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Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:34 am
by innocentvillager
look im sorry if you're right and gamma is somehow town despite like, literally giving up when they're about to get eliminated in lylo

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:34 am
by Iconeum
simple math says that if ur *that* sure about scumerald, you'd have voted there by now

hence, ur not as sure as you are saying

which means part of what i'm saying is getting thru, right?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:35 am
by innocentvillager
In post 2909, petapan wrote:i skimmed his iso one last time to be sure and didn't see enough to make me doubt myself

VOTE: gamma emerald
this vote happened 23 hours ago

you think MWB and DV didn't sync up at all in PT in that time period? seems quite unlikely for scum who are about to win

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:36 am
by Iconeum
In post 3048, innocentvillager wrote:im reading your posts and i don't see why the Dunn/DV thing has to be scum blitzing

it could be real
but you don't even think twice about what i'm saying could be real

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:36 am
by innocentvillager
In post 3051, Iconeum wrote:simple math says that if ur *that* sure about scumerald, you'd have voted there by now

hence, ur not as sure as you are saying

which means part of what i'm saying is getting thru, right?
im still 90-95% sure gamma is scum

you're the reason im not at 99%, yes

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:36 am
by Iconeum
In post 3049, innocentvillager wrote:it's also just kind of an unnecessary risk that they would have had to have taken at start of day
but you don't even consider the risk that scum!me would be taking by night actions and claim play


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:38 am
by innocentvillager
what risk exactly? why is the scum!you narrative that i posited so crazy? what's wrong with outing the existence of other stronger roles to doubt the current (d2) TPRs?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:39 am
by innocentvillager
i have seen scum disagree slightly on the nightkill and then use that as defense for why they wouldn't have made the kill

because they actually suggested a different kill but it was a close decision and the other scum members wanted the other thing!

i saw gamma!scum literally do this exact thing in Large Normal 230 where Gamma was the dissenting voice, he wanted to kill someone else but scummates didn't, so Gamma used that as his defense for why he would never have killed there

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:40 am
by Iconeum
skipping the opportunity to kill off a CONFIRMEABLE townie in what is suspected to be a high #pr game, potentially having protection on them later in the game in whatever form (docters, watchers etc)

instead going for what is *probably* a pr that is unknown to me


Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:45 am
by Iconeum
do i need to Rawr! this town into waking up?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:47 am
by Iconeum
ok last shot

Does nobody find it strange that EVERY OTHER SLOT OUTSIDE OF ME AND GAMMA is fine by yeeting gamma?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:50 am
by Dunnstral

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:53 am
by innocentvillager
In post 2981, Iconeum wrote:
In post 2905, innocentvillager wrote:gamma/iconeum/midway could be the solve hm

i think im feeling gamma/midway as probable scum and DV/Iconeum has the hard f3 choice now
gamma literally has no agenda in his play

scummy vibe from giving up? I get that
but he tried to reach out and work with me... vs DV and Dunn who magically alligned their reads all of a sudden?

come oooonnnnnnnn
the agenda is that he's burnt out frm playing all these scumgames and getting elimmed so he's not really trying anymore

or not trying for whatever other reason

maybe his last ditch gambit is to get DV miselimed tomorrow by making each other seem more partnery
In post 2985, Iconeum wrote:
In post 2917, innocentvillager wrote:theory is that MWB/Gamma/Ico are praying we go Gamma -> DV -> MWB v Ico and are setting up the Ico v MWB on f3 to make us think we're on the right track there, but hopefully running through DV on D5

it makes more sense to for scum to set up DV as a miselimination, especially with DV as the counterwagon to Albert on d5

this makes a lot of sense for a scum agenda, actually
nice theory

how does my hard defense of gamma fit in here? for this to actually be a thing, i'd be bussing gamma already, no?
this came after town did nothing for 3 days. i think you got greedy and changed strategies with all the town apathy you think you saw and tried to power a town vote onto town!DV or town!Dunn
In post 2986, Iconeum wrote:
In post 2918, innocentvillager wrote:im not wording this well but what i mean is that, if DV is town, scum's agenda is certainly to set up DV for a miselim, regardless of how they try to do that

one such vector, that I'm positing above, is that they bus Gamma, gamma flips (so gamma is intentionally giving up rn to set up the narrative for Gamma/DV/? team), then we flashwagon DV the next day to stall Ico v MWB, and then scum wins on DV's flip
sure, and i'm just straight up denying the bus as scum, who are setting up said bus? ???????
elaborated above
In post 2987, Iconeum wrote:
In post 2924, innocentvillager wrote:
In post 2922, petapan wrote:
In post 2921, innocentvillager wrote:meanwhile, datisi even softed being a PR on D2, and im sure the scumteam can think of reasons to kill Datisi potential strong PR like Ascetic X over lol!FriendlyNeighbor. we don't have all the information as town, maybe they're informed, maybe XYZ idefk.
actually didn't ico explicitly say he thought datisi was ascetic lmao
yes, he did say that

as either alignment, he thought Datisi could have been Ascetic X

Datisi is a strong player and potentially could've been a huge asset to helping us solve today too, and Iconeum knows that as well

im saying there's plenty of reasons for us to not clear Iconeum on his claimed nightplay
i'm not saying my nightplay and claims fully or auto clear me, i'm saying they heavily suggest that

and 'just' a conftown? Not a thing. I knew this was gonna be a heavy pr game before entering (knowing gypyx as a mod). A CONFIRMEABLE townie is a HUGE kill. A datisi that is townreading me is a HUGE asset for scum!me.

autoclear? no
town!indicative? i think yes
you can always kill a confirmable townie later?

