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Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:10 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
if you highlight the posts does the text reverse color for you?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:11 pm
by Gamma Emerald
I may just be used to it due to knowing the source material, but it's not a challenge for me at all.
You say it causes problems for low-brightness displays and visually-impaired users, I assume you fit one or both categories?

Anyway this is dragging on a bit. You wanna talk game stuff at all? I feel notoriously underwhelmed by what's happened so far.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:19 pm
by osuka
In post 275, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:if you highlight the posts does the text reverse color for you?
Nope, unfortunately not
Gamma Emerald wrote:I may just be used to it due to knowing the source material, but it's not a challenge for me at all.
You say it causes problems for low-brightness displays and visually-impaired users, I assume you fit one or both categories?

Anyway this is dragging on a bit. You wanna talk game stuff at all? I feel notoriously underwhelmed by what's happened so far.
Staring at a bright display for too long gives me migraines

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:24 pm
by Gamma Emerald
I have the issue where doing that caused my eyes to tear up and get irritated but that just means I need to unplug for a bit, sure lowering brightness can help but I find it much better to just take a break

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:01 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 5, osuka wrote:VOTE: shellyc confscum
This could quite possibly be true a lot of us know their difficulty in rolling town

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:06 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 125, Ydrasse wrote:
In post 109, MiniMegabyte wrote:
In post 90, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Since this is a board game mafia game I suggest we all fill out this questionnaire:

1) What is your Favorite Board Game?
2) Favorite memory playing Board Games?
3) If you could live in the universe of a Board Game - which one would it be?
4) If you were stuck on a desert island with a few friends - and a large supply of food and water - which one board game would you like to have to play while you wait for rescue?
5) If you could pick one board game to never exist - what would it be?
1. Candyland
2. Having a big joke around with those closest to me
3. Monopoly
4. Code cracker
5. Mouse trap
mini, what are your thoughts so far? you answered this but haven't posted anything other than your rvs (?) vote so like, you're reading the thread bare minimum.
Sorry i have been in and out of hospital these last few days and I have wanted to keep playing so i was jumping on and doing as much as i could at the time

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:09 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 152, shellyc wrote:no I don’t believe that at all

VOTE: Ydrasse

VOTE: Ydrasse

VOTE: Ydrasse

I hardclaim town multitasking triplevoter jailkeeper vigilante daycop and ydrasse returned red
Nope. I dont like this. To me doesnt seem very townlike

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:10 pm
by Mizzytastic
I have asked arachnidsGrip to consider changing her posting style to help with any accessibility issues, but will not currently be implementing a rule change about content as site rules say that games should be run under the rules they were initially posted with. I am intending to talk to the listmod to discuss what can be done to give the best result for everyone involved. For now, please refrain from discussing this further.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:10 pm
by osuka
In post 282, Mizzytastic wrote:
I have asked arachnidsGrip to consider changing her posting style to help with any accessibility issues, but will not currently be implementing a rule change about content as site rules say that games should be run under the rules they were initially posted with. I am intending to talk to the listmod to discuss what can be done to give the best result for everyone involved. For now, please refrain from discussing this further.
wilco, thanks for the help

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:11 pm
by osuka
In post 280, MiniMegabyte wrote:
In post 125, Ydrasse wrote:
In post 109, MiniMegabyte wrote:
In post 90, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:Since this is a board game mafia game I suggest we all fill out this questionnaire:

1) What is your Favorite Board Game?
2) Favorite memory playing Board Games?
3) If you could live in the universe of a Board Game - which one would it be?
4) If you were stuck on a desert island with a few friends - and a large supply of food and water - which one board game would you like to have to play while you wait for rescue?
5) If you could pick one board game to never exist - what would it be?
1. Candyland
2. Having a big joke around with those closest to me
3. Monopoly
4. Code cracker
5. Mouse trap
mini, what are your thoughts so far? you answered this but haven't posted anything other than your rvs (?) vote so like, you're reading the thread bare minimum.
Sorry i have been in and out of hospital these last few days and I have wanted to keep playing so i was jumping on and doing as much as i could at the time
fuck get better soon, i hope everythings alright

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:17 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 182, shellyc wrote:pooky throwing early shade of me instead of talking about ydrasse. +3 scumpoints

I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of these stuff
All these scum point things is exactly what you did in my last game I played with you shelly where you were scum... This really isnt a great start

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:19 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 192, shellyc wrote:as scum it is possible to win by fluffposting and exaggerating your contributions to the gamestate. and posting pages of lamisty stuff. ive done that once

pedit: hyperbole isnt a very good strategy either
This is what you seem to be doing

VOTE: Shelly

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:20 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 194, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:i dont think you're doing it to win or because its strategic, you're doing it because you're bored irl and you want to create conflict because you think its fun and its not very pleasant for the rest of us to read.

it also kind of spams the thread up with a lot of your nonsense and people are going to wake up tomorrow and see like 15 pages of your spamming and decide to not read it.

