Page 13 of 87

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 6:40 pm
by Lukewarm
I did not pick out a single one of those songs. Whole list was stolen from someone else, and I feel dirty lol

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 6:42 pm
by Lukewarm
For some reason, the idea of sharing music with other people like properly gives me a panic attack, so... :/

Even to try and pocket you, I just don't know that I can do it :sob:

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 6:47 pm
by Lukewarm
I have been on an emotional journey here tonight.

From maybe I'll just have some fun and play along, to instant panic once I started thinking about songs to actually share, to thinking it would be funny to share a list of songs that you would possibly recognize from another time there was a song sharing session on site, to feeling weird about that, to now feeling embarrassed that I mentioned the panic attack thing.

So, uh. I think I'm gonna call it a night.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 6:53 pm
by Aristeia

you're adorable lukewarm

thanks for picking out the music!

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 8:18 pm
by Toogeloo
Luke, I'll give you one good reason why I've ignored you on the Keep invitations.

Popcorn Mafia.

If the town collective wants me in the Keep, I'll go there, but I'm not really sure I ever recovered from you budding me, lol.


That's a joke of course. I'm just not really picky on where I should be.

I think someone asked how good we are in MeLo, and to that I'd have to say as town, I'm a bit brazen and fail a lot. I maybe have a 30-40% success rate, but it's because I have no patience and I think I am very susceptible to AtE and WIFOM. As a result, I try to go with my gut, which doesn't always work out. I think VP Baltar and Luke have both seen recent games of me in MeLo.

As scum. Well, my wiki can speak for me on that.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:35 am
by Tanner
In post 273, imaginality wrote:If you think the low info slots will be hardest to sort I'd argue we should chuck them at the wall where we have lowest odds of winning anyhow?
I do like the idea of sending implosion to the Keep as no one's voiced any suspicion of him.
it's the difference in strategy, whether we want to absolutely tank our odds of winning one minigame but somewhat increase them in another, or to keep them ~equal. i don't think one is mathematically better than the other.

I'm also fine so far with putting darby and number together, the only thing is i have this selfish desire of not being the third one there, because i have
absolutely nothing
on their alignments so far. like, i have some ideas on imaginality and baltar. (and everyone else in the game.) those two? head empty

yes, i know i'm likely not the only person who has no read on them.
In post 280, Aristeia wrote:on the other hand I will be disappointed and somewhat sad
wow, this emotional manipulation is unreal.

got me thinking. if ari and luke are town/town, then scum would surely be trying to angle themselves to get into the keep. but i think what i mentioned earlier was right, nobody actually showed much care about where they get assigned. working backwards, that would mean ari/luke are t/s? it's probably wrong to be making that many assumptions.

luke, do you think i should be townreading you by now?
In post 287, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 271, Tanner wrote:you mean wall? if so, i actually don't hate the idea of going to the wall with you and imaginality, sending implo to the keep, and throwing the rest at the gate.
Wait. I thought you wanted to link up VP and imagin because you thought they were partners?
yes? me going to a location with them wouldn't magically break them up, so what's the issue?
In post 297, Aristeia wrote:I just want to be pocketed by someone with good taste in music :<
my taste in music is garbage, is our whole relationship built on lies?
In post 301, Lukewarm wrote:For some reason, the idea of sharing music with other people like properly gives me a panic attack, so... :/
finally someone who understands!! i feel like people always look at me like i'm insane when i say i don't like the idea of sharing what music i listen to with other people.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:42 am
by Tanner
In post 50, DArby wrote:
In post 43, Toogeloo wrote:I highly doubt both Luke and Ari are scum both going Keep this early. Either T/T or T/S. Two scum going to the same location right away doesn't make any sense to me.
I mean there’s always the WIFOM aspect of it.
also number's analysis of this post seems like :goodposting:, and i do think it's somewhat +likely darby is scum now.

