T3 was a mafia cop
So i reread everything in day 1 and made notes about any suspicious or important moments, mostly connected with t3 or some other suspects. It is rather convinient, u can use it. In the end there is my conclusion who is a scum.
195 nero says t3 town because he is voted by scum xp
229 t3 thinks the tone of etine is fake
235 list of scums from etine, t3 is the first
244 ndmath thinks t3 is pocketing him
249 attack of t3 on etine for 3 rvs posts of dcl
265 andre voted t3 because t3 is complaining about being voted on rvs
268 andre is being pretty pinged by t3
287 anya thinks that t3 is defending enchant, she votes him.
301 Anya: "T3 actually feels like he's been wearing heavy clunky armour and had a defensive riot shield up from the start of this game" (maybe she wants the others not to elim t3)
303 Anya: "maybe like a wolf cop" (wow!)
306 kerset: "Why people bully T3. Is it a meme?"
307 mark: "Anya makes a very good point ref T3", but votes etine
313 kerset "Etine if you start attacking T3, people will townread you"
318 windows "I think mark might be scum here"
346 mark "T3 I could see some associatives with NDMath/Enchant but pretty nullish individually."
353 t3 "When questioned about a small thing Etine gets very defensive. Marky Mark and Nero are some trs right now."
407 xp: "etine/t3/mark"
409 cabd: red "t3,std,etine"
418 t3 after attack from dunn to std: "STD has made zero impression on me at all. I'll look at his ISO."
424 townies and scumies from std, there is no t3
426 t3 Reads:
Hard town: Marky Mark, Rathe
Town: Nero Cain
Lean town: NDMath, WindowsXP, dcl, Anya, DeathNote
Null: Vasex, Kerset, samantha, STD, DGB, Dunnstral, Arte, Andres
Lean scum: Enchant, Cabd
Scum: KittyTacky, Etine
Most of my null reads are basically people who haven't donr anything.
430 t3 "Cabd feels like a lot of noise but no content. Enchant is townreading one of my scumreads and I didn't like the framer interaction"
431 std "adding T3 to town"
438 anya "T3's hurdle jumps are a little more graceful and improved"
477 etine "Idk about T3 anymore.."
514 rathe to t3 "so u could be mafia n vasex is town"
556 arte "Marky, etine, vasex, ???, ???"
613 t3 "Etine's claim was terrible. I just don't see an actual lazy babysitter claiming lazy babysitter at e-5."
638 t3 "Dunn vs STD giving me tvt vibes."
657 rathe "vasex initial scumread on kitty was fair i guess, but i think T3 jumping on was not good"
662 rathe after vote on t3: "i can say that maybe vasex is town, but nothing has really changed for T3"
675 xp "rathe also on my scumdar"
681 t3 after votes on cabd "Cabd is only a scum lean for me, I 'm keeping my vote where it is."
704 xp "is it bad that i wanna say i wanna sheep vasex today and like basically make them town leader like i fucking trust this dude to be town 100% and they are putting in effort i am unable to really put into a large game like i hate sorting 20 other people LOL" (then samantha bookmarked this a mafia post)
712 kerset's rainbow: t3 orange
738 t3 " don't particularly like how kerset hopped on the Kitty wagon but I feel like the specific reasoning would only besomething Kerset would say in the scum chat."
804 t3 to enchant "SLIP"
818 kitty "I was a Town 1-Shot Cop"
by unvoting kitty and going after the real scum here, Cabd"
940 vasex "t3, u missed the question" ---- there i noticed that t3 didnt tried to explain the slip to std, who didnt get it... why t3 should explain it to his partner, right?)) If std was town, t3 needed to explain to him to make a new believer in this theory, but he even doesnt try to persuade std
966 anya agrees with kerset, that xp is mafia
991, 995, 996 dkkoba talks with cabd about roles, miller and t3... i dont really understand the sense maybe because of wrong translating
1010 mark "t3 among scums"
1019 (1 minute left) t3 " ugh you know what
vote kitty
if kitty isn't scum vote me tomorrow i'm just a 1 shot bulletproof and after everyone RANDOLY scumreading it's not like mafia will ever try to kill me"
1014 mark votes dunn
1020 mark talks smt about t3, i dont understand (what does fos mean?)
1022 xp to t3 "traitor claim?"
