Page 1019 of 2016

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:20 pm
by Brandi
They've talked about completely removing global passives for a while now.

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:23 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
mmm, yeah. TF was just the start.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:38 am
by Ankamius
In post 25445, Siveure DtTrikyp wrote:Also, build black cleaver on MF. ALWAYS.
This is a very situational item for her that more often isn't all that great than otherwise.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:55 am
by PJ.
Yeah Black Cleaver MF is when your team goes full AD. That's about it.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:46 pm
by FakeGod
My Jinx analysis:

When I play Jinx, laning phase is easy due to your high range poke and no casting animation snares.

When teamfights start, I often have trouble dealing full damage because I can't approach the enemy to DPS with my mini-gun.

As a result, I poke with w and rockets to get damage on the enemy team, and then when one of them dies, I can finally go in with my mini-gun and kite like crazy with my passive.

Sometimes, no one enemy team dies, and I don't have a chance to go in since my passive didn't proc. (worst case scenario)

To prevent this, I propose using Youmuu's Ghostblade instead of Phantom Dancer for my 2nd core item.

Ghostblade is worse than PD overall, unless the active is on, then it's better.

More importantly, it gives you 20% movement speed bonus for 4 seconds.

That way, instead of poking with rockets and w, I can go in with youmuu's active & mini-gun out, and use the MS speed boost to kite.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:17 pm
by JDodge
so ive been looking to play AD for a second team as a side project separate from ONM stuff because A) perspective and B) i always wanted to play AD since before i knew what an ADC was actually called (no, seriously)

every team ive run across has been run by psychotics or morons, or in the current case is unable to find a support player for it

so who wants to buddy up with me on my off-time, friends

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:14 pm
by Oman
You would literally fly to Australia to punch me in the face if we played together.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:22 pm
by JDodge
i prefer to keep any raging to continents where everything that moves
trying to kill me in a horrific fashion

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:38 pm
by Jahudo
I play support, but I'm bad and don't talk. And I have to learn to be more than a ward machine with all these changes.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:12 pm
by RayFrost
I play support, but I live in Japan.

JD can this be worked around?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:26 pm
by Cephrir
I play support, but I'm trying to move into other things right now and at present can't commit to anything regular anyway~

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:14 pm
by PJ.
In post 25455, JDodge wrote:so ive been looking to play AD for a second team as a side project separate from ONM stuff because A) perspective and B) i always wanted to play AD since before i knew what an ADC was actually called (no, seriously)

every team ive run across has been run by psychotics or morons, or in the current case is unable to find a support player for it

so who wants to buddy up with me on my off-time, friends

I can pull it off.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:15 pm
by TheIrishPope
Is Taric the easiest support? Discuss.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:38 pm
by Yiley
I can't support Taric I always end up going agressive and getting yelled at. Although I just saved a game by doing so.
I prefer mid lane Taric. It is a decent counter to some things including the occasional mid lane Elise.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:47 pm
by Cephrir
Taric was the easiest support to do well with before they removed him from the game. Now? I dunno.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:04 pm
by JDodge
In post 25461, PJ. wrote:
In post 25455, JDodge wrote:so ive been looking to play AD for a second team as a side project separate from ONM stuff because A) perspective and B) i always wanted to play AD since before i knew what an ADC was actually called (no, seriously)

every team ive run across has been run by psychotics or morons, or in the current case is unable to find a support player for it

so who wants to buddy up with me on my off-time, friends

I can pull it off.
if youre up for it im up for it

it can either go absurdly awful or extremely well, either way im sure it would be an entertaining experience

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:18 pm
by PJ.
let me know then. also i think you need to add me on my main account

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:38 pm
by Oman
In post 25457, JDodge wrote:i prefer to keep any raging to continents where everything that moves
trying to kill me in a horrific fashion
Trufax. I just spent a weekend with my family in the country. I always realise how totally conditioned I am to spiders.

