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Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:22 am
by innocentvillager
In post 2499, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 2498, innocentvillager wrote:tgp are you caught up with the game? your last post was like halfway through the game, 50 pages ago
Not too much happened since page 50 to be fair
lmao you right

but you also, uh, would have to skim through the last 50 pages to know that

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:23 am
by innocentvillager
im pretty sure i know what's going on but let's see if im right, i put my hypothesis in my notes

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:28 am
by innocentvillager
In post 2413, Gamma Emerald wrote:Actually fuck off. Our friendship is over.
i hate to be that guy, but like, this seems like outside of scum!emotional scumrange, im inclined to hard TR gamma for it

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:31 am
by SirCakez
Votecount 2.1

Glitch (1) - Nero Cain
innocentvillager (1) - Guillotina

Not voting (13) - Non lmh, TheGoldenParadox, muh316, Gamma Emerald, TheDuke, Insanoflex, Umlaut, NoPowerOverMe, DrippingGoofball, Glitch, May, innocentvillager, Albert B. Rampage

(expired on 2020-12-08 09:09:00) remain until day end

With 15 players alive, it takes 8 to reach a majority.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:38 am
by TheGoldenParadox
i'm caught up insofar as i am actively reading the game but yeah there's not much i want to comment on

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:40 am
by TheGoldenParadox
In post 2500, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 2499, Albert B. Rampage wrote:
In post 2498, innocentvillager wrote:tgp are you caught up with the game? your last post was like halfway through the game, 50 pages ago
Not too much happened since page 50 to be fair
lmao you right

but you also, uh, would have to skim through the last 50 pages to know that
i'm waiting for guillotina to answer my question but VOTE: umlaut for now because i am fairly confident they are scum for reasons others and i have pointed out during the wagon on them, plus i feel like guillotina's redcheck is likely to be on umlaut because of how wagons moved yesterday.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:55 am
by Umlaut
So, I've got a big problem with Guillotina's claim and it seems almost so obvious that I feel like I must be missing something here since everyone else believes it.
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:

I gambled claiming an ascetic modifier counting on scum's arrogance to not NK me just because I was no PR but it didn't work as it seems.

I am not aware of any normal role that would know if they were targeted for a kill at night but survived. Under Normal rules, a 1-Shot Bulletproof shouldn't be informed if they were shot at.

Another question:
My redcheck is in this group
and I strongly believe that his partners could be in this group too

Nero Cain
Gamma Emerald
Taylor Swift slot
ABR (not as likely but there are a few things that don't match)

Let's hunt scum!
If you targeted someone and therefore knew they were guilty, why would you give us a list like this? If you out and tell us who is guilty, that makes sense. If you wait until later today to out, so that you can see how the day proceeds naturally and how wagons form, that makes sense. But what sense does it make to say "I checked one of these six people"? Including putting one and saying they're
not as likely
... that pretty much gives away that ABR wasn't your target. What even is this claim?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:00 am
by Gamma Emerald
That entire claim looks like a stupid gambit. Too much large and red text. And yeah, BP is not notified of being shot in a normal.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:02 am
by Umlaut
VOTE: Guillotina

Unless the mod says there was an error Guillotina has made a completely impossible claim, and I'm not letting him back out of it after writing
in big bold red letters.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:07 am
by Umlaut
Actually I will admit trading 1-for-1 with town doesn't really make a lot of sense for scum here (unless it's precisely to make WIFOMy "why would scum do that" arguments) so I have to think about this more, but Guillotina had still better explain himself.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:33 am
by NoPowerOverMe
Why would a cop claim on d2?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:33 am
by Gamma Emerald
It’s not exactly a one for one, because the pool is so vague

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:40 am
by Umlaut
In post 2511, Gamma Emerald wrote:It’s not exactly a one for one, because the pool is so vague
Presumably we would expect Guillotina to make a specific claim before EOD though (I mean, if the whole claim weren't BS in the first place)? There's no excuse for him to let us risk yeeting town today.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 8:40 am
by Umlaut
In post 2510, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Why would a cop claim on d2?
If they had a guilty, that's good enough reason

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:02 am
by Guillotina
In post 2506, Umlaut wrote:So, I've got a big problem with Guillotina's claim and it seems almost so obvious that I feel like I must be missing something here since everyone else believes it.
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:

I gambled claiming an ascetic modifier counting on scum's arrogance to not NK me just because I was no PR but it didn't work as it seems.

I am not aware of any normal role that would know if they were targeted for a kill at night but survived. Under Normal rules, a 1-Shot Bulletproof shouldn't be informed if they were shot at.

Another question:
My redcheck is in this group
and I strongly believe that his partners could be in this group too

Nero Cain
Gamma Emerald
Taylor Swift slot
ABR (not as likely but there are a few things that don't match)

Let's hunt scum!
If you targeted someone and therefore knew they were guilty, why would you give us a list like this? If you out and tell us who is guilty, that makes sense. If you wait until later today to out, so that you can see how the day proceeds naturally and how wagons form, that makes sense. But what sense does it make to say "I checked one of these six people"? Including putting one and saying they're
not as likely
... that pretty much gives away that ABR wasn't your target. What even is this claim?
Why do you wanna find out if I still have a BPV?

I lied, I still have it. I wanted to lure mafia into wasting their NK on me but I guess this works too.

My bulletproof vest will work against one attack, if scum wants me out, they'll have to destroy the BPV first.

Do you want a red check claimed now Umlaut? if you are town you'd see that NOT revealing it now is the best play. As of now, I know who is the wolf and they don't know who I checked and right now they don't know what strategy to form and I'll keep it that way. Their only play to not knowing is to try to discredit me like they tried to discredit Pretentious!