1023 kerset agrees woth xp about t3 traitor
1024 mark downgrades fos rather fast (fos?)
1031 std is trying to attack cabd while others attack t3 like a traitor... with caps lock!
1038 cabd to std "Weird angle here man."
1044 dunn doesnt understand why t3 is traitor but says to std "scummy"
1048 etine before vla "Just wanted to say I approve of T3 votes, even if mine is kinda old by now."
1110 nero votes enchant after votes of mark and enchant to t3 "could enchant just be scum here?"
1116 nero talks about pressure on t3
1122 dgb votes artemiana
1138 Artemiana has requested replacement.
1146 anya votes cabd after samantha's vote to t3 ; though in 1149 she says that enchant is town ; t3 has 8 votes now...
1158 t3 "I'm not a bulletproof. I'm another pr. I was quite confident Kitty and Enchant were both scum and my specific power role has reason to question Kitty's claim.
I thought Ktty was going to be limed and be mafia, so I wanted to eliminate all chances of scum going for me"
1159 t3 "I'm a night 1 and night2 Cop. I highly doubt there is another 1 shot cop."
1168 std reaction to this – he needs to reread)
1173 Enchant after caps lock attack to kitty in 1172 (AHAHA DUDE) he says: “I want to say, yes fine, elim me see me flip townie, but then lynch Kitty without hesitation as it's damn funny. He ready to admit any evidence, even if it incriminate them as well.”… then much later in the post 1347 I returned to it asking “Why not T3 ? You are voting T3, but at the same time you suggest elim you and then Kitty after you........ Why not T3? Why do you vote T3 if Kitty is scummier for you? You dont believe T3 is a traitor or a scum, arent you?”
1196 anya changes the vote to Artemiana
1198 mark's some more messages about t3
1232 anya votes kitty
1244 xp votes dgb,dgb asks then "OK so you're saying T3 is conftown?"
1247-1248 kitty votes t3, then he votes cabd with words "NVM, T3's recent posts seem kinda legit."
1259-1263 dunn "what cabd did?" (defending cabd), kitty "active lurking" (againsr cabd), std "exactly" (against cabd); btw anastasia came...
1267 Anastasia says “I think Kitty/T3 are both good police officers who want to keep our beautiful town safe. I would trust both of them.”
1278-1279 last posts of deathnote "I'd vote out both cops to be honest".
1320 t3 "Townys entrance from Ana. I would rather not vote LHF slots day1 right now."
1323 t3 "Andres has basically just been pointing out stuff mechanical.. moving to lean scum."
1325 nero “we should be picking on of arte/ana DGB or CABD to lych”
1326 nero “this is ok too.” (to elim andre), «but better cabd»
1339 t3 “The thought of limming Andres just got less appealing.”
1353 t3 after rathe vote cabd “I'm not voting Cabd today because of Kitty/Cabd interactions, i just don't see that being a bus.”
1354 anya “Anastasia is fascinating wolf”
1360 dgb is trying to focus my attack on Anastasia
1362 DGB “Yes I town read T3.”
1374 vasex noticed smth maybe important: DGB considers T3 and Enhant are townies for him , but he didn’t stop the attack between his townies to each other.
1382 std says we are tvt with DGB
1420 etine considers andre scummy
1427 etine considers deathnote scummy
1431 etine considers rathe scummy
1434 etine “I know T3 claimed cop but I think his play is still scummy.”
1440 Anastasia “Samantha null-scum”
1454 Anya votes kitty
1457 Anya “t4 is town bc why would he counterclaim kitty with that cop claim in such a bad position but everythign about kitty is howling
vasex t4 are my cities
kitty anastasia are the sheds”
1458 Enchant to Anya “Because he almost yeeted for Bulletproof claim?
Because he is highly mafia who doesh't fear nightkills?
1459 Anya “bc T4 was a wagon and going to be executed without a claim...
him claiming bulletproof so that wolves didn't kill him bc he's actually a cop makes sense and i don't think a wolf does that bc town sees lying as wolfy”
1477 Nero to DGB “I mean, you yourself know that d1 bussing/distancing is a thing. If you started to town read T3 why blank vote and not try to keep t3 from getting lynched? Being silent and not trying to keep t3 from being lynched just looks like scum that was getting off that wagon so they didn't have to be on a ml.”
