Page 14 of 141

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 5:45 pm
by Gypyx
votecount 1.2

Alonzo (0) :

Tayl0r Swift (0) :

TheGoldenParadox (0) :

Iconeum (1) : piisirrational

iamausername (0) :

Datisi (0) :

teacher (0) :

Battle Mage (1) : Noraa

piisirrational (1) : bob3141

bob3141 (1) : Alonzo

shellyc (1) : Tayl0r Swift

Noraa (4) : Datisi ; Battle Mage ; TheGoldenParadox ; Shellyc

Menalque (1) Teacher

Not Voting (3) : Menalque ; Iconeum ; iamausername

With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to yeet someone, the day will end in (expired on 2020-10-05 14:15:57)

Random fact : There has been more peoples killed by drink dispensers than by shark attacks

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:07 pm
by Iconeum

plz no

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:11 pm
by shellyc
In post 323, teacher wrote:I found Alonzo and Taylor's entries to be the pingiest. Alonzo with a naked vote and then absence, only to call TvT and foist a weak/obviously disprovable vote on Menalque (a slot that had been FoSed by enough to be a potential wagon). Taylor for the lack of an RVS, then perhaps TMI-shade, which she didnt even follow through on.
alonzo's reads null, but I concur with the taylor ping a lot. teacher gut townlean + catchup logic was easy to follow

hi iconeum, ive seen the name but probably never played with you

whats your take on BMvnoraa

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:12 pm
by Iconeum
In post 96, Noraa wrote:BM is basically only focusing on me and ngl that strikes me as pretty scummy considering I'm prolly one of the newest players in general in this game and I definitely strike most people as LHF first impression. Tunneling this early into the game is just a huge scumtell imo.

VOTE: Battle Mage
why do you consider it scummy to push you, when you say you consider yourself lhf?

from what i've read, your counter tunnel is at least as bad. What do you think is scummy about tunneling?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:13 pm
by Iconeum
hi shell

nice to meet you

currently on page 3 or 4 so give me some time here

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:13 pm
by Iconeum
In post 97, bob3141 wrote:
In post 92, Noraa wrote:
In post 89, Datisi wrote:
but ok, if you didn't know the difference, what did you mean in by calling my behaviour anti-town?
Dropping a vote without backing it up with reasons/evidence is definitely antitown behavior imo. It means ur not willing to even try to support it and convince others its right which makes me think u dont believe it urself. The only people that would be that sure who the scums are would be the scums themselves especially at this stage in the game

So what makes you think battlemage has to be scum due to him as you say. Making a vote based on little evidence.

Ok at this stage any votes bound are to be weak but what makes you think that it must be indication that he is scum. Rather than maybe for instance if you are town, simply another townie pushing a read.
i like bob's takes here

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:14 pm
by shellyc
In post 330, Iconeum wrote:i like bob's takes here
care to elaborate?

dont think it townpings

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:16 pm
by Iconeum
In post 114, Menalque wrote:VOTE: noraa
bad vote

despite noraa having (what i consider) bad insights, i don't think they come from a scummy mindset

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:17 pm
by Iconeum
In post 331, shellyc wrote:
In post 330, Iconeum wrote:i like bob's takes here
care to elaborate?

dont think it townpings
i didn't say i fully townread him based on that

i said i liked the pov, because i share the same

can scum fabricate that? yes sure
but i like it nontheless, because it is in fact a good insight

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:18 pm
by Iconeum
In post 116, Menalque wrote:I feel moderately happy calling datisi town at this point
i think flipping menalque at this point is probably +chance to win the game

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:19 pm
by Iconeum
In post 117, Menalque wrote:I think a scum in (BM, noraa) seems likely above rand
yeah i don't think this thought is a genuine one coming from menalque

i know ur a good player, and i'm sure town!you would see the newbtown in Noraa as well as where BM is coming from. If anything, town!you might be pushing BM here but never noraa I think.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:20 pm
by Iconeum
In post 124, Menalque wrote:
In post 121, Datisi wrote:
In post 116, Menalque wrote:I feel moderately happy calling datisi town at this point
only moderately? :(
I’m a little bit drunk otherwise maybe it would be strongly

You know the dragon dats

Do you agree that it’s +scum that he’s ignoring me in our PT despite reading it even under the threat of me outing the neighbourhood and pushing his flip
VOTE: menalque

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:20 pm
by Iconeum
you wanna do this in every single game we play in? fine

i don't have the patience to do this every fucking single time

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:21 pm
by shellyc
In post 332, Iconeum wrote:despite noraa having (what i consider) bad insights, i don't think they come from a scummy mindset
why do you think bad insights come from a town mindset

I don't really see town!noraa directly approaching BM, noraa is trying to shade BM NOT solve them, how is that a townie mindset

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:21 pm
by Iconeum
In post 130, Noraa wrote:All Datisi did was vote without giving a reason. Thats at most a little antitown/scummy
imagine voting someone without a reason in rvs


datisi how dare you

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:23 pm
by shellyc
@icon can you confirm you're in a hood

pedit: thats exactly why I think noraa is scummy: they try and shade people with incorrect logic instead of trying to solve

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:23 pm
by Iconeum
In post 338, shellyc wrote:
In post 332, Iconeum wrote:despite noraa having (what i consider) bad insights, i don't think they come from a scummy mindset
why do you think bad insights come from a town mindset

I don't really see town!noraa directly approaching BM, noraa is trying to shade BM NOT solve them, how is that a townie mindset
because noraa is doing the omgus tunnel thingy, which most of the times comes from town. I disagree with the other part because I feel scum are quicker to disengage over smt like this, then town. Town are a lot more likely to directly engage with BM here.
Noraa probably feels like they've already solved BM slot.

It reminds me of Town!Ico minus a year or two

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:25 pm
by Iconeum
In post 340, shellyc wrote:pedit: thats exactly why I think noraa is scummy: they try and shade people with incorrect logic instead of trying to solve
and I don't think the incorrect logic is on purpose

you are holding noraa to a high(ish) standard of town play, which is trying to solve despite being scumread

while to me it's Obvious noraa already has a read on BM that it's pushing

but ehhh

i don't like being forced into noraa defense here, i'd rather see it play out. You know my thoughts about the slots, do with it what you will.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:26 pm
by Iconeum
In post 133, Datisi wrote:i think it's +++scum and you should probably out the neighbourhood and poweryeet his ass
excuse me?

how serious was this comment?

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:26 pm
by shellyc
omgus tunnel is anti-town no matter what
noraa ended up lockscum on BM and how does town have that kind of confidence

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:28 pm
by shellyc
@noraa do you have any offsite towngames I can read

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:29 pm
by Iconeum

best intro so far imo

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:30 pm
by Iconeum
In post 344, shellyc wrote:omgus tunnel is anti-town no matter what
noraa ended up lockscum on BM and how does town have that kind of confidence
i'm gonna say this one more time

it literally reminds me of myself

the amount of times i've omgus tunneled people as town is uncountable

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:30 pm
by shellyc
In post 340, shellyc wrote:@icon can you confirm you're in a hood
don't miss this

pedit: ok we'll agree to disagree

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 6:32 pm
by Iconeum
In post 178, Noraa wrote:Is Menalque the only person that saw those pushes on me as far far far too aggressive? Especially for 7 pages into the fucking game?

If yes, idk what to say about this playerlist anymore. Y'all can just lim me so I dont have to suffer thru a game with such a clear obvscum that just tunnels and tunnels the shit out of LHF Noraa.
if you don't stop playing the newb card and don't stop acting like you should be getting it easy just for being new, i'll just help tunnel you i think