↑ LlamaFluff wrote: ↑ ArcAngel9 wrote:But what i experienced is that few players had habituated this policy lynch theory in a wrong way. According to them, anyone who don't play or meet their expectations are considered as derps and VI, and they usually group attack and lynch them for no good reason then letting being of part of the game.
There are basically the following types of players who are okay to policy lynch (to me) after they have continually demonstrated they will do such
Let me go over each point that you have described...
1) Constant self-hammers, intentionally anti-town play as town, etc
Self Hammers are not encouraged, i really wonder why would anyone want to self hammer in a game that they signed in to play. Wouldn't that be self contradicting? But if there are situations... I wonder what made them self hammer? because this would be different to a case to case scenario....
I have seen two kinds of self hammers so far.. and i want to know how you feel on both scenarios and tell me if anyone them sounds fair or unfair to you but promise me that you would think as VICTIM HERE!!
A) Situational Self Hammer players : This type of players are very emotional and cant hold to a debate or defend with other players for more than an extent/limit and they usually get irritated being cornered/attacked by almost every player on the game regardless of the sides.
EX: A player named Levi self voted himself becuz he was tired defending himself all day with almost all the other players (that includes mafia), he was a townie in the game. It was a great loss to the town, All he needed was a bit trust from other players which he fought to get it all day, the issue here was that people were not wrong about him but wasn't open enough to listen to him, it was pretty much policy lynch concept again. Anywayz, How do you define his self vote? I understand that he was responsible for his self vote but what makes the rest of players are not responsible for the loss in game for not giving a chance to be part of it. ??
B) Unconditional players : These are players are just insane, they just vote themselves to prove that they're not what they claim to be.. they just confuse game and players. and they are plenty on this board. and i can't take names.
2) Lurker to the extent where mods will not replace while posting nothing of value but keep signing up for games. Note lurkers who when they do post are decent are NOT policy lynchable.
This is a very debatable point, How do we get to define "post values"? the posts that i am making obviously might not appeal valuable to a player who keep high expectations on a game play but that doesn't change the fact that my posts are valuable to myself and to few others.. EX: Myself!! I had to replace out myself after day3 in a game becuz a player can't shut his mouth becuz he thinks my posts don't contain value.
My point is that we can't set value of posts to a point and expect better, but i do see your point about the potential damage and trouble it may create but it can conveniently misguide other and can lead them this about this incorrectly.
3) Overly abbrasive players who make the game not fun for the majority of players
(I actually created a ruleset that essentially bans this play type from my games)
The bolded is good, And this is what i was suggesting. if you can't fit into something, you get your size and fit in yourself there comfortably. No complaints anymore!!!
4) Players who are bad enough that they are detremental to the town as town AND show no sign/want to improve their play. Again the last part is important. There are players who are not great but get better, there are also players who are not great and make no attempt to change. You CAN change too. Look at kondi/klick as the most recent example of a player realizing they are not liked and actually DOING something to fix it.
This is going to be hard to accept and you may not like this..
No one knows for certain if anyone being whatever the way they are is intentional or unintentional, Imagine you try to fill a cup which is already full? if someone who knows all the rules and still plays as they usually plays which makes them a player with their own style of playing than a bad player.
I am not denying to fact that there are few players who does this intentionally, and i am excluding them from this discussion. And such players to be kept at the right place becuz they do more damage than any good to this community.
But again, it shouldn't encourage anyone to be judgmental and not be open minded.