Modnote: "hurts" won't be tracked in votecounts, but will be honored as votes that occur when Gacha phase ends, like the rules say.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:46 pm
by Hoctac
I recommend not voting tbh since a lynch before distribution would be slightly bad. Use the hurt tags to represent votes.
My card egg is extremely powerful and I kinda want to keep it for myself.
I think we should play normally without claiming eggs for a bit, and then claim them after a couple of days. Since knowing which eggs certain players have may make us treat each other different (buddying people who have good stuff).
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:51 pm
by Hoctac
It's okay, Isis; I will keep my own hurt count. Only for my own vote though, everyone else should keep track of theirs.
DoctarCola (1) - Hoctac
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:54 pm
by Dunnstral
In post 26, Hoctac wrote:My card egg is extremely powerful and I kinda want to keep it for myself.
I don't think you can do that, it does mention throwing it to another player
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 3:54 pm
by Dunnstral
In post 1, Isis wrote:For the first six meatworld days of dayplay, they can Throw: their card-egg to another player with no card
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:03 pm
by Dunnstral
In post 26, Hoctac wrote:
Since knowing which eggs certain players have may make us treat each other different (buddying people who have good stuff).
Do we know how many scum are in the game? Are we just playing under the assumption it's 1 to 3?
What if it's 4 and we're in LyLo today? I'd rather know about such a detail.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:05 pm
by Chemist1422
I may or may not have entirely misread the ability of my cardegg
I promise I'm intelligent
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:06 pm
by DoctorPepper
Fine I won't RVS here
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:07 pm
by Hoctac
Or what if it's 0 and Isis trolls us by just modkills people she dislikes every night, while we grow more and more paranoid about everyone feeling too towny? I could see her doing that.
1. I don't see a downside to claiming card-eggs right now - we need to distribute them to other players
2. We shouldn't distribute the card-eggs right away, I want to get a feel for people first, some card-eggs would be a shame to be lost
3. DoctorPepper didn't read the setup
But if the day ends with people having cards they all die don't they? I thought we have to give out our card first.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:48 pm
by Hoctac
You got anything good, Pigman? I'm willing to trade.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:49 pm
by Pigman
OK so hurt thing is like vote place holder?
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:49 pm
by Hoctac
Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 4:49 pm
by Pigman
In post 44, Hoctac wrote:You got anything good, Pigman? I'm willing to trade.
man I don't even know lol I am gonna need some help here.