Page 13 of 233

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 4:51 am
by Almost50
In post 269, Ranmaru wrote:TOWN [Ranmaru > Chara > Joey > Marshy > Titus > Varsoon > Action Dan > Shaziro | Dunk > Almost50 > Kokichi > Gamma > Brass > Klazam > Buja > Joda > Pidgey > Assemble | Elbirn > Creature > Nero Cane] SCUM
I've been waiting for THIS before I jumped on you. Now let's go back to this:
In post 246, Ranmaru wrote:
In post 103, Almost50 wrote:3- I can actually try to play the game. Downside: I won't be able to also prepare my meal, watch TV and get ready for the shower while actually trying to play the game properly.
I want you to do this. I just came off of work and ate. You can do it too.
I value your feedback
so I'd rather you do this then do all the shenanigans. Just cut to the meat, please.
How come you appealed for me to give feedback when you hadn't even tried to sort me out? And how come I'm not your Top TR if you did try to sort me out before you posted that?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:04 am
by Almost50
In post 276, Ranmaru wrote:Is this a feeling you always have with reference to Chara? (Since I know you don't care to appeal as town iirc) Who do you think is scum at the moment?
I'm nor appealing. Chara ASKED ME to show them I was Town, so I complied. Had they not asked I would not have bothered. When someone asks you to show them you're town you would assume they have a reason for it. Maybe they're a protective. Maybe they are an investigative who wanted to save a investigation from being wasted on you. Maybe they're a weak role and don't want to die targeting you. Maybe they're just lost and wanted to sheep you after they had maden sure you were Town. Maybe.....

And who do I think is Scum now?? Everybody but me and Nero could be. :lol:

And NO, I'm not claiming Masons, nor am I claiming to have any additional knowledge on Nero's alignment in any form. This is just a play/meta read on the guy. This is his Town game.

But seriously, I'm leaning Town on both you and Chara. You probably know why on Chara, but the Town lean on you has to do with your .. ahem .. clumsy entrance. I can't see Scum!You pleading to me to give feedback and stress on that they "value it" too. Someone else doing that In would have thought were scum trying to either pocket me or link me to themselves, but knowing your play I wouldn't expect you to go down that route either, so you're likely Town.

FTR, I'm on the "fairly relaxed" mode. I'm only reading for gist currently. I'll reread for both comprehension and for details later on.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:08 am
by Almost50
In post 299, Titus wrote:@Ranmaru hosts can repeat. You must use heal tag to vote for host. Once you do, it is locked.
True, but the I.O.C. would rather have a new host still. FIFA would even go for a whole new continent.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:43 am
by Gamma Emerald
In post 265, Creature wrote:
In post 243, Ranmaru wrote:Why is this? After noting Shaziro's post, can you tell me why you are being quiet this game?
I'm letting things roll.
Why? Do you think it's better to read silently and form opinions or actively participate in a large game? Why do you think that?
In post 267, Klazam wrote:
In post 262, BuJaber wrote: However his deep role play is making it harder to understand what he means as it pertains to the mafia game. As in I have to work harder to translate it into what he means in terms of mafia mechanics. Like if he were to just speak like he would in a normal game his posts will make more sense. I am trying not to let that affect my perception but could that be AI?
Still happy with my vote. This looks like shade slinging to me.

Not comfortable with the posting of Kokichi, but im not sure exactly what its about.

I was thinking about host's duties, I'm not 100% sure it matters on D1 who gets the host position. It matters much more about what they do with that position, because the specific actions that person takes probably will be able to be read into on later days with flips in mind. From what i understand of the mechanics, having a strong mechanically inclined mind in the host position isnt necessary because the information is public information, and the full town can have input on that.
I'm thinking host voting is kinda like voting for President in Secret Hitler. Difference being that there's the possibility for auto-endgame in Secret Hitler.
In post 269, Ranmaru wrote:TOWN [Ranmaru > Chara > Joey > Marshy > Titus > Varsoon > Action Dan > Shaziro | Dunk > Almost50 > Kokichi > Gamma > Brass > Klazam > Buja > Joda > Pidgey > Assemble | Elbirn > Creature > Nero Cane] SCUM

Vote: Nero Cane
Why is marshy and Shaziro in your town block? Why is Elbirn in your scum block? I'm curious about these because I don't really see that much from them yet. Also what dictates the order of your nulls right now?
In post 296, Joey_ wrote:Dear Baju something,

Out Nation firmly believes that :
In post 288, Nero Cain wrote:Koki's flip has 0 implications that make Dunk town.
The read and logic you have been promoting for a while concerning the Dunk and Koki Nation are, in our opinion, unfounded and should be dropped immediatly. There’s very little incencitive for Terrorists to ever interact in this way right off the gate. Dunk is also a clumsy Nation almost every UN Council, this behavior is totally better explaines by personnality (that the Nation forgot the delegate votes are permament) than Terrorist Indicative. Kokichi Nation are also one of the most obviously “Town” inclined Nation in the Council. Thus, even if the read itself had merits, the identity (dunk) and UN participation (Koki) tells an other story that is more valable/relevant.

