all.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:02 pm
by implosion
Virus was pretty bad simply because of the chaos that it created.
Offline gave the town no benefit and the mafia some benefit, which is basically by definition anti-town. It was still useful for clearing potential scumpairs.
Anti-virus wound up being used kind of... awfully. Scum redirected it to theirself and killed an apathetic parama-doctor.
Reroute is also antitown for that matter.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:03 pm
by The Eruci
crypto (2) -
implosion, projectmatt
FourseenCircumstance (2) -
Stringer Bell, diddin
nopointinactingup (1) -
Bunnylover (1) -
Junpei (1) -
implosion (1) -
Not Voting (17) -
MagnaofIllusion, RedCoyote, springlullaby, warriormode, whispersilk, Furcolow, nopointinactingup, Magister Ludi, SlySly, Junpei, Sinestro, PeregrineV, Kdub, Drunken Piper, Bunnylover, wazzatron, Toogeloo
With 25 Alive, it takes 13 to lynch.
Deadline for Day One is in (expired on 2011-11-08 23:07:02).
Junpei wrote:Mod, if an ability similar to disconnect exists (say, an ability which is transitive and removes abilities which the owner is the target of), would it also remove non-transitive abilities, say, a mafia's role ability if he has one?
It would remove both nontransitive and transitive abilities.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:07 pm
by implosion
Stringer Bell wrote:Also, scum are allowed to pass abilities to each other, unlike last game.
Yeah, that's what I was talking about with the paragraph on poison.
Junpei wrote:If scum have a consequence to passing to their members by mod-design, why would they receive an ability to directly counter that disadvantage?
Because, honestly, scum having a (delayed) death from passing between each other is a deterrent which is almost as detrimental as not being allowed to. Unless we see someone die of poison, then anyone who passed an ability on night one to a scumbag who is still alive on day three is cleared of being aligned with that scumbag.
My paragraph on massclaim was basically reiterating MoI's plan with how it worked out in x01.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:09 pm
by Kdub
I'm mostly analytical and brief, although I can get longwinded when I'm very sure of something.
VOTE: Furcolow
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:10 pm
by Junpei
Implosion, I don't think that morale is a good thing to factor in when deciding if something is anti-town. That is to say, that human emotion hardly determines the mechanical adjectives one could apply to something like an ability.
Offline could be beneficial, this isn't x02.
I think that anti-virus could be directed such that scum likely wouldn't mess with it. Although they realistically could, I just think that since Virus isn't inherently bad, anti-virus logically isn't either.
Reroute just changes the cycling, and there are situations such that it would be useful for town to have this ability. Say, it is going to be lylo, and you are town and you have Reroute, and someone has ability X which will be gg in the event scum gets it, and useful in the event town. You reroute them onto yourself, and save a potential disaster.
So I don't see anything... inherently bad.
Oh, and disconnect just got 100% less inherently scummy. I checked with the mod earlier, and while Eruci (town) are guaranteed vanilla roles, scum are not guaranteed, so I highly suspect that scum have nonvanilla role PMs. Disconnect is not bad if this is the case at all.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:24 pm
by crypto
junpei wrote:and crypto is fluffing so I figured I'd just post my point
am i
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:25 pm
by crypto
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:30 pm
by crypto
thanks, eruci.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:44 pm
by warriormode
I like your plan implosion.
Should be very helpful.
And I doubt scum will pass each other abilities.
But if they do, all the easier I suppose.
Vote: crypto
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:46 pm
by nopointinactingup
I'm ... normal?
@Implosion: I'm okay with what you're saying but
↑ The Eruci wrote:
Q: Were all abilities available from the start?
A: All abilities existing within this game are present from the start of the game. No new abilities will be introduced after game start.
what if there are abilities that disappear by itself in this game? sorta like 1 shot 2 shot. It would surely affect how the massclaim turn out. This didn't really happen the last game so I'm concerned the mod might get smarter
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:48 pm
by Junpei
mod, would an ability like disconnect as earlier describe get rid of the mafia's factional kill?
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:49 pm
by crypto
is this vote reasoned or random
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 6:50 pm
by Stringer Bell
↑ nopointinactingup wrote:I'm ... normal?
@Implosion: I'm okay with what you're saying but
↑ The Eruci wrote:
Q: Were all abilities available from the start?