1484 std votes Samantha and says “samantha's posts are vapid, empty, and sparse”. Before that Samantha recently confirmed that still thinks that xp is mafia (and Anastasia and ndmath are townies for her)
1487 vasex noticed, that Samantha was voting t3 together with xp (she had said that wouldnt do it)
1510 std and Samantha voted cabd , then t3 says cabd is hard town
1518 std “nero is so scummy now”
1537 rainbow from cabd: t3 is green because is claimed cop like kitty, the red ones are Dunn and Anastasia of course
1549 std to cabd “what the hell am i doing in the claimed people tier i thought you scumread me” (maybe this is not a pair)
1572 etine sheeps ana and votes cabd
1633 vasex: cabd maybe with enchant, and he didn’t attack his red t3, they all were with more votes
1719 t3 “DGB is null right now based on the way the wagons have formed. If Emnchantis scum then kitty is also scum, and everyone seems to wantkitty and I to survive night 1.”
1725 nero to std “god u r so scummy”
1732 t3 about Anastasia “DDepends. I do think the password case against her is pretty good.”
1733 xp “also i dont want to tie anyone to anya because anya is a strong town slot ; i think STD is a good check for a cop here.”
1748 xp “wait i thought i was voting cabd lmao”
1751 xp “T3 check DGB
Kitty check NDMath”
1790 std says about windows xp and etine “tvt”
1806 xp “change this to T3 -> Etine, Kitty->DGB i want scum to nightkill Etine if they are town<3”
1817 xp wants “T3 and Kitty acknowledge their targets”
1823 mark “+1 for both claimed cops to acknowledge their targets publicly”
1864 xp “its too late you can't unvote lol its hammered.”
1865 std (leaves a message like before the possible night?) “i liked this better
T3 check DGB
Kitty check NDMath
but w/e”
1866 cabd («hammered») “I was VT”
1871 enchant about cabd “He is town for 99% now”
1899 vasex about xp “these rather stupid questions remind me the first scummy i found here on forum because of similar questions” (I still agree with that)
1927 kerset suggested the idea to elim Enchant (the t3’s enemy)
1937 std votes kerset
1943 xp says to std that kerset is hard town
1982 t3 about a50/deathnote “the previous slot was pretty towny.” (btw lolwhat? Deathnote said that he would like to elim both cops, and t3 calls him townie)
1989 dgb cant vote this – the claim of cabd
2006 Anya “vasex etine windows(?????) T4 Cabd is my new city list”
2079 Andre “We had a role get run up that claimed 2 different things including a 2-Shot Cop in a game with a claimed 1-Shot Cop and they’re alive?!”
2082 xp “i think t3 had town motiviations despite the messiness tho”
2084 andre “T3 is the most blatant Scum in the game.”
2087 andre “T3 is like OBVIOUS Scum. In fact, it’s so obvious it’s completely painful to me.”
2113 andre “T3 is BLATANT Scum. Blatant.” (after votes to t3 from xp and rathe)
2114 xp “are u drunk andres lol u seem like weird”
2126 xp changes his short-time vote from T3 to Vasex (this is the first vote in new vasex's train)
2176 andres other scums “{DeathNote, SaveTheDragons, Nero Cain, WindowsXP}”
2195 ndmath votes andres and says that t3 can be with these people “Windows T3 Rathe”
2243 andre “Also @Vasex T3 didn’t claim 2-Shot Cop. They claimed N1/N2 Cop. Now, I really hope that they meant to say 2-Shot Cop, but I’m not actually sure. The Claim seems very specific to me.”
2256 std “so is "night 1/night 2" a normal modifier? or are people assuming he meant something else?”
2265 std “i think there's a difference between 2 shot cop and the role T3 claimed”
2268 t3 asks andre “Why an sr on nero?”
2281 stupid questions from std to andre “does scum!Andres admit he hates scum and that's why he's been avoiding this game so much?”
2298 Anya votes Nero
2311 T3 calls Etine like a girl: “Etine's claim was bad but with the wagon on her maes me think she is town.”
2336 Andre about T3 again…
2345 kerset “At the moment i am open for all of {Enchant, Vasex, T3} but i am pretty sure that Enchant is the only one of them that can be realistically eliminated.”
2368 after many votes on vasex t3 says “I hard tr Vasex for pushing likely scum fmpov. So unless I've been pocketed I'm not voting this.”