Anyway, league questions! Feel free to answer as many or as little as you wish:
Can someone explain when I would want to rush an item and when I would want components. If I went back and had enough gold for either a full-up item (spirit visage, bloodthirster, whatever) or could split that gold among a few components (BF sword or kindlegems or whatever), when am I better to rush my big items, and when am I better getting my 6 item slots full first?

Should I be emphasising my champions strengths or mitigating their weaknesses?

With the huge prevalence of assassins, what are their weaknesses? How do we shut them down? Especially mobile assassins like Ahri or Fizz?

Assuming a barrier/flash ADC, when do I as a support want to take ignite/flash, and when do I want to take exhaust/flash? (If the champion has inbuilt healing reduction or inbuilt exhaust, I would take the one it doesn't have)

I'll probably have more, I'm just getting more involved in how the game works so I can make better decisions now that my mechanics are okay.

Why the fuck, can literally no caster get this right?

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:46 pm
by KaleiÐoscøpe
Rushing full items is usually better, but it depends on the champion. Things like a Tear are better bought seperately early instead of rushing manamune/archangels. But like a Zhonya's on Morgana is usually something you want to rush straight into aside of maybe buying boots of speed.

Again, depends on the role you're trying to fullfill. You can compare it to something like an AP burster like Ahri, who focuses solely on bursting someone down, whereas someone like Swain benefits more for building something like Rod of Ages, which brings you more surviveability

Shutting down assassins is either shut down their laning phase by denying them farm, or shut down there combos by something like Zhonya's, or silence abilities.

You wanna bring Ignite if you plan on dominating your laning phase with pure agression (Support Annie does this well). Ignite can work, but if your team scales into late game it's better to take Exhaust for teamfights.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:26 pm
by Phillammon
Ignite's stopped being as great for early aggression, though.

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:49 pm
by RayFrost
In post 25467, Oman wrote:
In post 25457, JDodge wrote:i prefer to keep any raging to continents where everything that moves
trying to kill me in a horrific fashion
Trufax. I just spent a weekend with my family in the country. I always realise how totally conditioned I am to spiders.

Anyway, league questions! Feel free to answer as many or as little as you wish:
Can someone explain when I would want to rush an item and when I would want components. If I went back and had enough gold for either a full-up item (spirit visage, bloodthirster, whatever) or could split that gold among a few components (BF sword or kindlegems or whatever), when am I better to rush my big items, and when am I better getting my 6 item slots full first?

Should I be emphasising my champions strengths or mitigating their weaknesses?

With the huge prevalence of assassins, what are their weaknesses? How do we shut them down? Especially mobile assassins like Ahri or Fizz?

Assuming a barrier/flash ADC, when do I as a support want to take ignite/flash, and when do I want to take exhaust/flash? (If the champion has inbuilt healing reduction or inbuilt exhaust, I would take the one it doesn't have)

I'll probably have more, I'm just getting more involved in how the game works so I can make better decisions now that my mechanics are okay.

Why the fuck, can literally no caster get this right?
Usually, you want to complete items because the completed items give you certain bonus stats that you don't get from their components. Take, for example, spirit visage: there's an increase to the actual stats given, but the passive is also monstrously beneficial. If you just keep the items, you're getting almost all of the stat benefits except for that amazing passive, which only costs a lil more. It's simply cost efficient to finish it.

The exceptions to this that I can think of are mid-tier items (warden's mail, hexdrinker, tear, etc) sometimes being all you need from the build for a while. Either due to needing to itemize for something else (I got warden's, but now I need to build some mr to deal with brand) or simple matters of efficiency (hexdrinker is amazing by itself and finishing it should often be delayed due to only slight increases in value early on). Other noteworthy situations include any adc that you don't want to rush bt on but still want sustain for: often, you'll get the vamp scepter and then aim for your Ie or whatever you're going for.

