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Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:04 am
by Yosarian2
armlx wrote:Can we stop posting in leet and actually play the game?
1 \/\/15H 1 k0u|d.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:01 am
by Shamrock
armlx wrote:Can we stop posting in leet and actually play the game?
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:40 pm
by Iammars
armlx wrote:Can we stop posting in leet and actually play the game?
|\|0, r34LL'/ 1 (4|\|'7. 7|-|3 /\/\0D 70LD /\/\3 1 (4|\|'7. 7|-|47'5 \/\/|-|'/ 1 /\/\3|\|710|\|3D /\/\'/ (0|\|\/3R70R 34RL13R, 50 j00Z 9U'/5 (0ULD 7R4|\|5L473 17 b4(|< 70 3|\|9L15|-|.
|-|3R3 17 15 4941|\|:
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:49 pm
by armlx
Ok, that helps a lot. Thanks 'Mars.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:49 pm
by armlx
FOS Iammars
Iammars + post restriction = scummy?
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:42 pm
by Yosarian2
lIKE i 4lre4Dy 54id, I h4ve 7Eh 54ME RE57RIC7i0n.
D0E2 n07 Pr0ve 14MM4r2 12 7elL1nG 7Eh 7ru7h, 0f C0ur2E.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:44 pm
by Glork
Though I want to agree that it's scummy, I can't bring myself to believe that we'd be left with such an obvious deliniation between Scum and Town.
If Iammars and Yosarian (His inclusion is based on his response of "1 \/\/15H 1 k0u|d.") both have this post restriction, I personally find it unthinkable that they're both 1337 h4xx0rz, simply because that'd make the game a little too easy for us.
Nevertheless, I definitely feel it's a trait we should keep an eye on, as it appears to hint towards their roles. Not worthy of a Finger of Suspicion... but worthy of.... an "Eye of Caution"?
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:35 pm
by Yosarian2
Iammars wrote:armlx wrote:Can we stop posting in leet and actually play the game?
|\|0, r34LL'/ 1 (4|\|'7. 7|-|3 /\/\0D 70LD /\/\3 1 (4|\|'7. 7|-|47'5 \/\/|-|'/ 1 /\/\3|\|710|\|3D /\/\'/ (0|\|\/3R70R 34RL13R, 50 j00Z 9U'/5 (0ULD 7R4|\|5L473 17 b4(|< 70 3|\|9L15|-|.
|-|3R3 17 15 4941|\|:
1 L1k3 7H15 0n3 83773r. 8451c l33t 15 34513R 70 R34d.[/url]
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:38 pm
by Yosarian2
Glork wrote:Though I want to agree that it's scummy, I can't bring myself to believe that we'd be left with such an obvious deliniation between Scum and Town.
If Iammars and Yosarian (His inclusion is based on his response of "1 \/\/15H 1 k0u|d.") both have this post restriction, I personally find it unthinkable that they're both 1337 h4xx0rz, simply because that'd make the game a little too easy for us.
Nevertheless, I definitely feel it's a trait we should keep an eye on, as it appears to hint towards their roles. Not worthy of a Finger of Suspicion... but worthy of.... an "Eye of Caution"?
5cUm r4r3Ly h4v3 p0571n' r357R1c710N2, 8u7 14Mm4r2 m19h7 83 Ph4k1N' H15; 17'2 4 r47h3r 8L00dY 08V30U2 r0l3 91v3N 73H 7h3m3.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:06 pm
by Glork
If anybody is faking the restriction, Yosarian, I'd say it's you. Iammars was the first to bring up the restriction when he posted this:
Iammars wrote:BU7 j00Z 541D 50 1|\| /\/\'/ r0L3 p/\/\!
1 Ph33L (|-|3473D...
in response to the mod's statement that we don't have to post in 1337. I'm not sure what you're getting at with this whole "iammars is faking it" bit, but it seems awfully backwards/hypocritical.
FoS: Yosarian2
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:50 am
by Yosarian2
Glork wrote:If anybody is faking the restriction, Yosarian, I'd say it's you. Iammars was the first to bring up the restriction when he posted this:
Iammars wrote:BU7 j00Z 541D 50 1|\| /\/\'/ r0L3 p/\/\!
1 Ph33L (|-|3473D...
in response to the mod's statement that we don't have to post in 1337. I'm not sure what you're getting at with this whole "iammars is faking it" bit, but it seems awfully backwards/hypocritical.
FoS: Yosarian2
i DId'nt 54y tH@ HE W42 f4kiN' IT. i 54id tH@ It'2 p055I8lE HE'2 F4kIn' It, Cu2 I THInK teH t0wN 5h0Uld kEeP teh P055i8ilITy iN mInd. tEH f4ct Th@ i kn0W tH@ i 4cTu4LlY dId 9ET th@ p05tIn' re5TICti0N m4kE2 it lE52 LikeLY (FR0m my P0InT 0F vIew) Th@ hE'2 f4kIN' IT, 8uT CU2 TeH R0Le i2 50 08VE0U2, It D02'nt PR0ve iT, WHiCh I2 4lL I W42 54yIn'.
4nD 0F k0ur2e it 90E2 WITH0ut 54yIn' tH@ Fr0m J00r P0InT 0F viEW, TH02E 54mE 4r9UmenT2 K0uld 4PPly T0 MeH 42 wElL. tHere'2 N0tHIn' 84CkW4RD2 0R hYp0cRItic4L 480ut mEH meNTI0nIn' IT 42 4 P055i8ILiTy.