2369 kerset “Its fine T3! Just follow his lead then.”
2370 t3 votes vasex
2377 bulge: Vasex [9] - WindowsXP, Enchant, Marky Mark, Vasex, Save The Dragons, Kerset, Anastasia, Etine, T3 /// T3 [2] - Rathe, KittyTacky
2385 mark “T3 can you please articulate the thought process behind you going from Town!Vasex to voting him to unvoting him in such a short window? I just don't see how this makes any sense for you as either alignment”
2400 bloodhail “VOTE: T3 vasex votes are bad” and then 2405 “what happened to hard townreading vasex”
2401 Etine votes T3
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
2422 Anastasia “I think DGB is town”, then in 2425 “I do not think DGB says this if she is mafia.”
2424 windows votes Samantha
2426-2436 windows talks and then the conclusion “People I am wanting to vote in: STD, Etine, CabD, Samantha97”
…some kind of attack from windows to std, I don’t believe it…
2521 Anya against Anastasia
2526 Anya claims mafia
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
2552 Anya votes Samantha with Windows hp (but she thought he is scum with samantha! Now she is not).
2557 Xp is town for Anya
2615 Enchant votes t3
2624 the attempt of Enchant to consider Etine and T3 are together because of my idea about gender (i dont believe it now, or maybe the percentage is very low)
2635 t3 votes andre
2639 nero “you know who I'd really like to get rid of? DGB.”
2653 Windows votes bloodhail with DrippingGoofball, Anya
2659 dgb “It's just a run-of-the-mill trolling scum” about bloodhail
2667 rathe “k i can vote for T3, dunnstral, deathnote, deep city lights, n cabd”
2672-2690 windows BIG POSTS TO DEFEND T3 (!!!)
2706 Enchant says HMMMMMMM about t3 was 3-4 night Cop in previous game (!!!)
2711 windows agrees to vote Enchant with me (!!!)
2712 DGB defends Enchant
2714, 2719 Enchant votes himself and gives up
2727 samantha votes t3
2732 Anya says bloodhail is afraid to leave the barn a wolf
2734 dgb says enchant will be green
2813 dgb votes t3 making 5 5 “Probability of hitting scum is low.”
2827 mark “Like I wouldn't be crying if we limmed Enchant today but I would peg them as null for me personally and I think we can do better”
2853 bloodhail “almost50 is lock mafia btw, just want that on the record”
2854 a50 tries to attack Enchant too!!!
2867 windows gives up after Anastasia talking and votes Cabd again
2873 Anya votes Andre
2921 DGB looks like he doesn’t like my vote to Cabd
2928 if it is not sarcasm, DGB tries to attack NDMath
2975 mark and kerset voted t3, it became T3 [7] - Rathe, KittyTacky, Etine, samantha97, DrippingGoofball, Marky Mark, Kerset
2978 windows says kerset is mafia!!!
2987 dgb says she can vote andre
2993 kerset shows previous game of t3
2995 xp says he didn’t know about previous role of t3, didnt notice enchant message, and even says about drunk dkkoba!
3000 Anya votes T3
3013 Anya says she also didn’t notice this info (she was in previous game of t3, where he was a 3-4 nights cop, but she died much before that) + A50 and Artemiana were in that game too!!!!
3037 dgb says that t3 did right thing if he is a cop
3053 bloodhail votes t3 “we doing T3, cool”
3065 Enchant votes t3 «I end this hysteria.”
The conclusion:
In the most dangerous moments for t3 his possible partners tried to save him, they were trying to refocus town's attention on other targets: cabd, enchant, bloodhail, even samantha and vasex.
So many scums are here: STD – Windows – Anya – A50 – DGB
This is in priority order. STD is mafia 99%. Windows 80%, Anya 70%. Etc.
Andre considered t3 mafia, but didnt vote him in the end.
A50 promised to hammer somebody, but didnt hammer t3.
If cabd is town, Anastasia can be mafia with ease, though if windows is mafia, he changed his vote from enchant because of her, so probably she is not.
Confirmed townies for me: Samantha, bloodhail, Rathe, Kerset.
Lean town: Etine, Mark, Dunn (?), Cabd (?)
Kitty is the most probable cop, but he still can be a scum, there are some chances.
Lean scum: Andre, Anastasia, Nero, NDMath
Scums: STD, Windows, Anya, A50, DGB (?)