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Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:42 am
by Guillotina
You either work with me to scum hunt or flip me and realize that im actually the cop.

Your choice. I gotta go back to work.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:43 am
by Nero Cain
its prob


or May

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:44 am
by Albert B. Rampage
In post 2547, Nero Cain wrote:Guil is just a Boon lvl player that town reads his defenders and scum reads his votes/those calling him scum. I don't really feel like putting up with his nonsence so vote stays till he outs his guilty or stops talking or admits to the gambit.
"I'm creating content to discuss and outting all the scum by them attacking me, so what I'm doing is pro-town"

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:46 am
by Umlaut
Defenestrate all deceivers

Forswear all falsifiers

Persecute all perjurers

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:47 am
by Nero Cain
I think you are just a control freak but what you are doing is not nearly as helpful as you think it is. It's annoying and I rather not have you inflate the post count by doing some dumb "reaction test"

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:48 am
by Albert B. Rampage
I'll be back later.


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 10:51 am
by Nero Cain
If I have to eliminate you Guli so I can lynch scum then I'm more than fine with that. I realize that you and the scum will use this to claim that im informed and fine but i THINK YOU'RE JUST BEING ANNOYING AND UNHELPFUL.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:08 am
by Nero Cain
VOTE: Glitch

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:24 pm
by DrippingGoofball
In post 2557, Nero Cain wrote:VOTE: Glitch
bwa ha ha

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:24 pm
by Glitch
In post 2424, Nero Cain wrote:I lowkey think it was less likely that scum were on the Boon wagon.
Why? I mean I get that you are SR'ing me but in order to actually respond to that I need to understand why I'm being SR'd and this doesn't really make sense to me. I've been watching FL play in a game I'm modding that just ended and his behavior there has been so well balanced and leveled. He was scum. This game he is cocky and arrogant, and it's a different tone, and he is giving off different vibes which didn't necessarily make me TR him but gave me enough pause to not run him up to the top of my scum radar.

On the other hand, you have consistently pinged me as off. Is it a coincidence that you TR'd me literally the whole game, and then as soon as I stated that I SR'd you, your read on me immediately flipped and you've SR'd me since?

I'm not trying to get into another death tunnel on you here, Nero, but you're giving me bad vibes here. I'm still only on your 2424 post so I won't vote until I catch up but this is where I want to vote right now.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:26 pm
by Glitch
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:My redcheck is in this group and I strongly believe that his partners could be in this group too

Nero Cain
Gamma Emerald
Taylor Swift slot
ABR (not as likely but there are a few things that don't match)

Let's hunt scum!
Can you help me understand how you have a red check in a list of players but it's not specific to one player? tf?
Like I can give you a list of any 6 random players in this game and I would bet you $20 there's scum in it. This is useless. Am I misunderstanding your role? Why 6 players?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:31 pm
by Glitch
In post 2449, DrippingGoofball wrote:Nero Cain needs the YEET but I am not voting right away because we need to see some more interactions today with everyone.
Why would voting Nero Cain at the point you posted this, prevent more interactions from happening today? D2 just started; use your vote and make the most of it. We aren't going to lynch that fast. This makes me raise an eyebrow. Are you trying to avoid voting to keep from looking bad? Do you want to avoid being on Nero in case someone later does some VCA? Because the reason you gave for not voting Nero doesn't make sense so there must be another reason that's actually true.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:32 pm
by Glitch
In post 2426, innocentvillager wrote:VOTE: Glitch

i agree with a lot of what you said nero
In post 2450, innocentvillager wrote:VOTE: Nero Cain welp guess I was wrong on this slot
"oh here let me sheep Nero, he has good ideas"
"jk let me sheep everyone else and vote for Nero"

What did I miss??

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:34 pm
by Glitch
In post 2429, Nero Cain wrote:NPOM could be scum but I think DGB/Glitch wagons are better today.
This is literally Nero's only post between IV's 2426 and 2450. And Nero's post here is repeating what he's already said. What changed your read IV?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:41 pm
by Glitch
In post 2475, Guillotina wrote:Also, I never said that my check was on him or not, I only said that I got a redcheck and that redcheck was in the list I posted, did you just slip up?
WHY would you not explicitly say WHO?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:45 pm
by Glitch
In post 2489, TheGoldenParadox wrote:what the hell

guillotina do you have a guilty alignment cop check on a specific player

and if so, why do you refuse to out it?
Why were there so many posts before someone called this out so specifically? Thank you for finally saying what no one else was bringing up. IV said it in the post before but wasn't as direct. There's some bullshit going on with this "6 person list red check but I'm not gonna say who" and the fact that no one pushed it until this point.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:50 pm
by Glitch
In post 2490, Guillotina wrote:
In post 2488, innocentvillager wrote:if you tell us who you redchecked we could probably hunt easier though? im not sure what your whole plan is with when you are going to claim it but you are going to have to claim it at some point
I am going to claim it at some point, just not now, I want the wolves paranoid, not knowing what to do, not knowing whom to bus to look town.
How will you decipher this? If you have a red check on one player in that list, how will you decipher between other players SR'ing the one who you have a red check on being town and being scum? How will you figure out if they're bussing or genuinely SR'ing you red check by not revealing who your red check is on yet? I don't understand this.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:54 pm
by Guillotina
In post 2559, Glitch wrote:
In post 2424, Nero Cain wrote:I lowkey think it was less likely that scum were on the Boon wagon.
Why? I mean I get that you are SR'ing me but in order to actually respond to that I need to understand why I'm being SR'd and this doesn't really make sense to me. I've been watching FL play in a game I'm modding that just ended and his behavior there has been so well balanced and leveled. He was scum. This game he is cocky and arrogant, and it's a different tone, and he is giving off different vibes which didn't necessarily make me TR him but gave me enough pause to not run him up to the top of my scum radar.