1F 4ny7h1n' 12 5u5p1c10u2, 17'2 J00'R3 57R4ng3 "1 4gR33 7h47 17'2 55p00g3mY" c0mm3n7. j00 4GR33 7h47 G3771N' 4 P0571N' r357r1c710n 12 55p00g3my??? Wh3r3 d0 J00 g37 7H47 1d34?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:51 am
by JechtMurray
1 d0 |\|07 |-|4\/3 4 (|-|01(3 1|\| 7|-|3 /\/\4773r 317|-|3r. 17 /\/\4|<3$ /\/\3 4 $4D p4|\|D4. 7|-|4|\||<$ Ph0r 7|-|3 L1|\||< 70 7|-|3 (0|\|\/3r73r, 17 \/\/4$ 901|\|9 70 b3 4 |\|19|-|7/\/\4r3 |<33P1|\|9 d01|\|9 17 b'/ |-|4|\|D.
1 4/\/\ 4(7U4LL'/ d1$$4P01|\|73D 7|-|@ 7|-|3r3 R /\/\0r3 p30PL3 7|-|4|\| jU$7 /\/\3 \/\/17|-| 7|-|1$ r3$7r1(710|\|, 1 7|-|0U9|-|7 1 \/\/4$ $P3(14L.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:31 am
by Iammars
Kk yos4r14n, 1'll u23 Th12 On3 1NSt34D. 9L4D To s33 th@ 1'm NOT T3H only ON3.
1'M 9u3sS1N' tH@ W3'r3 NoT Us1N' "4dv4nc3d l33T"
0h, 4nd j3ChTMurr4Y, n0 0N3'2 5P3C14l.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:38 am
by VisMaior
Oh god, I feel so lucky that Im not in this game...
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:10 am
by Glork
Yosarian2 wrote:1F 4ny7h1n' 12 5u5p1c10u2, 17'2 J00'R3 57R4ng3 "1 4gR33 7h47 17'2 55p00g3mY" c0mm3n7. j00 4GR33 7h47 G3771N' 4 P0571N' r357r1c710n 12 55p00g3my??? Wh3r3 d0 J00 g37 7H47 1d34?
...did you read my post? I said that I'd want to think it's scummy (mainly because of the nature of Tyfo's death), but I don't actualy think it's automatically a scum-tell. And I explained why.
Nevertheless, my gut feeling (at this point in the game anyway) is that one of the post-restricted players is the h4xx0r who pwnd Tyfo.
(Sidenote: How the heck did they get "55p00g3my" out of "scummy"? I had to use the L337 -> English translator to figure out what that "word" meant.... craziness!)
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:13 am
by TheEyeOfMordor
Are haxors and hackers the same?
I thought they were different, haxors the people who cheat in CS and hackers the ones who do damage to files and computers.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:20 am
by armlx
Same thing....
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:19 am
by Iammars
kK. 1'M 50rRY 7h47 7h12 12 4 1nC0nv1Ence pH0r J00 4Ll. h0pEFullY we W1LL 8E 48LE 70 9E7 0N w17 7EH 94me N0W 7H47 We R 4LL U51N' 7eh 54ME K0nVEr70r. 42 We 90 7Hr0u9H 7eh 94me we W1LL pR0848ly 8ec0me 8e77ER 1N rE4D1n' 17.
4Ny0NE ph1nd 4nY7h1n' 55p009eMY 50 pH4R?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:22 am
by Shamrock
|-|4><0|-z 15 4 l337 \/3|-510|\| 0|= |-|4(|<3|-5.
1'|\/| 601|\|6 70 |<33P P0571|\|6 1|\| l337 |=0|- |\|0\/\/ 51|\|(3 17'5 |=|_||\|, |_||\|l355 17'5 53|-10|_|5l'/ 4|\||\|0'/1|\|6 4|\|'/0|\|3.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:37 am
by armlx
Vote Shamrock
Using leet as a way to derail the game = bad....
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:06 am
by Glork
armlx wrote:Vote Shamrock
Using leet as a way to derail the game = bad....
I don't think he's trying to derail the game. In fact, he explicitly said that he's doing it because he finds it fun, but he'll stop if it's annoying people. That's... not really a reason to vote for him, methinks. Heck, I'm tempted to type in 1337 just because it's fun, too...
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:19 am
by armlx
Right. I misread his leet. I thought he said he was doing it to annoy people (hence the reason we should not use leet)....
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:40 am
by Shamrock
'/34|-|, 1 _||_|57 l1|<3 |)01|\|6 17. 1'll 570P 1|= j00 \/\/4|\|7 7|-|47 |\/||_|(|-|.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:12 am
by Yosarian2
3 Of U2 AR3 NOW ClA1M1n9 7o 83 l33t-R357R1c73D? 1N73r3571N9...
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:34 pm
by inHimshallibe
unV073: h3zluCkY
v073: 4RMlx
- b3C4uz3 0f 73H JuMp1n' 0n 5h4mr0cK'Z K4z3. 7h3r3 w4z 4L50 73h F0Z 0F 14MM4RZ. h3 533mZ 70 B3 Pl4Y1n' 4 B17 700 0Pp0r7UN1571c4llY 1n 7RY1n' 70 941n 50m3 5734M F0r 4 K0uPL3 0F W490nz.
R19h7 n0W, 1'm 7h1Nk1N' 9l0Rk'Z 4 Pr377y 900d 9uY, 4ND 7h47 1F 4NY0N3 w3r3 F4k1n' 4 p057 R357r1c710N, 17'd B3 j3ch7mUrR4y. BU7 7H0Z3 7H1n9z R JU57 F33l1N9Z.
4nd 7h4NX PH0r 7h@ L1nk (4l7H0u9H 7r4N5L4710n-8Y-H4nD W42 Pr377y phUN.)