In post 3141, Menalque wrote:That sounds like an accurate summary of the contrast in our views. I think it would cause less problems in non-neighbourhood games tbh, I mean, I’d still absolutely fight you in the leashing and if I had a PR would do whatever I wanted but I think it wouldn’t lead to the fights that happened here/contribute to the total nixing of my enjoyment this game (which wasn’t you, but was a lot of things and not being able to fuck around with neighbourhoods was definitely part of it)
I think this was exasperated by the fact that from Oka's perspective getting into hoods was a necessary evil. Normally in neighborhood games people who want to be in hoods to chill get to do that and people who don't stay away from them.
Also, I touched briefly on this N2, but I think as town the best use of a neighborhood is to see if people change their play in the main thread based on neighborhood discussion when they're not themselves privy to it. I also tend to not enjoy being in a bunch of hoods as much as other people do though, so...
And yeah, my comments on scumsidedness/townsidedness are not about this particular run, just the setup in general. The lost on rand bit might've been a bit of an exaggeration, but this was definitely a townsided rand.