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Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:25 pm
by McMenno

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:27 am
by Cheetory6

Ariel's Results
Spoiler: Ariel's Guesses
Ariel- Rock climbing

Cheetory6 - Playing a game of Survivor
Equinox - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
Errantparabola - all of the above
Knightmare491 - Piano
GeorgeBailey - Youtube channel
lalaladucks - Surfing

lilith2013 - Photography

McMenno - Smooching boys
N - amateur stand-up comedy
Nahdia - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Board Games

Not_Mafia - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.
SleepyKrew - Worldbuilding
Zaphkael - Radio Astronomy!

lalaladucks, lilith2013, NotAJumbleOfNumbers

Nexus's Results
Spoiler: Nexus's Guesses
SleepyKrew - amateur stand-up comedy

Errantparabola - Rock climbing
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Board Games

Nexus - Smooching boys

Not_Mafia - all of the above
N - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
McMenno - Radio Astronomy
GeorgeBailey - BASS GUITAR
Nahdia - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.

Knightmare491 - Piano
Cheetory6 - Youtube channel

lalaladucks - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
Ariel - Worldbuilding
Equinox - Photography
Zaphkael - Surfing
lilith2013 - Playing a game of Survivor

SleepyKrew, NotAJumbleOfNumbers, Nahdia, Cheetory6

N's Results
Spoiler: N's Guesses
Nexus - Playing a game of Survivor
Ariel - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
Nahdia - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.

Knightmare491 - Rock climbing
Cheetory6 - Radio Astronomy!
SleepyKrew - amateur stand-up comedy

lilith2013 - Photography

Not_Mafia - Smooching boys
Errantparabola - BASS GUITAR

Zaphkael - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
GeorgeBailey - Youtube channel
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Worldbuilding
McMenno - Board Games
lalaladucks - Surfing

Equinox - Piano
N - all of the above

Nahdia, SleepyKrew, lilith2013, Errantparabola, lalaladucks

GeorgeBailey's Results
Spoiler: GeorgeBailey's Guesses
SleepyKrew - all of the above
Errantparabola - Piano
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Worldbuilding
Not_Mafia - amateur stand-up comedy
N - Rock climbing
McMenno - Photography
Nahdia - Smooching boys
Knightmare491 - Board Games
Cheetory6 - Youtube channel

lalaladucks - Surfing

Ariel - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.
Equinox - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
Zaphkael - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
lilith2013 - Playing a game of Survivor

Cheetory6, lalaladucks

Knightmare491's Results
Spoiler: Knightmare 491's Guesses
SleepyKrew - amateur stand-up comedy

Errantparabola - Board Games
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Playing a game of Survivor
Nexus - Piano
N - Surfing
McMenno - Worldbuilding

GeorgeBailey - all of the above
Nahdia - Smooching boys
Cheetory6 - Youtube channel

lalaladucks - Radio Astronomy!
Ariel - Photography
Equinox - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
Zaphkael - Rock climbing
lilith2013 - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.

SleepyKrew, McMenno, Cheetory6

Errantparabola's Results
Spoiler: Errantparabola's Guesses
Equinox - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.
errantpaabala - BASS GUITAR

Nahdia - Playing a game of Survivor
Cheetorrty6 - amateur stand-up comedy : )
Nexus - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
ducks - Piano
Lilith2013 - Youtube channel
NotMafia - Smooching boys
Jumbleofnumbers - Worldbuilding
GeorgeBailey - Radio Astronomy!

Ariel - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
Knightmare491 - Board Games
McMenno - all of the above
Zaphkael - Photography
N - Surfing
SleepyKrew - Rock climbing


lilith2013's Results
Spoiler: lilith2013's Guesses
SleepyKrew - Playing a game of Survivor
Errantparabola - BASS GUITAR

NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Board Games

Nexus - Piano
Not_Mafia - Worldbuilding
N - Surfing
McMenno - Youtube channel
GeorgeBailey - amateur stand-up comedy
Nahdia - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
Knightmare491 - Radio Astronomy!
Cheetory6 - Rock climbing
lalaladucks - Smooching boys
Ariel - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.
Equinox - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
Zaphkael - all of the above
lilith2013 - Photography

Errantparabola, NotAJumbleOfNumbers

Zaphkael's Results
Spoiler: Zaphkael's Guesses
SleepyKrew - rock climbing
Errantparabola - photography
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Radio Astronomy!
Nexus - piano
N - All of the above

McMenno - YouTube channel
GeorgeBailey - surfing
Equinox - Worldbuilding
Knightmare491 - amateur stand-up comedy
Zaphkael - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.

