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Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:50 pm
by Espeonage
leave him for vig. If he is alive tomorrow we can lynch him.

We should instead try and hit scumbags hiding in this mess.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:04 pm
by Lelouch VI Britannia
Hey Baker, SUCK MY DICK you asshole. Now lets point something out here, he said I am omgusing. Hmmm..... wait a minute you mean when I voted you and acutally gave a good long reason as to why or when you knocked your head on the ground passing out from all the alcohol and then had a dream where I omgused a lot (Hey I'm flattered though to be dreamed of)

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:17 pm
by esuriospiritus
Let me be very short, sweet, and to the point.

I'm not going to be doing anything but prod-dodging until the insults and asshattery comes to a full and complete stop. I have
no desire
to read and try to get reads through all the hate-spewing, but I'd really rather not replace out over something that's (hopefully) going to stop once Lelouch is gone.

This is mostly directed at Lelouch, but Andrius, you need to tone it down, too. Cut it out.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:12 pm
by Lelouch VI Britannia
... Esurio you sound so sure that I will be gone soon whys that what if I don't get lynched are you implying I will be night killed by you?

Anyway I can stop if you all stop being assholes to me and jumping down my throat for stupid simple shit I haven't fully learned yet.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:45 am
by lewarcher82
Lelouch wrote: ... Esurio you sound so sure that I will be gone soon whys that what if I don't get lynched are you implying I will be night killed by you?
You mean esurio is scum? Believe me Lelouch, if you were town (and you are not), scum would never nk you. Sad (for you) but true.

I agree with esurio about insults:
mod: I think you should warn Lelouch and TMH... this should be a game based on subtle reasoning and brilliant dissimulation, and they are arguing like two angry cavemen.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:07 am
by The Master Hand
Consider myself warned
but seriously, that bolded bit is REALLY wordy. :P

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:49 am
by CSL
Mod, replace me. I no longer have any desire to play with people who get too emotional and spout profanity out of their dirty, rotten excuse of a mouth.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:07 am
by ObliviousDruidMuncher
CSL wrote:
Mod, replace me. I no longer have any desire to play with people who get too emotional and spout profanity out of their dirty, rotten excuse of a mouth.
@Mod: Same goes for us.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:13 am
by GhostWriter
OH, what the fuck, really? One of them has already agreed to stop, the other is no doubt being lynched today, so why lose you guys over this? It's not like the rest of us joined in.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:23 am
by Dekes
^ Cowardly flakers using pretentious excuses. Except Ghostwriter, of course.
crazypianist1116 wrote:This game...

If you're town it would be in your best interest figuring out who the scum are. It will take quite some active effort from you in order to do so. So please do something or you will be lynched faster than you can say "Sorry, I'm new to this game". Once again for you:
Dekes wrote:@thil
You're apparently pretty new at this, but you have to get your opinions out. What do you think of Lelouch? Who do you think could be scum so far?
Espeonage wrote:@ Question: A couple of town reads but mostly nulls leaning things. If I had any more reads I wanted to share I would have shared them.
We should instead try and hit scumbags hiding in this mess.
Why, thanks for taking the pro-active way. So, you obviously think there are scumbags on the Lelocuh wagon? Who?

If it takes a Lelouch lynch to get this game going again, so be it. But too many people are hiding behind the "Lelouch is such a distraction, I can't scumhunt properly"-excuse which is incredibely lazy and very false on top of that.

You should really reconsider you attitude before you ever start a mafia game again. If 90% of the players are annoyed by your play it might be that you are the problem, not them.

Unvote; Vote: Lelouch

L-1, me thinks. Tomorrow we start useful scumhunting, m'kay? Tragedy, TMH and Espeo are very good candidates to start with.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:34 am
by Tragedy
So we are going to actually ignore a guy whose being a lurky and has four POSTS in this game?
I think you might need to rethink about thil.

I would be going for lulu if he could look any scummier, but at least I'll have Andy chasing me to die.

I'm not amazed if the people sitting with their RVS votes at lulu were scum.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:39 am
by The Master Hand
CSL, ObliviousDruidMuncher
: If we replace out will you guys stay? Lelouch is getting lynched anyway, and then you both will stay, so then jmj will only have to worry about 1 replacement instead of 2. And as a mod myself, replacements are already a pain in the royal ass. One is bad enough, but two?