maybe you had info that Datisi was a strong PR that could actually get results from a rolecop on N1? idk

i just doubt that killing an innocent child has to be on the top of your priority list when there are a bunch of people

it is also kind of suspicious if they die and you've outted this info (but why out in the first place? because it fits your scum agenda and it looks town?)

idk ico, i can think of a whole host of reasons why you might not kill Baltar N2 as scum
In post 2988, Iconeum wrote:
In post 2926, innocentvillager wrote:i get that these are two separate points in the game, but this interaction definitely pinged meso im like, completely within my scumrange from 2175 on D2, suggesting that he's thinking about that game when evaluating me a lotthe next day, he's clearly been thinking about (or at least pretending to think about) my alignmentthen when i bring up the self-meta point how this is out of my scumrange, he immediately goes, "oh yeah, fair point, you're liekly to be town"it pings because the first quote suggests that he is considering 2175 to evaluate me strongly, but somehow in reading me in between those time periods, im still a strong candidate for scum. Then all i have to do is bring the scumrange argument up again, and he flips 180 on me? really? im supposed to believe that he hasn't been thinking about my play in relation to 2175 this whole time, and only now was reminded of it?it's certainly possible from town!ico, but i have to admit that this pinged me and reads as not a genuine read on me
so a weak reason to switch my read on you is scum!indicative of me

but ZERO reason from dunn to switch reads on DV is town!indicative?

it's not town!indicative from dunnstral

i don't agree that it is obvscum either though
Iconeum wrote:ok last shot

Does nobody find it strange that EVERY OTHER SLOT OUTSIDE OF ME AND GAMMA is fine by yeeting gamma?
i don't think it's as crazy as you think, this stuff happens to scum?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:56 am
by Iconeum
i don't have anything to add to my cases here, other then going around in circles

as for your 'elaborate please'

your point is that scum are setting up gamma to bus
your point is that i'm scum
i'm clearly not setting up gamma to bus

i can't fight 5 other people on my own here
i can handle 1 or 2 scumbuts
but not 5

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:58 am
by innocentvillager
In post 2988, Iconeum wrote:
In post 2926, innocentvillager wrote:i get that these are two separate points in the game, but this interaction definitely pinged meso im like, completely within my scumrange from 2175 on D2, suggesting that he's thinking about that game when evaluating me a lotthe next day, he's clearly been thinking about (or at least pretending to think about) my alignmentthen when i bring up the self-meta point how this is out of my scumrange, he immediately goes, "oh yeah, fair point, you're liekly to be town"it pings because the first quote suggests that he is considering 2175 to evaluate me strongly, but somehow in reading me in between those time periods, im still a strong candidate for scum. Then all i have to do is bring the scumrange argument up again, and he flips 180 on me? really? im supposed to believe that he hasn't been thinking about my play in relation to 2175 this whole time, and only now was reminded of it?it's certainly possible from town!ico, but i have to admit that this pinged me and reads as not a genuine read on me
so a weak reason to switch my read on you is scum!indicative of me

but ZERO reason from dunn to switch reads on DV is town!indicative?

also, im not saying scumrange is a weak reason at all

im just saying i doubt that town!ico doesn't consider my scumrange from 2175 when evaluating me between these times periods, given that you were thinking about it before

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:58 am
by petapan
i think midwaybaer has to be "fine" with it because he's forced himself into a scumread of gamma and can't really see himself going back on it but he was reluctant to even so much as place a vote there when there were already two on

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:59 am
by petapan
i really don't have the patience to wake up and wade through 50 posts of pure noise from iconeum now

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:01 am
by Iconeum
In post 3066, petapan wrote:i really don't have the patience to wake up and wade through 50 posts of pure noise from iconeum now
holy fucking shit are you kidding me


i'm out for today

go congratulate yourselves with how you caught gamma and me

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:02 am
by Iconeum
this town is absolutely destroyed

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:03 am
by innocentvillager
In post 3063, Iconeum wrote:i don't have anything to add to my cases here, other then going around in circles

as for your 'elaborate please'

your point is that scum are setting up gamma to bus
your point is that i'm scum
i'm clearly not setting up gamma to bus

i can't fight 5 other people on my own here
i can handle 1 or 2 scumbuts
but not 5
to be clear

i think the strategy was to let gamma get eliminated when everyone wanted gamma gone, and maybe setup DV as the partner so they get flash elimmed

then town did nothing for 3 days, and it perfectly overlapped with your V/LA so you could do whatever and just see what happens

you came back and saw town did nothing, and thought it was the perfect opportunity to drive town!gamma as a semi-plausible argument and power a vote onto DV for the win TODAY, because you thought town was just defeated and full of apathy

and now you are sticking to it because town is converging on the correct solve (maybe for the wrong reasons in your eyes) so you're flailing and getting upset and continuing your previous arguments

this is all very plausible to me, and im not saying i can't entertain alternative theories, but it's at least consistent

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:05 am
by innocentvillager
iconeum please if you're town don't get frustrated work with us

the only thing that matters is winning, not being right or wrong

if you still think you're right let's talk it out

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:07 am
by Iconeum
i'm getting frustrates yes

especially when it comes to bullshit like peta just said

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:08 am
by Iconeum

my final work for this game

i surrender my vote to peta and IV

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:08 am
by petapan
In post 3067, Iconeum wrote:
In post 3066, petapan wrote:i really don't have the patience to wake up and wade through 50 posts of pure noise from iconeum now
holy fucking shit are you kidding me


i'm out for today

go congratulate yourselves with how you caught gamma and me
i'll give the credit to other people given that i didn't have anything on you despite suspecting that one claim was fake, but thanks?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 3:08 am
by midwaybear