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Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:38 am
by Chito and Yuuri
In post 2799, Spike and Jet wrote:
In post 2710, Chito and Yuuri wrote:Chito: Yeah we were hoping to get Creature's reaction, I had already seen your reaction Jet. Creature has a lot of familiarity with Gamma and I feel like he completely ignored the discussion about her so I don't know what's going on with that.
Well, I can't read Gamma that easily, sorry.

Giving a solid read on him is almost a 50/50 chance of going terribly wrong.
Chito: may be a weird question but did anyone else read this as xtoxm pretending to be creature?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:39 am
by Chito and Yuuri
Chito: maybe that was xtoxm being xtoxm and I'm just confused actually

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:40 am
by Gamma Emerald
That's possible but if so that's just another nail in his coffin for me, not the straw that broke the camel's back

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:41 am
by Ankamius
In post 2898, Elena Fisher wrote:Ah, has she posted in the PT? I won't ask what but just a Y/N
Severa and I had a like 3 page discussion in the PT

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:41 am
by Ankamius
mainly about reads

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:42 am
by Ankamius
the people who have access to the PT actually knows a decent amount more about where my head's at than everyone else does

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:42 am
by Elena Fisher
In post 2899, Chito and Yuuri wrote:
In post 2895, Elena Fisher wrote:More so I find it interesting that people think I would even be in a poe as scum in the first place, but carry on. Although maybe I would be on this account? It really depends. I don't know what makes me so hard to read to other people so maybe if I was scum I'd be in the poe? Hm, this isn't a topic for here I suppose. Just a thought that crossed my mind for the most part. I have only played one scum game on this account and it was pretty good. Alright, I don't mind a spike lynch mostly because I'm not townreading them, but that's not the main reason I'd want them dead
Chito: I guess for me the main thing is I don't feel like you're having fun this game and that is making it hard to toneread you as town. Maybe roleplaying as Elena makes you seem less relaxed?
Tone reading me isn't something you'll have much success with. Mostly because I can easily fake tone I want it's one of the most simple things for me. I'm not 'roleplaying' per say. I just know somethings I do on my other accounts I outright stop myself from doing/posting on this account. (It's happened a lot honestly.) Don't get me wrong I still am having fun because it's a challenge to go full emotionless/just play mafia. But I guess I can somewhat understand what you're saying. I'm mostly confused why I'm a poe read in the first place. As I don't think this game is near locked or that people are in such a largely way townread that a poe exists right now

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:44 am
by Elena Fisher
Ank, why do you think keeping stuff in that PT is helpful? This isn't accusing more so as me being curious. You already know my feelings on this topic so I want to hear yours.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:45 am
by Ankamius
I've noticed that I get manipulated and pocketed less and generally have a higher success rate with my pushes when I don't throw everything I have in the main thread where everybody can see it

that's why I usually have private PTs every game

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:48 am
by Elena Fisher
If you have one this game I suggest using that over just throwing everything in your neighborhood, but of course, I can't really stop you. I still stand by the fact that it's bad to hide everything in your neighborhood. While I have answered a few questions in my own hood I believe I'm only keeping one thing hidden. Not the point, but I think it's much easier for scum to control a player field if it's in a neighborhood. Perhaps that's just me though. Every game I've been in a neighborhood in as scum I've won.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:53 am
by Ankamius
it's more a thing of it's a lot easier to make it into a controlled environment when I only have to worry about 5 people instead of 15

plus I feel like my shelf life in this game is short enough that if I just hide everything important behind a wall nobody can see, it'll just get lost without having any use

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:56 am
by Ankamius
I'd have gotten a lot more mileage out of the FL slot tbh

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:01 am
by Chito and Yuuri
In post 2911, Ankamius wrote:I'd have gotten a lot more mileage out of the FL slot tbh
Chito: Howso? I'm not sure I know what this means

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:02 am
by Ankamius
I prefer replacing into scummy town slots than townie town slots

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:12 am
by Chito and Yuuri
Chito: Ohhhh, well Clem had like flashes of towniness but was still pretty ??? I know some people were townreading that slot but I don't think it was widely obvtowned.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:14 am
by Ankamius
yeah but clem was nowhere near the general lynch pool when I replaced in

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:22 am
by Severa
In post 2877, Spike and Jet wrote:Tried to wotc but no dice.

I should really just stop playing forum mafia, my body can't handle it.

Creature said Gamma scum in the PT so i'll go with that as my 3rd.

So final guess:
{ooba, FL, Gamma}

Mod replace Creature into our hydra and add me to the dead thread, thanks.

Sorry for bailing, Creature.
Wtf did I do to you

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:30 am
by Severa
Creature by the way has been posting in other games. Still not this one. Still entirely tried to avoid gamesolving in favor of spewing empty bluster. Other head apparently tried to WoTC me because...?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:33 am
by Severa
I know for a fact we've never had conflicts before this game. I doubt they were secretly nursing a grudge. Kinda get the vibe that he was replacing out to not be in the scum slot as it went down and that trying to WoTC me was because I was correctly pushing him because I can't see why else that comes out

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:00 am
by Chito and Yuuri
Ank, you've read all the stuff between Clem and Flavor in your QT by this point, right? What do
think of the plan they came up with to "mutually confirm" each other? And what do you think of how it was worked out in your channel?


Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:15 am
by Ankamius

it looks like it was a gambit lol

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:19 am
by mastina
In post 2704, Ankamius wrote:see idk how to actually GET a read on mastina I can be confident in until I've seen how she interacts with me and/or have a pretty good view of the gamestate already
Iso me.

Seriously, iso me.

That'll tell ya what you need to know.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:24 am
by Chito and Yuuri

Did Clem agree to it before Flavor claimed it?

Do you think Flavor/Morality legitimately thought he'd be the N2 kill?


Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:27 am
by mastina
In post 2742, Severa wrote:You are also fucking high if you think that he wasn't bussed by at least a few scum.
Other than Spike and Jet (and Vedith, obv), name them, because while Spike and Jet are in fact one of the most possible bus votes there...literally that wagon bleeds town by and large.
In post 1240, Tatsuya Kaname wrote:
~ (85), (78), (32), (22), (82), (82), (127), (97), (58)
, (75)
Put money where your mouth is. Is the scum Chito/Yuuri? Me? Joan? Gamma? Torque? Near/Mello? Almost50?

I get it not being an all-town wagon (save Vedith). I acknowledged that a long time ago with possible scum candidates from there.

But it is still a mostly town wagon--even IF you are right on Spike and Jet,
In post 2785, Severa wrote:Town: {Ankamius, Gamma Emerald, singletonking, Chito and Yuuri, Joan of Arc, Severa, Torque, mastina}
Spike and Jet
Near x Mello
With your stated townreads. Back this up.
Who is the scum other than Spike and Jet?
Almost50? Near x Mello? Has to be at least one to you.

Because if not.
Then no.
I'm still right, towndriven wagon was towndriven. IF he was bussed, it wasn't by "a few" scum; it was by either one, or two, scum.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:33 am
by mastina
In post 2751, Ankamius wrote:Mastina, Wisdom, promise me you will not drive town off a cliff if I die tonight.
I can't promise that.

What I can promise is that I'm not driving the town off a cliff
right now
, which I went into detail about in the neighborhood. Basically, picking and choosing battles. I feel like challenging Severa to name who the scum are on the Vedith wagon is a battle worth fighting, because that is an actually productive discussion, which doesn't risk derailing conversation. All of what I'm going to post right now will follow that trend (or at least I'll try my best to make it that way); I'm not going to waste the town away.

That's the best offer I can give you.