Page 11 of 45

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:29 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 249, Noraa wrote:e

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:31 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 248, Noraa wrote:Both scum are in this pool and im close to 100% sure of it
{Illwei, piisirrational/Bakslash, Roden, Bimblesticks, ItalianoVD}

if any of them start pushing outside of the pool, that's gonna look bad because im certain that Strangematter, Grandpa Mo, and Bulge are town. I think it's pretty obvious that I am town but if anyone wants to challenge that, go ahead.
yea ur fucking town. there is no way that strangematter + nora are scum LOL. The only person I may have weary thought is bulge but im certain their thought process against roden is towny as well.

i still wanna push illiwee

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:32 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 249, Noraa wrote:
In post 225, GrandpaMo wrote:and scum just lies between Illwei, Bakslash, Bimblesticks, ItalianoVD
oh man I keep seeing your posts and they all say similar things to what im thinking. idk how I feel about that but I do still think you're town probably.
intuitative thought is usually townpings -- this happened earlier with another player -- literally the only reason im playing in the newbie queue is to fix my diverted and bad playstyle i play as town

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:33 am
by GrandpaMo
something i need to work on is spam posting, which im working on rn -- its so hard to gather all thoughts in one post, and i think that is a weakness that scum can take advantage off

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:03 am
by piisirrational
Reading the thread, will post more later.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:42 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 239, Roden wrote:Just more pointless personal attacks and gaslighting. Yeah I'm certain you're scum at this point, I don't see a townie, especially a SE townie, pulling this kind of shit. You didn't act like this at all in the other newbie game we played. You didn't tunnel and attack people over and over, you just hung back, asked questions, then pressed scum when they made actually scummy posts.

Why do you refuse to vote me if you keep saying I'm scum and want to see me hammered? Why wouldn't you vote out someone you're certain is scum? This is flat out anti-town. It really does just sound like you know I'm not really scum but don't want the attention for pushing my wagon when I flip green. Town doesn't need to be manipulative like that.
There is actually something that I need to point out.

I actually read this game.

And i even asked Bulge a question about, of how you know its different from here to there.

Becuase both of you seem to be actually more cooperative in that game.

But in this -- it seems that you have had a first conflict occured with Noraa vs Roden in page 3 -- but that original conflict died down.

Post 78-79 are actually somewhat reasonable and sticks out to me as a good posts and different than Roden's other posts

Post 122 Bulge townreads Roden explicitly.

Post 133 Roden is townreading Norra

But Norra at that point was still conflicted

Post 138 - Norra explicitly scumreads Roden

The Roden V Bulge interaction started in page 7

Page 10 is where the conflict rises and roden gets more frustrated.

Some post -- Roden explicitly scumreads Bulge (rising confbias)


I feel like if you really should analyze this, there were two conflicts one in the beginning and one that is happening concurrently, both have had issues with playstyle and Roden's demeanor. This should, therefore, confirm that Roden's playstyle / Demeanor is MOST LIKELY in fact NAI. No one actually had a scumcase on Roden, I don't think. So if we further analyze, this would put Norra who scumread Roden in THEIR interaction and Bulge who null/townread in THEIR interaction. Furthermore, Norra now townreads, well I believe implicitly townreads Roden through out the Bulge / Roden interaction.

So I will ask you this @Roden, what do you feel like is different from here than in the game you played? Are there specific posts / quotes you can point out to me?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:39 am
by piisirrational
Caught up with this thread. My predecessor posted nothing of note so not commenting on that. Here are my current thoughts on each player:

Bimblesticks - Only posted 3 posts that don't provide much information at all.

GrandpaMo - Null on this slot for now. None of their posts yet strike me as definitively alignment indicative, but to be fair, that's mainly on the context of the posts themselves. Once I get a better read on the interactions later I will be able to sort this slot.

Illwei - I'm not feeling this slot. Most of his analysis so far seems to be sorting actions as alignment indicative, which 1) there hasn't been much of, and 2) fairly little explanation as to why this would or would not be AI. Also I disagree with post 130. Asking someone a question as to why they're doing something isn't an opportunistic jump, it's trying to get more information. If it was actually opportunistic a vote would have been placed, which I do not see in the quote. He's actively lurking and kind of fence-sitting.

