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Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:02 am
by Hopkirk
I have no issues with the wagon buildup.

[8] Toogeloo:
Theta Alpine
Lady Lambdadelta

It's a selfvote and seven people that I like at least somewhat. Who's on the wagon that you don't like? I think all the people you've wagoned recently are off it?

If I remember you like
On the wagon, so excluding the selfvote that's Titus/Theta who you might have an issue with.
It feels towndriven. If you don't think it is then why not look at (Titus/Theta) on it?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:03 am
by Hopkirk
Like I have no outright scumreads on the wagon except themselves and a lot of the slots going through my mind as 'hm am I reading this right' aren't there.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:08 am
by Bell
there's a difference between strong town reads: Murdercat - LLD.
And meh town reads: Everybody else in green minus Titus who I can't read.

Titus and Theta are null, sometimes theta goes up sometimes they go down.
I'm sitting on the fene with you, I said I liked your approach and implied it might come from town, but there are two narratives in your approach that I can see and I'm watching and waiting to see what you do with it.
Noraa's slip sliding every severely from obv scum to obv town in my mind.
I don't think Toog has done anything partiularly scummy (I know, that generally speaking that in itself is not townie, except some throw away lines that I 'liked' but didn't read as town for)>

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:10 am
by Bell
So no, your premise is false and the wagon is led by you, a weak town lean and followed by people who I am town reading that don't seem particularly enthused.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:10 am
by Bell
That sure is a lot of nuance to fake if I'm scum this game tbh.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:11 am
by Bell
It's a shame how self-aware I am and that I can't shut up with these wry observations.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:13 am
by Bell
Wait let me try again.

I think Titus and theta are null.
I think LLD is town.
I think Murdercat is town.
I think Toog is town.
I think Hopkirk is scum and I don't like him.
I think Noraa is scum and I'm very satisfied with taking her out today.

There, that looks like more like a scummy write up.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:14 am
by Hopkirk
Wow, that's a pretty scummy write up.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:14 am
by Hopkirk
I don't plan on moving wagons.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:14 am
by Bell
That's life.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:15 am
by Bell
I will if I'm forced to. It's pooky's wagon and LLD has the right to lead me wherever her hate desires as long as it's not on me.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:17 am
by Bell
Or murdercat, that would be messed up.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:27 am
by Hopkirk
You forgot 'on herself'.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:31 am
by Bell
Sleep deprived, to what do you refer?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:32 am
by Bell
Oh, I'm leaning Mush as town #3, but I'm a cautious coward and think it could be try hard scum tbh. Below murder cat, mucho above you.
I always forget someone.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:51 am
In post 2919, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:For MurderCatto:


Theta Alpine

Vax is like 100% scum then?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:53 am
In post 2937, shellyc wrote:
In post 2935, Bell wrote:
In post 2930, shellyc wrote:
In post 2928, Bell wrote:Yes, I am confident we can get enough votes on Taylor Swift to end the day.
I doubt we could get enough votes on Tayl0r Swift though

It's desperation day. Our time is limited. Toogeloo wagon is dead as well for some reason and scum are lurking so they get their pick


Everyone change your votes to Taylor Swift.
Momentum will get us there.
boom lets try then
VOTE: Tayl0r Swift
Isn't shelly supposed to be SRing Bell?

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 1:58 am
In post 3001, Hopkirk wrote:Like I have no outright scumreads on the wagon except themselves and a lot of the slots going through my mind as 'hm am I reading this right' aren't there.
My SRs vax and shelly both found excuses to stay off

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:01 am
by UNOwen
VOTE: Toogeloo

Well I tried. Not interested in voting Taylor.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:04 am
by UNOwen
In post 2724, shellyc wrote:
In post 2722, UNOwen wrote:Will switch to Toogeloo if this doesn't look like a viable wagon when I log in tomorrow morning. But if we are deadline eliminating, I'd prefer to deal with the borderline trolling player who may well be scum than the probtown demob-happy self-voting panda (who I pretty much entirely sympathise with).
whoever that is trying to start wagons is being anti town
we have no time
we have no time at all
~30 hours from deadline.
In post 2785, shellyc wrote:Noraa


explanations when im off work
In post 2937, shellyc wrote:
In post 2935, Bell wrote:
In post 2930, shellyc wrote:
In post 2928, Bell wrote:Yes, I am confident we can get enough votes on Taylor Swift to end the day.
I doubt we could get enough votes on Tayl0r Swift though

It's desperation day. Our time is limited. Toogeloo wagon is dead as well for some reason and scum are lurking so they get their pick


Everyone change your votes to Taylor Swift.
Momentum will get us there.
boom lets try then
VOTE: Tayl0r Swift
~20 hours from deadline.

Quality stuff.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:10 am
by UNOwen
It was discussed and is a fair accusation to say I've been disengaged. But can you blame me? Less than a day until deadline and the vote count is a total horror show. Noraa became scum read by so many so fast that it looked like scum must have decided to bus en masse, and even the 2-3 players who thought she was town conceded that her death was inevitable. Sensible procedure in my mind is to get to the higher information game state and then reevaluate from there. Not here though: LeT's nOt v0Te fOr MoSt lIkEly sCuM. I'd say it was a scum tactic to poison the game state except practically the entire thread signed up for it. No problem with not wanting to vote Noraa because you think she is town, but it's a different story if you were scumreading her. Idk how anyone reads Noraa's posts since she returned from VLA and thinks "there's a town player willing to game throw by venge-killing obvtown!". The only possible reasoning is to stop scum from choosing a kill, which means we kill two town first and anyway assumes that Noraa is confirmed scum, which was never the case. This logic is so strange to me I've had a difficult time getting a grip on this game.

(P.S @Noraa - I assure you I don't hate anyone though :P)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:11 am
by UNOwen
FWIW I no longer believe Noraa is scum, not because I think effort posting is beyond her scum game but because shelly is being so disingenuous now that I think she must be scum herself and a Noraa/shelly team just isn't what's happening here.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:14 am
by shellyc
In post 3019, UNOwen wrote:~20 hours from deadline.

Quality stuff.
In post 2931, shellyc wrote:
I'll be around for the next 5 hours if I am needed to hammer or vote for anything to end the day btw

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:15 am
by shellyc
I also voted with Bell for a reason.

I'm trying to do my big reboot on Bell and my vote there is being pretty integral to garnering reactions

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 2:18 am
by UNOwen
In post 2722, UNOwen wrote:VOTE: Lapsa
Will switch to Toogeloo if this doesn't look like a viable wagon when I log in tomorrow morning.
But if we are deadline eliminating, I'd prefer to deal with the borderline trolling player who may well be scum than the probtown demob-happy self-voting panda (who I pretty much entirely sympathise with).