So instead of spamming "DIE SCUM DIE" over and over again can you try like playing like a normal human being? thanks
I notice that Shelly does it a lot in their games and with most of their games being scum it could AI for them being scum

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:24 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 202, shellyc wrote: I would like to make it clear that im not trying to strategically play in an anti-town way.
Sometimes you cant help it when you're scum. You just play anti town because thats you alignment

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:27 pm
by osuka
anti-town is not an alignment

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:33 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 289, osuka wrote:anti-town is not an alignment
I was meaning like posting as scum and that they are scum aligned

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:34 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 289, osuka wrote:anti-town is not an alignment
Anti town is scummy isnt it? thats the way i read it anyway

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:39 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 284, osuka wrote:
In post 280, MiniMegabyte wrote: Sorry i have been in and out of hospital these last few days and I have wanted to keep playing so i was jumping on and doing as much as i could at the time
fuck get better soon, i hope everythings alright
Thanks i am back there again tomorrow but that should be the last time for a week or two

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:42 pm
by osuka
In post 291, MiniMegabyte wrote:
In post 289, osuka wrote:anti-town is not an alignment
Anti town is scummy isnt it? thats the way i read it anyway

anti-town is play does not benefit town, but isn't necessarily scummy

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:44 pm
by MiniMegabyte
In post 293, osuka wrote:
In post 291, MiniMegabyte wrote:
In post 289, osuka wrote:anti-town is not an alignment
Anti town is scummy isnt it? thats the way i read it anyway

anti-town is play does not benefit town, but isn't necessarily scummy
Oh sorry my bad. Not the way I took it at all. I always thought anti-town is scummy play.

Even so anti-town players really shouldn't kept

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 4:46 pm
by osuka
maybe? the bar for what people call "anti-town" tends to be sadly low

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:10 pm
by Ydrasse
oh shit, i hope things turn out for the better mini!

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:16 pm
by Ydrasse
In post 251, shellyc wrote:
In post 238, Donempire wrote:I guess i'd also go with ydrasse town. Her reaction to pressure didnt seem forced.
can you elaborate on this instead of just giving a townbin

ydrasse has played with me and knows I like to push things and tunnel
this post weirds me out.

i do know these things, but given how strong you can be about this, was you choosing me just a matter of jumping on the first thing that seemed scummy to you? like, wouldn't you want to tunnel someone who hasn't played with you before to see how they would react, given they haven't experienced it?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:25 pm
by Ydrasse
In post 219, bob3141 wrote:
In post 149, Ydrasse wrote:
In post 144, shellyc wrote:
In post 125, Ydrasse wrote:mini, what are your thoughts so far? you answered this but haven't posted anything other than your rvs (?) vote so like, you're reading the thread bare minimum.
prodding lurkers to give their thoughts is an easy way to get towncred, +5 scumpoints here

semi-RVS vote now officially Super Serious
it's not the fact that she's lurking so much as the fact that the single post she replied to wasn't game related (sorry pooky to your questions).

i've played with her before and know that she's low-activity (or was) so that's not my issue.
But why question him over others. He might not have posted much but based on the time thats understandable.

Why ask some that is unlikely to even be upto date on the thread. Over those that had been posting and just lolchatting?
because they were up to date enough (or i thought) to answer pooky's questions, but not answer/reply/etc to anything else; they returned after 100 posts to only do that, nothing game related until now.

i also would rather mini start providing thoughts/opinions over answering silly things sooner rather than later, given that i took advantage of mini being in and out of things/quiet when i played a game with her where i was scum. having a grasp on her opinions makes it harder for scum to do that/set her up as an easy elimination if she's town. similarly if she's scum we're not working with less posts/content.

i haven't read her scumgame yet though tbh. maybe she posts more or something in those.

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 5:28 pm
by Ydrasse
In post 287, MiniMegabyte wrote:
In post 194, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:i dont think you're doing it to win or because its strategic, you're doing it because you're bored irl and you want to create conflict because you think its fun and its not very pleasant for the rest of us to read.

it also kind of spams the thread up with a lot of your nonsense and people are going to wake up tomorrow and see like 15 pages of your spamming and decide to not read it.

So instead of spamming "DIE SCUM DIE" over and over again can you try like playing like a normal human being? thanks
I notice that Shelly does it a lot in their games and with most of their games being scum it could AI for them being scum
have you noticed them do it in their town games at all? it isn't AI if she behaves similarly in her town games imo, despite having more scum ones.