Out of curiosity, are you guys going to stop the posturing and dick measuring anytime soon or is that just wishful thinking?
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:23 am
by DeathRowKitty
I for one am very interested in everyone else's dick size.
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:37 am
by RayFrost
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:43 am
by Ser Arthur Dayne
In post 27899, Venmar wrote:I would argue that Graves is an easy ADC to start with, but he probably needs the most positioning out of the person playing him, because positioning him in fights to dish out his Q and R while keeping yourself alive can be hard to master. In the current scene, Graves is a tiny bit outclassed by the current ADC's in some ways, but in my experience he's actually still very good, and any decent player along with a decent support can actually compete and defeat other ADC's like Jinx, Vayne, and Caitlin. I've had a pretty easy time against the latter two. His brute force in his Q and R, and fight control with W and E is very good if you know how to play him properly, and can shit on unaware ADC's.
SAD, are you trying to argue that Caitlyn is the most difficult ADC to play?
Cause that is wack.
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:12 am
by AngryPidgeon
In post 27900, dramonic wrote:Out of curiosity, are you guys going to stop the posturing and dick measuring anytime soon or is that just wishful thinking?
Beeeep. Bob Kelso, 10 inches.
Edit for lolz:
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:23 am
by mykonian
In post 27899, Venmar wrote:I would argue that Graves is an easy ADC to start with, but he probably needs the most positioning out of the person playing him, because positioning him in fights to dish out his Q and R while keeping yourself alive can be hard to master. In the current scene, Graves is a tiny bit outclassed by the current ADC's in some ways, but in my experience he's actually still very good, and any decent player along with a decent support can actually compete and defeat other ADC's like Jinx, Vayne, and Caitlin. I've had a pretty easy time against the latter two. His brute force in his Q and R, and fight control with W and E is very good if you know how to play him properly, and can shit on unaware ADC's.
Please for the love of gods no
It was horrid to be support in the time that graves was popular. With last picks in ranked often being left to botlane, plenty of the times you'd end up with someone who didn't know the wonderful way of right clicking things.
Which they then showed promptly by playing graves and using him like an ad caster. Teamfights would get their roll, and little else. q-ult-dodge away-slow-q-"wondering what do to next". Graves was the worst excuse to have a halfdecent lane, and do absolutely nothing in teamfights. Even if you have a q that does aoe damage, you still have to shoot and for a player new to the role, graves invites you to forget that.
Nowadays I don't worry as much about that, if someone picks graves he probably knows what he's doing. But I wouldn't want a player new to adc to start out on him.
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:35 am
by Venmar
Yes.. that's why I said he was the most position demanding ADC. I just thought he functioned remotely similarly like Ashe in that they just pop their Q and then kite, just Graves is much harder to do this with.
how about "if you're new play around with multiple champions until you find one that fits your playstyle because what works for someone else might not work for you"?
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:57 am
by MrZepher
I really hope they release Heartseeker Urgot in 2015.
or maybe 2014 for the Halloween update huehue
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:25 am
by AngryPidgeon
Summary: Monsoon now channels immediately on activation and the channel duration has been reduced. Additionally, we’re increasing Monsoon’s heal per second and total heal amount.
Since we removed a lot of Janna’s invisible power, we can now buff up some of the cooler parts of her kit. Since Monsoon is one of Janna’s big moments in the spotlight, we decided to throw caution to the wind and buff her up with more healing potential and immediate gains.
R - Monsoon
Now begins channeling immediately upon activation (from an initial 0.25 second cast time)
Total channel duration reduced to 3 seconds (from 4 seconds)
Heal per second increased to 100/150/200 (+0.6 ability power) (from 70/110/150 (+0.35 ability power)
Total heal amount increased to 300/450/600 (+1.8 ability power) (from 280/440/600 (+1.4 ability power))
Janna was already still op.
More reasson to build Athenes/Banshees/Dcap on her though. woot.
how about "if you're new play around with multiple champions until you find one that fits your playstyle because what works for someone else might not work for you"?
