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Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:55 am
by drmyshottyizsik
Frozen Flame Mafia

5 Fire Townies
5 Ice Townies

1 SK

2 Fire Goons

2 Ice Goons


So this is semi-similar to fire and ice mafia, but here's how it works.
Each day someone is lynched, just like in normal mafia.
At night, both mafia factions select someone to kill. If the person the select is of the opposite Elemental faction that they are, the NK happens, other wise, for instance if a fire goon targets a fire townie, then no one dies.
The SK kills no matter what.
The town win together, no matter what element they are, but the mafia each have separate win cons.
The fire mafia wins when the ice townies, the ice goons, and the sk are dead.
The ice mafia wins when the fire townies, the fire goons, and the sk are dead.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:06 am
by Tragedy
More harder to win as Mafia, I guess.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:06 am
by Antihero
Shotty, pink doesn't show up at all on sepia. I was about to ask you where the ice goons were...

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:07 am
by Antihero
Where do you submit open ideas for review?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:08 am
by Tragedy
You can attempt to put a post in a Set-Up Review thread, then get someone to review the stuff, and so on and so forth.
Get yourself a back-up mod. xD

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:13 am
by drmyshottyizsik
Antihero wrote:Shotty, pink doesn't show up at all on sepia. I was about to ask you where the ice goons were...

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:16 am
by Antihero
Tragedy wrote:You can attempt to put a post in a Set-Up Review thread, then get someone to review the stuff, and so on and so forth.
Get yourself a back-up mod. xD
I'm already in the Large normal queue, and I don't want to mod two large normals at once. And I actually want to play the game.

I thought we had some system of approving open setups. Am I just imagining things?

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:17 am
by Tragedy
Well, not entirely.
You can get somebody else to mod the game for you.. If they're willing too. :P

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:18 am
by andrew94
parknourie wrote:What's the needle Hero?

Anyways, I will post my idea.
Midnight Snack Mafia

2 Werewolves
2 Vampires

1 Doctor
1 Silverbullet Vigilante
1 Door Opener
2 Vulnerable Townies
6 Tight Doored Townies

Two separate scum teams. They can kill each other at night.
I just named Vampires cuz the specie sounded more appropriate here. But Werewolves and Vampires are just mafia goons.
is a Doctor. He can protect as many attack at night on one person. So if someone gets attacked by Vamp and Werewolf, he doesnt die as long as the Doc protects him
Silverbullet Vigilante
can shoot anyone at night. He Cannot kill Vampires but anyone else will die on him. (unless doc does what he does)
Door Opener
chooses to open someone's door at night. If he opens the door on Vampire, they will die. If he opens a Tight Doored Townie's door, they will become vulnerable for the night.
Vulnerable Townies
don't know that they are vulnerable. They will turn into a scum partner if attacked by one side. So if vampires attack him, he becomes a vampire. If attacked by both scum teams, he will die.
Tight Doored Townies
they are just Townies who doesnt turn into scum if they are attacked at night but will just die. They don't know they are tight doored. However, if the Door Opener opens the door on them they will be vulnerable at night meaning they can turn into scums for the night.
sounds good idea

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:23 am
by hitogoroshi
I thought we had some system of approving open setups. Am I just imagining things?
I had a similar state of confusion.

It works like this:

Submit open setup
Get nominations
Go in Open Queue
When farside asks, "which setup do you want to run?", link to the setup, all of the nominations, and ask, "may I run this?".

@andrew94: No offense, but I think nominations are only supposed to come from seasoned balancers, not just people who are friends in real life. :p

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:34 am
by Antihero
Massive Poisoning

1 Mafia Poisoner
1 Mafia Back-Up Poisoner
1 Roleblocker
1 Role Cop

1 Day Poisoning Maniac (immune to 2 doses of poison)

1 Poison Doctor
1 Town Poisoner
1 Town Roleblocker
1 Tracker
1 Watcher
1 Universal Backup
11 Townies


Night Start
Universal Backup will be told that they're townie. They only replace Tracker, Watcher, Poison Doctor or Roleblocker.
Poison Doctors cures people from Poison.
Poison automatically kills its target the next night.
Mafias talk during the Night
Mafia gets a Soloist kill (that is, if there's only 1 mafia member remaining, that member gains the power to nightkill)
Watchers can tell who visited their target's house.
Trackers can see who their target targetted.
Maniac can poison one person during Day Phase, which kills the target during the next night phase.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:22 am
by Zachrulez
gandalf5166 wrote:
Zachrulez wrote:
Licence to kill: Created by Gman

Variant a:

1 mafia goon
1 mafia day rolecop
1 Day Vig (One-Shot, publicly declares kill)
5 vanilla townies

Variant b:

2 mafia goons
1 Day Vig (One-Shot, publicly declares kill)
5 vanilla townies
I'm not sure that the rolecop in a would really be that useful.
I created variant b for that reason, but left in a because I couldn't make an argument for how the game would be worse off with a rolecop.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:25 pm
by chkflip
Clean Up, Aisle Three...