I gave you a list like this because that is the list of people I suspect with incriminating ties to the redcheck and if I'm right, I want the wolves to feel despair with not knowing whom of them is outed. I don't believe I have all scum in that list, but I believe that I got at least two.

I will reveal who is the red check towards EoD, I will not let an unconfirmed player die instead of my red check. We are gonna milk this awesome situation for us until we are comfortable with our reads and then fade the outed wolf.

I'm gonna say this! Any push against me specially votes against will be looked upon as if you were scum. I'm a hardclaim cop!

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:03 am
by Guillotina
In post 2510, NoPowerOverMe wrote:Why would a cop claim on d2?
Because I got a red check and I got one more check on, after that I'm just a vanilla.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:17 am
by Guillotina
In post 2502, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 2413, Gamma Emerald wrote:Actually fuck off. Our friendship is over.
i hate to be that guy, but like, this seems like outside of scum!emotional scumrange, im inclined to hard TR gamma for it
It sounds like Out Of Character emotional distress which should be treated as NAI.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:22 am
by Guillotina
Actually i may or may not have it as im not told when the vest is used.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:23 am
by NoPowerOverMe
afaik Bulletproof's are not informed of when they are attacked.

VOTE: Guillotina

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:24 am
by muh316
VOTE: Guillotina

Not buying the claim.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:29 am
by Guillotina
In post 2424, Nero Cain wrote:Boon should stick to modding until he learns how to play. Mafia, more so as town than scum (imo), is a team game and Boon is clearly incapable of playing with a team. He's immature and impulsive. Boon is an antisocial narcissistic with the social intelligence of a domestic turkey. I don't really believe his song and dance about being a "heel" or intentionally trying to get lynched. It feels like he's making excuses for poor play and just doesn't want to accept responsibility for his actions. His belief that the three biggest voices against him (me, norway and Gamma) all being scum and those defending him (ABR, NPOM, Guil) were town is just bad surface level play. His elimination was good as town may finally scumhunt.

Knowing that Boon and I were TvT it would make sense to WANT to keep Boon and I around b/c our 1v1 would eat up all the attention and prevent us from scumhunting. This is the conclusion Boon should have reached but he has neither the skill nor the humility to do as such.
All of this effort trying to discredit a dead vanilla is quite something!

VOTE: Nero Cain

Why would eliminate from here?

Be as detailed as possible: DrippingGoofball, Glitch, innocentvillager, May, NoPowerOverMe, ABR

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:32 am
by Guillotina
In post 2519, muh316 wrote:VOTE: Guillotina

Not buying the claim.
Just because you don't believe it, it does not mean is not true.

Yah push on the cop! It makes you look good!

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:33 am
by Guillotina
In post 2518, NoPowerOverMe wrote:afaik Bulletproof's are not informed of when they are attacked.

VOTE: Guillotina
I made you a question! Why were you strongly town reading Pretentious?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:39 am
by Albert B. Rampage
Ok so something doesn't sit right with me.

Guillotine says he was shot, making it 2 kills last night, and then he takes it back when TGP, umlaut and NPOM catch him in a lie because limited-shot BPs are not told they lost a BP counter.

He tells us to scumhunt but it's critical that town knows how many kills there were last night in order to make an informed analysis.

Now here's what's interesting.

If he backtracks and says he wasn't told he was shot, then that leaves the door open for only one kill last night. Guillotine, since he's gambitting, would have known this.

So his Nero push is completely nonsensical.

Nero pocketed Norwee, why would he kill him if he's scum?

Why would Nero pick up on Glitch/DGB day 2 right where Norwee left off, if Norwee was killed to prevent him from going after his secondary reads after Pretentious?

It doesn't stand to reason that Nero would kill Norwee who believed him to be town, just to finish off what Norwee was going to do anyway.

But Guillotina brushes my concerns off and tries to make me believe there were two kills.

This whole Nero push was bullshit, he backtracked and said it's not Nero, it's one of the other players on his list, and was forced to retract his BP lie as well.

Guillotina is scum.

VOTE: Guillotina

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 9:57 am
by Guillotina
In post 2523, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Ok so something doesn't sit right with me.

Guillotine says he was shot, making it 2 kills last night, and then he takes it back when TGP, umlaut and NPOM catch him in a lie because limited-shot BPs are not told they lost a BP counter.

He tells us to scumhunt but it's critical that town knows how many kills there were last night in order to make an informed analysis.

Now here's what's interesting.

If he backtracks and says he wasn't told he was shot, then that leaves the door open for only one kill last night. Guillotine, since he's gambitting, would have known this.

So his Nero push is completely nonsensical.

Nero pocketed Norwee, why would he kill him if he's scum?

Why would Nero pick up on Glitch/DGB day 2 right where Norwee left off, if Norwee was killed to prevent him from going after his secondary reads after Pretentious?

It doesn't stand to reason that Nero would kill Norwee who believed him to be town, just to finish off what Norwee was going to do anyway.

But Guillotina brushes my concerns off and tries to make me believe there were two kills.

This whole Nero push was bullshit, he backtracked and said it's not Nero, it's one of the other players on his list, and was forced to retract his BP lie as well.

Guillotina is scum.

VOTE: Guillotina
Yah you are the scum, you know very well that Pretentious and I hardcore suspected Nero so my push on him is nothing new, i dont want Nero to get yeeted soon cause it will end the day before we can get more info. Your pattern to end the day sooner than it should is there, this is your first red flag.

Two, Pretentious also said there is a chance you pocketed him and I agree.

Three, Lying is not alignment indicative and you know this, so pushing me because i lied is scummy. Town can lie to lure wolves out and as a cop i lie to catch them. Don't yeet another town if you are town, this time is not a vanilla but a PR.