A: All abilities existing within this game are present from the start of the game. No new abilities will be introduced after game start.
what if there are abilities that disappear by itself in this game? sorta like 1 shot 2 shot. It would surely affect how the massclaim turn out. This didn't really happen the last game so I'm concerned the mod might get smarter
Since the abilities pass from player to player, it would be sort of strange if there was a 1 or 2 shot ability, other than the virus that kills whoever holds it too long.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:00 pm
by Magister Ludi
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:04 pm
by crypto
vote: warriormode
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:10 pm
by crypto
↑ Junpei wrote:Implosion, I read MoI's plan from x01, and I liked it a lot, and would like to go with it this game, at least for now. It doesn't demand any claiming at the present so it is okay to tentatively agree while we gametheory in private.
if you read the x01 plan then why did you only say this in your third post instead of using it to kickstart the convo in an earlier post
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:48 pm
by implosion
nopoint wrote:what if there are abilities that disappear by itself in this game? sorta like 1 shot 2 shot. It would surely affect how the massclaim turn out. This didn't really happen the last game so I'm concerned the mod might get smarter
Either it'd be marked as one-shot/two-shot, marked as abnormal, or we'd play it by ear.
Junpei wrote:Implosion, I don't think that morale is a good thing to factor in when deciding if something is anti-town. That is to say, that human emotion hardly determines the mechanical adjectives one could apply to something like an ability.
That's not exactly what I meant when i said chaos. First of all, no scum would ever have been willing to keep the virus, and town members wouldn't be apt to either. Second of all, it kind of sapped discussion away from topics that could have been more useful to discuss because its mechanic was kind of weird. Basically, it never wound up killing any scum, because they'd just pass it to a townie, and the constant passing was kind of chaotic. Chaos might have been a bad word for it.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:54 pm
by wazzatron
hey there wow there's a few people that i'm wondering what goes on in there mind so i have to ask
CRYPTO WTF seriously dude.
a) voted self
b) unvoted and voted someone due to trying to make a plan
c) basicly wanted a super quick lynch.
d) unvoted again and jumped onto another wagon.
so all i have to say is
vote crypto
also i am generally a long winded player and as said in my signature which is a quote from another game of mine i seem to be quite incoherent at times, i tend to be well thought out and like to make plans of what to do and when to do it.
3 mod questions
1. do we get to know a disclosed amount of abilities that are within the game?
2. the "void/vanilla role" is this saying that none of the abilities you gain will work or just that you have no abilitys?
3. with offline and upgrade can both these be kept secret and are these said where they are for example, can offline still vote publicly but when it comes down to the lynch it doesn't happen
for upgrade does it still get mentioned in the vote count where it is sitting or is this totally invisible?
also a few questions for people
is it just due to your previous encounters with RVS that you don't participate or is it due to unliking as well because it's a pity to see someone not participate.
wouldn't it also be possible though for some abilitys to be put in the void/inactivity zone so that it seems to be passed on but hasn't actually been.
also implosion i like this claiming process because it gives nothing for scum to go on and is very beneficial to the town.
getting to know peoples personality's can help in a multitude of ways and this way they have to say how they act now and can't cover there arses for different actions under pressure as easily
that is not a personality, say how you act in real life and in this game not just ... well nothing about you because i have no idea what that even means.
also the only anti-town piece i see is the virus.
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:37 am
by springlullaby
Posting to mark.
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:40 am
by The Eruci
↑ Junpei wrote:mod, would an ability like disconnect as earlier describe get rid of the mafia's factional kill?
It would not remove any factional kill that a non Eruci-Aligned faction may have.
1. do we get to know a disclosed amount of abilities that are within the game?
2. the "void/vanilla role" is this saying that none of the abilities you gain will work or just that you have no abilitys?
3. with offline and upgrade can both these be kept secret and are these said where they are for example, can offline still vote publicly but when it comes down to the lynch it doesn't happen
for upgrade does it still get mentioned in the vote count where it is sitting or is this totally invisible?
1) No.
2) It means that you have no functional abilities for that Day/Night Phase.
3) I do not find it necessary to elaborate on abilities that existed in x01, which have no bearing on the abilities existing within this game. Both answers are available by perusing Cyclic Experimentation Set x01.
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:57 am
by springlullaby
It seems I have signed up for a game with heavier mechanics than I imagined. Still I like the flavor, it's cool.
Need to look up last game but the main objection I can see with the cycling claim strategy is that if there is multi scum groups as usually the case in large games - and assuming that passing abilities is only prohibited within one scum group since it looks like a handicap designed to prevent scum from pooling abilities to themselves, it won't be of much help clearing people, and may in fact help scum track abilities whereabouts.
Am I right or am I missing something?
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:58 am
by springlullaby
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:12 am
by Junpei
I don't like RVS because it literally does nothing. Discussion will begin in games regardless of if we randomly vote people, and that is all I will say on the matter.
Alright; Virus is bad. But none of the other abilities are.
Also after looking through Cyclic 1 I've found that while the doublevote isn't listed as a name, it is counted publicly in the number next to the person who has the secret vote on them.