About your concerns of the strcuture our Nation correspond, communication is our priority and like we previously explained to one of your UN Council collegue, if the situation present itself where vulgarisation is needed, we shall remove this emissary for a better suited one.

Prime Minister of ****
Why do you think scum wouldn't interact much early-game? I feel like strong scum team interact a lot to throw people off the scent. Ranmaru and I can both tell you in one of my past scumgames (Mini 1911) I interacted with my buddies a lot early-game.
Also pls spell check Mr. Prime Minister. In addition your posting reminds me of Season 6 of red vs. blue where there was a bit of dialogue between two higher-ups to start each episode.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:56 am
by BuJaber
In post 295, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 291, BuJaber wrote:Only if dunk flips scum would I also think KOKI is scum.
Am I reading this wrong?

The way its worded makes it sound like you don't really think Koki is scum unless Dunk flips scum.

Oh I can see how you misunderstood. No that was me describing the difference between what info I would get from a dunk flip rather than a koki flip.

As in the only way I'd feel confident about koki's alignment if I were to vote for dunk would be if dunk flips scum.

@Joey - Okay sir. If 9 people agree with you I'll drop it for the wisdom of the crowds. But if I turn out to be right expect a lot of obnoxious bragging.

9 is not arbitrary. In 13 player game the norm seems to be 10 town 3 scum. So in 21 I'm expecting 5.
9 + 1 is 10 which means that if all scum choose to publicly agree with you I would know that at least as many townies also agree.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:57 am
by BuJaber
In post 302, Almost50 wrote:
In post 299, Titus wrote:@Ranmaru hosts can repeat. You must use heal tag to vote for host. Once you do, it is locked.
True, but the I.O.C. would rather have a new host still. FIFA would even go for a whole new continent.
What does this mean?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:18 am
by Almost50
In post 305, BuJaber wrote:
In post 302, Almost50 wrote:
In post 299, Titus wrote:@Ranmaru hosts can repeat. You must use heal tag to vote for host. Once you do, it is locked.
True, but the I.O.C. would rather have a new host still. FIFA would even go for a whole new continent.
What does this mean?
It's a joke. People who lack humour sense need not apply! :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:25 am
by Varsoon
I always think roleplay is a distraction and a distancing technique more than anything else.
Some people call it 'fun', but I don't know what that is, I think.
I almost made Porkens replace out of Maplewood village because the roleplay was getting too annoying for me and made it impossible to read the slot. He was town and while I was a 3p survivor, I was playing to a town wincon.

Shiiiiiiiiiiit I left this to post last night but never did and there's a ton of posts. This is a response to Bujaber's 262.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:34 am
by Gamma Emerald
In post 307, Varsoon wrote:I always think roleplay is a distraction and a distancing technique more than anything else.
Some people call it 'fun', but I don't know what that is, I think.
I almost made Porkens replace out of Maplewood village because the roleplay was getting too annoying for me and made it impossible to read the slot.
He was town and while I was a 3p survivor, I was playing to a town wincon.

Shiiiiiiiiiiit I left this to post last night but never did and there's a ton of posts. This is a response to Bujaber's 262.
Why should we care about this?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:37 am
by Joey_
Dear Beta Emerald,

It has been come to our attention that your Nation misunderstood our previous correspondance with the Baju Something Nation, namely :
In post 303, Gamma Emerald wrote:Why do you think scum wouldn't interact much early-game?
This is not what, as a Nation, said in our correspondance. We never implied that Terrorists do not interact much in the early game. We exactly meant what we exactly said :
In post 296, Joey_ wrote:little incentive for Terrorists to ever interact in this way right off the gate
Basically, we do not believe that the Interaction (in this instance) is a Terrorist Interaction, but yes we agree that Terrorists do indeed interacts to each others for various reasons including in the early UN Council.

