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Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:08 pm
by Flavor Leaf
You’re one killer scum game away from popping off

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:18 pm
by insomnia
I've played on other sites to develop my town game so that I could come back here and catch some good scum players. In here you guys have the best scum players. Or maybe the town players don't really town tell enough so the good scum players are left in a box. Either way, that forces me to distinguish town from scum a lot more and makes me improve my game.

Not really playing with the intent of improving my scum game, I just want to be a better town player that's it. I'll never improve because of that reason, I don't want to play scum.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:23 pm
by insomnia
In post 322, bob3141 wrote:
In post 292, Salamence20 wrote:Honestly Im shocked more people arent looking at Invis for scum

So what shocks you about it and what do you think you have seen that marks invis out as scum to you
still coming back to this post and always cracks a smile within me, mainly because of the "what do you think you have seen" which is like something you'd ask a scum bud in the PT to find something that looks worthy enough of a push on a player. If this is an unconscious slip this is so good lol, I really hope I'm right cuz that would be awesome

really want this to be a s/s interaction lol

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:25 pm
by Flavor Leaf
Bettering one alignment betters the other.

The better you are at scum, the higher your town ceiling will be.

The better you are at town, the higher your scum ceiling will be.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:25 pm
by insomnia
yeah let's do this i wanna find this one out, i just have to

VOTE: bob

let's do this fl, appealing back to the deal, say yes to titus so she can sheep us on this as well lol

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:26 pm
by Flavor Leaf
If there’s professional Fortnite players, there can be professional Mafia players, and I plan to make that into a reality.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:27 pm
by Flavor Leaf
Flip it, and I’ll chain to Bob tomorrow even if Invisibility flips town.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:27 pm
by insomnia
Imagine having a pro league in mafia and getting paid for winning games. That would actually motivate me to play scum properly hm. Money make a good incentive.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:27 pm
by Flavor Leaf
Like I’ll hammer if I have to because I made the sheep deal, and I will stick by it, but i think invisibility is today’s play

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:28 pm
by Flavor Leaf
In post 2807, insomnia wrote:Imagine having a pro league in mafia and getting paid for winning games. That would actually motivate me to play scum properly hm. Money make a good incentive.
Probably set up leagues/professional teams a la Team Mafia, but more scheduled out like a sport.

When I start making bank off of filmmaking, I’mma start it up...

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:28 pm
by insomnia
there's bigger fish to fry fl and i want to catch myself one, i just want to lynch bob while i'm alive, it's probably because nobody spotted him by now and, as always, I need my dopamine levels. I am a fallacious person and i love it.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:29 pm
by Flavor Leaf
Why are you backing off invisibility, though, if you think it has to be within those 3

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:31 pm
by insomnia
I guess I just want the potential credit on bob, truth is, I'm not lynching outside of that PoE so it doesn't matter who we flip first, but a bob red flip makes town want to lynch in that PoE i think. If he flips town it's whatever, I misread him and we just move on with vizzy.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:34 pm
by insomnia
If it's anyone outside of invis / pine / bob I'll be impressed.

I just want bob lynched because if I'm not here, he'll most likely suade you on anyone else. Town doesn't believe scum!bob anyway. imagine what he can do without us in here.

i just believe in my scum hunting abilities, i haven't been offered with a rebuttal on why bob is town, except for "his play style is the same" which isn't a valid reasoning in the slightest. There's nothing of depth that can prove to me why bob is town based on what he's done THIS GAME. His work, his progressions, nothing of that sort.

Having the same style is a mocking dismissal, bob deserves more credit than this. It's time we gave bob the attention he deserves.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:36 pm
by Flavor Leaf
I feel like Invisibility lucked out of Day 1 when the Gjt wagon started, then Invisibility lucked out because I hard pushed Ank.

And now maybe lucking our by way of Bob.

I half feel like Bob is the mislynch based on feeling like if I change of heart vote Bob pre hammer, it’ll have the momentum to go through, meaning it’s likely town.


As the homeless man that Ted gives a dollar to every day on How I Met Your Mother would say...

I’m Urinating it over...

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:45 pm
by insomnia
I have honestly no idea who flips scum, but bob was my initial scum read and invis was kind of like mirroring his actions and so i went with scum reading him.

