Oh- and my last two days of work is how you do a proper Slayer gambit. It didn't start off that way- I legit scum read Spiff, but I came to realize I was wrong right about the time I noticed EE and Titus start to buddy with each other until it was called out. Then, I decided to just roll with it so town would have the maximum amount of info they could get from it. Besides, it's worked pretty well in the past as a part of one day thing so two days worth ought to be pretty badass.
What to expect and to suspect:
Those hopping on the Kling wagon EARLY yesterday and immediately vocally championing what Spiffeh started once he said Kling was definite scum given his 100% accuracy on her. She has some kind of slip that rings bells in Spiffeh's head and scum knowing this also saw the writing on the wall. They would have also been steadfast on their Spitflop town read.
Those pushing me today for being wrong. Nobody ever mentioned the possibility of a scum X shot Vig for why there were two kills, and not an uncommon role. It's not a coincidence that two reads I was wrong on just happened to die and I was mislynched today. That shit was by design. Along with this, look at who all was wanting a full reads list from me yesterday. Town don't generally care about a full list D1.
The multikill wasn't talked about today much at all in fact so look at all those who had plenty of time to talk about rubbish today while avoiding the elephant in the room.
TSO is probably town
Gwen might be town
Titus sure as FUCK
Pedit TSO
Titus also hard busses her scummates who slip and are caught out. Her survival is #1 most important. Her "mother blanket" is #2. Titus said so her self, twice, this game in two different ways. ISO her please and you will see.
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:53 pm
by Dapper Stranger
↑Passionate Storm wrote:If a scum is wagoned early, scum have two options. Bus or find a counter. I think we both can agree bus is not likely an option. So Klingon is thrown out as a counter suggestion.
I'm digging for you TSO. This is what she wants us to think.
↑Spider Gwen wrote:@Anen: Was something supposed to happen?
Hi buddy.
VOTE: Dapper Stranger
Let's handle the end of day bussers shall we?
Something interesting I didn't pick up on earlier, given Titus's belief scum had no reason to bus...
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:07 am
by Dapper Stranger
↑Passionate Storm wrote:Lol, I bus buddies who slip. I defend others. I didn't bus you in tptg because fresh didn't out your slip. I rarely bus. Really don't lie about meta everyone knows.
Scum don't know who is who. Otherwise, you wouldn't be compelled to ask the question.
motivation as scum is to survive. I naturally feel a maternal instinct towards those on my team, to help and aid.
I am not answering your rolefish.
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:17 am
by Dapper Stranger
I do t feel like going to dig for it, but errant parabola asked me for a full read list D1. He also said me v spiff was tvt and that he was pretty sure about it. Then he votes me late on the wagon today as a kinda 'well if I gotta' type of slide on.
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:28 am
by Dapper Stranger
Almost forgot...one last thing. As far as those who were on the Spiff wagon who could be scum- look for those who got off and at some point joined the Kling wagon. EE fits the bill but he may not be the only so please check. It's highly likely one scum was on Spiff at some point but landed on Celt.
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:29 am
by Dapper Stranger
Merry Christmas! I'm done now.
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:48 am
by jasonT1981
Official Vote Count
Dapper Stranger
(11): Spider Gwen, Elyse, Passionate Storm, Errantparabola, Alchemist21, My Other Head Is Scum, Aunt Jemina, Varsoon, T S O, Shiro,TheWayItEnds,
Passionate Storm
(1): Dapper Stranger,
(1): PeregrineV
(1): Garmr
(1): randomidget
Spider Gwen
(1): Aneninen
: (1) Extrapolated Eagle
Not Voting
(4): I Am Innocent, inte, grapes
With 20 alive, it took 11 to lynch. Lynch achieved in post 2539
Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:53 am
by jasonT1981
It means that you're still acting like you're everyone's best friend. We're not friends, you're the CAG. "Be careful out there"? Our job isn't to be careful, it's to shoot Cylons out of the frakking sky! "Good Hunting" is what you say. And now one of your idiot pilot is acting like a child and refusing to take her pills. So she either says 'Yes, sir' and obeys a direct order, or you smack her in the mouth, and you drag her sorry ass down to sickbay, and you MAKE her take those pills
Dapper Stranger was Kara “Starbuck” Thrace, Vanilla Town, Lynched Day 2
Mod Note - Lynch happened in the middle of the night for me, sorry.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:38 pm
by jasonT1981
It was only a one-shot deal. The vision didn't hit me until later that night. I knew then about the Black Thorn and who was behind the Apocalypse, but I couldn't see their faces. I was aware of where the power was, but didn't know who. Then Fred died and I didn't want that to be another awful thing in an awful world so I decided to use it... to make her death matter. And it worked. I'm in. I've seen the faces of evil in the Black Thorn. I know who the real powers in the Apocalypse are.