Prime Minister of *******

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:38 am
by Gamma Emerald
Well what about that interaction specifically reads non-SvS?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:48 am
by Jodaxq
I will do a full catch up tomorrow morning. I'm sorry, all. Weekends are always bad for me but this one was in particular.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:49 am
by Joey_
Dear Beta Emerald,

Good question. We don't really see the Terrorist gain in being this transparent in the 1st and 2nd post about showing support between Terrorist Nations. Basically, this is very very very unlikely any kind of Terrorist plot and trying to read too much into it is falling into WIFOM territory which means, it's more hurtful to overthink the situation.

Kokichi seems like a "thinker" kind of Nation while Dunker is a notable VI (no offense). Regardless of both their alignement, we sincerely believe that Dunk made a genuine error in not knowing that the delegates were permanent for the day. That being said, if you believe that Dunk made a genuine error than trying to read into the associative tells and interactions seems quite useless, because the premise of the association tell is that it was planned to some degree. Wouldn't you agree?
And even in the case that we are in the wrong, this is far from being a big deal considering the Kokichi Nation is very most likely to be a Beneficial Nation than a Terrorist one. Our Congressmen and Congresswomen believes that looking into the future is valuable for the preservation of the UN Council than over-reading into a clumsy action by the Dunk Nation.

Concerning the typos in our previous correspondance, we sincerely apologize. The UN Council is made of many different Nations talking different langages. Our Emissary is trying his best to adapt to the UN Council by using the International langage that is English over his mother tongue. I hope you understand.

Again, as an effort to keep the correspondance count low, we will answer to Varlate.

Dear Varlate,

We are sensible to your concerns regarding the structure of our correspondance. While your points have merits about the distancing factor, it is not something our Nation needs at all to win a game as Terrorist, believe me. Using this format is also a tool for our Nation to keep the correspondance count low for us in a effort to keep the UN Council Forum readable, because we are naturally a "spamming motherfucker".

Prime Minister of ******

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:55 am
by Elbirn
I just wanted to pop in and note that I haven't been hit by a bus or anything, my past 2 days pretty much went "Oh boy game opened LETS POST" -> "Oh shit its 4am I should go to sleep -> "Well it's like noon and I just woke up and friends are now here time to spend all of Saturday entertaining them"

So I'm alive.

I'm also trying to do this new, crazy thing, where like...Instead of shitposting loudly and being horrible and nonsensical at this game and yet somehow being correct based on pure animal instinct/gut but it doesn't matter because no one wants to listen to me because I have the charisma of a wet noodle... I'm taking *notes* on everything. Gonna convince you losers with *logic*

Now the problem is I feel the need to overanalyze every post and interaction and I'm only on like page 4. So if anyone smarter than me had some guidance on how to be better than this I'm all ears, either way y'all are gonna wait a minute while I finish this and then get my thoughts out there.

K I'm done fluffing ima drink coffee and radio silence go back to what you were talking about bye

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:12 am
by marshy
lets get more dunker/nero cain votes yall

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:25 am
by Kokichi Oma
Vote creature, he's scum. Also vote me as your leader.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:28 am
by marshy
what makes you say creatures scum? have you played with him before? ive played a game with him before and he was a lot more active/helpful as town in that game

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:30 am
by Kokichi Oma
Yes, he plays lurking as scum. So vote him.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:32 am
by marshy
VOTE: Creature

theres still a scum between nero/dunk. vig take care of that situatiun tonight im pretty sure well get a scum between the 2 but am havin trouble pinpointing atm

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:33 am
by Kokichi Oma
Gamma and chara, vote me as your leader.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:42 am
by BuJaber
In post 314, marshy wrote:lets get more dunker/nero cain votes yall

Okay now that one I need explaining.

Last two people I would have paired together.

@Prime minister of staristan:

When I asked you earlier why you did not use my proper name you explained that it was a memory thing. What made you turn it into a shtick?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:51 am
by Gamma Emerald
In post 314, marshy wrote:lets get more dunker/nero cain votes yall
Why those two?
In post 319, Kokichi Oma wrote:Gamma and chara, vote me as your leader.
Not sure if you're the best choice yet. You must undergo a skill review before being selected, you see.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 7:55 am
by marshy
yo koki

how long you been playing mafia?

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:37 am
by Kokichi Oma
I've been playing mafia since October.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:38 am
by Joey_
In post 320, BuJaber wrote:
In post 314, marshy wrote:lets get more dunker/nero cain votes yall

Okay now that one I need explaining.

Last two people I would have paired together.

@Prime minister of staristan:

When I asked you earlier why you did not use my proper name you explained that it was a memory thing. What made you turn it into a shtick?
Dear Baju Something,

We have a weird sens of humor and enjoy giving odd nicknames.

Prime Minister of *****