I have some reluctance to joges because of how he treated the Nicholai slot. That push back at him was *really* townie and didn't read as T/S at all. I didn't sense any agenda in that except for trying to prove a point and attempting to expose his ass, which is something that comes from town more often than not. I guess I totally see that push as joges not having an idea about Nicholai's alignment and find it hard he'd actually fabricate that on the spot, I think that was a live interaction as well? Might be wrong.

if that makes any sense to you.

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:52 pm
by insomnia
And bob's pushback at me read as complete scum mentality, "yeah i'm scum but your reasoning sucks and so watch me do nothing except for defending myself". I initially had no idea what the person that I've learnt this from meant, but then I read a game of theirs and I saw a sentence that immediately made it clear after so many months. He didn't world build around himself and trying to discern my alignment at all from that, given that, you know, he scum read me. There was no confrontation at all, if you try and re-read the interaction, it looked more like he was reading me town and trying to tell me why he's not scum than him being annoyed and having a "gotcha" moment, given that, from his PoV, I'm scum. He stated that before I started doing anything. I feel as though his posting came more from that mentality of scum that knows I'm town and is defending against my points instead of pushing me back and actually believing I'm scum. My push should've appeared as opportunistic to him, but that wasn't reflected at all in our talk, it was like he was making a deal with his executioner.

This probably doesn't get more coherent, it's all I can do for you, but just trust me. Hope you caught a glimpse of what I mean and associating that with a huge scum point for bob.

Also, he only voted me after our live interaction was over lol. And now he magically town reads me because I didn't have any incentive to jump on the Ank train lol

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:04 am
by insomnia
In post 2011, bob3141 wrote:insomia if your town it should already be clear to you.

I think one of teh later joins kanna/ invis is scum. Whith the strongest lean being on kanna.

When looker and nom were having there interactions invis pushed nom looking townier of the two.

I cant realy see a paper trail between him think that and voting for nom. All he gives is gjt softed pr but his vote remained for soem time before moving. and taht flav said stuff.

Of kanna and invis. I think out of teh two its far more likley to be you. For one of them to not be scum i feel my vca would have to be wrong
In post 2056, bob3141 wrote:insomnia read on me is almost as bad but at least it has more effort. Which is something scum tend to do when pushing their cases. When there really isn't anything behind it.

It amounts to bob asks questions. Bob in no game he has ever played has provided his reads unless asked or in day 4-5 solve. Thus he must of been scum in all his games. At Least insomnia has never played with me before so it could easily be him simply scum reading my play style in general.

Oh bob bounces all over the place. Look at my first game on this site and you will see how much I can bounce around.
In post 2069, bob3141 wrote:
In post 2058, insomnia wrote:No, you are misinterpreting everything. My point is that you are not interested in discerning anyone's alignment from your questions.

I love riling up scum, they don't understand the method that I'm using here because nobody ever uses it. They always say my case is weak and trash, but they don't even know what my case is trying to say.

Which also makes them even more scummy, because they post from the mentality of "I'm scum but your reasoning sucks" rather than the town mentality of "I'm town why the fuck are you being so dumb"

So what your sayign is you genuinely cant see how my methods work. If you are town it wouldnt be first time a player has misread how i play.

If you are genuine then clear you have reads on all players and i would be very interested to see them. As it will help be determine which of the two you are
In post 2074, bob3141 wrote:
In post 2058, insomnia wrote:No, you are misinterpreting everything. My point is that you are not interested in discerning anyone's alignment from your questions.

I love riling up scum, they don't understand the method that I'm using here because nobody ever uses it. They always say my case is weak and trash, but they don't even know what my case is trying to say.

Which also makes them even more scummy, because they post from the mentality of "I'm scum but your reasoning sucks" rather than the town mentality of "I'm town why the fuck are you being so dumb"

My point is that my questions are always meant to be open ended. I see what i get in return and make mental notes. Thats why i bounce around as i go after the last thing. So if you think there some questions ive not followed up on it because i forgot about them. As thats not how i work. There is reason only oen game i didnt come up with the rigth solve. and it that one o got 2 of 3 right. And had simply discounted the 3rd due to flav make bold move and claiming doc

This game was lurkfest at the start so it was the lowest pirioty of the 3 games i was in. Now all but this one has finished. And inactives replaced
In post 2089, bob3141 wrote:
In post 2070, insomnia wrote:No, I'm saying exactly this :

Your questions don't help you discern anyone's alignment. The only actual stances you express in the thread are based on 3 posts and not follow-ups to your questions. Your questions are leading up to nothing. You don't follow up on them. You ask someone a question, then ask someone else a question with complete disregard for the last person that was inquired.

