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Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:43 pm
by Micc
The original card list uses Goo as the main recruitment method and balances the unrestricted cult recruiter at least in part by making it rare. A delay certainly came work too. The big hang ups that will need to be worked out are smaller details such as how recruiting non town alignment works, communication rules, win condition, card makeup, whether non-factional abilities are retained. probably some other things ill remember when i go back to look at my notes from that one game i did actually have a cult...

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 12:50 am
by TemporalLich
There are three roles capable of cult recruiting in Great Idea, and none of them are an unrestricted cult recruiter (there's a 1-Shot Cult Recruiter though, and that specifically can't recruit groupscum).

AFAIK cult recruitments in Great Idea only change alignment, so only factional abilities are lost.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 2:59 am
by Kerset
How about perfectionist recruitment? Cult may recruit other players as long as they don't fail on doing so. Once their fractional ability gets blocked by anything or target dies during converting, they lose their fractional power permanently. Great Idea is meant to be very chaotic setup, so swing doesn't matter (i think?).

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 3:54 am
by T-Bone
If I recall, to make up for the Aliens restricted kills, the Alien factional kill had priority on all other night actions...and they had another factional ability that also compensated for the lack of consistent nightkills. I think their win condition was altered to allow them to have priority on wins too.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:03 am
by chamber
In post 28, T-Bone wrote:If I recall, to make up for the Aliens restricted kills, the Alien factional kill had priority on all other night actions...and they had another factional ability that also compensated for the lack of consistent nightkills. I think their win condition was altered to allow them to have priority on wins too.
I don't know what has been done to them online, but offline the main thing with aliens is just having completely OP abilities.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:50 am
by Micc
In post 26, TemporalLich wrote:There are three roles capable of cult recruiting in Great Idea, and none of them are an unrestricted cult recruiter (there's a 1-Shot Cult Recruiter though, and that specifically can't recruit groupscum).

AFAIK cult recruitments in Great Idea only change alignment, so only factional abilities are lost.
ooof. that's what i get for speaking from memory.

the problem with 1-shot recruit is that it doesn't scale well with game size, same as the original implementation of limited alien factional kills. Cult recruits primarily made through goo, scaled based on game size, or non-consecutive night are all good thoughts because they scale to at least some degree.
In post 29, chamber wrote:
In post 28, T-Bone wrote:If I recall, to make up for the Aliens restricted kills, the Alien factional kill had priority on all other night actions...and they had another factional ability that also compensated for the lack of consistent nightkills. I think their win condition was altered to allow them to have priority on wins too.
I don't know what has been done to them online, but offline the main thing with aliens is just having completely OP abilities.
The Alien OP abilities work good for regular old great idea, but with the picking cards mechanic of greatest idea the reward for using alien cards gets separated from the drawback so everyone takes the alien card as an ability and no one plays alien as a faction.

The idea suggested most, and that I think ill go with for greatest idea is that if someone picks an alien card for alignment they retain the ability of the alien card in addition to an ability from their ability card. That would give plenty of upside for picking alien to mitigate the downside of limited factional kill and there being fewer cards in the deck to provide teammates.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:53 am
by TemporalLich
1-shot cult recruiter can still be pretty frightening in endgames, but yeah it scales poorly