Kunkstar- I mentioned bulletproof to show that 2 shot doesn't auto mean you have to choose to activate your role (which was your point)
Ythan wrote:Battousai wrote:What I don't understand is, why didn't you check the wiki to make sure you had your role correctly or at least PM'd the mod for a clarification (it's not all too common of a role, and if I had it, I would want to know if it a) was automatic, b) includes mafia night kill, c) invokes all night actions or just a player I select.
Because the mod's poor wording made it pretty clearly say what I thought it was.
I'm not going to forget my last point in the paragragh:
Battousai wrote:I also don't understand how you misunderstood the role pm. It seems pretty straightforward "... all night actions of another player will be redirected to you" or "... all night actions will be directed to you"- I don't see how the mod could have worded it so that it would include "another player" but mean "all other players"
You are blaming the mod for your lack of research (an entity that can't be defended), and your defense can not be refuted by proof (aka telling us word for word what the mod said about your ability). This is all just a bit too convenient for me.
And now, instead of trying to defend yourself to our satisfaction, you try and put two candidates for lynch in the spotlight (one of which is voting/questioning your role) and then implying someone else who doesn't quite buy your role, as scum.
Also, I find it suspect you didn't try and use your ability once before today. I mean you call out me and holy as the lynch candidates today, why not use it last night on one of use in order to try and save jahudo? If you're not willing to miss with a 2-shot ability on someone who you think is scum in order to protect someone you find to be very pro-town (as does the rest of the town), why are you more willing to lynch them instead the next day (day 8 with only 1 scum lynched making us close to the very end of the game), thus sacrificing jahudo in the process of not losing a shot?