On the other hand, you have consistently pinged me as off. Is it a coincidence that you TR'd me literally the whole game, and then as soon as I stated that I SR'd you, your read on me immediately flipped and you've SR'd me since?

I'm not trying to get into another death tunnel on you here, Nero, but you're giving me bad vibes here. I'm still only on your 2424 post so I won't vote until I catch up but this is where I want to vote right now.
Mindmeld, same happened to me with Nero Cain and I made a big analysis on this guy hinting every scummy thing he did.
In post 2560, Glitch wrote:
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:My redcheck is in this group and I strongly believe that his partners could be in this group too

Nero Cain
Gamma Emerald
Taylor Swift slot
ABR (not as likely but there are a few things that don't match)

Let's hunt scum!
Can you help me understand how you have a red check in a list of players but it's not specific to one player? tf?
Like I can give you a list of any 6 random players in this game and I would bet you $20 there's scum in it. This is useless. Am I misunderstanding your role? Why 6 players?
Of course Glitch. I have a red check and that list of names are people whom I suspect they could be the red check's mafia partners cause of spews or interactions. I will announce the redcheck shortly, but it is really obvious there is no one I suspected me for to check last night than him.
In post 2561, Glitch wrote:
In post 2449, DrippingGoofball wrote:Nero Cain needs the YEET but I am not voting right away because we need to see some more interactions today with everyone.
Why would voting Nero Cain at the point you posted this, prevent more interactions from happening today? D2 just started; use your vote and make the most of it. We aren't going to lynch that fast. This makes me raise an eyebrow. Are you trying to avoid voting to keep from looking bad? Do you want to avoid being on Nero in case someone later does some VCA? Because the reason you gave for not voting Nero doesn't make sense so there must be another reason that's actually true.
This guy can't be scum.

He is asking the right questions.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:56 pm
by Guillotina
Glitch. I check someone specifically last night. That list, is my scum list, my red check is in that list and I believe there is one more scum in it too due to interactions and reads from other players.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 3:58 pm
by Guillotina
In post 2560, Glitch wrote:
In post 2436, Guillotina wrote:My redcheck is in this group and I strongly believe that his partners could be in this group too

Nero Cain
Gamma Emerald
Taylor Swift slot
ABR (not as likely but there are a few things that don't match)

Let's hunt scum!
Can you help me understand how you have a red check in a list of players but it's not specific to one player? tf?
Like I can give you a list of any 6 random players in this game and I would bet you $20 there's scum in it. This is useless. Am I misunderstanding your role? Why 6 players?
Of course Glitch. I have a red check and that list of names are people whom I suspect they could be the red check's mafia partners cause of spews or interactions. I will announce the redcheck shortly, but it is really obvious
there is no one I suspected more to check last night than him.


Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:01 pm
by Glitch
In post 2523, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Ok so something doesn't sit right with me.

Guillotine says he was shot, making it 2 kills last night, and then he takes it back when TGP, umlaut and NPOM catch him in a lie because limited-shot BPs are not told they lost a BP counter.

He tells us to scumhunt but it's critical that town knows how many kills there were last night in order to make an informed analysis.

Now here's what's interesting.

If he backtracks and says he wasn't told he was shot, then that leaves the door open for only one kill last night. Guillotine, since he's gambitting, would have known this.

So his Nero push is completely nonsensical.

Nero pocketed Norwee, why would he kill him if he's scum?

Why would Nero pick up on Glitch/DGB day 2 right where Norwee left off, if Norwee was killed to prevent him from going after his secondary reads after Pretentious?

It doesn't stand to reason that Nero would kill Norwee who believed him to be town, just to finish off what Norwee was going to do anyway.

But Guillotina brushes my concerns off and tries to make me believe there were two kills.

This whole Nero push was bullshit, he backtracked and said it's not Nero, it's one of the other players on his list, and was forced to retract his BP lie as well.

Guillotina is scum.

VOTE: Guillotina
ABR intimidates me so bad and I think it's because I literally live by his Guide to Hunting Scum on the wiki and he seems to be a prestigious player in my mind. This makes it so hard for me to sort him because he just feels so town in my mind but paranoia gets the best of me. I know Tayl0r Swift has been banned but I get the same vibes on ABR as I did from TS: freaking ridiculously hard to sort and I'm so bad at reading them.

ABR, why do you think the Nero push was bullshit originally? Is there more to it than the 6 player list of "herp derp there's a red check in here?" Or is that it? Or is it that you're TR'ing Nero so the push is shit?

I'm massive sus of Guillo but want to understand how you're thinking here.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:08 pm
by Glitch
In post 2536, Umlaut wrote:
In post 2534, Guillotina wrote:If you are town you'd understand this.
So now you don't think ABR is town (compared to a few hours ago when you said he was "unlikely" to be scum)?
Umlaut is probably town, the last 3 or 4 posts I've read of their's have nothing but townie vibes.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:09 pm
by Glitch
In post 2539, Nero Cain wrote:Scum shot Norway b/c he was my biggest defender and without him there's a chance I get eliminated. It also doesn't hurt that he was scumreading scum in Glitch/DGB.
@DGB - what is your read on Nero and what has it been all game? Has his read on you tracked along with your read on him and matched it?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:12 pm
by Glitch
In post 2551, Nero Cain wrote:its prob


or May
lol bracing for death tunnel after my ABR post, here it comes
Maybe Nero and I are doomed to always SR each other every large

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 4:14 pm
by Glitch
VOTE: Guillotina
Clearly the only way we're going to get an answer on this "red check" is by running this guy up to a ton of votes. Either you're full of shit and need to die or you have something overdue to contribute that will change the course of the day. Whatever it is needs to just happen.