Ariel - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.
lalaladucks - Smooching boys
Nahdia - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
Cheetory6 - board games
lilith2013 - Playing a game of Survivor


lalaladuck's Results
Spoiler: lalaladuck's Guesses
lalaladucks - Surfing

N - all of the above

Errantparabola - BASS GUITAR

Nexus - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
Not_Mafia - Smooching boys
SleepyKrew - Worldbuilding
GeorgeBailey - Radio Astronomy!

Ariel - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
lilith2013 - Photography

Cheetory6 - Rock climbing
Equinox - Playing a game of Survivor

Nahdia - amateur stand-up comedy
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.
McMenno - Youtube channel
Knightmare491 - Board Games
Zaphkael - Piano

N, Errantparabola, GeorgeBailey, lilith2013, Equinox

McMenno's Results
Spoiler: McMenno's Guesses
skrew - amateur stand-up comedy

errantparabola - rock climbing
notajumbleofnumbers - surfing
nexus - photography
not_mafia - all of the above
N - survivor
McMenno - worldbuilding

georgebailey - bass guitar
nahdia - L O N G furbies

knightmare - board games
keely - smooching boys
ducks - piano
ariel - archery
equinox - radio astronomy
zaphkael - youtube channel
lilith - writing

SleepyKrew, Nahdia

SleepyKrew's Results
Spoiler: SleepyKrew's Guesses
Errantparabola - BASS GUITAR

NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Playing a game of Survivor
Nexus - Worldbuilding
Not_mafia - Youtube channel
N - all of the above

MCMenno - smooching boys
GeorgeBailey - Rockclimbing
Nahdia - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.

Knightmare491 - Surfing
Cheetory6 - Piano
lalaladucks - Board Games
Ariel - Photography
Equinox - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc
Zaphkael - Radio Astronomy!
lilith2013 - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been..

N, Nahdia, Errantparabola

Nahdia's Results
Spoiler: Nahdia's Guesses
SleepyKrew - Rock climbing
EP - Photography
NotAJumble - amateur stand-up comedy
Nexus - Piano
Not_Mafia - all of the above
N - Surfing
McMenno - Youtube channel
GeorgeBailey - Radio Astronomy!

Nahdia - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.

Knightmare491 - BASS GUITAR
Cheetory6 - Worldbuilding
lalaladucks - Smooching boys
Ariel - Playing a game of Survivor
Equinox - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
Zaphkael - Board Games
lilith2013 - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.


Not_Mafia's Results
Spoiler: Not_Mafia's Guesses
SleepyKrew - amateur stand-up comedy

Errantparabola - Radio Astronomy
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - BASS GUITAR
Nexus - Playing a game of Survivor
Not_Mafia - Piano

N - Youtube channel
McMenno - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
GeorgeBailey - all of the above
Nahdia - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.

Knightmare491 - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
Cheetory6 - Photography
lalaladucks - Surfing

Ariel - Smooching boys
Equinox - Worldbuilding
Zaphkael - Rock climbing
lilith2013 - Board Games

SleepyKrew, lalaladucks, Nahdia

Fun Facts-lalaladucks and N take away with five correct guesses! Nice job!
-Nexus induces widespread panic with his submission
-I feel very called out with how easy it was for people to guess me (':

Spoiler: Original Submissions
Nahdia - Sewing plushies. Specifically long furbies.
Ariel - Rock climbing
NotAJumbleOfNumbers - Board Games
Errantparabola - BASS GUITAR
Equinox - Playing a game of Survivor
SleepyKrew - amateur stand-up comedy
lalaladucks - Surfing
Cheetory6 - Youtube channel
N - all of the above
McMenno - Worldbuilding
GeorgeBailey - Radio Astronomy!
Nexus - Smooching boys
lilith2013 - Photography
Knightmare491 - Writing! I've always wanted to write short stories, etc.
Zaphkael - Archery! It's that one thing that has always been slightly too much of a (time) investment to start doing.
Not_Mafia - Piano

