In a way, the swinginess helped, by helping to ensure that the game wouldn't be drawn out at the point where Town was clearly dominating. (The setup was swingy due to randomness in whether power roles would go to the players with high/low post counts, and due to the post-Calamity value of Trackers depending on how many of the Mafia were still alive at that point, and thus amplifying any advantage that Town might happen to have had at this point.)
Besides the swinginess, I hope I didn't get the balance too far out. It's hard to estimate the balance even in retrospect when a) the Town played well enough that the balance didn't matter much and b) the setup is swingy enough that the win-lose balance will likely get overwhelmed by the swing. It's even harder before the setup has been run! If anyone wants to complain about the balance, let me know so that I can improve as a reviewer.
This was also probably the first game in which the Town caught the Mafia by tracking them