Spider Gwen was Angel, Town Hider killed Night 2
Dear Dad,
This is the difficult bit. If I got this right, you’re reading this a week after we left in the TARDIS. The thing is, we’re not coming back. We’re alive and well; stuck in New York, 50 years before I was born. I can’t come home again, I won’t ever see you and that breaks my heart. I’m so sorry, Dad. I thought about this for years and I realised, this is what I could do, I could write you a letter, tell you everything about how we lived, about how, despite it all, we were happy. But before I do, I need you to know, you are the best dad any son could have had. And for all the times I drove you mad and you drove me mad, all the times I snapped at you… I’m sorry. I miss everything about you, especially our awkward hugs. I bought a trough, we have a small yard, I garden. But one more important bit of business, the man who delivered the letter, Anthony.. be nice to him ‘cause his your grandson. We finally adopted in 1946: Anthony Brian Williams. He can tell you everything, he’ll have the family albums and I realise having a grandson who’s older than you is so far beyond weird but I'm sorry. I love you, Dad. I miss you.
Grapes was Rory Williams Vanilla Town, shot in the head Night 2
With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:39 pm
by Extrapolated Eagle
I have been
all weekend. All Christmas weekend I have stayed up far later than I would like because no one wants to go to sleep angry. That quicklynch was one of the most foul things I have ever seen in a mafia game and I have seen scum claim scum d1 in a multiball and win.
Morons. TSO and Titus I have to say I would love to just push a policy lynch against both of you all day long. And chew you out for days on end. Unfortunately, overwhelming self-absorption and stupidity do not make people scum, and I really want to win this one now.
Now I know you two will probably just ignore me and push for whatever disagrees with you again because you are the best two players in this game and the scum hid behind rocks all day yesterday because they didn't want to be associated with their scum buddy, Dapper. I applaud you for that overwhelming performance. Really. The way you completely ran over town yesterday and pushed a quicklynch without gathering information I would rate 5/7, absolutely top of the line. Very well done. So please, push my lynch today, actually, because I must be scum, seeing as I disagreed with the best two players in the history of the game of mafia.
Now that I somewhat have that out of the way, let's push scum for real, shall we?
TWIE that last minute vote was crap. Like seriously. You seem pretty smart. Why did you follow two of the largest hot air balloons in the game to one of the towniest men in town? I'd like a long in depth explanation, please, and to grab your attention, I'll just set this gently down here:
VOTE: The Way It Ends
How about that aneninen last minute leap off of the Klingon wagon?
Or EP getting very chatty about Elyse just about the time that Klingon wagon was starting to look scary, and then dropping it completely shortly after?
Ew, right? I mean these people need a serious looking into.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:47 pm
by T S O
VOTE: Alchemist21
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:50 pm
by T S O
I agree with you; we should never have lynched Jaqen before Alchemist.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:53 pm
by T S O
My reads are not as precise as they should be.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:53 pm
by Varsoon
VOTE: Alchemist21
We need to found a stronger Jedi Order. In order to do so, we must rout the Sith.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:54 pm
by Extrapolated Eagle
↑T S O wrote:I agree with you; we should never have lynched Jaqen before Alchemist.
You want to know something? I hate how your words are reasonable but when it mattered, your actions followed your emotions.
I'm not as furious with you as I am with Titus. But the push for quicklynch yesterday would have been inexcusable if I hadn't thought about how nice it would have been to have Christmas vacation off from the game as well.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:56 pm
by Extrapolated Eagle
The time for rage is over. I'm calm again.
Alchemist is a really good push today, I think, and I'll probably join you if TWIE answers my question.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:57 pm
by T S O
My issue with this game is mainly that I have so many lurkers-slash-unknowns, like Varsoon/Anen, that I have no real way of sorting them with a reasonable level of accuracy.
↑T S O wrote:I agree with you; we should never have lynched Jaqen before Alchemist.
You want to know something? I hate how your words are reasonable but when it mattered, your actions followed your emotions.
No, I agree with you, to an extent. I didn't want the Jaqen push yesterday, but it happened as I caught up, and I was so lazy about it that I just went along with it, because he did seem to make sense as scum on a surface level. The whole Spifflop push was awful, his constant OMGUS - I don't normally call that a scumtell, but he blatantly OMGUS'd me, Gwen and Titus, and at least 2/3 of those are wrong - his ridiculous explanations for things (it's not a vig/SK, it's a 1-shot vig!!!) just made it easier for me to reconcile that with myself.
I spent a lot of yesterday saying how urgent the Alchemist lynch was to get, but did not have the moral courage to take a stand on it.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:03 pm
by T S O
You're going to get no answers off TWIE. He's playing that lurker game which makes impossible to distinguish him as either alignment. It's a dirty way to play, because when so many people do it like here, they know that town can't afford to burn policy lynches on them. If they're town, they get to do nothing, if they're scum they stay alive.
It's a pretty pathetic way to play Mafia, but everyone to their own.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:05 pm
by T S O
I really shouldn't be alive, I rarely live past d2 as town in Larges. I'm wondering why Gwen was killed instead of me. It's possible I was left alive to push the Alch lynch, but Gwen also wanted the Alch lynch, so I'm not sure that really matters. Perhaps they simply knew I'd have protection.
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:06 pm
by Varsoon
Today I have stepped out of the shadows and into the light, padawan TSO.
Commune with me and we can decide how to proceed with how to destroy the Sith and refound the Order.