though i will notice that number and aristeia have the same poe's, except they're both in one another's. no idea what it means yet, maybe nothing, but i thought it was interesting.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 12:46 am
by Tanner
thinking about number's plan with regards to the gate, i think it can coexist with my idea of putting imaginality and baltar together, we'd just need another townreads. except not because i don't know how many people, if anyone, actually agree with me on imaginality. and i'm not sure i got a second strong unassigned townread. implo is a possibility, i guess. i'm not sure why toog is being townread, other than the reason luke has, which feels *fine* but it's obviously more uncertain from my pov.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:10 am
by imaginality
@Ari: what's your read on Toog?
@Ari and @Luke: do you both townread implo?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:26 am
by imaginality
In post 305, Tanner wrote:
In post 273, imaginality wrote:If you think the low info slots will be hardest to sort I'd argue we should chuck them at the wall where we have lowest odds of winning anyhow?
I do like the idea of sending implosion to the Keep as no one's voiced any suspicion of him.
it's the difference in strategy, whether we want to absolutely tank our odds of winning one minigame but somewhat increase them in another, or to keep them ~equal. i don't think one is mathematically better than the other.

Fair point.
In post 305, Tanner wrote: I'm also fine so far with putting darby and number together, the only thing is i have this selfish desire of not being the third one there, because i have
absolutely nothing
on their alignments so far. like, i have some ideas on imaginality and baltar. (and everyone else in the game.) those two? head empty

This post and some other posts by others really miss the degree to which we can and should be sharing reads cross-game tomorrow. Not only to help with suggestions to the players in each game but also to get more interactions and committed reads to make the flips in one game provide info to the other games.

All of which is to say I don't think it should matter hugely if you don't find them easy to read yet.

Out of curiosity: if VP Baltar and I are in the same location, but you're not, who else would you want in that location?

In post 305, Tanner wrote: got me thinking. if ari and luke are town/town, then scum would surely be trying to angle themselves to get into the keep. but i think what i mentioned earlier was right, nobody actually showed much care about where they get assigned. working backwards, that would mean ari/luke are t/s? it's probably wrong to be making that many assumptions.

I've been having similar thoughts.
This is also a reason why we might want to resolve Keep first if it still has Luke and Ari in it - if they turn out to be town/town then there's highly likely scum amongst the conspicuous "I don't care where I end up"-ers.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:43 am
by imaginality

So hey, back a page ago I decided to cobble together some tin foil Tanner left lying around with some real numbers from numberQ, imaginary numbers from me, and kinetic energy from implosion, to make a time machine. And it worked!

So I figured I'd jump a page ahead to see what's going on.

-looks around-

Ah, so basically nothing new, then. Yeah, I should've jumped further ahead.

-sets target time to page 29-

See ya later, 'gators. Time to put this scientific progress to use!


Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:46 am
by Tanner
In post 309, imaginality wrote:Out of curiosity: if VP Baltar and I are in the same location, but you're not, who else would you want in that location?


This is also a reason why we might want to resolve Keep first if it still has Luke and Ari in it - if they turn out to be town/town then there's highly likely scum amongst the conspicuous "I don't care where I end up"-ers.
i think darby. he's currently my second best bet for being scum. other than that, not sure i got any other ideas. everyone else feels equally meh.

hm. if they do turn out to be t/t, then i'm not sure what that means for the game as a whole. i guess i'd just be mostly puzzled on why nobody volunteered to go there until we kind of assigned implosion there? maybe that it's +likely scum is in the people who didn't post much from when those two jumped in to when [whoever it was] said they'd like implosion in the keep?

pedit: okay, that's actually funny. i'm trying to not get biased.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:51 am
by imaginality
I think for the third person in Keep we should make it someone Ari and Luke agree to vote for in advance. If we can lock them in to that plan it pretty much forces scum to swap the third person if they're town. Hence my questions to them to see who they can both agree on as town.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 1:56 am
by Tanner
okay, i don't hate that plan.

on a completely unrelated note, how can i convince you i'm town, luke?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:08 am
by imaginality
@Tanner: you not wanting to go with numberQ and DArby makes me slightly suspicious that VP and I are both town and you're scum trying to get in with us so there's one scum among us. You saying DArby should be with VP and me if you're not doesn't do much to dissuade me from that concern.