ItalianoVD - His gameplay seems quite different than in past games I played with him. To be fair, those games were a while ago, but in those games, he provided much more analysis to his thinking and seemed more willing to actually want to solve the game. Most of his posts are currently fluff without much explanation, and the questions do seem simple enough to be easily asked by scum. His town playstyle I think would involved more detailed posts. I also don't like how he dodged the accusation of his questions providing no note, since town!Italiano would actually want to address that because that's most of his posts right now that actually do contain content.

Noraa - I feel like most of the interactions so far concerning her are town but I can't point to specific posts yet. Nothing from her, skimming through this thread, strikes me as scum indicative, so townlean for now.

Roden - I disagree with post 53 and how anyone can "read too much into RVS." While the general purpose of RVS is to help generate content, it is still information to be gathered at the end of the day. In fact, it's generally the best place to catch scum because they aren't accustomed to figuring out how to manipulate town to its ends yet. Although he seems defensive in his accusations a bit I feel like this is actually quite town indicative because I would expect scum to be less defensive to try to stay under the radar. While you could argue that scum is also very defensive at points in this game, the fact that there has been very little information in this game so far and the fact that only a subset of the people are actually engaged in this, I think Roden is town because scum!Roden would just coast more because that's what some of the playerbase is doing. He would not post so much to bring more attention to himself.

StrangeMatter - I disagree with the notion that he's conftown because of his latest posts. Most of the time scum wins because they're way more towny later on and because most of the town mainly focuses on posts made later. As stated previously scum is usually less scummy later on because they've actually been accustomed to how town plays and can blend in more. I kind of scumread him a bit during the middle of reading the thread, mainly through posts like 34, and that kinds of ping me. That said, the fact that his playstyle seems to be consistent throughout most of the game would make this unlikely, so he's still a townlean. Not conf though and I can't rule him out.

The Bulge - Most of the analysis and explanation towards the situation with Roden seems fairly towny. Examples are in posts 168 and post 180.

Now, I do think it’s much easier to read people through interactions so none of these reads are set in stone. I didn't explain that much in my townleans and I'll do so later should they remain townleans by then. As of now I think scum lies between {ItalianoVD, Illwei, Bimblesticks}. Bimblesticks doesn’t have any posts which are scum indicative, but inactive people are usually scum, so should be taken into consideration. That said, I don’t want the first day lynch to be based on someone inactive because their flip, red or green, provides almost no information. This means I theoretically want the lynch to be on ItalianoVD or Illwei. So since I think a Illwei flip provides more information:

VOTE: Illwei

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:41 am
by Noraa
Ok ngl. I thought that huge roden wallpost was Strangematters and skimmed it and figured Strangematter was 100% scum for coming in like that despite roden receiving heat right now. now that I see that is roden's post, I take back the TR. I still pretty firmly believe there is scum in {Roden, Strangematter}
im not sure how to explain it but I do think there has to be scum there. I'm leaning Roden scum again.
Idk I am not sure what to think at this point like roden is making me feel bad but I still think that roden is just scum here. I'm more willing to wait til tomorrow to assess roden because I feel like he could very easily just be town that I went to town on and everyone is now tunneling him because I low-key painted him in a bad light from all of that.
I would say we leave roden alone for today and revisit him tomorrow. that's my opinion here.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 7:41 am
by Noraa
*100% town

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:29 am
by Datisi
replacing ItalianoVD.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:38 am
by Datisi
Cabd replaces ItalianoVD.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:39 am
by Cabd
Yes hi that is me I am the Cabd.

Some of you know me. Some of you have sore buts from just getting stomped by me and are probably sharpening your sticks in the mafia PT to gain revenge once you're done with your math homework.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:40 am
by Cabd
Noraa confirmed scum for not already having made six ranting wallposts at me since I replaced in.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:33 am
by StrangeMatter
Could you point out what you see that makes me one of the slots that has scum @Noraa? I was wondering about post #257 and I would really like to hear it from you directly.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:46 am
by Cabd
Oh wow, actually noraa's TRYING this game instead of just being a *points at her title*

Shit, maybe I can't brutally suppress her into the ground a third time in a row, she could be town for once.

