In post 3137, borkjerfkin wrote: In post 3135, Sugar Cain wrote:Why is it scummy for Mara to "not consider Thor wrong"
but its ok and townie? for RC to not consider Mara/us wrong?
Don't put words in my mouth; I very obviously never even mentioned the underlined. Go ahead and quote what you are talking about.
and this
In post 3143, borkjerfkin wrote:@nero: I don't like your tone right now; you're either trying to put words in my mouth again or bait me in some other way. Does my answer there necessitate my having a scum read on him for it? No it does not. Why ask that leading question?
He posts one liners and reacts defensively to shit. Great. The actual answer is: that is not enough information to determine a read. It is loose playstyle meta and by and large I don't consider that a reliable tell, especially considering you're not considering 1) a larger sample size or 2) what his town games look like or 3) other logistical things that make this game different from that one.
For example, can you differentiate the play there from
=21370]this game?
If so, how?
Show's signs that you are maybe trying to hide something. All Nero did was ask questions and you automatically assume the worst? that he's trying to talk to you so that, later on he can use it as fuel against you over thinking that maybe he's doing it so he can figure out how you think better?
FTR, it is very easy to differentiate scum-TIP and town-TIP. In that newbie game, TIP was more open with his thoughts, more fluid and less concerned with how people think of him. The vibe he gives off is different, you can literally feel the tension coming off his posts when he is scum
We both find TIP to be scum, though I'm more Unsure of him. He's doing alot of classic TIP-scum posting, but he is also doing some Classic Town-TIP posting and, I'm guessing Nero dropped his read on TIP based on how people are pushing him this game
Yes, Nero did ask you if TIP's play was similar to that game, and you answered yes though he wanted to know if you thought that, because of the similarity between his play here and his play there, you thought he was scum.
You could have very easily have just given the second part of your answer, it would have been fine but town have no reason to feel like they are being interrogated, and they have no reason to worry about how their words are going to be used against them
As for the difference between anti-town and scummy play, anti-town play could easily come from a town player. Anti-town play, on the surface, doesn't have anything that helps town, and often looks like it's done to harm town but there isn't any scum intent in that kind of play. Scummy play has both that, AND scum intent. If you read through Matt's post, anyone experienced should be able to tell that Matty's intents were pure and thus, anti-town and not scummy.
I wanted to know why he thought the people he voted for were scummy, but all the reasons he gave were just people being anti-town. He hasn't explained the scum-intent found in any of the posts people he commented on, made.
Sure, People are entitled to reads but not when it detracts from the other person's scum-hunting. I had also already explained why I was scum-reading him before I changed it and I was leaving him alone yet, he was still trying to draw my attention.
Also, Why Mastin over us? You have been exerting a good amount of energy into arguing with us, but you havn't even made a case on Mastin, not trying to get people to vote for mastin. It doesn't look like you are really scum-reading him any more than you are scum-reading us. If you really are scum-reading us, and are willing to fight with us over mastin. willing to make a case against us, and not mastin, why don't you put your money where your mouth is?
Titus: MS's posts are crap, but I'm having a really, really hard time in seeing scum make a list with dead people in them the way he did. It makes me think that he really isn't paying as much attention to the game as he should, and that he's skimming way, way to fast. It's almost like he wants to contribute but struggles in doing so. As much as I suspected Pitoli, I'm unsure if I am able to get on board with MSscum