1 Janitor
1 Goon

2 Werewolves

1 Doctor
1 Jailkeeper
6 Townies

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:55 pm
by theplague42

I'm no balancing expert, but I have a couple questions.

Would the maniac have to declare their kill? I assume it's an SK wincon.
The poison doctor only cures poison the night that the target would die? Or does it protect during the night of poisoning as well?

If I count right, that's 17-4-1.

Otherwise, it looks like it'd be fun and interesting to play. It could also be interesting to make it 2 watchers and 2 trackers (obviously add some other stuff to balance it) and turn it into some sort of themed game around poisoners whose victim is revealed the night after. Not a theme game per-se, but based around that concept.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:02 pm
by drmyshottyizsik
Clean Up, Aisle Three...(Revised)

1 Janitor
1 Goon

2 Werewolves

1 Doctor
1 HR rep
1 Jailkeeper
6 Townies

An HR rep checks out one person at night. If they target the Janitor they get a positive other wise the get a negative result. I felt that the mafia was a bit more powerful than both the Werewolves and the town. I feel this evens things out nicely.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:07 pm
by drmyshottyizsik

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:36 pm
by Ythan
Doesn't look like it.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:47 pm
by lewarcher82
so, I happen to have this idea, and I would like to try it in an open game... how do I procede? The idea is the following (more or less, still needs a little work):

Mole Mafia

(everyone is a neighbor in at least two neighborhoods)

players: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l

Neighborhood A {a,b,c,l,g,i}
Neighborhood B {d,e,f,c,h,k}
Neighborhood C {g,h,i,b,e,j}
Neighborhood D {j,k,l,a,f,d}

3 random players are goons

1 random player is tracker


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:54 am
by Xalxe
I demand that you not call it Mole Mafia. I have a theme planned that is the Mole. It will confuse me thoroughly.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:08 am
by lewarcher82
fine by me, I can change the name, it is not the point... the point is what you guys think of the mechanics

Neighbor's Yard Mafia
may be the new name

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:08 am
by Antihero
theplague42 wrote:Would the maniac have to declare their kill? I assume it's an SK wincon.
They would do it by PM to the mod, not in thread.
The poison doctor only cures poison the night that the target would die? Or does it protect during the night of poisoning as well?
It protects during the night of poisoning as well.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:09 am
by Antihero
drmyshottyizsik wrote:thoughts?
Janitor = crappy role


Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:48 am
by gandalf5166
I'm fine with janitors so long as their targets ALIGNMENT flip.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:52 am
by drmyshottyizsik
gandalf5166 wrote:I'm fine with janitors so long as their targets ALIGNMENT flip.
they would

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:22 am
by drmyshottyizsik
Ok so I have done a lot of thinking about games I have played and I came up with this! It's not finished but I would really like you guys's input on it.

Power Roles are US

1 Role cop jail keeper
2 Masons
2 Doctors
1 One-shot Vig
2 Lovers
5 Townies

3rd Party
1 One Bullet Proof, Unjailkeepable, Investigation Immune, Unroleblockable, Janitorial Serial Killer

1 Janitor
1 Back Up Janitor
1 Bullet Proof RoleBlocker

All Janitorial Roles' targets alinement's flip.
Yes there are a lot of confirmables, but with two NKs mass claiming day one is dumb, and after night one, since there are two Janitor kills that happen, a mass claim is pointless because the mafia and SK can just claim using the roles they killed the night before. If the SK is targeted by the role cop then the role cop will get back the role of one of the SK's targets.

Fastest Mafia Win!

13:3:1(Night Zero)
8:3:1(Day One:Town Lovers were lynched, SK and Mafia target town at night and one-shot vig targets town.)
5:3:1(Day Two:Town was lynched, SK and mafia target town at night.)
2:3:1(Day Three:Town was lynched, SK and mafia target town at night)
0:3:1(Day Four:Town was lynched, SK or mafia target town at night.
Mafia Win
1:3:0(Day Four:SK was Lynched, Mafia target town at night.
Mafia Win

Fastest Town Win!

13:3:1(Night Zero)
13:0:1(Day One: Bullet Proof RoleBlocker was lynched, Sk targets Mafia and One Shot Vig targets Mafia)
13:0:0(Day Two: SK was lynched,
Town Win

Fastest SK Win!

13:3:1(Night Zero)
8:3:1(Day One:Town Lovers were lynched, SK and Mafia target town at night and one-shot vig targets town.)
5:3:1(Day Two:Town was lynched, SK and Mafia target town at night.)
3:2:1(Day Three:Town was lynched, SK targeted Mafia, and Mafia targeted town.)
1:1:1(Day Four:Mafia lynched, SK targeted Mafia, and Mafia Targeted town.)
0:0:1(Day Five:Anything other than the SK is lynched, SK kills remaining person.
SK Win