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:32 am
by Cheetory6
Round 18: Crit Lit

What's the worst book you've ever read?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:39 am
by McMenno
nexus ur bisexual?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:40 am
by Nahdia
uh did my guesses not make the cut?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:46 am
by Cheetory6
woops! Fixed

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:47 am
by Nahdia
heck yea georgebailey

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:51 am
by Errantparabola
me too nahdia, solidarity in knowing georgebailey

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:55 am
by Not_Mafia
In post 29, Nahdia wrote:uh did my guesses not make the cut?
Mine neither

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:58 am
by Not_Mafia
N, EP, lalalalalalfucks pls

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:02 am
by Cheetory6
In post 33, Not_Mafia wrote:Mine neither
hahehhaha updated!?!?

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:45 pm
by SleepyKrew
@people that guessed rock climbing for me
Never speak to me again.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:52 pm
by Ariel
I had never heard of long furbies until this round. I am trying not to be weirded out that multiple people thought I'd want to make those!!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:58 pm
by lalaladucks
funny how a few people thought i was smooching boys

i’ve done that before. it’s not that fun

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:59 pm
by lalaladucks
i was considering putting rock climbing as my answer as well
radio astronomy??? HUGE NERD
looked up long furby. horrifying. that answer is also throwing me way off. no idea who wants to do that
i guess i could look into who has played survivor before on here to rule out some people but i really can't be bothered
i know nothing about knightmare and notajumble

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:03 pm
by Nahdia
Yall are sleeping on long furbies. They're awesome.
In post 38, lalaladucks wrote:funny how a few people thought i was smooching boys

i’ve done that before. it’s not that fun

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:17 pm
by Not_Mafia
I thought surfing was obvious because Australian and it wasn't gonna be N

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:24 pm
by GeorgeBailey
In post 31, Nahdia wrote:heck yea georgebailey
In post 32, Errantparabola wrote:me too nahdia, solidarity in knowing georgebailey
I'm glad i'm easy to figure out lmao.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:15 pm
by NotAJumbleOfNumbers
I'm surprised that 3 people put "Worldbuilding" for me, honestly. I'm not sure where that came from at all.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:58 pm
by Ariel
The only ones I got right were based on like previous knowledge of those people's hobbies (ducks likes swimming, lilith is artsy, Jumble not having had an opportunity to get into board games yet makes sense and seemed to fit). I tried researching who tends to say "etc." and "smooch" but it only led me astray!!

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:51 pm
by N
In post 40, Nahdia wrote:Yall are sleeping on long furbies. They're awesome.
Spoiler: ????????

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:58 pm
by Knightmare491
Whatever little I know of some of the people is from mish mash & the few board game sessions that have happened over the last month.
The vibe that I got from sleepy made me think that yeah he could be a decent amateur stand up comedian.
Youtube channel for Cheet made sense in my head somehow.
The world building one was the one I was the most confident in because of one of Meno's answers in my mish mash game.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:18 pm
by Cheetory6

- A Confederacy of Dunces
- Me Before You, by Jojo Moyes
- Talking to Strangers
- Ecce Romani I
- Tarjei Vesaas's The Ice Palace is supposed to be classic and well-loved Norwegian literature but reading it made me profoundly uncomfortable, although that's not an objective judgment.
- Breaking Dawn
- Fifty shades of grey
- Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
- Lopen voor je leven
- The Old Man and the Sea. It's 100 odd pages of this bloke trying to catch a fish. He catches it, then it gets eaten by a fucking shark!
- Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
- The first two books in the Long Earth series. I love Pratchett, but Baxter must be absolutely terrible and I refuse to ever read anything else he's written.

PM me your guesses!

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:25 pm
by lilith2013
Are we allowed to google the books to see what they're about?

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:27 pm
by Cheetory6