And the thing I didn't like the most was that you didn't take a stance on Sala's vote and chose to get him out the dirt by asking to clarify for the vote, rather than take a stance on it.

You just don't take any stances, your questions don't lead you to stances, I don't know why you're asking questions if you aren't gonna form reads based on the answers to those questions.

A lot of it is that poor handling of Sala, but I admit it could be confirmation bias. But only that part. The rest of it is not confirmation bias.
my question never lead to anything. Thats not how i work. I try to spread as many trip wires around so that after a few flipps i have information that will be very telling on each players alignment.

just to be clear i was barley paying any attention to the thread before sal got reped. was focusing heavily on other games. And even then i wasnt giving more than hour to mafia a day for that week. why i am so understandign of gjt early lurking. as im in similar boat. for reference if im in the top half of posters i think most of teh game is lurking as im a low poster.

My questions are delibertly shaped. There meant to catch scum by the player not even knowing what im looking for. Think discworlds descriptiion of good ambassador. Make them feel you know nothing until you steal there socks from within their shoes while they are wearing them without them noticing. its writen better than that in the book.

If you let them clear know what your lookign for. The scum i am questioning will try to avoid it. Town dont care as they have nothign to hide. They act differently. But if you let them know they can fake.
In post 2099, bob3141 wrote:i was focusing on that game. i was largley ignoring this one until we had got 2 scum down.
In post 2102, bob3141 wrote:insomnia was i or was i not asked by hectic for read list.

i give stances and reads when asked never before. Unless i hit some gold. Like player that inst cooperating in that case pops
In post 2110, bob3141 wrote:insomia are you saying the second one was high on stances ?
In post 2113, bob3141 wrote:insomnia are you saying from those 2 town games i cant eb town this one based. On that ratio in teh second
In post 2117, bob3141 wrote:so go into that second game ank quoted. do you think im high on stances low on questions
In post 2123, bob3141 wrote:insomnia answer the question. that second game what do you read. You claim that ratio is huge
In post 2128, bob3141 wrote:insomnia which game do you think looks townier
In post 2138, bob3141 wrote:that game i was scum. seeing if you had noticed blakes comment lol.

Half way down page one is were end of day 2 was
In post 2178, bob3141 wrote:im starting to think insomnia just read the thread saw dp scum read me. saw that looker was asking silly questions about answer and thought this will be an easy mislynch.

now we have ank at teh time beign wagoned and just like during day one im just not that sure on her. As she is the weakest of my scum reads and if fl is rigth about her then she is scum. But if she is town then i feel thats it means flav and ank are tvt.

now she was stublenly town read nom that day. But would scum still defend some in such away. Knowing that with a claimed power role her lynch would likely go through.
Im not sure on the motive here. Although she claims to not care about pr. I do know that ank think town normaly has to much power. So that coudl easily be her thinking gjt is scummy and town will have pleanty of power. thats its worth teh risk.

I would have expect scum to make more of case why she didnt care about gjt claim when i asked her. So if ank isnt scum tehn what of those voting her.

Now she might be in position to be scum read from associations with nom day one. But is that enough to have even for bit pushed to l-1.
In post 2179, bob3141 wrote:
In post 2083, insomnia wrote:
In post 94, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Salamence20
what do you think of some of the actions and reactions so far?
In post 233, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Not sure if i should be happy or sad... I am really letting down the title of Lynchbait King. But to be sure nothing I do in the first few pages of mafia is an indicator 0f my allignment.

Not sure about Sal but I am leaning town.

Jorge kind of feels like he is trying to find a reason to vote Sal which I do not not really like. This has to do with Jorge and not the alignment of Sal.
Want to go back and comb through the responses so far
In post 235, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:BTW my Sal read id purely a gut feeling.... which I do not take too seriously. Just trying to figure things out
here, let's look at this for example. Presumably, TFL had a gut ping on Sal about something. Notice how he asked him a question that helps him trying to sort his alignment, presumably because he scum read him and wanted more out of him.

Bob literally didn't have as simple of a progression as this in his whole ISO.

I will take someone else.