I still think you guys are pansies for doing this, but I'm willing to /out because keeping one player for two isn't worth it.

jmj, offer stands. If they're both willing to stick around if we leave then that's fine by me.

-The Colorless, Masonic Baker

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:45 am
by Dekes
They definitely had made up their mind before that or they would've simply asked the mod to replace Lelouch for his behaviour if they really wanted to play this game.

In other news, Tragedy is picking easy targets and is spouting vague suspicons.

Tragedy, which votes on Lelouch would you deem RVS-votes?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:48 am
by The Master Hand
Its worth a shot.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:57 am
by Lelouch VI Britannia
I can keep my mouth shut if others can profanity wise, TMH and Esurio just piss me the fuck off.

Anywaaay GW you seem REALLY eager to keep them in the game? They weren't even trying very hard whys this now you want to keep easy targets in game for you to kill because your scum?

Really Dekes...

Tragedy the point makes a lot of sense Lurking and not really posting just to stay out of null does look quite suspicious.

Vote: Thil

Hmm lemme guess Esurio, Dekes or TMH is now going to comment something along the lines of " He is sheeping tragedy because they are scum partners" just a guess since you seem really intent on calling both of us scum so I figured you must also think we are on the same team unless there are two teams but we don't know yet.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:02 am
by GhostWriter
Is that all you're going to do now? Flail? Keep it up, I hear that it's a really good move with low HP, and you're on your last legs...

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:12 am
by esuriospiritus
XFD, Pokemon reference.

I'd like to point out Lelouch's persistent rolefishing again. He asks me if I'm going to nightkill him -- really bad move considering in any large game there is almost certainly a vig. There's the WIFOM about two scumteams, which I have less of a problem with since it's scum-role-fishing, but it really just seems like he's trying to cause as much WIFOM as humanly possible before he inevitably bites the dust.

CSL's slot is also probably scum. IIRC he didn't even fucking
anything in between RVS and replacing out, so using Lelouch as an excuse rings hollow.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:17 am
by The Master Hand
Lelouch VI Britannia wrote:I can keep my mouth shut if others can profanity wise, TMH and Esurio just piss me the fuck off.
Um, contradiction? Its obvious the feelings mutual, but Esurio hasn't been profane. I would ask those who requested to hold on for a second, we've gotten over our rage. I've been considering replacing out, but I figure just blacklisting Lelouch after this is all over is more appropriate.

Tragedy's style this time around is different from the scum games I've played with him, so I'm actually getting a town read.


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:20 am
by Lelouch VI Britannia
I doubt a scum would ask to be replaced.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:31 am
by esuriospiritus
Are you going to give a reason, or are you just going to baldy defend your scumbuddy?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:34 am
by GhostWriter
I have replaced out of either 2 or 3 games as scum in my history of completed mafia games on THIS site alone. That's a bullshit point.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:36 am
by Lelouch VI Britannia
your a bullshit point nothing but idiotic reasoning and false points. Just kill me already once I die make sure to lynch GW, Esurio, thil and MB

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:41 am
by GhostWriter

Build a decent case before naming people as scum. It helps better. Takes outrageous known talent to get people to follow your leads without having anything to sway them.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:11 am
by Tragedy
I would like to stalk danakillsu.
For Dana, here, the only thing that
against Lulu is that he "resembles" like scum giving up instead of town. By this post, I'm thinking that even dana would think he's a VI, and would prefer to lynch Lulu without a case and thought of his own. Then argues for a post against Espeonage about VI thoughts, and so on and so forth. Nothing much interesting-ish.

I would be feeling that dana would be leaning partially scum.

And of Thil, who just left his post at Obliviousdruidmuncher, and lurks in silence, which is quite the disturbing. "Easy" player? LVB looks like an
player to obviously lynch, and you're saying I'm doing that against a weaker one? Try again.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:25 am
by lewarcher82
oh come on ODM&CSL: your lurking damages the game much more than the TMH and Lelouch arguing. It was only a couple of posts, we protested, TMH apologised...

@TMH: I'd rather lose two lurkers than 1 active player. Please, reconsider.

I am not even entering the discussion "would scum replace out". All of this is stupid. ODM and CSL should stay in the game and start playing, which neither has yet done.