That said, I kind of like the idea of you going to Gate with us because I think if you are town and get IC'ed you'd be a useful voice. And I think the same of VP and me, whereas DArby if town seems less useful if IC'ed.
For the same reason if VP and I are at the Wall I'd rather DArby is with us than you.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 2:31 am
by Tanner
dunno about you, mostly because i don't have experience with you, but yeah, i wouldn't mind having an ic!baltar, even though i'm starting to think it might be a waste... not sure where you're getting the idea that i'm a good ic shot for town, lol. and /shrug. i'm town, but i don't have any arguments for why i couldn't be scum doing that, so sure.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:41 am
by Aristeia
In post 312, imaginality wrote:I think for the third person in Keep we should make it someone Ari and Luke agree to vote for in advance. If we can lock them in to that plan it pretty much forces scum to swap the third person if they're town. Hence my questions to them to see who they can both agree on as town.
this is so so so bad/scum-motivated if me/luke are both town

you are basically asking us, "who can i put into your mini-game to win it?"

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:58 am
by Aristeia
In post 305, Tanner wrote:my taste in music is garbage, is our whole relationship built on lies?
I think if you hold me in your arms, any music would be like angels singing.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:08 am
by numberQ
Yeah imaginality's plan only works if Luke/Ari is T/S. If they're not, T/T/T means the plan immediately falls apart because the people involved are no longer all there tomorrow, and T/T/S means we lose the Keep. And since we don't know what scenario we're in, any swap that does involve the Keep will be difficult to get any useful data out of I feel.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:32 am
by Prism
DArby has been prodded.

Global reminder that at 36 hours, the prod timer for this game is slightly shorter than the norm.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:43 am
by Lukewarm
In post 305, Tanner wrote:luke, do you think i should be townreading you by now?
I don't know that I have a good answer to that. In my games that I have gotten town read day 1, I was unclear why it happened, and the same is true for being scum read day 1. I always feel like I am a shining beacon of townieness at all times, but then it does not always play out that way. But I am here, and doing my best :good:

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 4:54 am
by VP Baltar
In post 320, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 305, Tanner wrote:luke, do you think i should be townreading you by now?
I don't know that I have a good answer to that. In my games that I have gotten town read day 1, I was unclear why it happened, and the same is true for being scum read day 1. I always feel like I am a shining beacon of townieness at all times, but then it does not always play out that way. But I am here, and doing my best :good:
Presumably you thought we would town read you and that is why the keep was a good idea for you, no?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 5:14 am
by Lukewarm
In post 313, Tanner wrote:on a completely unrelated note, how can i convince you i'm town, luke?
This question, uh, did not help.

I have been kinda watching you ever since post . You suddenly deciding that you " i
don't want to go to the keep"

I was surprised that you were suddenly so turned off of the keep, I expected that you be your top choice even without your plan. And your plan, frankly, wins the keep for you whether you are town or scum. My worry has been that you had a plan to win the keep as scum, but if that plan did not work, you were going to transition to angling for the wall.

So, you being uninterested in the keep when I was saying that I could vote for Ari, and still uninterested with Ari said that they could vote for me - but suddenly reinterested if we both commit to voting the third slot is giving me the heebie-jeebies


Not that I am married to you being scum, more that I have mixed feelings on you atm. While watching you, I liked the stuff you were pointing out about Baltar and imaginality., and in the back of my head was thinking that I might see if I could try and get the games to resolve in an order that would get one or both of them flip before you toMorrow.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 5:16 am
by Tanner
i went hiking up a hill, and at 4:40 i took a picture of the lavender sky for aristeia, but there were no clouds there today.

ari, do you think i'm unfairly tunnelled on imaginality right now?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 5:18 am
by Lukewarm
In post 321, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 320, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 305, Tanner wrote:luke, do you think i should be townreading you by now?
I don't know that I have a good answer to that. In my games that I have gotten town read day 1, I was unclear why it happened, and the same is true for being scum read day 1. I always feel like I am a shining beacon of townieness at all times, but then it does not always play out that way. But I am here, and doing my best :good:
Presumably you thought we would town read you and that is why the keep was a good idea for you, no?
Yeah. I get town read in most of my games, but I don't really know why. I have been town ~20 times, and I have been miseliminated exactly once, and even that time it was because there was a mechanic in play that might punish us if we killed the scummiest player, so it was decided to take a paranoia shot. And am strongly town read fairly often. But I have yet to really figure out what does that?

I wish I could figure out what causes me to be town read in my town games, because on the flip side, I have been eliminated in all 4 of my scum games