Thank you.
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:09 pm
by Ser Arthur Dayne
Yasuo build anyone?
I feel like doing Shiv -> Hydra -> IE -> Randuins -> Banshee
but I'm not sure if it would work or not.
Also shiv or PD?
And hydra or BT?
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:34 pm
by MrZepher
Shiv gives you a bigger power spike than PD.
Build IE second instead of Hydra. Just do it. Hydra isn't that great on him.
I would build BT instead of a LW. You'll get enough armor pen from your ult if that's what you need.
Or at least that's what the top Koreans are doing.
If you can learn to move in between auto's/spell casts then you don't need to build as many defensive items (his passive shield at level 18 is stupid). You can go GA and it'll be fine.
general thing: Get out of the habit of building hydra on all melee everything. You get it for the waveclear (renekton, rango, khazix) or because it synergizes with champions that already do decent AoE (lee sin, talon, renekton)
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:42 pm
by JasonWazza
Serious question:
Which is better on a ranged ADC, Bloodthirster or Blade of the Ruined King?
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 4:48 pm
by DeathRowKitty
whichever synergizes better with teleport
depends on which ADC
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:53 pm
by Venmar
BT is overall better, Botrk is more situational and depends on how tanky the enemy team is.
how about "if you're new play around with multiple champions until you find one that fits your playstyle because what works for someone else might not work for you"?
really fucking ignorant. BTW if you are bad, you don't have a playstyle. You have a shitload of bad habits and no fucking gamesense. Playing a bad champ is only gonna make you do worse.
JasonWazza wrote:Serious question:
Which is better on a ranged ADC, Bloodthirster or Blade of the Ruined King?
Is your champions named Vayne or Quinn? Bloodthirster if it isn't. Apparently people are running BorK on Ezreal right now? Yuck I say.
Ser Arthur Dayne wrote:
In post 27899, Venmar wrote:I would argue that Graves is an easy ADC to start with, but he probably needs the most positioning out of the person playing him, because positioning him in fights to dish out his Q and R while keeping yourself alive can be hard to master. In the current scene, Graves is a tiny bit outclassed by the current ADC's in some ways, but in my experience he's actually still very good, and any decent player along with a decent support can actually compete and defeat other ADC's like Jinx, Vayne, and Caitlin. I've had a pretty easy time against the latter two. His brute force in his Q and R, and fight control with W and E is very good if you know how to play him properly, and can shit on unaware ADC's.
In post 27900, dramonic wrote:Out of curiosity, are you guys going to stop the posturing and dick measuring anytime soon or is that just wishful thinking?
Beeeep. Bob Kelso, 10 inches.
Edit for lolz:
It's like a baguette!
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:25 pm
In post 27920, PJ. wrote:really fucking ignorant. BTW if you are bad, you don't have a playstyle. You have a shitload of bad habits and no fucking gamesense. Playing a bad champ is only gonna make you do worse.
literally any champ is viable at the elo 99% of the players in this thread play at so please come down off of your high horse
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:32 pm
by DeathRowKitty
There's a bit of a middle ground to be reached here. What originally set Panzer off was people talking about their weird-ass pet builds and the possibility of newer players copying them. There's a difference between "x champion sucks in high-level play, but it's okay for the rest of us" and "lol tank ashe" or "I'M GONNA BUILD INFINITY EDGE ON ALL OF MY AP MIDS". The latter two will get you into bad habits if you're trying them before you're well-acquainted with the game. Panzer is extending that to "Don't play bad champions because they will cause you to have bad habits". I don't doubt that that's true if the champion is sufficiently weak - it's up for debate how weak a champion has to be before that kicks in though.
Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:36 pm
by PJ.
Pretty much what DRK said.
I will even do you one better by saying that there are some good champions that will cause you to have bad habits. Morgana, Singed, Lee Sin. All those guys have playstyles that will actually make you worse before they make you better.