In post 2921, Not Chara wrote:i don't know that much of the game either, honestly.
what i don't like from you is what you've said about Maria and how she's definitely not town, but when told you were wrong about the reasoning didn't hint that you were reconsidering the read, you just doubled down on it.
i dislike your claim that defending Alisae from that early wagon should make you town to him, when whiteknighting exists and it's day 1.
i don't like how you called me out specifically for my being on the SlySly wagon at the start (who you're also scumreading), then said the point was a minor one and that it's really a meta point that you haven't explained yet to my satisfaction. you say i'm supposed to care about wagon composition in multiball on day 1, that i'm a better player than this... all of these things are being leveled at you because you're not caught up, too. it's not like i'm caught up. i'm picking wagons i don't hate.
i can see how you could be town Tywin here but i don't appreciate being told i won't listen to someone because
scumreading me.
Fine. Maria I've said was a SR because she came out of nowhere (apparently a replacement I missed) to claim 'tywin is scum' over and over while never providing a reason. She just kept repeating it. My view is omgusy true, and mostly gut, but it looks to me like scum joining their teams prefered lynch. If I was scum, who are my buddies? Who is defending me at all? Why would I be flash Wagoned? What's the case on me? None of this has been answered by maria, and you still haven't said why you TR them. Fine, they're a replacement. What point did you make that says they're town? What makes you think they cant be scum? Am I sure about it? No. I'm doubling down because they haven't responded to anything I've said. It's all deflection back on me, and frankly, I think she's been chainsawing for sly. I was the first to mention sly, but then I became some huge SR for it. Isn't that odd.
Town Maria acts differently and I get tells from her when she does it. You should know when I get town tells I'll defend the player regardless. When I get scum tells, I go after them regardless. That's how I play.
Idc what Ali thinks except that I proved them wrong on their reasoning for SRing me. They said I go with the flow and play it by ear, except me defending them when they were the largest wagon by far is counter to that point. Their reasons are wrong and I stated why. Past that idc. Ali SRs me every game until it's proven I was right about a SR. Its literally an every game thing. I didn't say that should make me town though, so why are you?
I called you out on the sly wagon when I thought gamma was scum too. Pretty obvious since I said it that way. I thought you pushed off gamma into sly as a counter, and I viewed the doggo exchange as awkward. It looked planned. If doggo said sly before you, then I was wrong, but I don't remember that happening. That point doesn't matter now anyways. My SR on you has been based on how you've played until literally right now interacting with me. You have lurked and done a lot of nothing it seems, when usually I look for you and your reads in games. I do the same with almost, and I SR him for it too. You're both playing differently than I know you do as town. You've only switched styles recently interacting with me. Why?
If nobody is caught up then what's the point. Idk who could be at this rate anyways, so may be that explains your playstyle difference. Regardless, that's why I had the meta read.