Also just in case my slot is voting.


Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:18 pm
by Datisi
vote count 1.06

with 9 votes in play, it takes 5 to make a decision. day 1 ends in (expired on 2021-07-01 21:45:00).

Illwei [2]:
GrandpaMo, piisirrational
Roden [1]:
piisirrational [1]:
The Bulge [1]:

not voting [4]:
The Bulge, Noraa, StrangeMatter, Cabd

mod notes~ Noraa is v/la until the 28th
~ The Bulge is v/la until the 27th
~ piisirrational is the new Bakslash
~ Cabd is the new ItalianoVD


Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:27 pm
by Noraa
In post 263, StrangeMatter wrote:Could you point out what you see that makes me one of the slots that has scum @Noraa? I was wondering about post #257 and I would really like to hear it from you directly.
I don't SR you! I thought I could be certain and say you were town but that was roden's post, not yours so you don't get to be a hard TR. that doesn't mean ur a SR. ur just null for now.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:30 pm
by Noraa
Also cabd is probably scum here tbh. this makes life a lot more difficult, damn.
I had some suspicions on Ita prior to the rep out. Now I think its just set in stone that the slot is scum. Bulge, if you agree, we should just like hard tunnel cabd before he works his manipulative magic and gets a scum win here. I guarantee that if he is scum, we need to move fast otherwise we all getting our asses steamrolled by scum cabd.

I dont see town ita repping out here. I feel bad reading into a rep out but no, ita and I are literal besties. he wouldn't just ditch me.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:32 pm
by Noraa
Ok I won't read into the rep out. Either way, Bulge I need thoughts and then we either immediately start death tunneling or he obvtowns and we go from there. I don't trust cabd tho so even if that happens, I'm going to have dripping paranoia for all of the game. so like uhhhhhhhhh.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:35 pm
by Noraa
In post 261, Cabd wrote:Yes hi that is me I am the Cabd.

Some of you know me. Some of you have sore buts from just getting stomped by me and are probably sharpening your sticks in the mafia PT to gain revenge once you're done with your math homework.
You're so mean omg!!!! you always stomp on scum me. well I hope you realize that if you are scum here, I'm deathtunneling you and getting that sweet sweet revenge.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:36 pm
by Cabd
In post 267, Noraa wrote:I dont see town ita repping out here. I feel bad reading into a rep out but no, ita and I are literal besties. he wouldn't just ditch me.
This is the second time in as many day phases that I get to chastise you for making statements proven false with two clicks into an ISO. Lucky me.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:37 pm
by Noraa
In post 263, StrangeMatter wrote:Could you point out what you see that makes me one of the slots that has scum @Noraa? I was wondering about post #257 and I would really like to hear it from you directly.
oh wait sorry I misinterpreted this post.
um well in the post it says that idk how to explain it. and I uh .. still don't know how to???

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:37 pm
by Noraa
In post 270, Cabd wrote:
In post 267, Noraa wrote:I dont see town ita repping out here. I feel bad reading into a rep out but no, ita and I are literal besties. he wouldn't just ditch me.
This is the second time in as many day phases that I get to chastise you for making statements proven false with two clicks into an ISO. Lucky me.
Oh I do not care what you say. if you don't TR me, you're scum. Even if you TR me, you still have to prove you're town to me so you better start sharpening your sticks in the scum pt.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:38 pm
by Cabd
(Italyboy replaced out of all games site-wide, has nothing to do with the power of friendship and weird angleshoot from you :/)

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:38 pm
by Cabd
In post 272, Noraa wrote:
In post 270, Cabd wrote:
In post 267, Noraa wrote:I dont see town ita repping out here. I feel bad reading into a rep out but no, ita and I are literal besties. he wouldn't just ditch me.
This is the second time in as many day phases that I get to chastise you for making statements proven false with two clicks into an ISO. Lucky me.
Oh I do not care what you say. if you don't TR me, you're scum. Even if you TR me, you still have to prove you're town to me so you better start sharpening your sticks in the scum pt.
...did you not read my four posts?

Am I being punk'd?

I literally called you my first townread.