Thoth, you are WEREBEARD, otherwise known as the Pirate from Texas Mafia. After vanquishing the evil scum in your small town in Texas, you've set sail again for pillage and plunder. With you is your old, ancient blunderbuss, which will allow you to make one (and only one) night kill. Let me know when (if?) you want to use this ability -- I will not wait for your choice to end Nights.
Don't know how anyone could ever think the original Pirate would be evil in a game where preserving the pirating way of life is the town's victory goal (or why everyone assumed the presence of a serial killer, even with only one Night One kill)... this guy was as pro-town as you get.
Dirge, you are the Pirate With A Spyglass. Each night, you may use your spyglass to spy on a fellow player, in hopes of figuring out his alignment. Your goal is to defend the pirating way of life.
Dirge (I) was the cop. He would get detailed physical descriptions of the players he observed, but he never had a successful investigation due to:
drummer97531265358023, you are the Pirate Who Hasn't Kept Up With The Times. Unlike the young hotshot pirates, who are always talking about new-fangled killing methods like shooting, or hanging, or bludgeoning, you know there's only one killing method for a TRUE pirate: Walking the Plank. Each night, you must send me the name of a player who you will force to walk the plank. If you do not send me a choice, I will pick randomly for you (and I might have you target yourself). Your goal is to preserve the pirating way of life!
Of course, walking the plank is completely non-fatal (try to think of a movie or book or tv show where someone walks the plank and actually dies). drummer was a pro-town roleblocker with a deceptive role PM.
shelper, you are the Internet Nerd. Feel free to download whatever music you like and play it while you post. You have no in-game abilities. Your goal is to preserve the pirating way of life.
Townie. Software Pirate.
Flying Dutchman, you are the Pastry Rodent. You are a rat, and you are unusual in two senses: 1) You are able to talk, and 2) You really like pie. You have no abilities, but your goal is to preserve the pirating way of life.
Townie. Pie Rat. I figured having two non-explicit pirates would make them a little more believable.
indentureddjinn, you are the Pirate With One Too Many Wooden Limbs. You have no abilities, and your goal is to preserve the pirating way of life!
The Pirate With One Too Many Wooden Limbs was immune to nightkills from the Priest. Use your imagination.
DoomCow, you are a Pirate. ARRRRRRRR! You have no abilities, and your goal is to preserve the pirating way of life!
With all the special Pirate roles in this game, I figured DoomCow was screwed the worst when it came to role claims. I mean, who would believe a simple, powerless Pirate in a Pirate Mafia game? Sadly, my deviousness didn't pay off when he got knocked out Night One.
silgado106, you are the Dread Pirate Roberts. You are actually quite a nice guy, and never really killed anyone, but you have a very frightening reputation nonetheless. Each night, you can put any player under your protection, and no one will dare attack that player. So, send me a player's name every night if you want to protect them. If I don't get a name from you, then you won't protect anyone. You may not protect yourself. Your goal is to preserve the pirating way of life!
Yes, this was the only named pirate (and the only one taken from an outside source.) I toyed with including Captain Jack Sparrow, who would have some kind of posting requirement, but thought better of it.
Gaspode, you are the Pirate Who Forgot Where He Buried His Treasure. Each night, you may choose to dig up a player's grave in an attempt to find your buried treasure. So, send me the name of a dead player every Night, and I'll let you know if you strike gold. Your goal is to preserve the pirating way of life.
No one knew what to do with this role. This Pirate was the town's all-around back-up. He could use the Spyglass, the Flag of the Dread Pirate, or the Blunderbuss if he dug up the appropriate dead town role. Maybe I should have provided more hints about this role, because I don't know why one would expect to find treasure in the grave of a Priest or a Pastry Rodent.
Someone, you are the Governor. You hate pirates, you've always hated pirates, and with your two friends, you are on a mission to destroy the pirating way of life!
Here is your mafia group:
Someone (Governor) - kills by hanging
massive (Renegade Pirate) - kills by cannonballing
Lord Gurgi (Priest) - forces the pirate to marry, thus making him respectable
Everyone else is told that their goal is to preserve the pirating way of life, but your goal is to destroy that way of life. You may communicate with each other during the Night phases, and each night, you may send one of your members to kill another player. Please send your choices in promptly.
Lord Gurgi, you are the Priest. You hate pirates, you've always hated pirates, and with your two friends, you are on a mission to destroy the pirating way of life!
massive, you are Renegade Pirate, otherwise known as the Pirate Who Uses His Pirating Skills To Destroy The Pirating Way Of Life Without Realizing The Inherent Contradiction. You can use your pirating skills to track down a player and blast him to shreds with your mighty cannons.
massive would look like a pirate when viewed through a spyglass (never happened)
That's the game. I originally thought it was slightly mafia-biased because of the roleblocker, but I didn't expect there to be that much confusion about the nature of the backup role, which skews it a little further in that direction. I want to thank all of you original players and all of you who volunteered to replace (and Dirge, who did both).
I never expected this game to be the one that had a ton of dropouts, and I really think all the replacements affected the game. Given the enthusiasm for the game, I felt I could use temp replacements at the beginning to keep a fast pace going, but in retrospect, that was a really bad idea. So, apologies to those of you affected by that... I won't be doing that in any future games.
Post-game discussion can commence...... now!