You know the identity of any other Aliens, and can communicate with them via private topic. (Mod note: There might not be any other Aliens. Adjust the PM as necesary.)
The Aliens have a factional night ability that can kill a player. This can only be used once total in the entire game.
The Alien victory condition is changed to match the Town win condition. As such, the Aliens count as town for the purpose of victory, and will win if all non-Town non-Aliens are killed (or nothing can prevent this). In other words, they basically become a Masonry which shares one nightkill.
Roll a 1d100 each night the player uses an action; refer to the below possibilities based on the result. (Note that the player should also send in a target name as well.)
Can only use ability 3 times per game.
1: Player commits suicide.
2-50: Player protects target from a single night kill.
Each time you are (otherwise successfully) targeted by a player, roll a 1d100 and perform the action on the targeting player.
1-75: You receive the name of the person who targeted you.
76-95: You roleblock the person who targeted you.
96-100: You shoot the person who targeted you.
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:30 pm
by callforjudgement
Compulsive Wondrous Townie
Each night, choose a player. The moderator will roll on the Grand Idea thread until they find a role with exactly one active ability. You will use that ability on the chosen player. (You will not necessarily know what the ability did, although in some cases it will likely be obvious.)
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:30 pm
by callforjudgement
Mafia Vengeful Fruit Vendor
If and when you are lynched, you can send someone a piece of fruit (such an apple, banana or orange). That player will be told that they received the piece of fruit, but not who sent it. (Admittedly, they can probably guess.) Other than the fact that the recipient is notified about it, the fruit does nothing.
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:36 pm
by callforjudgement
1-Shot Absorber Variant 3
(place in the smallest faction with a factional nightkill that has a player in the game)
Once in the game, if you perform your faction's nightkill, you can also choose to gain the target's role (minus factional abilities, win conditions, and any effects that are inherently tied to these, such as a Friendly Neighbour's ability to confirm). The moderator will let you know what role (if any) you stole after an absorb attempt succeeds or fails.
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:34 pm
by Cheery Dog
Town Fruitman
If you receive a piece of fruit, you will be unable to die the phrase the fruit was received including surviving strongman attacks or previously poison. Non killing actions still effect you as normal. You can be poisoned while having fruit.
If you gain a night action through any means, it will be given the weak modifier will be added to said ability, unless during the night you use it you also receive a piece of fruit, in which case the ability would become unblockable instead.
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 3:03 pm
Werewolf 1-Shot Kill-Reflector
Once per game, may reflect any kills performed on him/her causing the caster to die.
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:39 am
by The MM
Mafia Factional Modkill Enabler
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:42 am
by McMenno
Mafia Miller
"Miller here!
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:50 pm
by The MM
Mafia Not-Loyal Commute-Preacher
Target someone who isn't from your faction. You and your target leave town for this night.
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:54 pm
by The MM
Mafia Large-scale Killer
I Can Reach You Anywhere...:
Your factional night kill can target people even if they're out of town (by Commuter effects).
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:51 am
by callforjudgement
Town Archangel
Each night, choose a player. That player will be protected from the Mafia's factional kill that night. (Unlike a Doctor, this will not protect from Vigilantes, Serial Killers, Werewolf factional kills, etc..)
Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 5:11 pm
by Ircher
Town Untargetable Modified Deathproof Strong-Willed Strongman
You cannot be killed or targeted by any actions. If you ever gain a night action, it cannot be blocked or redirected. If you ever gain a kill, it will also pierce through protections.
You can be lynched during clear LyLo situations, and the moderator will inform you of such.
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 2:33 pm
by Ircher
Mafia Modified Treestump Triplet Voter
You are automatically treestumped at the beginning of the game, counting as dead and having your role revealed; however, you can still post and unlike most treestumps, you retain your vote. You are untargetable when treestumped. Your vote will not affect the voting threshold.
You possess 3 votes, each of which count 1/3 vote a piece. You may be able to hammer multiple wagons this way. Moderator Note: Do not round elimination thresholds. A tuplet voter counts as having one vote for the elimination threshold.
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 2:35 pm
by Ircher
Alien Modified Treestump Double Triplet Voter
You are automatically treestumped at the beginning of the game, counting as dead and having your role revealed; however, you can still post and unlike most treestumps, you retain your vote. You are untargetable when treestumped. Your votes will not affect the voting threshold.
You possess 6 votes, each of which count 1/3 vote a piece. You may hammer multiple wagons this way. Moderator Note: Do not round elimination thresholds. A tuple tuplet voter counts as having tuple votes for purposes of determining the elimination threshold. (Eg: This role counts as having 2 votes).
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:36 pm
by callforjudgement
Town Reverse Treestump
At the start of the game, your alignment and role will be publicly revealed.
You start as a treestump: you have the ability to post in thread, but no vote. You are not a legal target for night actions. Unlike a typical treestump, you can be voted for.
If you are lynched, you don't die, but rather cease to be a treestump and become a regular Vanilla Townie instead.
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:39 pm
by GuyInFreezer
Town Megaman
You can shoot someone during the day. You will inherit your target's role upon successful killing.
At the start of the game, your alignment and role will be publicly revealed.
You start as a treestump: you have the ability to post in thread, but no vote. You are not a legal target for night actions. Unlike a typical treestump, you can be voted for.
If you are lynched, you don't die, but rather cease to be a treestump and become a regular Vanilla Townie instead.
Scum would shoot them ASAP as they are basically a revivable IC. Nice (but practically useless additional abilities beyond the treestump) role though.
At the start of the game, your alignment and role will be publicly revealed.
You start as a treestump: you have the ability to post in thread, but no vote. You are not a legal target for night actions. Unlike a typical treestump, you can be voted for.
If you are lynched, you don't die, but rather cease to be a treestump and become a regular Vanilla Townie instead.
Scum would shoot them ASAP as they are basically a revivable IC. Nice (but practically useless additional abilities beyond the treestump) role though.
Well, if you get revived via the lynch, you're basically giving yourself a deadline extension and a night for town power roles to act, without losing any players net to the scum nightkill. In the worst case, an all-vanilla setup, that's neutral (with you neither gaining nor losing). If there are a lot of town power roles, that's helpful (especially with investigatives who get another night of investigations, and protectives who may have a chance of saving you and thus going up one townie).
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:52 pm
by Ircher
Town Triplet Voter
You possess 3 votes that count 1/3 each. You may hammer multiple wagons with this ability.
Moderator Note: Do not round lynch threshold. A tuplet voter counts as having tuple votes for purposes of determining the lynch threshold.
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:58 pm
by Something_Smart
I'm sorry, I can't not.
Town Non-Discrete Voter
You have an infinite number of votes, each with an infinitely small value. Each time you vote, you must indicate how you are dividing your vote, for instance: VOTE: Ircher: 0.45
callforjudgement: 0.3
Something_Smart: 0.25
You may hammer any number of wagons with this ability.