As for emphasizing strengths / weaknesses.... To be honest, this depends on what you mean. Do you mean building pure ap and no resistances on assassin types to strengthen vs building some survivability to shore weaknesses or...?

Assassins, generically speaking, are shut down by tankiness and
cc. If you can't get 100-0'd by an assassin, then you can turn on them while their cd's are down. Targeted cc can't be avoided by things like ahri's ult (and can only be temporarily blocked off by fizz / zed untargetables). Targeted is better than skillshot based due to the inherent mobility of pretty much every assassin. The golden example of this idea is Ryze. Ryze in late game is the god of anti-assassin shit because he's super tanky and can lock down the assassin before making several new holes in their body to stick his scroll in.

One other important thing that is extremely useful when dealing with assassins is
. If you have vision in alternative paths to an area, then they can't ever flank you and find your squishies unguarded (for example: if you're fighting at an inner tower, there's two paths out of the jungle + the lane behind you that they can flank from, vision in these areas prevents this and allows you to judge better where to engage).

On ignite vs exhaust: it depends on the team comps. If you feel that you can be extremely abusive and go for kills in lane, ignite
be good. BUT you have to think about teamfights as well. Exhaust is an extremely supremely ridiculously powerful form of cc that you can put on
support. It can be used offensively and defensively whereas ignite can only be used offensively. Enemy trying to run? EXHAUST. Enemy doing damages? EXHAUST. Enemy thinking he's going to get away after you've blown all your cds and shit but he's low health? IGNITE. In a fight where it'll be close without a bit of extra damage lead? Either one could work.

Imagine you're taric. Taric's only got a single target stun for his cc. This won't help much if you're dealing with a team of nocturne / leblanc / nasus. With exhaust, you can peel one, use your stun for another, and generally keep your squishies alive longer. With ignite, you can only be like "rawr take true damage hopefully you'll die before you turn my adc into a toothpick."

Meanwhile, there's some supports that just have enough cc built in that they don't necessarily need exhaust / their team comp isn't full of things that can really get on your back line. Take thresh and leona, for example. They've got tons of built in cc / peel stuff that allows them to keep the squishies alive rather well if they're going to be sticking with the back line. They also serve a pretty major purpose of initiating in some comps (leona more so than thresh), which means they'll more than likely be in the front, on the enemy squishies. If you're on enemy squishies, you want bitches to die. Ignite and exhaust can both be argued for with these supports.

I personally feel that exhaust is simply the better pick due to it being more versatile, but ignite can provide enormous presence in laning phase. My feelings on exhaust are that it provides both offensive and defensive presence in a way that ignite simply doesn't. Exhaust can shut down even a fed bruiser or assassin for a period of time, which can mean the difference between a dead squishy or an injured one.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:30 am
by Siveure DtTrikyp
^ I agree with basically everything in that post.

As for trinkets, who thinks which trinkets are best where?

Top: Probably totem. Then maybe sweeper. Orb seems a bit meh because you don't have much to use it on. Totem/Sweeper/Orb
Mid: Sweeper seems a little meh. Totem/Orb/sweeper
Jungle: Depends what kinda jungler you are. Ganker takes sweeper, farmer takes totem, counterjungler takes orb.
Adc: Totem or sweeper, although double sweeper seems a little redundant if your support takes it. Sweeper/Totem/Orb
Support: Not totem, because you are probably getting enough wards. Probably orb if adc goes sweeper. Orb/Sweeper/totem.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:04 am
by CF Riot
Fuck, now I have to learn new things. MASTERIES AAAARRGH

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:01 pm
by CF Riot
Ya know, everyone was on about how Eve was going to be OP in this new SR but after one game I disagree. Sweeper Trinket gives all junglers a way around green wards and pinks being visible doesn't really matter because once you spot her on the way it's okay if she kills it. It served its purpose by then.

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:26 pm
by Benmage
Just played first.... The pace felt faster... Like there was more shit to do or be aware of, I dont know... might be just the trinket.