Here we go you shading me again. I thought it woudl be quite clear from te questions to you slot that were my reasoning was taking me
In post 2186, bob3141 wrote:then i hit my working week and then you repped in today.

VOTE: isomnia

i can only assume you knew where my vote was going and wanted to get ahead.

i can only assume again im to close for comfort

Look at this progression, it's funny how he starts saying I'm scum and then he just defends himself against my points not even mentioning once that I'm scum for misreping him or anything. I don't know how I can make it more apparent for you, that's my weak point. Just try and read it and see if it makes sense from a bob town point of view, where he doesn't know what alignment I am and on top of that, he scum reads me.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:29 am
by bob3141
In post 2802, insomnia wrote:
In post 322, bob3141 wrote:
In post 292, Salamence20 wrote:Honestly Im shocked more people arent looking at Invis for scum

So what shocks you about it and what do you think you have seen that marks invis out as scum to you
still coming back to this post and always cracks a smile within me, mainly because of the "what do you think you have seen" which is like something you'd ask a scum bud in the PT to find something that looks worthy enough of a push on a player. If this is an unconscious slip this is so good lol, I really hope I'm right cuz that would be awesome

really want this to be a s/s interaction lol

never seen a post more than stupid that. If you are town remind me to never follow your reads in any game. If your great deductions are lets kill this towny because of how how he talks.

I am really getting tired of this tunnel and im starting feel the way of ank.

Cant you see a triple question. I would of thought anyone would have been able to translate that sentance to what it is.

why do you scum read him? why dont you think he is town? Why Do you realy think that wimpy is beign fake?

With the intention suppost to be clear that im judging him on his answers and not just not that but fundamental point of if he answers all 3 and not just one.

Talk in freindly manner and you can catch an entire scum team with one sentance of his replys. In my prior game to this that was runnign at the same time. I asked a player about a wagon and from one sentance was able to strike 7 players off as sure town

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:35 am
by bob3141
In post 2816, insomnia wrote:And bob's pushback at me read as complete scum mentality, "yeah i'm scum but your reasoning sucks and so watch me do nothing except for defending myself". I initially had no idea what the person that I've learnt this from meant, but then I read a game of theirs and I saw a sentence that immediately made it clear after so many months. He didn't world build around himself and trying to discern my alignment at all from that, given that, you know, he scum read me. There was no confrontation at all, if you try and re-read the interaction, it looked more like he was reading me town and trying to tell me why he's not scum than him being annoyed and having a "gotcha" moment, given that, from his PoV, I'm scum. He stated that before I started doing anything. I feel as though his posting came more from that mentality of scum that knows I'm town and is defending against my points instead of pushing me back and actually believing I'm scum. My push should've appeared as opportunistic to him, but that wasn't reflected at all in our talk, it was like he was making a deal with his executioner.

This probably doesn't get more coherent, it's all I can do for you, but just trust me. Hope you caught a glimpse of what I mean and associating that with a huge scum point for bob.

Also, he only voted me after our live interaction was over lol. And now he magically town reads me because I didn't have any incentive to jump on the Ank train lol

lol just reading my mentality. Take my 2020 game. I didnt mind getting scum read as i was being scum read for reasonable things. Things that were not entirly stupid.

Yet in my normal that finished when you joined. I got realy annoyed being scum read for stupid things by players who simply twisted what ever they said into tehre stupid tunnel. And guess what i was town just liek now.

And guess waht i was being scum read for. Asking 3-5 players questions as at once as i can not read a players slot in isolation.

If your goign to mislynch me atleast come up with somethign reasonable or we will have repeat of anks wagon. after this game and last i now know why other townies self hammer

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:36 am
by insomnia
why am i town to you?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:40 am
by bob3141
scum you had no incentive to switch between mislynches yesterday.

A scum you could have watched the lynch of ank go through and as we saw it flipped town. Leaving a scum you smelling of roses.

You would then be prime position to push my mislynch the next day.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:42 am
by insomnia
ok, why are you speaking about me like I'm mechanically confirmed town just based on a vote that fl wanted me to make and said i'd be scum if i didn't?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:42 am
by insomnia
In post 2818, bob3141 wrote:why do you scum read him? why dont you think he is town? Why Do you realy think that wimpy is beign fake?
2/3 questions from here have nothing to do with the post i quoted

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 12:47 am
by insomnia
FL come place your vote, I'm tunneling to oblivion. I'm convinced.